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2020年初中英语外研(新标准)版七年级下册期末模拟试卷(6)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Id like to see Shakespeares play _ English.A . withB . atC . inD . of2. (2分)Does your grandfather have rice lunch?Yes, he does.A . forB . orC . atD . from3. (2分)The weather in summer in Beijing is cooler than _ in Shanghai. A . thisB . itC . thatD . one4. (2分)Hurry up, dear. We have to get to the station before 11:45 we can catch the 12:00 train.A . sinceB . afterC . as soon asD . so that5. (2分)My friend comes from _. He speaks _. A . France, FranceB . French, FranceC . France, French6. (2分)Could you get me some? Im hungry(饿).A . appleB . waterC . eggD . rice7. (2分)This hat is _ for me. I want a small one.A . tidyB . longC . bigD . fun8. (2分)Im sorry to say that I didnt _ him to become a successful writer .A . letB . makeC . hopeD . expect9. (2分)_ do most students use the Internet? Twice a week. A . How soonB . How farC . How longD . How often10. (2分) No matter how difficult the problem is, well try our best to work it out._.A . Thats all right.B . Youre welcome.C . I agree.D . Thats interesting.11. (2分)What do you think of your new job, Jim?Its _. I do exactly the same thing every day.A . confusingB . misleadingC . interestingD . boring12. (2分)China, _ home of tea, has _ history of more than 4000 years.A . the; theB . a; aC . a; theD . the; a13. (2分)你的英语老师是Alice Green,你可以叫她_。 A . Mr. GreenB . Miss AliceC . Ms. AliceD . Miss Green14. (2分)James Naismith, who invented basketball, came from . A . AmericaB . AustraliaC . CanadaD . Brazil15. (2分)More historical buildings in the old town will fall down_we try our best to protect them.A . ifB . sinceC . unlessD . in order that二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)Mr. and Mrs. Brown lived in a small house near London with their child. Sometimes Mr. Brown came back 1 home from work very late. At that time both his wife and his son 2to bed. He would open the front door of his house with his key and came in very 3.One night he came back late again. He lost his key 4 the door. He knocked at the door. But 5 happened. He knocked at the bedroom window. He spoke to his wife, and 6 to her but she did not 7. At last he stopped and thought for a while. Then he began to speak 8 a child. “Mother, I want 9 to the toilet.” He spoke very quietly, but at once, Mrs. Brown got up and 10 the door for him.(1)A . to B . / C . at (2)A . was going B . go C . went (3)A . quietly B . slowly C . quickly (4)A . of B . to C . about (5)A . nothing B . something C . a sound (6)A . shouted B . told C . talked (7)A . listen to B . listen C . hear (8)A . like B . liked C . liking (9)A . go B . to go C . am going to (10)A . locked B . closed C . opened 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17. (10分)阅读理解 Once there lived a rich man called King. He loved chatting(聊天) very much. Every day he had his men do all the housework, so he had enough time to chat with others.One summer afternoon, his friend Bruce invited him to his birthday party. King kept on chatting at table. Later, all the other friends had left, but he didnt notice it. Bruce was worried, because he had just received a call from his sister and he would go to the station to meet her. But King didnt say goodbye to him, and he went on chatting.At that time, Kings wife came in and asked her husband, Would you like a roast(烤制) bird, dear?Of course, King answered, but where is it?I heard a bird singing in the big tree outside just now, said the woman. I want it to be the last dish. Ill cut the tree down. But Im afraid it will fly away when you begin to cut the tree, said King.Dont worry about it, dear, the woman said with a smile. It is a foolish(愚蠢的) bird. It doesnt know when to leave.(1)Why did Bruce invite King to his house? A . Because it was his birthday.B . Because it was Kings birthday.C . Because he also loved chatting.D . Because he had cooked a bird for dinner.(2)Bruce wanted to stop chatting with King because . A . he wanted to go to bedB . his sister arrived at his houseC . he had no more food for the dinnerD . he would go to the station to meet his sister(3)The underlined word it in the passage means . A . the dishB . the phone callC . the other friendsD . the bird singing outside(4)From the passage, we can know that . A . the Kings lived a poor lifeB . Kings wife was a clever womanC . there was a foolish bird in the tree outsideD . all the friends stayed for the roast bird18. (10分)You dont need to speak French to understand the Parisians. You just need to know how to make gestures. A new guide has come out by French tourism officials, which is to help foreign visitors understand Parisians with a list of commonly used gestures like “shut up”. “If you use them the next time when youre in Paris, people will start mistaking you for a native (当地人) in no time,” says the online guide at .Some of the citys rude native people in Paris have been a headache for the tourism authorities(旅游当局) for a long time. They have tried their best to ask Parisians to be more friendly to foreign visitors. They have decided to show visitors commonly used gestures by Parisians at . Visitors can learn and get help from there.The website includes the common gestures such as “Bof” and “Camembert”. “Bof” is used to mean “I dont know” or “I disagree”, and “Camembert” is to tell someone to shut up.And it also includes a note, which warns visitors not to use the gestures too freely.Otherwise, they may see some even ruder Parisian expressions.(1)The coming out of that new guide in France is.A . to help foreign visitors to learn French wellB . to help foreign visitors understand ParisiansC . to make a suitable website in ParisD . to tell people the importance of speaking French(2)The gesture “Camembert” in the website means.A . I dont knowB . I disagreeC . Dont speakD . Dont stop speaking(3)The underlined word “They” refers to(指代).A . the rude native people in ParisB . the tourism authorities in ParisC . the commonly used gesturesD . the foreign visitors in Paris(4)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A . Some native Parisians are rude to foreign visitors.B . The new guide is mainly for foreign tourists.C . Youll be regarded as a native if you use the gestures at .D . You can use the gestures in Paris as freely as you want.(5)The BEST title for this passage is.A . How to learn FrenchB . What places to visit in ParisC . Gestures make you a ParisianD . How rude Parisians are19. (10分)Jan:I have new photos of my family, but theyre not very good. This is my sisterMark:Where is she? Is she at the library?Jan:No, shes in the living room. She s doing her homework. And that s my brother.Mark:Is he doing his homework, too? Whats he eating?Jan:Hes watching a scary movie on TV and eating french fries.This is a picture of my aunt and my mother.Mark:Is that -your mother in the pool?Jan:No, thats my aunt. My mother cant swim. And this is my mother and my aunt at the shop. They really like shopping and eating at the shop. Mark: Interesting photos.(1)The pictures are _.A . goodB . interestingC . scary(2)Jans sister is doing her homework _.A . at the libraryB . at the poolC . in the living room(3)Jans brother isn t _.A . doing his homeworkB . watching TVC . eating french fries(4) Jans _ can t swim.A . sisterB . motherC . aunt(5)Jan s mother and aunt like _ at the shop.A . eating french friesB . shoppingC . swimming四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A:Hi,Jason_B:YesI have already finished itA:_B:I have no ideaWhats your idea?A:_B:Sounds goodWhat kind of programmes do you like!watching?A:_How about you?B:I like them tooA:Great!Lets watch SupermanB:Thats a good idea_A:I also like him bestCome on!Turn on the TV pleaseAWhy not Watch TV with me?BHave you finished your homework yet?CWhen did you watch it?DI like watching cartoonsESuperman is my favourite cartoon heroFWhat are you going to do next?GMy mum doesnt allow me to watch cartoons五、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共5题;共5分)21. (1分)Mary is a _(漂亮的;可爱的) girl. We all love her. 22. (1分)单词翻译。 完成(困难的事)_ 社会_ 支持_进来_ 选择(n.)_ 卡车_出席,参加_ 贵重的_ 野餐_23. (1分)根据括号内汉语提示用于完成句子。(1)The boys and girls must_(遵守)school rules.(2)A_(地图)can help you when you are in a new city.(3)The dishes are very_(美味的).(4)There is a _ (医院) on the left side of Daqing Road.(5)June is the_(第六)month of a year.24. (1分)We can see some _(星星)at night 25. (1分)根据汉语提示完成句子。 (1)Tony broke his right leg when he _ (掉下) down from the tree. (2)_ (突然) the little girl began to cry. (3)There are three _ (衣袋) in that jacket. (4)The farmers are working in the _ (田野). (5)(2015雅安)The car _ (追随) the truck for thirty miles yesterday. 六、 语法填空 (共5题;共5分)26. (1分)They have taken a lot of_(photo)in front of the Little Mermaid. 27. (1分)We all know that its good for our _(healthy)to exercise every day. 28. (1分)Shenzhen is one of the most beautiful _ (city) in the world. 29. (1分)用括号中所给的英语单词的适当形式填空。(1)Its _ possible that most of us can go to our ideal school. (true) (2)I can put away my things. She can put away _now. (she) (3)Please put away those_keys to cars. They are going swimming. (Germany) (4)The robber who broke into the bank seemed to be in his_. (twenty) (5)People can easily get ill from _ in such a polluted place. (live) 30. (1分)Paper making is one of the greatest _(invent) in old China. 七、 选词填空(词汇运用) (共1题;共5分)31. (5分)选择合适的短语填空。as well,traffic jam,come true,working hours,in space(1)The boy is drawing to show what_are like in the city (2)He thinks his ideas will_ (3)Is a plane flying_? (4)Jim is travelling in ShanghaiI will visit the city_ (5)Can everyone enjoy the life of short_? 八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共14分)32. (14分) Do you know 3D movies? When you see one, its like the story is happening in front of you, and you are a part of it. 3D movies are amazing to watch, but do you know how to make them, and why you need to wear a pair of 3D glasses? To understand these questions, lets do an easy experiment.Put a finger in front of your eyes.Cover your left eye and look at the finger.Cover your right eye and look at the finger.What do you see? The finger you see with your left eye is in a different position from the one you see with your right eye. This means you get two images(图像) when you look at something with both your eyes. To make a 3D movie, people have to get two images at the same time, so they use two video cameras. When playing a 3D movie, they use two projectors(放映机) at the same time. This brings two images together on the screen. Then, we use 3D glasses to separate(分离) the two images(1). One image enters one eye and the other image enters


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