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2012 年全国各地中考英语真题分类汇编 宾语从句 2012 黔西南黔西南 23 Do you know Zunyi or not tomorrow A whether are they leaving for B whether they are leaving for C if they are leaving for D if are they leaving for 解析 B 考查宾语从句 宾语从句要用陈述句语序 所以排除 A D 选项 if 不能与 or not 连用故选 B 答案 2012 贵州安顺 29 The policewoman asked the little boy A where did he liveB where he lived C where he livesD where does he lives 来 源 中教 keep readingB it s keep reading C that to keep reading D it to keep reading 答案 D 2012贵州铜仁 30 Could you tell me Yes you can go there by bus www z zste p com A how can I get to the Miao King City B where is the Miao King City 来 源 中 国 教育出版网 C how I can get to the Miao King CityD where the Miao King City is 答案答案 C 2012 黑龙江齐齐哈尔 29 The math problem is so hard I really don t know A how to do itB how to doC what to do it 答案答案 A 2012 湖北黄石 40 Everyone can play an important part in society As members we should try our best to do 来源 中国教育出版网 A what we should do B what should we do C how we should do D how should we do 中国教育出版 网 答案 A 2012 湖北十堰 37 Is Tom still in New York or already back at home I m not sure I ll call to make sure A how he will be backB that he has come back C why he has come backD if he has been back 答案答案 D 来来 源源 中中 教网教网 zstep 2012 湖北随州 34 Could you tell me I m not sure A how many people have been out of hospital B when is Thanksgiving Day C which animal does he like best D what time will the dolphin show start 答案 A 来源 中国 教 育出版网 2012 湖北 武汉 34 Hi Bruce Here s a letter for you Thanks I wonder A who that letter was from B who was from that letter C who was that letter from D who from that letter was 答案答案 A 2012 湖北咸宁 31 I didn t see Lucy at the party last night Do you know B A why didn t she come B what happened C when would she arrive D where she has been 答案答案 B 中国 2012 湖北孝感 38 Do you know London for the 30th Olympic Games Next month A when they visited B when will they visit C when did they visit D when they will visit 答案答案 D 教 育 出版 2012 湖北孝感 39 His parents found to tell him everything that had happened A it necessary B that necessary C it is necessary B necessary 来 源 中 教 网 答案答案 A 2012 湖北宜昌 40 Could you please tell me more about shoe yogurt Certainly You can look it up in this webpage A when could I learn B Where I can learn C when I can learn C where could I learn 答案答案 B w ww zz 2012 湖南怀化 答案 A 2012 湖南永州湖南永州 27 Please tell me next A how to do it B what to do it C how do it 答案 A 2012 湖南永州湖南永州 30 The teacher asked Li Hua A why he was late for class B why was he late for class C why is he late for class 答案 A 2012 江苏淮安 15 Over these years I have had a new understanding of people traditionally call a perfect person A howB whatC whoD whom 来 源 中教网 答案答案 A 2012 江苏连云港 15 Do you know At the end of July A how soon is your sister running back home B how often Nancy from her pen friend C when the London Olympic Games will be held D when will the new computer game come out 答案答案 C 中国中国 网 2012 江苏南京 8 Peter is there anything else you want to know about China Yes I am still wondering A how is Chinese paper cut made B how was the Great Wall built in ancient times C why the Chinese people like to play the dragon dance D why do the Chinese people eat rice dumplings at Dragon Boat Festival 答案答案 C 2012 江苏苏州 13 We haven t discussed yet A where we are going to put our new table www z z s tep com B where are we going to put our new table C what we are going to put our new table D what are we going to put our new table 答案答案 A 中中 国教国教 育出育出 版网版网 2012 江苏宿迁 19 Can you tell me in the future 来 源 中教 网 A how life will be like B how will life be like C what life will be like D what will life be like ww w zzs t ep com 答案答案 C 2012 江苏徐州 14 Tom please tell me In Sunshine Second School A where will the match take place B where the match will take please 来源 中 国 教 育 出版网 C Many hands make light work D Don t put all your eggs in one basket 答案答案 B 2012 江苏镇江 15 I wonder A if Dr Ma still works on the ORBIS plane B how much does the tallest man in the world weigh C when Audrey Hepburn had entered the film industry www zzste p co m D that Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon 答案答案 A 2012 呼和浩特 14 What did your teacher say this morning 来源 中 教网 She told us A why was Tom late for school again B whether we had too much homework 中国教育 出 版网 C how she did come to school this morning D that we would have a test soon 答案 D 2012 年福建省福州市 45 Show me the map please I wonder Look it s here in the east of China near Taiwan Province A where is Diaoyu Island B where Diaoyu Island is C what is Diaoyu Island like 答案 B 2012 广东省梅州市 43 Could you please tell me They re over there A where are the restrooms B where were the restrooms C where the restrooms are D where the restrooms were 答案答案 C 2012 年广东省 45 Could you tell me Certanily In half an hour A when will the high speed train arrive B when the high speed train will arrive C when would the high speed train arrive D when the high speed train would arrive 答案 B 2012 广西桂林广西桂林 40 Can you tell me this morning Sorry I ve no idea A why didn t Daming come to schoolB why Daming didn t come to school C why doesn t Daming come to schoolD why Daming doesn t come to school 答案答案 B 45 Our teachers always give us good advice We should follow A what they say B what they said C which they say D which they said 答案答案 A 20112011河南河南 35 My pen pal from America is coming to visit me I m thinking about A what present did I give her 来 源 z zstep com B how I will give her a surprise C where will we have a big meal 来源 中 教 网 D whether I planned a trip for her 答案答案 B 2012 湖北襄阳湖北襄阳 40 Could you tell me He rides his bike A how does he go to work B how he goes to work C what does he do D where he goes 答案答案 B 2012 山东菏泽山东菏泽 8 Have you ever seen the movie 2012 Yes but I don t believe the year 2012 will see the end of the world 来源 中 教网 A that B what C how D if 答案答案 A 2012 山东济南山东济南 55 I m doing a survey Could you tell me 中国 教 育 出版网 Sure I usually go to work at 7 00 am A why you go to work B how you go to work C when you go to work D who you go to work with 来源 中国教 育 出版网 55 C 解析 考查宾语从句的用法 由下文句意 我通常在 7 点去上班 可知 上文提问的 是上班的时间 故选 C 20122012 山东临沂山东临沂 34 I wonder on April 23 World Book Day Did you find some interesting books to read A what did you do B what you did C what do you do D what you do 来源 z zste p co m 答案 B 20122012 山东泰安山东泰安 29 Do you know he is going to stay in Shenzhen Sorry I don t know Maybe a few weeks but I m not sure A when B how long C what time D how soon 答案答案 B 20122012 山东泰安山东泰安 39 I don t know Apple iphone4s A that she is so crazy about B what is she so crazy about 来源 中 教网 C why she is so crazy about D how she is so crazy about 答案答案 C 26 We ve given her some advice but I don t know she ll accept it A what B where C whether D which 解析 C 考查宾语从句的引导词 通过转折句意和 don t know 可以推断用 whether 引 导宾语从句 表示 是否 句意为 我们给了她一些建议 但我不知道她是否会接受 来源 z zste p 2012 烟台中考烟台中考 30 Could you tell me A where is the headmaster B whose camera it is C what Jack was happened D how long does it take you to the aquarium 答案答案 B 中中 国国 教育出教育出 版版 网网 20122012 山东枣庄山东枣庄 16 Robert is just one young overseas Chinese has come to visit his ancestor s homeland A who B where C when D which 答案答案 A 2012 陕西陕西 30 Tomorrow is Father s Day I don t know A what can I do for my father B what I will get for my father C where I went with my father D where will I go with my father 答案 B 2012 四川成都 44 I can t find Mike Could you tell me He is in the library A what he is B how he is C where he is 来 源 z zs te 答案 D 2012 四川凉山 37 Could you please show me Sure no problem A how I can use the computer B how can I use the computer C what I can use the computer 来源 z z s tep 答案 A 2012 绵阳市绵阳市 13 What about going to the South Lake for a picnic next weekend ww w z zstep com OK But I m not sure it will rain A why B where C when D whether 答案答案 D 2012 四川自贡 29 Can you tell me By doing more exercises and speaking A how I can improve my English B how do I deal with my English C what s wrong with my English 答案答案 A 2012 四川雅安市 13 I want to write to my aunt but I don t know A What her e mail address wasB What was her e mail address C What her e mail address isD What is her e mail address 答案答案 C 2012 四川宜宾 34 I wanted to know last weekend 中 国教 育 出版网 A what Mary does B what does Mary do C what Mary did D what did Mary do 来源 中教 网 答案 C 来 源 中教 网 2012 天津 43 Can you tell me www z z ste With Lucy s help 中 国教 育出版网 A when you did it so well B when did you do it so well C how you did it so well D how did you do it so well 答案 C 2012 浙江杭州 26 Could you tell me Of course A where s there a good place to eat B where s there s a good place to eat C where is a good place to eat D where a good place to eat 答案答案 B 2012浙江湖州浙江湖州 18 Excuse me could you tell me In the supermarket A where 1 can buy this kind of CD player B where can I buy this kind of CD player C if I can buy this kind of CD player D if can I buy this kind of CD player 答案 A 2012浙江浙江丽水丽水 24 Hello Jack Haven t seen you for long I am calling to check you are Very well I m glad you called A how B what C where D who 中 国教 育出版 网 答案 A www z z step co m 2012 浙江宁波 34 Can you guess the new Nike sports shoes Yes Maybe he asked his grandpa to pay for them I think A how he paid for B where lie bought C when he paid for D why he bought 中 国教 育 出版网 答案答案 A 2012浙江衢州 29 Can you tell me He is in the library A where was Jack B where Jack was 来 源 中教网 C where is Jack D where Jack is 答案答案 D 来源来源 z zstep co m 2012浙江温州 9 Can you tell me to travel to Dalian About two hours by plane A how much it costs B what I should take C how long it takes D which is the best season 中 国 教 育出版网 答案答案 C 2012 重庆市 36 Could you tell me By searching the Internet A how you got the information B why you got the information C how did you get the information D why


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