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河南省周口中英文学校2014-2015学年高一英语上学期第三次月考试题(答案不全)abillys favorite color is orange. but he cant see what orange looks like. billy is blind. a month after he was born, his mother noticed that his eyes werent quite as big as a normal babys.”billy would never be able to see.” the doctor told his mother. after that billys mother began talking to him, describing things she saw outside the window. she described everything to him. billy does not only depend on his mothers descriptions to learn about the world around him. he sees with his ears and his hands, too. he has perfect hearing. when people make phone calls, he can tell the numbers they dial(拨). billy loves computer science. he began teaching himself computer programming when he was just seven years old. his dream school would be stanford university. he gets top grades in his classes, making that a real possibility.“you cant let excuses get in the way of your dreams, and if you do that you cant move forward and reach your goals, “said billy. 21.from the passage, we know that_.a. billy cant hear.b. billy cant see.c. billy cant walk.d. billy cant talk.22.how did billys mother help him?a. by teaching him how to draw.b. by asking teacher for advice.c. by describing everything to him.d. by sending him to his dream school.23.when did billy begin teaching himself computer programming?a. when he was7 years old. b. when he was in seven gradec. when he was high school d. when he was at universityblinda evans was my best friendlike the sister i never had. we did everything together: piano lessons, movies, swimming, horseback riding. when i was 13, my family moved away. linda and i kept in touch through letters, and we saw each other on special timelike my wedding(婚礼) and lindas. soon we were busy with children and moving to new homes, and we wrote less often. one day a card that i sent came back, stamped “address (地址) unknown. ” i had no idea how to find linda. over the years, i missed linda very much. i wanted to share (分享) happiness of my children and then grandchildren. and i needed to share my sadness when my brother and then mother died. there was an empty place in my heart that only a friend like linda could fill. one day i was reading a newspaper when i noticed a photo of a young woman who looked very much like linda and whose last name was wagman lindas married name. “there must be thousands of wagmas,” i thought, but j still wrote to her. she called as soon as she got my letter. “mrs tobin!” she said excitedly, “linda evans wagman is my mother. ” minutes later i heard a voice that i knew very much, even after 40 years, laughed and cried and caught up on each others lives. now the empty place in my heart is filled. and theres one thing that linda and i know for sure: we wont lose each other again!24. the writer went to piano lessons with linda evans _. a. at the age of 13 b. before she got marriedc. after they moved to new homes d. before the writers family moved away25. they didnt often write to each other because they _. a. got married b. had little time to do soc. didnt like writing letters d. could see each other on special time26. there was an empty place in the writers heart because she _. a. was in trouble b. didnt know lindas address c. received the card that she sent d. didnt have a friend like linda to share her happiness or sadness27. the writer was happy when she _. a. read the newspaperb. heard lindas voice on the phonec. met a young woman who looked a lot like lindad. wrote to the woman whose last name was wagman28. they havent kept in touch _. a. for about 40 years b. for about 27 yearsc. since they got married d. since the writers family moved away cin a nation with a one-child policy, its understandable for parents to worry over whether they are petting their children. are the children as truly weak as expected? the concern has been brought into a hit reality tv series hunan tvs dad!where are we going? and zhejiang tvs first time in life. in both, children as young as three have become new public figures(人物). in the show first time in life,children chosen from ordinary families are given small tasks to finish by themselves;the ongoing dad show centers on five fathers and their children who are forced to live a simple life in poor villages, far outside their comfortable city life. though they have different family backgrounds, how they behave in the new environments has drawn the attention of the public. in dad! where are we going?, the five-year-old daughter of former olympic diving champion tian liang cries and hides behind her father when they arrive at a rural village. in first time in life, a young girl in tianjin cries after being asked by her father to go out alone to buy eggs and a pancake. in the eyes of some people, these kids always depend on others, and the reason is that their parents give them too much love. but television viewers and parents were encouraged when the crying tianjin girl finally returned holding the pancake, and tians daughter finally began to take care of her younger friends and learned to ask for help from people she didnt know. the father of the tianjin girl felt “delightfully shocked” and said. “she used tobe well taken care of by her mother or grandmother. now she has the courage to do it all by herself. ”the shows have led many parents to change how they raise their children. shanghai mother liang jing said she would try to “give some training” to her shy son, asking him to tidy up his toys. lin yi, a parenting expert in beijing, said giving kids a chance to do things for themselves helps to raise their sense of success, which carries benefits all through their lives. ”29. what draws the peoples attention in the programs?a. how the children behave in the new environments. b. where the children are from. c. what the kids family background is like . d. how old the children are. 30. what is tian liangs daughter expected to do in the show?a. go out to buy something alone. b. live in a poor village with her father. c. make friends with strange people. d. hide in a safe place out of danger.31. it can be known from the underlined words “delightfully shocked” that .a. father is more important than mother in a familyb. children should be given a chance to depend on themselves. c. parents should give the child a safe environmentd. the children are as weak as parents expecteddfor some people, music is no fun at all. about four percent of the population is what scientists call “amusic.” people who are amusic are born without the ability to recognize or reproduce musical notes(音调). amusic people often cannot tell the difference between two songs. amusics can only hear the difference between two notes if they are very far apart on the musical scale.as a result, songs sound like noise to an amusic. many amusics compare the sound of music to pieces of metal hitting each other. life can be hard for amusics. their inability to enjoy music set them apart from others. it can be difficult for other people to identify with their condition. in fact, most people cannot begin to grasp what it feels like to be amusic. just going to a restaurant or a shopping mall can be uncomfortable or even painful. that is why many amusics intentionally stay away from places where there is music. however, this can result in withdrawal and social isolation. “i used to hate parties,” says margaret, a seventy-year-old woman who only recently discovered that she was amusic. by studying people like margaret, scientists are finally learning how to identify this unusual condition.scientists say that the brains of amusics are different from the brains of people who can appreciate music. the different is complex, and it doesnt include defective hearing. amusics can understand other nonmusical sounds well. they also have no problems understanding ordinary speech. scientists compare amusics to people who just cant see certain colors.many amusics are happy when their condition is finally diagnosed(诊断). for years, margaret felt embarrassed about her problem with music. now she knows that she is not alone. there is a name for her condition. that makes it easier for her to explain. “when people invite me to a concert, i just say, no, thanks. im amusic.” says margaret. “i just wish i had learned to say that when i was seventeen and not seventy.”32.which of the following is true of amusics? a. listening to music is far from enjoyable for them. b. they love places where they are likely to hear music. c. they can easily tell two different songs apart. d. their situation is well understood by musicians. 33.according to paragraph 3, a person with “defective hearing” is probably one who _.a. dislikes listening to speeches b. can hear anything nonmusical c. has a hearing problem d. lacks a complex hearing system 34.in the last paragraph, margaret expressed her wish that _. a. her problem with music had been diagnosed earlier b. she were seventeen years old rather than seventy c. her problem could be easily explained d. she were able to meet other amusics 35.what is the passage mainly about? a. amusics strange behaviors. b. some peoples inability to enjoy music. c. musical talent and brain structure. d. identification and treatment of amusics.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。once there was a very poor villager. he found it difficult even to support his family. 36 he walked about in the streets, but he did not get a job. one day, he met a rich businessman, who gave him the job of cleaning the office. the villager began his work and he even started reading and writing in his spare time.one day, the businessman saw that the villager was writing something. he said, “you can also read and write! your handwriting is very good.” 37 the villager began to do this job as best as he could. www.later, the businessman learnt that the villager was good at accounting, and he made him his shop accountant. the other accountants were very jealous of the villagers abilities. they told the businessman that the villager had a small room where he hid the money stolen from him. 38 one day, they had their chance. they saw the villager going into that room. 39 when they came back and opened the door, there was nothing in that room except an ordinary box.the villager was ordered to open the box with his own hands. and there was only a pair of dirty shoes and some old clothes. 40 at the same time, he was so angry with the jealous accountants that he fired them at once. the villager was made the only accountant for his office.a. he came to a big city hoping to find a job.b. they closed the door behind him and ran to the businessman.c. so the businessman decided to give the villager a good lesson.d. seeing this, the businessman was moved by what he had seen.e. so the villager was given the work of writing business letters for him.f. the villager wished that some kind people might give him a good job.g. but the businessman refused to believe them unless he had seen it with his own eyes.第二部分 英语知识运用完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案写在答题纸上。if you think you are sick, you are sick no matter what 41 says. 42 , if you believe in your doctor, and if he tells that you are going to feel better, you probably will. the 43 of the mind on the body does exist and sometimes can be powerful. it exists whether one is 44 of it or not. take the 45 of mrs. green, for example. she was unable to get to sleep at night and was too tired during the day to do some simple things that she 46 enjoy doing. she had headaches more often which 47 her from reading or watching tv. the more she thought about her conditions, 48 she felt. at last she went to 49 her doctor, whom she had known for years. the doctor listened to her and gave her a very 50 examination. then he said to her, “ there is nothing 51 wrong with you physically, but i accept the fact 52 you dont feel well. im going to give you some pills that should help. i want you to 53 one after dinner and one half an hour 54 you go to bed tonight. call me tomorrow and tell me 55 you feel. 56 mrs. green telephoned, “doctor, i had the first 57 nights sleep in two months. what is in this pills 58 ?” the doctor said, “it is an old formula(配方) i have 59 for years. just 60 taking them for a week.” turning to the nurse, he said, “its wonderful what a little baking soda(苏打) can do.” 41a. everyone else b. anyone else c. nobody else d. someone else 42a. on the other hand b. as a matter of fact c. more often than not d. in other words43a. result b. cause c. reason d. effect44a. aware b. fond c. sure d. full45a. care b. cut c. case d. call46a. would b. could c. might d. used to 47a. benefit b. allowed c. prevented d. forbade48a. the more b. the better c. the worse d. the less49a. hear b. see c. watch d. ask50a. thorough b. basic c. general d. main51a. serious b. special c. specially d. seriously 52a. that b. which c. 不填 d. why53a. eat b. take c. drink d. chew54a. when b. since c. after d. before55a. what do b. what c. how do d. how 56a. the next day b. later c. shortly d. tomorrow57a. bad b. terrible c. good d. right58a. at all b. on earth c. by the way d. for ever59a. sold b. written c. read d. used60a. keep up b. keep off c. keep on d. keep away第二节语法填空 (共10小题;每小题l.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面对话,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。jimmy: alice, how was your journey to the countryside?alice: wonderful. we 61 (enjoy) beautiful sights and food in the country.jimmy: food? did you have 62 big dinner in the countryside? what have you had?alice: it was not a big dinner at all, 63 there were a lot of foods which only can be eaten in the local place, such 64 some wild vegetables.jimmy: oh, i see. did you do anything 65 ?alice: yes. we got 66 well with the villagers and sent pens and books we carried to the poor students. jimmy: that is really great! i think they must study harder with your help.alice: it is far from enough. 67 (actual), i felt a little sad as soon as i saw the joy on the children who got the pens and books.jimmy: why do you have this kind of feeling?alice: as far as i am 68 (concern), these things are nothing for the children who live in our city.jimmy: you are right. we can do more for the children living in that area.alice: yes. many of us who went to the place 69 (plan) to give more help to the children.jimmy: can you tell me what you are going to do?alice: we are going to buy a number of books and donate 70 to the local school.jimmy: it is a good idea. i am entirely willing to join you.alice: its very kind of you. 短文改错(共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下


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