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七下 Unit4 Dont eat in class.导学案第1课时 Section A 1a 1C【学习目标】 1 、学习祈使句的用法。 2、学会利用祈使句的否定形式谈论规则。 3、学习规章制度,规范自己行为。【学习重点】 掌握句型: 1.Dont arrive late for class. 2.Dont run in the hallways. 3.Dont eat in the classroom. 4.Dont listen to the music in the classroom.5.Dont fight.6.What are the rules? We cant arrive late for class.【学习过程】 Step 1 Preparation1.预习指导 预习 P19 的单词,做到会读知意。2. 预习检测 写出下列祈使句(1)上课不准迟到。_(2)上学不准迟到。_(3)不准在走廊上跑。_(4)不准在教室吃东西。_(5)不准在课堂上听音乐。_(6)不准打架。_(7)课堂上不准吃东西。_(8)不准在课堂喝东西。_Step 2 Presentation Look at the picture in 1a, write the number of the rule next to the student.Step Practice Listen to the tape and deal with 1b.Step 4 Production Group work like this: A: What are the rules at your school? B: Dont run in the hallways. Dont fight. 班规知多少?你能说出多少?Step 5 Progress1. Dont arrive late _school. A. at B. in C. for D. to2. Dont sit on the desk, Alex. -_,Mr Wang. A. Excuse me B.Thanks C. Yes, I cant D.Sorry3. Dont eat anything in the classroom_the library. A . or B.and C.so D.of4. Children cant play football _ the hallways. A. in B.on C. at D. by5. We cant run in the h_. Its too d_.6. My teachers often tell me not to f_ with my classroom.7. _ (not arrive) late for class. 8. He cant _(stand) the idea now.9 .Do your homework at school.(变否定句) _ _ your homework at school.10.不许在走廊里奔跑。_11不准与他人打架。_第2课时 Section A (2a2d)【学习目标】 1、学习情态动词 can 表示许可的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句及肯定、否定回答。 2、学习情态动词 have to 的各种句式的变化。 3、学会用 can ,must和 have to 与他人讨论规章制度。 【学习过程】 Step 1 Preparation1.在外面听音乐 _ 2.在音乐室听音乐._ 3.在走廊里听音乐_ 4.在教室里吃东西_5.在餐厅里吃东西_ 6.在外面吃东西 _7.打扫教室_8、我们可以在餐厅吃东西,但是不可以在教室里吃。_ Step 2 Practice 1.听录音,完成2a、2b 2.根据2a 表格中的信息,进行对话。3.阅读2d 理解对话。Step 3 Production 用cant, have to.制定自己班的班规。_ _Step 4 Progress 1. Maria, _in the hallways. A. dont run B. doesnt run C. not run D. isnt running2. Can we _music in the library? No, we _. A. listen to, cant B. listen to ,dont3. Do I have to _ a hat in school? No, you _. A. wearing, cant B. put on, dont C.put on, cant D. wear, dont4.-Dont run in the street. -_, Mr Zhang. A. Excuse me B. Thanks C. Sorry D.Yes5.我们必须穿校服去上学。We _ _ _the school uniform in school6.学生们不可以在教室里吃东西,但可以在餐厅里吃。 The students _ _ in the classroom, but they _ _ _ _ _.7.在学校我们必须打扫教室。_ _, we _ _ _ the classroom.8.我们必须在校吃晚饭吗?不,不必。 _ we _ _ _ _ at school? No, we _ .9.你哥哥今天不必上班。Your brother _ _ _ _ today.10.我们可以在外听音乐吗?_ we _ _ music _?11.David must pratice the guitar every day.(同义句)。David _ _ _ the guitar everyday.12.下周六,他不得不复习历史。Next Saturday, he _ _ _ _ the history exam.13.Students can eat in the dining hall.(否定句和一般疑问句)_第3课时 Section A (GF3c)【学习目标】 1 、学习祈使句的用法。 2、学会利用祈使句的否定形式谈论规则。 3、学习规章制度,规范自己行为。【学习重点】 掌握句型: 1. What do you have to do ? We have to be quiet in the library . 2.Does he have to wear a uniform at school ? Yes , he does . No ,he doesnt .【学习过程】 Step 1Presentation1. 各小组自己朗读Grammar Focus中的内容。相互帮助理解。2. 小组竞争:看哪个小组最快最好地翻译所有句子。Step 2 Practice 1. 完成3b,用所给词完成写句子.Step 3 Production选择正确的词填空。Can ,cant , have to , dont have to ,dont1. Do you _ go to bed at 11:00 ? 2 ._ go out of school; at night .3.We _ do homework on time . 4 .We _ eat in class .5 .I _ get up so early on Sunday . 根据首字母提示完成句子。1.Dont a_ late for school . 2 .He is often l_ for school .3 .I like l_ to music in the classroom .4.We have many r_ in our school . 5 .Boys cant f_ with others . 6我们可以在餐厅吃东西,但是不可以在教室里吃。_ 7.不必穿校服。_ 8.们可以在外面听音乐吗?_ 9.张老师,我们现在可以在操场上打篮球吗?Mr Zhang,_?10Tom has to clean the bedroom.(否定句和一般疑问句)_11.We can wear a hat in class . (否定句和一般疑问句 对划线部分提问)_ 12 .I have to do my homework after school . (同11 )1.不准在课堂上睡觉。_2.不准在课堂上说话。_3在校不准带音乐播放机_4在学校的夜晚不准外出。_5.在校不准看电视。_6在校不准玩电子游戏。_7就寝后不准说话。_ _8在教室不准打篮球。_9不准在图书室拍照_ 10在图书室必须安静_11不是非要每天来上学_ 12在校不准戴帽子。_13上课认真听讲。_14.放学后不得不完成_第4课时 Section B (1a1d) 【学习目标】1学会用 can ,must和 have to 与他人讨论规章制度2. 能熟练使用目标语言谈论对某些规章制度(校规、家规等的看法。 【学习过程】Step 1 Preparation(一) 预习指导 A预习P22的单词,做到会读知意。 B.预习Section B, 1b找出下列短语1. 在上学日_2.每天上午_3.见我的朋友_4.在学校的夜晚_5.睡觉_6.晚饭以前_7.在周末_8.放学后_9.做早饭_10.帮我妈妈做晚饭_11.打扫他的房间_12.练习吉他_13.洗碗_14.做他的作业 15.外出_ 16.看电视 Step 2 Practice 1.认真观察1a的图画,将单词与活动搭配,小组讨论并核对答案.2. Listen to the tape and deal with 1b. 1c . 3.仿1d 编对话。 Step 3 Progress 1.have to 为固定短语,意为“不得不”,强调由客观原因造成不得不去做某事,有各种时态和人称变化,在变否定句和疑问句时借助动词do, does, did。你不必天天来。 -你在学校是不得不穿校服吗? -是的,我们是。 不,我们不是。- - 2.注:must也意为“必须,应该,不得不”,强调由于主观原因一定要做某事,只用于一般现在时,没有时态和人称的变化,在否定句中或作否定回答时用neednt。你必须现在就完成家庭作业。 1.你们学校有什么规定? What are the your school?2.请勿在走廊上追逐也不要上课迟到。Dont run and dont late for class.3. -我现在必须回家吗?-是的,你必须回家。/不,你不必。- - 4.我们可以在食堂吃东西但不可以在课室吃。We can eat in the _, but we cant eat .5.你们必须在学校穿制服吗? 是的,我们要穿。Do you wear a uniform at school? Yes, _ _.6.我们必须得做什么?你们必须打扫课室What do we have to do? You have to .第5课时 Section B(2a-2c)【学习目标】1、学会用英文表达自己的家规并发表自己的感受。 2. 能熟练使用目标语言谈论对某些家规的看法 ,给别人安慰。 【学习过程】 Step 1 Preparation 预习P23的单词,做到会读知意。铺床_ 厨房_ 放松_(adj)_ 觉得 _可怕的_ 记住_ 跟随 _遵守规则_ 幸运_ 阅读_ 吵闹的_ 更多的_ 脏的_Step 2 Reading1.阅读2b,找出Molly Brown的家规。2.你认为Molly Brown快乐吗?为什么?请说一说Step 3 Learn 翻译下列句子。 1.Dont leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen .2.There are too many rules .3.I cant relax ,either .4.There are a lot of things you can do 。Step 4 Practice Do 2c . Step 5 Progress 一.单选:( ) 1.-Why do you run? Because I get home to do my homework. A. have B. go to C. have to D. has to( )2. You go in a hurry(匆忙).Theres much time. A. have to B. hadnt C. dont have to D. mustnt( ) 3 Sorry, I cant it in English. I can only Chinese. A. speak, talk B. say, tell C. say, speak D. talk, say( ) 4.-Can you make dinner? . .Its easy. A. No, I cant B. Yes, I can C. No, I can D. Yes, I need( ) 5.I have _ rules in my family . A. too many B.much too C. too much D. many too二、用方框中的此完成对话,每空一词do, watch, into, have, cant, like , listen, clean, can, dontA: Do you your new school?B: Yes. Its a good school and there are many rules.A: Really? you go out on school nights?B: Yes, we can. But we eat in class. And we cant arrive late for class.A: Do you to wear uniforms?B: No, we have to do that. But we have to the classroom every day. We can go the classroom without(没有) the teacher. We can _ to music outside.A: Can you TV after school?B: No, we .We have to the homework第6课时 3a-Self check【学习目标】会写文段谈论自己的家规。 掌握本课新词汇。Step1 Practice 完成3a,3b和self checkStep 5 Progress 一、单项选择( ) 1.I have to get up six the morning. A. at; on B. at; in C. on; in D. on; at( ) 2. Everyone in our class English very much. A. like B. likes C. is like D. liking( ) 3. I have rules in my family A. too many B. much too C. too much D. many too( ) 4. . you pass me the book, please? Yes, I can. A. Are B. Do C. Can D


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