



Unit 4 Behind BeliefsStep1 Lead-in1. Introduce two famous sentences quoted from Confucian Analects(论语).The students can find two Chinese idioms in these two sentences. 2. Introduce Confucian Analects briefly, especially its effects on our history and culture, emphasizing that now many Chinese idioms we often use are from Confucian Analects. 3. Introduce a sentence which contains an English idiom. This sentence is quoted from OLD TESTAMENT (圣经旧约).4. Then Introduce Bible briefly, emphasizing that many basic concepts and principles of Western culture have come down from the Bible, and many common English phrases and expressions have their origin in the Bible as well. Then lead to the topic of this lesson. 1.5. Biblical idioms in English. Step 2 Fast reading1. Scan the text and listen to the recording of the text. Think about the following 3 questions: 1) What is an idiom?An idiom is a group of words or an expression whose meaning is not straightforward, because it can be understood by looking at the meanings of its separate words.2) Which language was the Bible first written in?In Hebrew and Greek.3) Which idiom is often used to describe children?“Apple of their parents eye”.2. Discuss the structure of the text.The text can be divided into 4 parts. Discuss how to divide it in pairs with the help of the main ideas of each part.1. What is an idiom? (Para_1_)2. Why does the Bible have a lot of idiom? (Para_2_)3. What are the features of Biblical idioms? (Para_3-6_)4. Why should we learn idioms well? (Para_7_)让学生带着问题配合录音快速阅读课文,熟悉文章的话题及内容布局。因为是快速阅读后的结构分析,所以教师提供段意降低难度,让学生比较容易的将课文分成几部分,为下一步精读作准备。Step 3 Detailed reading1. Read paragraph 1 and 2 again carefully. Try to answer some T/F questions. a. The meanings of an idiom are always the same as the meanings of its components. Fb. You can easily misunderstand a sentence if you dont recognize an idiom is being used.Tc. The original meaning of Biblical idioms has never changed.F2. Read Para3-6 quickly and find the features of Biblical idioms:a. Biblical idioms often came from stories. b. Some idioms from the Bible that use animals.c. Another focus of Biblical idioms is agricultural life or food.3. Read Para 3-6 carefully and answer the following questions: 4. Read paragraphs 3-6 carefully and answer the following questions. 1) Why did Biblical idioms often come from stories?1) Because a Biblical idiom is often an expression that underlines the moral of a story and gives the audience a picture to help them understand the story better.2) What does “feet of clay” mean?There is a hidden weakness in somebody whom we admire or respect.3) Which animals are featured in the idioms in the article?calf.4) Which examples included in the text are related to agricultural life or food?“you reap what we sow” and “the apple of somebodys eye”.4. Read paragraph 7 again carefully and try to list the benefits of learning idioms. Keys: 1) improving your comprehension 2) Developing a high level of competence in your communication skills 3) Better understanding and appreciating the history and culture of English-speaking countries.5. How many idioms have been mentioned in this article? What are they? How many idioms have been mentioned in this article? What are they? Keys: 6. by and by, feet of clay, see the handwriting on the wall, kill the fatted calf, reap what we sow and apple of their parents.6. Can you use them properly?(书后C2)1) 1) Debbies father always warned her to be nice to people she did not know, because we _2) Sarahs mother adores her; Sarah is_.3) Wilson was disappointed when he learnt that the coach had _.4) She knew it might take a long time for her teammates to change their minds, but she believed that the new plan would work _.5) When my brother came back home from his trip to Europe, we _.6) After his company suffered millions of dollars in losses, Joe _ and left the company.Keys: .1) reap what we sow 2) the apple of her mothers eye 3) feet of clay4) by and by 5) killed the fatted calf 6) saw the handwriting on the wallStep 4 Revision and ConsolidationFill in the following form with proper words according to your comprehension of the text. (导学案P121)1. of idioms The meaning cant be understood according to the sparate wrds. Many of them have either 2. original meanings or have a vague or loose connection to them now due to the translation from one language to another. Biblical idioms reflecting the moral of stories were clear and 3. to understand.About biblical idioms4. 5. meaningMeaning in modern EnglishBy and by 6. Before longFeet of clayPart of an image in the dream of a kingHidden 7. in someone we admire or respect.See the handwriting on the wallA message on the wall, telling the king and his friends that they were being judged.To see signs that 8. is coming.9. of studying idioms Improving your comprehension. Developing your 10. skills. Better understanding English-speaking countries culture and history.Keys: 1. Characteristics 2. lost 3. straightforward 4. Examples 5. Original6. Immediately 7. weakness 8. disaster 9. Importance 10. communicationStep 5 Practice (可作机动)Since learning idioms has some many benefits. Lets learn more idioms. (PPT24)Try to infer the meanings of the following idioms by analyzing the hidden clues and then use them in certain situations.at the top of a hat (immediately) see eye to eye (to have the same opinion as someone else)know the ropes (to know how to do sth.this idiom refers to the fact that a sailor knows how to make ropes for sailing) childs play (an easy job) on a shoestring (having very little money)a feather in (my) cap (something that you can be proud ofthis idiom came from the native American Indians who usually gave a feather to someone who was brave in a battle) (PPT25)(1) My sister and I agree about everything from fashion to politics. We _ on almost anything. (2) Alex had very little money when he started his first business. In fact he only had a few hundred pounds. He started his business _, but he was very successful. (3) When her friends call, Megan will drop everything to go and meet them. She will leave _. (4) If you have any questions, ask Ian. He has worked here for 25 years, so he really _. No one knows more about his company than Ian. (5) He is very experienced in this kind of problem. Helping you solve the problem will be _ to him. (6) Herbert won a scholarship to Duke University. Over 500 students applied for the scholarship. It was _ when he won.Keys: (1) see eye to eye (2) on a shoestring (3) at the top of a hat (4) knows the ropes(5) childs play (6) a feather in his cap附:上课前将下列出自圣经的习语分发给学生(可选用其中若干),每小组一条,供小组活动时使用。1 打空气 ( beating the air )出自新约哥林多前书9章。原文 所以我奔跑,不像无定向的。我斗拳,不像打空气的。简释 比喻白费力气。2 归他永远的家 ( go to ones long home )出自旧约传道书12章。原文 人所愿的也都废掉,因为人归他永远的家。简释 指死亡。3 在自己的葡萄树、无花果树下 ( Under ones vine and fig tree )出自旧约列王记上4章。又见弥迦书4章和撒迦亚书10章。原文所罗门在世的日子,从但到别是巴的犹大人和以色列人,都在自己的葡萄树下和无花果树下安然居住。简释 比喻安居乐业。4 肉中刺 ( thorn in the flesh )出自新约哥林多后书12章。原文又恐怕我因所得的启示甚大,就过于自高,所以有一根刺加在我肉体上,就是撒但的差役,要攻击我,免得我过于自高。简释 比喻烦恼的根源。5 自己眼中的梁木 (A Beam in ones eye)出自新约马太福音7章。又见路加福音6章。原文为什么看见你弟兄眼中有刺,却不想自己眼中有梁木呢?你自己眼中有梁木,怎能对你弟兄说,容我去掉你眼中的刺呢?简释 比喻自身存在的严重缺陷。6 把房子盖在沙土上 ( built


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