



IntroductionOn 1st September 1939 Germany invaded Poland. They used a new type of warfare called Blitzkrieg or Lightening War. This is a war when tanks and planes are used to knock out the defences so that the defending country is easier to conquer. Two days after this happened; Britain and France declared war on Germany and the other Axis powers. It wasnt until 7th December 1941, after a surprise attack by Japan, that destroyed most of Americas navy whilst it was still at Pearl Harbour that America joined the war to help Britain and France. Also in the war was the Soviet Union under the control of Stalin. On 6th June 1944 the Allies Invaded France in a massive attack and by 2nd September 1945 the Allies had won the war.Turning PointsDunkirkThe rapid defeat of the Allies in France in 1940 came as a great shock to many people, not least the British Expeditionary Force. The Germans forced the British troops out of Belgium. Most of the troops fell back onto the beaches of Dunkirk between May 29th and June 4th 1940. The Royal Navy did not have enough ships to risk a lone rescue so they called upon the British public for help. Anyone who had a vessel capable of sailing across the channel was asked to come forward to help Britain in her hour of need There was a massive response. The Makeshift navy was called the “Skylark Navy”. All together it took 7 days to complete the evacuation. Because the operation had to be done with such speed, guns and heavy fortifications had to be left behind. This cost lots of money but saved lives. Even though the defeat in France was a disaster, the event of saving the British troops boosted moral and made people believe that the operation was a great British success. The soldiers that had been rescued from Dunkirk were bitter towards the Nazis and this proved useful during the D-Day landings.Battle of BritainGermanys invasion of Britain could not succeed if the Luftwaffe did not have supremacy in the air. On 14th August 1940 the Luftwaffe launched an attack on British Bomber Command. In two weeks of air fighting, one quarter of British pilots were killed or badly injured. For 53 nights they came every night. On 7th September 1940 the Luftwaffe started bombing Cities. This was a fatal mistake. It gave the RAF time to regroup, repair airfields and train new pilots. This is probably what cost Germany the war. On 15th September 1940 the German air force came by daylight. Also, at this time there was a lot of propaganda going on to boost British citizens moral. People were asked to donate scrap metal for new planes. This metal would just have been dumped though, because metal was plentiful, pilots were not. On many radio broadcasts it was reported that more German planes were shot down than actually were. In some cases three or four times as many. The Britain won the Battle of Britain for a few reasons; the Allied planes, Spitfire and Hurricane easily outmatched the Luftwaffes fighters. Also, the British pilots were highly trained and very efficient, they were ready to take of at a moments notice. At the height of the battle, they would be fighting practically all day. Just landing for fuel and ammunition. Battle of the AtlanticBecause Britain is an island, her supplies mainly brought in from abroad. This meant that Hitler could cut off the supplies by bombing supply ships that were heading for British ports. Because Hitler had already gained control of most of the supply counties all he needed to do was to stop the Americans. He used a type of submarine called a U-boat. These were fairly heavily armed and could easily sink ships. To protect the ships from these, U-boats American ships would travel close together in convoys. American and British destroyers would surround these convoys, making it hard for U-boats to destroy and entire convoy and get home without damage. The battles were so frequent and hard to win that in 1941, 1299 allied ships were sunk (Six times as many as could be replaced). Only 87 German U-boats were sunk. To the Germans this was nothing. By July 1942 they were being launched at a rate of 30 per month. To cope with this new threat from U-boats, a new radar system was fitted to destroyers so that depth charges could be deployed in the correct area of sea. Radar systems were also fitted to planes so that they could seek-out and destroy U-boats whilst they were recharging their batteries. So that German U-boats could contact each other secretly, a new code was formed. This code was the Enigma code. Two Enigma machines were needed to encode and decode. This was very effective until one enigma machine and cipher documents were captured by the HMS Griffin, unharmed in May 1940. Thanks to this, the newly formed, convoy system of travel and the code-breakers of Bletchley park, the German U-boats were no longer as good a weapon as they were at the start of the war D-DayOn 6th June 6,500 vessels landed over 130,000 men on five Normandy beaches: Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword. 12,000 aircraft ensured air superiority. They bombed German defences and provided cover. On Utah beach 23,000 troops were landed at a cost of 197 casualties. However, on Omaha beach the landing was significantly harder, meeting with fierce German resistance, there were 4,649 American casualties. Overall, however, the landings caught the Germans by surprise and they were unable to counter-attack with the necessary speed and strength. Once the allied troops had destroyed the German defences they were free to bring new troops, machines and supplies over the channel and into Normandy. By the end of June, Eisenhower had 850,000 men and 150,000 vehicles ashore in Normandy. Fuel would have been a major problem for the allies, but thanks to the idea of piping oil straight from America, a pipeline had been built under the Atlantic Ocean. This was hard to destroy and so it was a success.In the weeks following the landings however, the narrow lanes and thick hedgerows of the French countryside slowed Allied progress considerably. Never the less in August Paris was liberated.EvacuationDue to the threat of war in 1939, women, children and old people were moved out of high-risk areas of Britain such as industrial areas and areas with a high population. In 1939 approximately 1,125,000 people were evacuated. This was a precaution and was not necessary. No direct action was taken against Britain by Germany. Most of t


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