江苏省江阴市南闸实验学校八年级英语上册 Unit 3《A day out》Reading 1导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
江苏省江阴市南闸实验学校八年级英语上册 Unit 3《A day out》Reading 1导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版.doc_第2页
江苏省江阴市南闸实验学校八年级英语上册 Unit 3《A day out》Reading 1导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版.doc_第3页




a day out活动一、课前预习导学(1) 学习目标: 1 读懂文章,了解此次游玩的基本情况。2 复习和拓展有关世界名胜的知识。3 学会有正确的形容词描述旅游的感受。掌握词汇 fine, join, myself, sky,shine, clear, journey, boring, interest, finally, arrive, internet, main, sights, culture, internet, page, yourselves. 词组: arrive in /at , cant wait, get off/on , place of interest, not believe ones eyes, home page句型:1.i enjoy myself . i took us two hours to get there by bus. 2.the journey was a little boring. 3.all of us couldnt wait to get off the bus.4.the model golden great bridge looked as great as the one back home. (2)课前预习 task1 在文中找出这些短语、句子并借助英汉词典翻译。 inviteto. enjoy myself a fine warm day a lot of traffic become very excited be made of steel places of interest join in 过得愉快 下车 遍及 加入 由.做成 活动二、课堂合作探究1.join their school trip即“邀请某人做某事” 拓展 invite 用法invite sb, invite sb to+活动内容,invite sb to +地点,invite sb to do sth谢谢你的邀请。thank you for _/_/_me.2. we finally arrived at the world park.辨析 reach arrive get (1) reach 是及物动词,其后可以接地点作宾语。(2) arrive 是不及物动词,后接大地点时用in,后接小地点时用at(3) get 是不及物动词,后接名词时用to 注意 reach / arrive / get 在后接地点副词here, there, home, upstairs, downstairs, abroad时均不要介词。例如:reach the town=_ _ the town=_ _ the town到达学校 reach home=arrive home=get home 到家3.it is made of steel and is really tall.be made of +材料,指某种物品由某种材料制成,可以直接看出原材料;be made from+材料, 指某种物品由某种材料制成,不可以直接看出原材料;be made in+产地;be made up of +组成部分 指由组成如:the table _ _ _ wood.paper _ _ _ wood.those cars _ _ _shanghai.活动三、课内练习巩固task2 1. 快速阅读课文,回答问题: how did linda feel about the visit to the world park?_2. 听录音,完成34页b3部分练习。3. 朗读全文,回答以下问题:1) where did linda go? _2) how long was the journey? _3) what was the best part? _4) where can lindas mother see the photos of the trip?_活动四、达标测试task3选择填空和用所给词的适当形式填空。1.thank you very much for _(invite) me to join in your school trip.2.there are many places of great_(interesting) in xian.3.it looked as_( great ) as that one .4.beijing is one of the biggest _(city) in china.5.the teacher asked him to tell us his _(bore) trip to australia.6.my uncle taught _(him) to swim when he was very young.7.i _(real) like to take a school trip to the world park.8.there is usually a lot of _(traffic) on the way in america.task4用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. _(luck), our team won the first prize.2. we _(begin) to play hide-and-seek ten minutes ago.3. her sister _(choose) to give the seat to an old man on the bus.4. all of us hope _ (visit) the park soon.5. his father didnt agree _(lend) him the bike.6. we saw an _(amazed) film and all of us liked it.7. millie _(teach) me to drive two months ago.8. believe _(you). you are the cleverest student.9. youll feel the _(beautiful) of


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