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第I卷 (三部分 共90分)第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分20分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Whats the most probable relationship between the two speakers?A. They are host and guest. B. They are waiter and customer.C. They are husband and wife.2. Where did this conversation take place?A. At the hospital. B. At the airport. C. At the post office.3. Why will the woman go to London?A. To have a look at London.B. To go with her friend. C. To spend the weekend.4. Whats the womans job?A. She is a saleswoman. B. She is a waitress. C. She is a hotel clerk.5. How is the weather now?A. Its snowing. B. Its raining. C. Its clear.第二节(共15小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6. Why was Paul angry with Jane?A. She told the others about his salary.B. She told Mrs. Wallace his salary.C. She always talks to everybody.7. Why did Jane tell Mrs. Wallace the news according to her own explanation?A. Because she thought it doesnt matter.B. Because she knew everybody would know at last.C. Because she got too excited and wasnt thinking.8. What does Paul mean by “Everyone in this town got a big nose”?A. People in this town have big noses.B. People in this town are always eager to know about others things.C. People dont care about each other.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9. What is the man reading?A. A magazine. B. A Chinese play. C. A newspaper.10. Where are they going at the weekend?A. Beijing Theater. B. Beihai Park. C. Beihai Cinema.11. What are they going there for?A. For a visit. B. To see Beijing Opera. C. To learn Beijing Opera.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12. Why didnt Mike take an examination yesterday?A. Because he didnt want to do so. B. Because he got sick. C. Because he got the examination date wrong. 13. What did the professor permit Mike to do? A. Have all examinations at home.B. Have an exam sometime later when he got better.C. Have an exam next term.14. Why didnt Mike drive his car?A. Because the doctor told him not to.B. Because he liked taking a walk.C. Because he didnt think he was able to.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15. What does Rogers mean in this conversation? A. Toms friend. B. Toms teacher. C. The name of a person.16. What does Tom tell his mother in yesterdays letter?A. He had made a new discovery.B. He had lost his new job.C. He had just bought a car.17. Why does Tom tell his mother about his job?A. Because he doesnt want her to worry about his job.B. Because he doesnt want her to worry about his life.C. Because he doesnt want her to worry about his marriage.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. Where did the fire probably start?A. On the first floor. B. On the second floor. C. On the third floor.19. When was the building built?A. In 1930. B. In 1782. C. In 1718.20. What was the building used as at the time of the fire?A. A history museum. B. A hotel. C. The old peoples home.第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分40分)第一节 单项填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21.We had _really smoggy December this year. I cant remember _ winter when air was polluted so severely. A. a; /B. a; a C. a; the D. the; the22. I think it is easy for you to recognize her in the crowd, as she _ her sister in appearance, not in character, though. A. resembles B. differs C. adores D. suspects23. Furniture made of pollution-free wooden material has certain advantage over _ made of a common resin (树脂) material. A. those B. one C. what D. that 24. We are trying to figure out _ that made “Occupy Wall Street” protests break out in America. The answer lies in their social and economic inequality, which _ for a long time. A. what was it, has been existing B. what it was, has existed C. why it was, has existed D. why was it, existed25. Overseas educational background gave her a(n) _ over the other opponents when she applied for the jobs. A. reputation B. attraction C. admission D. edge26. You should work out regularly in your spare time. I intend to, but the little time I have after work is _with a part-time job.A. taken away B. taken up C. taken out D. taken in27. If you are still unaware of the danger of drug addiction, consult an expert, who will show you examples of _ it affects ones health. A. that B. what C. why D. how28. Weibo as well as Wechat _ as a medical platform for people to share their thoughts instantly without limits of place or time. A. serves B. is served C. serve D. are served29. GLOBE International is an organization _to finding effective solutions to the problems with sustainable development. A. committed B. having committed C. commits D. committing30. Thanks to Mr. Smith, the father and the son eventually _ after ten years cold relationship between them. Atook up Bmade up Cbroke up Dturned up31. Only when _ hard _ make your dream come true.A. do you work; you can B. you work; you can C. you work; can you D. do you work; can you32. I think you could complain, _, of course, you are happy with the way things are.A. when B. if C. unless D. while 33. The presidents speech is _ boring; it is in fact rather inspiring and interesting.A. anything but B. nothing but C. no more D. all but34. It was the training _ he had as a young man _ made him such a good engineer.A. which; that B. that; what C. that; which D. what; that35. Try_ she might,Sue couldnt get the door open.Aif Bwhen Csince Das 36. - What do you think made Lily so angry? - _ in the icy wind, I suppose. A. Being left waiting B. Be left waiting C. As she was left waiting D. Because of being left waiting37. Hi, stranger! You seem to have been away for a while. Yeah, I _ with my grandmother for several weeks.A. have lived B. have been living C. lived D. had lived38. Would you like to join me for a quick lunch before class?_,but I promised Nancy to go out with her.AId like it BId like to CI dont DI will39. Congratulations to you on becoming Vice President of the Students Union. Thanks. But for your encouragement , I _ about it. You know I am a shy guy.A. shouldnt think B. wouldnt have thought C. wouldnt think D. shouldnt have thought40. Now more and more Chinese students are applying for admission to American universities through SAT. _. But taking a SAT may cost one more than 1,000 yuan.A. I hope so B. Not really C. Thats the case D. That sounds reasonable第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I will never forget one starry night over a decade ago. That night, I pulled into my driveway after a busy day of school and baby-sitting. I still 41 to write a big chemistry paper. There were many things on my mind. At that time I was having many problems with my family and friends, and 42 I was in a very bad mood (情绪). And I was dissatisfied with 43 and the way that my life was going. A major 44 I was struggling with was drug use. For two years I had been smoking marijuana (大麻) . While I 45 it, I just could not stop it. Somehow I did not let drugs 46 my grades or personality, but it made a(n) 47 in what I thought about myself. I had always been a good kid and still tried to be, but drugs brought me 48 . I frequently thought about how drugs were not something I wanted as part of my life. I wanted to 49 myself but I was scared to make the transition (改变).I looked up at the sky as I got out of my 50 . The moon was covered by the earths shadow in a lunar eclipse (月蚀). The outer circle of the moon was exposed and gave off tiny beams of light, shining softly in all directions. The sky was a dark, ink-black color 51 with millions of stars. I stood outside in the cool fall air for what seemed a long time of heaven and 52 . The joy that I had not 53 for ages came upon me. I closed my eyes to decide if this dream could be 54 . I slowly opened my eyes and caught sight of a shooting star (流星) fly over treetops. Tears fell from my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. I had 55 the true beauty of nature and God. Those few 56 helped me find the 57 to changemyself. It was not easy to make the decision to stop using drugs. It was even harder to 58 stop it. Quitting drugs has given me hope and a reason to be 59 of myself. It has helped me grow 60 and more mature (成熟). 41. A. wantedB. intendedC. had D. meant 42. A. thereforeB. howeverC. thenD. yet 43. A. my familyB. my jobC. my friendsD. myself 44. A. problemB. subjectC. topicD. challenge 45. A. hatedB. liked C. got used toD. became addicted to 46. A. damageB. harmC. affect D. lower 47. A. differenceB. changeC. senseD. impression 48. A. backB. awayC. upD. down 49. A. surviveB. transform C. escapeD. behave 50. A. houseB. officeC. schoolD. car 51. A. coveredB crowded.C. dottedD. surrounded 52. A. sorrowB. sadnessC. happinessD. regret 53. A. receivedB. tastedC. knownD. felt 54. A. usefulB. practical C. real D. helpful 55. A. caughtB. seenC. guessedD. imagined 56. A. thoughtsB. starsC. minutesD. nights 57. A. wayB. courageC. chanceD. solution 58. A. quicklyB. simplyC. graduallyD. actually 59. A. ashamed B. doubtful C. proud D. guilty 60. A. wiserB. happierC. strongerD. healthier第三部分 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AWASHINGTON The head of the World Bank says for the first time in human history, it is possible to end poverty around the world. Jim Yong Kim told a Washington audience Tuesday, he wants to make ending world poverty by 2030 a top goal for the bank and governments around the world.World Bank President Jim Yong Kim says that the problems of poverty, hunger and inequality are wide, urgent and a matter of survival of millions.“We know that despite the great successes of the last decade, there are still about 1.3 billion people living in extreme poverty, 870 million who go hungry every day, and 6.9 million children under five dying every year,” he said.But Kim told a Washington audience that the previous successful efforts to cut the number of people living in extreme poverty by half give them hope.“We are at an auspicious moment in history, when the successes of past decades and an increasingly favourable economic outlook combine to give developing countries a chancefor the first time everto end extreme poverty within a generation,” he said in a speech at Georgetown University. “Our duty now must be to ensure that these favourable circumstances are matched with deliberate decisions to realize this historic opportunity.”Kim says success will require increasing the speed of economic growth, particularly in South Africa and South Asia.But he warned that civil unrest could happen if economic growth does not help people at all income levels, and also include women and youthKim says that the World Bank and other development agencies will have more resources to get this job done right. “Meeting this 2030 goal will take extraordinary effort,” he said.However, Kim warned that all the progress in fighting poverty could be destroyed by climate disasters unless the nations of the world do more to prevent climate change.61In the opinion of Jim Yong Kim, world poverty _A. is difficult but hopeful to end by 2030B. exists only in Africa and AsiaC. is not quite hard to end by 2030D. will be sure to disappear by 203062Which of the following gives Jim Yong Kim the hope to end world poverty?A. Economic growth is increasing in developing countriesB. A decreasing number of people are living in povertyC. Great successes have been achieved in science and technologyD. All countries have started to fight poverty63The underlined word auspicious in Paragraph 5 most probably means _A. unforgettable B. disappearingC. lucky D. important64Whats the passage mainly about?A. The key of ending world poverty is preventing climate change.B. A top goalending world poverty will possibly be achieved by 2030.C. The success of ending povertyeconomic growth.D. The progress in fighting poverty.BSince 2004,Time magazine has six times made a survey to name the l00 most influential people in the worldOnly one person has appeared on it for six times, Oprah Winfrey Born in l954 in Mississippi,Oprah Winfrey spent her early years living in poverty with her grandmother and later her absent mother, followed by unfair treatment by her unfriendly relativesWorse still,she was addicted to drugs and at the young age of l4,she gave birth to a baby, who died after a few monthsFinally she was sent to live with her strict father in Tennessee. Amazingly though,her fathers rules did make sure she received a good education and finally overcame her problems Oprahs media career began at age l7She became the co-author of local news in Baltimore in her early 20sHer first local talk show, People Are Talking, was first performed in l978,when she was 24 In l986,Oprah moved to Chicago to host a low-rated half-hour morning talk show, AM ChicagoOprah talks like a family member in your and my houseWithin months she took over,the show became the highest-rated talk show in ChicagoIt was renamed The Oprah Winfrey Show Only two years after hosting the show, she was able to set up her own production company Harpo, and buy the full rights to The Oprah Winfery ShowShe is also involved in magazine publishing,books,education and a lifestyle channel for women with the aim of improving peoples lives, inspiring and praising good honest values,making the world a better place for present and future generations As her business grew, so did her wealth and power, and she became the first ever black billionaire in 2003 and the most powerful woman in media broadcastingThe amazing influence she has over a large part of the American public means that anything she promotes on her shows is guaranteed to succeed.65What do we know about Oprahs childhood? AShe couldnt stand her fathers rules BShe married young and brought up a baby Cshe lacked concern and care DShe lived with her mother for 14 years66Why was The Oprah Winfrey Show so popular? AOprah was the co-author of the show BOprah had the full rights to the show COprah was very famous in the world DOprah talked in a family way in the show67Which of the following is true according to the text? AOprah Winfrey hosted her first local talk show in her 20sBOprah Winfrey was the most influential woman in AmericaCAM Chicago became the highest-rated immediately after Oprah hosted it.DOprah Winfrey was the first billionaire in media broadcasting68What does the last paragraph mainly tell us? AOprah became the most influential woman BOprah aimed to be wealthy and powerful CWhat Oprah promoted was sure to succeed DOprah was a quite successful woman CA device that stops drivers from falling asleep at the wheel is about to undergo testing at Department of Transport laboratories and could go on sale within 12 months.The system, called Driver Alert, aims to reduce deadly road accidents by 20% - 40% that are caused by tiredness. Airline pilots can also use it to reduce the 30% of all pilot-error accidents that are related to fatigue.Driver Alert is based on a computerized wristband (腕套). The device, worn by drivers or pilots, gives out a sound about every four minutes during a car journey. After each sound the driver must respond by squeezing the steering wheel (方向盘). A sensor in the wristband detects this pressing action and measures the time betweenthe sound the drivers response.Tiredness is directly related to a drivers response time. Usually, a watchful driver would take about 400 milliseconds to respond, but once that falls to more than 500 milliseconds, it suggests that the driver is getting sleepy.In such cases the device gives out more regular and louder sounds, showing that the driver should open a window or stop for a rest. If the drivers response continues to slow down, the sounds become more frequent until a nonstop alarm warns that the driver must stop as soon as possible. The device has been delivered to the departments laboratories for testing. If these tests, scheduled for six months time, are successful, the makers will bring the product to market within about a year.69. According to the text, Driver Alert _.A. aims to reduce tiredness-related accidents


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