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2014高考英语完形填空一轮练习(1)及答案或解析(2012江西六校联考) the car, running along the welllit road now sank in darkness. i broke the _1_ on purpose, _2_ that the driver was too tired to drive. “when do you go back home in the evening?” “9 oclock after this _3_.” “then when do you come out in the morning?” i _4_ another question. “9 oclock, toojust as if i worked at an office.” his _5_ surprised me, because every time i ride a taxi, what i _6_ from the driver are only complaints that they have to work from morning till night, its hard to earn money, theyre often _7_ by the police, or that their leaders are seated lazily, _8_ the fruits. but this driver told me, “i find it _9_ to be a section chief as i was before. i like driving just for _10_. its fortunate that i hardly drive _11_ a passenger. so i earn two or three thousand yuan a month with ease. yes, i never _12_ an empty taxi. if it goes southward, i go northward. if it goes along a _13_, i turn into a narrow street.” his words showed his _14_ with his life and the pride he _15_ in his job. such feelings are so rare among people nowadays as oxygen in high _16_. as an ancient saying goes, “neither joy in material _17_ nor grieve (悲痛) over personal setbacks.” how many people nowadays can show high ideals by _18_ living and go far with a calm mind? i couldnt help feeling _19_ when finding such a state of mind in a stranger on a cold _20_.1. a. window b. stillness c. silence d. quietness2. a. on condition b. for fear c. in belief d. in order3. a. night b. trip c. cycle d. process4. a. threw out b. gave away c. made up d. led to5. a. character b. confidence c. attitude d. easiness6. a. suffer b. request c. benefit d. hear7. a. detected b. ordered c. fined d. seized8. a. keeping b. tasting c. enjoying d. choosing9. a. exciting b. disappointing c. tiring d. amazing10. a. freedom b. pleasure c. hobby d. company11. a. without b. with c. behind d. beside12. a. follow b. admire c. envy d. meet13. a. route b. path c. railway d. highway14. a. intelligence b. satisfaction c. competition d. honesty15. a. made b. held c. caught d. took16. a. buildings b. mountains c. standard d. heaven17. a. gains b. concerns c. supports d. loss18. a. special b. happy c. simple d. original19. a. angry b. content c. dangerous d. curious20. a. morning b. night c. moment d. season答案与解析:作者在一个晚上坐出租车出行,这辆车的司机随遇而安的生活态度让作者感到诧异,作者由此想到一句老话,“不以物喜,不以己悲。”1ctoo. to. 表示“太而不能”,由此判断选c项,作者有意打破沉默,以免司机因为疲劳而出问题。2b四个短语的含义:a“条件是”,b“害怕,唯恐”,c“相信”,d“以便”。语境表示害怕司机开车会太疲劳而有意和他攀谈,因此选b项。3b这个故事发生在晚上,司机说他送完我这趟就回家,由此判断选b项,表示“出行”。a“夜晚”,c“循环”,d“过程”都不符合语境。4a问了第一个问题之后,我接着对他发问。用throw out表示“随口说出”,如throw out ones suggestion“说出某人的建议”。b“赠送,泄露”,c“编造,虚构”,d“导致,造成”。5d从这个司机的回答看,他不像别的出租车司机那样辛苦,他如此自在,这让“我”感到十分诧异。这里用easiness表示“自在,自如”。6d我每次坐出租车的时候,从司机那儿听到的都是抱怨,说他们要从清早工作到深夜这里用hear表示“听见,听到”。7c赚钱很难,而且经常被警察罚款。从语境和选项看,出租车司机应是被警察“罚款”,所以选c项。8c或者埋怨说,领导懒洋洋地坐在办公室里享受他们的劳动果实。9c从下面的叙述可知,这个司机觉得他原先那种日子很无聊,让人觉得很厌烦,因此选c项。10b从前面的叙述可推知,这个人觉得当出租车司机很惬意:他每天不用早起,不用晚归,而且自己每个月能赚到足够的钱。11a这里用hardly. without的双重否定表示肯定的含义:很幸运,我几乎从来没有拉过空车。12a从下文的叙述判断选a项,从来不跟在跑空车的出租车后面,这样的车向南开,他就开车往北去。13d与下文的“狭窄的街道”呼应,这里选d项表示“公路”。14b从前文这个司机的叙述看,他很满意自己开出租车的生活,因此选b项。15d从搭配看,这里用take pride in表示“以自豪”。16b从生活常识可知,高山上的氧气稀薄,因此选b项。17a就像一句老话所说的,“不以物喜,不以己悲”,不以物质的收获为喜,不以个人的挫折为痛苦。18c就像这个司机这样的境界,过一种简单而有思想的生活。simple与前面的high相对,符合语境。19d此情此景,不禁让我感到不寻常。a“愤怒的”,b“满意的”,c“危险的”都不符合语境。20b文章开头就暗示了故事发生的时间是晚上。*结束(一) its a typical snoopy card: cheerful message, bright colors, though a little yellow and faded now. although ive received fancier, more expensive cards over the years, this is the only one ive _1_. one summer,it spoke volumes to me.i received it _2_ the first june i faced as a widow to raise two teenage daughters alone. in all the emotional confusion of this sudden single _3_, i even had difficulty in the simplest housework :leaky taps, oil changes, even barbecues. those had always been my husbands _4_. i was embarrassed every time i _5_ my thumb with a hammer. my uncertain attempts only _6_ the fear inside me:how could i be both a father and mother to my girls? clearly,i _7_ the tools and skills.that morning,my girls pushed me into the living room to see something. (i prayed it wasnt _8_ repair job. )the“something”turned out to be an _9_ and several wrapped things on the carpet. my _10_ must have been plain as i stared from the colorful packages to my daughters _11_ faces.“go ahead! open them!” they urged. as i _12_ the packages, i discovered a small barbecue grill and all the necessary _13_ including a green kitchen glove.“but why?”i asked.“happy fathers day!”they shouted together.“moms dont get presents on fathers day,”i said.“you forgot to open the _14_ ,”jane reminded. i pulled it from the envelope. there sat snoopy, merrily wishing me a happy fathers day. “because,” the girls said,“ youve been a father and mother to us,why shouldnt you be _15_ on fathers day?”as i fought back tears, i realized they were _16_ . i wanted to be a “professional” dad,who had the latest tools. the girls _17_ wanted a parent they could count on to be there, day after day, _18_ repeatedly the tasks of basic care and love.the girls are grown now, _19_ they still send me fathers day cards, but none of those cards means as much to me as that first one. its simple message told me being a great parent didnt require any special _20_ at alljust a willing worker.几年前作者和丈夫离异后带着两个未成年的女儿生活时,在父亲节收到的那张卡片让作者感慨颇深,几年后的今天作者依然珍藏着它。1. a. saved b. received c. bought d. found答案:a。这张独特的卡片是我唯一的一直保存(save)到现在的卡片,那个夏天对我意味着很多。2. a. during b. until c. before d. since答案:a。我收到这张卡片是在我寡居独自抚养两个未成年女儿的第一个六月份期间。3. a. adulthood b. childhood c. parenthood d. womanhood答案:c。我当时正处在突然成为单身母亲的情感混乱中。parenthood父母身份,亲子关系。4. a. professions b. trades c. preferences d. jobs答案:d。那些活计过去一直是我丈夫的工作。5. a. moved b. touched c. held d. hit答案:d。 每当使用锤子砸在自己的拇指上时我感到很尴尬。hit打击,击中,打中。 6. a. dismissed b. removed c. fueled d. overcame答案:c。不可预测的尝试只能激起我内在的恐惧:怎样才能使自己既是两个女儿的母亲同时又是父亲呢?fuel激起,刺激。如:his rude remarks fueled her anger.他粗鲁的言词使她怒上加怒。7. a. acquired b. lacked c. abandoned d. improved答案:b。我缺少工具和技能。 8. a. another b. every c. their d. that答案:a。那天上午我的两个女儿把我推进起居室让我看某种东西时,我祈祷千万别是另外一份维修工作。9. a. award b. item c. album d. envelope答案:d。那东西居然是放在地毯上的一个信封和几个包起来的东西。由下文空14后的envelope可知答案。10. a. excitement b. puzzlement c. disagreement d. encouragement答案:b。当我的目光从彩色的包裹移向女儿充满活力的脸庞时,我当时肯定是一脸困惑。puzzlement迷惑,谜,费解。11. a. brave b. bright c. honest d. absent答案:b。bright欢快的,开朗的,生气勃勃的。12. a. collected b. submitted c. unwrapped d. prepared答案:c。“去吧,打开它们”女儿们催促着我。当我打开包裹时。unwrap


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