



高平三中“三段六环节”导学案(教师)学 科English年 级Grade 8授课教师课 题Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?(2d-3c)第二课时课 型New teaching主 备李霞审 阅备课组授课时间学习目标1.学会本课时新单词pot,add,finally,salt,suger,cheese,popcorn,machine,dig,hole.2.能熟练运用祈使句及first, next, then, finally来叙述做事程序。3.能熟练运用how many和how much对可数与不可数名词提问。养教目标学会为亲人制作简单的饮料学习重点能熟练运用祈使句及first, next, then, finally来叙述程序。能熟练运用how many和how much对可数与不可数名词提问。学习方法自主学习 小组合作 教师点拨教具准备多媒体辅助学习学 习 过 程学生活动教师活动二次备课【温故互查】做一做,议一议把下面方框中的单词分类banana, bread, onion, milk, book, fish, watermelon, meat, teaspoon, tea, bike,tomato, apple, honey, rice, yogurt, 可数名词_ _不可数名词_ _一、自学板块1.明确目标。2.预习导学。请同学们结合“学习目标”认真自读课文,思考下列目标思考题,并在书上做好标记。【问题导学】Finish 3a.Circle the correct word in each question.(1)How (much/many)bananas do we need?(2)How (much/many) sugar do we need? (3)How (much/many)bread do we need?(4)How (much/many) tomatoes do we need? (5)How (much/many) cheese do we need?请总结一下“how many”和“how much”的用法:二者都可以用来询问_但how many询问的是_的数量,其后必须跟_。而how much询问的是_的数量。除此之外,how much还可以用来询问物品的_。二、展示板块1.组内初探。小组针对“预习导学”问题和“我的问题”交流研讨。如果小组讨论不能解决的,要单列出来。2.展示点拨。各组重点内容探究展示。Retell how to make a banana milk shake.(课件展示) First_Then _Next _After that_Then_Finally _ 3.Read 2d and write how to make Russian soup and speak out the steps in your groups. Make a contest and choose the best group.4.Read 2d over and over again.(小组朗读比赛)5.Close the books and repeat the steps.(展示课件)(1)First, _some beef, one cabbage, four carrots, three _, five _ and one onion. (2)Then, _ _the vegetables.(3)Next,_ the beef, carrots and potatoes _ a pot and add some water. (4)After that, _ them _ 30 minutes.(5)Then, _ the cabbage, tomatoes and onion and _ for _ 10 minutes.(6)Finally, dont _ to _ some salt.6.Summary the key point.“数字+more+物品”指“另外的”=“another + 数字 + 物品”指“另外 再,又”e.g. Give me _ _ _. Give me _ _ _.再给我两个汉堡。当数字为one时,常与more连用或只用 another。one more thing=_ _7.Finish 3b.(make a contest again)Work in groups to write how to make popcorn?(1)First,_(2)Next,_(3)After that,_(4)Then,_(5)Finally,_8.Finish the exercises on the papers.三、练习板块1.课堂小结。2.达标检测。单选。(1)You should _ the banana before you eat it.A.eat B.peel C.cut D.pour (2)Please _ the TV and there is a football match on it.A.opens B.turn onC.turns off D.turn up (3)I think you should _ some salt _ the noodles.A.add, to B.put, inC.pour, into D.cut ,up (4) _ are the bananas? Two yuan a kilo.A.How much B.How manyC.What D.How(5)Look! There are _ on the desk.A.four cup of tea B.four cup of teasC.four cups of teas D.four cups of tea(6)How _ yogurt do you need?A.many B.long C.much D.often(7)How _ glasses of yogurt do you need?A.many B.long C.much D.oftenHomework:1.复习Grammar Focus中的内容。2.从3c中选择一个活动项目,用英语将其过程描写出来。注意正确运用表示顺序的词汇:fist,next,then, after that, finally。Lets begin our class. First do it.Then discus


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