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航空旅客须知航空旅客须知(国内航线)PASSENGER INFORMATION (DOMESTIC SERVICE)定座:旅客在定妥座位后,凭该定妥座位的客票乘机。旅客可根据有关规定向承运人售票处或销售代理人售票处预定座位。已经定妥的座位,旅客应在承运人规定或预先约定的时限内购票。如未在购票时限内购票,所定座位不予以保留。Reservation A passenger after having reserved a seat shall board the plane by his/her ticket in accordance with the reserved seat. A passenger can reserve a seat in advance at a carriers booking office or its sales agent according to the relevant regulations. A passenger who has already reserved a seat should purchase a ticket within the time limits specified or agreed in advance by the carrier. If a passenger fails a purchase a ticket within the limits, the reservation the passenger has made will be cancelled accordingly.购票:中国旅客购票,须凭本人居民身份证或其它有效身份证件,并填定旅客定座单,外国旅客、华侨、港、澳、台胞购票,须凭有效护照、回乡证、居留证、台胞证、旅行证或公安机关出具的其它有效身份证件,并填写好旅客定座单。Purchase of Ticket When a Chinese passenger purchases a ticket, his/her own Inhabitant Identity Card or other valid identity certificate must be presented and a Passenger Reservation Record must be filled in. When a foreigner or an overseas Chinese or a compatriot form Hong Kong MacaoTaiwan purchases a ticket, his/her valid passport, Returning-home Card, Taiwan Compatriot Card, Residence Permit, Travel Certificate or other valid identity card issued by the public security authority must be presented and a Passenger Reservation Card must be filled in.座位再证实:旅客持有定妥座位的联程或来回程客票,如在该联程或回程地点停留72小时经上,须在该联程或回程航班飞机离站前两天中午12时经前,办理座位再证实手续。否则座位不予以保留。Reconfirmation of Reservation A passenger after having reserved a seat on onward or return flights shall reconfirm his/her reservations at the onward or return point not later than 12 oclock a. m. 2 days before the departure of the flight if the passenger stays there for more than 72 hours, otherwise the reservation originally made will be cancelled accordingly.客票:客票只限票上所列姓名的旅客本人使用,不得转让和涂改,否则客票无效,票款不退。Ticket The ticket can only be used by the passenger named on the ticket. A ticket is not transferable, mutilated or altered, otherwise the ticket is void and no refund will be made.客票有效期:客票的有效期为一年,定期客票自旅客开始旅行之日起计算,不定期客票自填开客票之次日零时起计算。Validity Period of Ticket The validity period of a ticket is one year. The validity period of a confirmed date ticket is calculated from the date of commencement of travel . The validity period of an open date ticket is calculated from zero hour of the day following the date of issue.儿童票:已满两周岁未满12周岁按成人全票价的50%购票。未满两周岁的婴儿按成人全票价的10%购票,不单独占一座位。每一成人旅客只能有一个婴儿享受这种票价。Children Fare A child who has reached 2 years of age and has not reached 12 years of age is charged at 50% of the adult fare and an infant under 2 years of age not occupying a separate seat is charged at 10% of the adult fare. One adult passenger is entitled to accompany one infant enjoying such infant fare.客票价:客票指定旅客由出发地机场至到达地机场的航空运输价格,不包括面场与市场区间的地面运输费用。Passenger Fare Passenger fare means the air transport price applicable for the carriage from the airport of origin to the airport of destination. Passenger fares do not include surface transportation charges between airport and town terminals.客票遗失:旅客遗失客票,应以书面形式,向承运人或销售代理人申请挂失,并提供原购票的日期、地点、有效身份证件、遗失地公安部门的证明以及足以证实客票遗失的其它证明。在申请挂失前,客票如已被冒用或冒退,承运人不承担责任。Lost Ticket: A passenger having lost his/her ticket should apply in writing to the air carrier or sales agent for loss reporting and provide the date and place of the original purchase of the ticketthe valid identity cardthe certificate issued by the public security authorities at the place where the ticker is lost and other certificates that can sufficiently prove the loss. The carrier hold no liability for the lost ticket if it has been falsely used or refunded before the lost ticket is reported.乘机:旅客应当在承运人规定的时限内到达机场(一般提前90分钟),凭客票及本人有效身份证件按时办理乘机手续。停止办理登机手续的时间,由承运人规定(一般定为飞机起飞前30分钟)。Check-in: Passenger shall arrive at the airport within the time limit specified by the air carrier and present their valid identity cards and tickets to the check-in counter. The time for closing check-in counter is determined by the carriers.客票变更:旅客购票后,如要求变更航班、日期、舱位等级,应根据承运人的实际可能和运输条件给予办理。Ticket Change: If a passenger after having purchased a ticket requests to change the flight, the date or the type of class, such change may be made according to the carriers actual possibility and the carriers conditions of carriage.退票:旅客(团队旅客另行规定)在客票上列明航班查询航班规定离站时间24小时以前要求退票(含不定期客票),退票手续费由承运人规定(一般5%);在航班规定离站时间24小时以内至2小时以前要求退票,收取客票价10%的退票费;在航班规定时间前2小时以内要求退票,收取客票价20%的退票费。Ticket Refund: If a passenger (Refund rules for group passengers will be made separately ) requests to refund his/her ticket (including open date ticket)24hours before flight departure as indicated on the ticket, the handling charges for refund is determined by the air carriers; if a passenger requests to refund within 24 of specified flight departure but 2 hours before flight departure, 10% of the original fare charged for the cancellation fee; if within 2 hours before flight departure, 20% of the original fare is charged for the cancellation fee.误机:误机系指旅客未按规定时间办妥乘机手续或因其旅行证件不符合规定而未能乘机。旅客误机后,如要求改乘后续航班或退票,按承运人的规定办理。No-show No-show means a passenger has not been able to hoard the aircraft either because of his/her failure to complete check-in formality within the specified time limit or because of his/her travel documents which are not in conformity with the regulations. If the no-show passenger requests to take the other follow-up flights or refunds his/her ticket, it shall be handled according to the air carriers regulation.健康:患有重病的旅客购票,需持有医疗单位出具的适于乘机的证明,并事先经承运人或其销售代理人同意,方可购票。Health When a passenger suffering from serious illness purchases ticket, he/she should present a certificate issued by a medical unit certifying his/her fitness for traveling by air and the ticket can be purchased only after advance agreement by the air carrier or its sales agent.随身携带物品:持头等舱客票的旅客,每人可随身携带两件物品;持公务舱或经济舱客票的旅客,每人只能随身携带一件物品。每件物品的体积不得超过20*40*55厘米,上述两项总重量均不得超过5公斤。超过规定件数、重量或体积的物品,要按规定作为托运行李托运。Carry-on Items: A passenger holding first class ticket may carry 2 pieces of articles on hoard; a passenger holding business or economy class ticket may carry only. The dimension of each piece shall not exceed 204055cm and the total weight of the above two pieces shall not exceed 5 kg. The carry-on items in excess of the above mentioned piece, weight or dimension shall be checked-in as checked baggage according to regulations.Free Baggage Allowance: A passenger holding an adult-fare or children-fare ticket is entitled to free baggage allowance of 40 kg for first class, 30 kg for business class and 20 kg for economy class. No free baggage allowance is granted to a passenger who is holding infant-fare ticket.不准作为行李运输的物品:旅客不得有托运行李或随身携带物品内夹带易燃、爆炸、腐蚀、有毒、放射性物品、可聚合物质、磁性物质及其它危险物品。旅客乘坐飞机不得携带武器、管制刀具、利器和凶器。Articles Which Cannot Be Shipped as Baggage: Passengers are not allowed to pack in their checked baggage or carry-on items/articles inflammable, explosive, corrosive, poisonous, radioactive goods, polymerizable, magnetized materials and other kinds of dangerous articles. Passengers are not allowed to carry on board with them arms, knives under control, sharp and lethal weapons.不准在托运行李中内夹带的物品:旅客不得在托运行李夹带重要文件、资料、外交信袋、证券、货币、汇票、贵重物品、易碎易腐物品,以及其它需要专人照管的物品。承运人对托运行李内夹带上述物品的遗失或损坏,按一般托运行李承担赔偿责任。Articles Which Cannot Be Packed in the Checked Baggage: Passengers are not allowed to pack in their checked baggage important documents, classified materials, diplomatic mail bags, negotiable securities, currencies, money orders, valuables, vulnerable and perishable goods, and other articles which are needed in the special custody of somebody. When any of the aforementioned articles packed in the checked baggage is lost or damaged, compensation will be made by the air carrier as that packed in general checked baggage.行李包装:托运行李必须包装完善、锁扣完好、捆扎牢固,并能承受一定压力。对包装不符合运输条件的行李,承运人可拒绝收运。Baggage Packing: The checked baggage must be packed perfectly, well locked, tied up solidly and able to withstand pressure to a reasonable extent. Air carriers may refuse to accept carriage of the baggage which does not conform with the packing requirements and the conditions of carriage.行李赔偿:托运行李如发生损失或丢失,由承运人负责赔偿。赔偿限额每公斤不超过人民币50元。按实际托运重量计算。Baggage Compensation: The air carrier will be liable to compensate for the loss or damage of the checked baggage. The compensation limit shall not exceed RMB 50 yuan per kg according to actual weight recorded at the check-in.行李声明价值:托运行李每公斤价值超过人民币50元时,可以办理行李声明价值。承运人收取声明价值附加费。声明价值不能超过行李本身的实际价值。每位旅客的行李声明价值最高限额为人民币8000元。如此项行李损失或丢失,承运人按声明价值赔偿。Baggage Declared Value: A passenger may declare the value of his/her checked baggage if it exceeds RMB 50 yuan per kg. The air carrier will collect a surcharge for the declared value. Declared value can not exceed actual value of the baggage. The maximum limit of the baggage declared value for each passenger is RMB 8, 000 yuan. When such baggage is lost or damaged, compensation will be made by the air carrier according to the declared value.安全检查:在乘机前,旅客及其行李必须经过安全检查。Security Inspection Passengers and their baggage must go through the security inspection before boarding and loading.航班不正常服务:因承运人的原因,造成航班延误或取消,承运人应免费向旅客提供膳宿等服务;由于天气、突发事件、空中交通管制、安检和旅客等非承运人原因,在始发站造成的延误或取消,承运人可协助旅客安排餐食和往宿,费用应由旅客自理。Flight Irregularity Service When the flight is delayed or cancelled due to the air carriers reason, meals and hotel accommodations for the passengers will be provided free of charge by the air carrier; when the flight is delayed or cancelled at the airport of origin due to the reasons not caused by the air carrier, such as weather, unexpected accident, air traffic control, security inspection, passengers, etc. , the air carrier may assist passengers to arrange their meals and hotel accommodations but with the expenditures so arising borne by passengers.伤害赔偿:承运人对每名旅客身体伤害的最高赔偿限额,按国务院的有关规定办理。Injury Compensation The air carriers maximum compensation limit for each passengers bodily injury shall be defined in accordance with the relevant regulations proclaimed by the State Council.旅客保险:旅客可以自愿向保险公司投保国内航空运输旅客人身意外伤害险。此项保险金额的给付,不免除或减少承运人应当承担的赔偿限额。Passenger Insurance A passenger may buy from an insurance company, at his/her discretion, passengers unexpected bodily injury insurance for domestic air transportation. The payment for such insurance does not exempt from or reduce the compensation undertaken by the carrier.旅客行李中严禁夹带的危险物品DANGEROUS GOODS FORBIDDEN IN PASSENGER BAGGAGE为了保障飞行安全,旅客交运的行李和手提物品内不得夹带下列物品:For safety reasons, the following articles or materials may not be carried in passenger baggage: 装有报警装置的手提箱和公文箱。brief-cases and attache cases with installed alarm devices compressed gases (flammable, non-flammable and poisonous) such as camping gas; 带有传染病菌的物品。 infectious substances; 炸药、弹药、烟花爆竹和照明弹(经承运人同意,限于体育运动用的小型枪械的弹药除外). explosives, munitions, fireworks and flares (except small arms ammunition for sporting purposes, with the consent of the carrier) 腐蚀性物质(如酸、碱、汞和湿电池)。corrosive materials (such as acids, alkalis mercury and wet cell batteries); 易燃液体和固体(如打火机或加热用燃料、火柴和易燃品)。 flammable liquids and solids (such as lighter or heating fuels, MATCHES and articles which are easily ignited); 氧化剂)(如漂白粉和有机过氧化物)。 oxidising materials (such as bleaching powder and peroxides); 毒药。poisons; 放射性物质。radioactive materials 国际航空运输协会的危


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