Body language教学设计.doc_第1页
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学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考Body language教学设计一 、教学目标:知识与技能1、理解、内化、运用以下生词及词组fold、 anger、 vary、 thumb、 crazy、 mod、 part、 hug、 bow、 palm、 shrug、 incredible、 pat、 get through、 tear down、 chart2、获取关于body language的相关信息,且进行skimming, scanning, careful reading, generalization, guessing meaning等阅读技能训练。 3、充分利用多媒体,强化学生自主学习的意识,培养学生组织语言、运用语言的能力。过程与方法1、培养学生通过自主学习和合作学习,获取信息和处理信息的能力。 2、培养学生质疑意识,分析问题、解决问题、综合问题的能力和创造性思维能力。 情感态度价值观1、在有趣的话题激励下,诱导学生积极参与,充分调动他们学习的兴趣。 2、使学生了解身势语在各国人民交往中的重要性。了解在各国相同身势语所表示的不同交际含义。增强对中外“身势语”差异的敏感性,培养世界意识;通过文化地域对比,加深对祖国相关知识的理解,增强对祖国的热爱之情。 二、教学重点: 训练学生的略读与扫读技巧是本课的重点。根据英语课程标准关于语言技能的教学建议,略读与扫读是阅读教学的基本技能之一,是学生必须掌握的。三、教学难点: 怎样使学生理解不同国家的身势语,正确的使用身势语及比较各国身势语的不同是本课的难点。根据英语课程标准,文化意识是内容标准之一,要求学生掌握一些行为规范、风土人情等方面的知识,这有利于培养学生的世界意识,有利于形成跨文化交际能力。四、学习方式设计:1、个体探究。在完成较简单直观的任务时以个体探究为主,鼓励学生有独立自主的思维意识。2、合作学习。当面对难度较大的学习任务时鼓励学生采取小组合作的方式,这是因为“合作学习”更方便英语的交流和体验,有利于培养学生与他人合作的能力,同时信息差异也更能激燃起学生的“创新火花”。五、教学策略及教法设计: 本节课的教学以学生为中心,以问题为出发点,运用任务型教学途径,英语课堂设计采用 “PTP” 自主学习立体模式(Pre-task- Task-cycle- Post-task)。 使课堂教学过程成为学生自主地进行信息加工、创新能力发展的过程。教师在教学过程中则适时介入,引导、启发、组织、帮助、促进。 六、教学过程设计: Step 1 Pre-task 在说完 “Class begins”, 学生起立之后,不说”Sit down, please.”而是给学生一个“请坐”的手势。然后,问学生一个问题:“How do you know my meaning?”。学生自然回答“手势”。借此机会给学生留下第一个任务:Task1:In our everyday life, by which ways can we communicate with each other?然后通过展示图片给出线索,使学生在视觉和听觉上受到刺激,自然导入本课主题身势语。Step II Task-cycle1、Pre-readingTask2:Discuss the following three questions: Can you guess what someone is thinking or feeling by looking at his or her body language? Do people from different parts of the world use different body language? What about people who live in different parts of China? How do you communicate the following with body language?Thank you! No. Yes. I dont know. Come here!经过这三个问题的讨论使学生置身于“身势语”之中,增添了实效性与可操作性。接着提问: Do you want to know more about body language? 引入正文。2、Reading(1)Skimming: Task3: Find out the main idea of each paragraph.Main idea: Paragraph 1: We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with other people.Paragraph 2: Body language varies from culture to culture.Paragraph 3: The same body language has different meanings in some different countries.Paragraph 4: Some gestures are universal.Paragraph 5: Smile is the best example of universally understood body language.(2)Scanning:Task 4: Read the passage again and finish answering the following questions: What can we use words and body language to express? Find out the different meanings of eye contact, OK, thumps up, ”crazy” gesture. In Bulgaria ,parts of Greece, and Iran, does the gesture “shaking ones head” mean no? How to greet each other? How to express “I am tired.” “I am full.” “I am hungry.” What can smile help us to do?(3)practice for word study在帮助学生理清文章的线索的过程中,仍须处理以下问题: Which of the following words is similar to “vary”?A. change B. be the same as C. be similar to Key: A Whats the Chinese meaning for the word “disrespectful”?A 尊敬的 B 尊敬 C 无礼的 Key: C(4) Consolidation a. students are asked to do some body languages and their neighbours are asked to tell the meanings.b. Which conclusion can you draw from this passage? A. Body language is very important. You can use body language to communicate with people from foreign countries without any difficulty even if you dont know their language. B. When youre in a foreign country, its very important for you to know what they speak. It doesnt matter whether you know the meaning of gestures and movements of the people in their country.C. When you are in a foreign country, using body language in a correct way is important even though you know the language they speak very well for it can make your stay in the country easy and comfortable.Key: C.乡亲 老乡 家乡 专心 想念 画家 合唱 听话 古诗 名气3、Post-reading2、对此我做了以下的摘录:Task5: Role play(有)(无) (高)矮 、低 ( 前)( 后 ) ( 出)( 进、入)Roles: two friends5、相对应的内容连线或填空本册要求学生积累掌握的词语主要有下面这些类型:Situation: They hadnt seen each other for two years. Now they meet at a party.要求表演的学生适当加上体态、表情,做到热情自然,观众学生则根据他们的表现进行评价:评价包括自评和互评评价内容: Language Eye Contact Smile Body Movement 深浅 快慢 回去 反正 外里Other Facial Expression 一(块)稻田 一(面)队旗 一(场)球赛 一(把)铜号满分20 各项均4分 走之底:这、边、远、进、过、道、选、连、送(2)open-minded questionSometimes we say one thing but body language says something different. Why does this happen? Can you think of any examples?Step 3 Post-task 花儿真香啊! 我们学校多美啊!Task6: Find more information about “body language”. ( group work ) (Students are asked to find more information related to “body language” by Internet, English books and newspaper. Then show them to the class the next lesson in form of dialogue, speech, short play, etc. )2. Writing about: Task 7: Topic Gesture in the US and gesture in China.重轻 圆扁 东西 生死 胖瘦 头尾 宽窄 美丑 进出 臭香板书设计: Main idea: Paragraph 1: We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with other people.Paragraph 2: Body language vari


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