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广东紫金县2017高考英语语法填空类阅读一轮训练阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(2015山西省四校联考)Hongbao, a red envelope with small amounts of money in, is a gift that is guaranteed to be warmly received, not just because of the cash, but also because of its _1_(tradition) symbolism and best wishes for the future. This is true throughout China, but _2_(especial) in the south where people regard receiving hongbao _3_ an auspicious(吉祥的)beginning to the New Year.Legend in the south has it that a devil used to appear to harm children and the elderly. _4_ loud noise would frighten _5_ devil away, as did the color red.Firecrackers took care of the noise and during Spring Festival couplets(对联) also helped keep him away. But firecrackers couldnt go off all day so children and the elderly also got hongbao, red envelopes _6_(contain) money.The tradition _7_(survive) millennia and giving hongbao to children and the elderly remains popular among Chinese people all over the world. It has also made its way into workplaces where bosses often give_8_(employ) hongbao and most recently, companies have adopted online marketing strategies _9_ hongbao are distributed, hoping _10_ companies and staff members have a good start.Giving hongbao at the beginning of the Lunar New Year indicates best wishes for the future.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6_ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._文章大意:本文讲述了红包的来历和含义。1命题立意:考查形容词。答案:traditional形容词来修饰名词。2命题立意:考查副词。答案:especiallyespecially的意思是“尤其是”“特别是”,它一般是用于单词前或短语前。3命题立意:考查短语。答案:as人们收到的红包作为新年吉祥的开始。regard.as.认为是。4命题立意:考查连词。答案:But南方的传说是,魔鬼出来伤害儿童和老人,但噪音会吓跑魔鬼,红色也会吓跑他们。5命题立意:考查冠词。答案:the特指“恶魔”。6命题立意:考查非谓语动词。答案:containing这里考查独立主格结构,名词red envelope和contain是主谓结构,故用现在分词。7命题立意:考查时态语态。答案:has survived这一传统已经有千年历史了。强调对现在造成的结果和影响,故用现在完成时。8命题立意:考查名词。答案:employees老板给雇员红包,注意雇员要用复数。9命题立意:考查定语从句。答案:where考查定语从句,先行词为online, 故用where。公司也采用了在网络上分发红包的营销策略。10命题立意:考查代词。答案:their主语为bosses,故用第三人称they的形容词性物主代词their,老板希望他们的公司和员工有一个好的开始。【2013界广东省惠州4月模拟】语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当 的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为1625的相应位 置上。THE 2,298-kiIometer Beijing-Guangzhou High-speed Railway 16_ (official) opened to passengers on December 26,2012. It is the worlds longest high-speed rail route. The 17_ (design)speed of the track is 350 km, though speeds during the initial period of operation will be limited to about 300 km/h. The new route cuts the travel time between Beijing and Guangzhou 18 almost two thirds, from 22 hours to roughly eight hours .On December 1, 2012,not long before the opening of the Beijing-Guangzhou High-speed Railway, the Harbin-Dalian High-speed Railway, 19_ first high-speed line ever to cross land that lies frozen for almost half a year, began operations, 20_ allows passengers to appreciate the view off the coast from Dalian in the morning, 21_ the winter snowscape of frosty Harbin in the afternoon .At present the total 22_ (long) of high-speed lines in China 23_(reach)9,349 km. With four main lines 24_ (run) east-west and four north-south, the countrys high-speed train network is the worlds largest. China plans to expand 25_ high-speed railway network to 50,000 km by 2020, to cover almost all large and medium-sized cities.【参考答案】语法填空:16. officially 17. designed 18. by 19. the 20. which21. and 22.length 23. has reached 24.running 25. its【2013高考英语广东省潮州市二模】语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分l5分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为1625的相应位置上。A baby is in danger and its mother is crazy with worry. This is something anyone can relate to, even though we are talking about a mother elephant that has been separated 16 her child.A video capturing(捕捉) the reunion between the elephant and her 8-month-old baby in Kenya was one of the 17 (impressive) scenes in 2012. The baby fell inside 18 man-made hole and was unable to climb out, according to a video released by the Amboseli Trust for Elephants. Despite the best efforts of her desperate mother, the baby seemed helpless 19 a team of conservation workers rushed to help. They had to chase the overprotective mother away first, so that 20 could get close enough to rescue the baby. They 21 (struggle) to pull the baby out with ropes and a vehicle. 22 (lucky), the workers managed to pull the baby to safety. 23 followed was a touching scene. As soon as the baby was freed, it ran away across the plain. In the 24 (distant), the cries of her mother could be heard as she came running from the opposite direction. The two were reunited, 25 (hug) each other with their trunks. Hugging【参考答案】语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分l5分)16.from 17. most impressive 18. a 19. until/till 20. they 21.struggled 22. Luckily 23.What 24. distance 25. hugging【2016模拟题】阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Anyone who is afraid of failure and afraid to face challenges will never taste success, so said our professor in marketing. I laughed it off at that time, but got frightened when it actually happened in my life.I landed in a small city in the Middle East to set up a firm, a world-class car rental firm. Having decided on the project, I earnestly settled in preparation. With a positive mind, I told myself nothing should stop me now, and was more than keen to make it a success.However, the least expected thing happened. Iraq invaded Kuwait. Tension ran high in the region. Eventually the war broke out, and many people fled the country, leaving my firm in deep trouble.As usual, “things become difficult, and every effort seems to bring disappointment, it can be tempting to lower your expectations or even water down your goals and ambitions.”I was no exception. I thought of running away. I remembered the words of Thomas Edison, “Many of lifes failures are people who did not realize how close they were to succeed when they gave up.”I decided to hang on, telling myself, “I am not afraid of challenges and obstacles.” I stayed on through months of uncertainty and insecurity. Finances ran low, and banks could not wait to get their dues. To add to all this, the banks even threatened to take all my vehicles. I felt I made a wrong decision to move there. I was now ready to face failure.I was living against all hopes, believing that something good would happen. After 2 months the war ended. My persistence paid off: people started flooding back and the car bookings picked up, five times over.Success comes to the one who dares, even after failure, to think positively and look forward confidently. After all, it is only the experience that makes a man tough. Failure does not mean you will never make it. It means that it will take a little longer. It provides us with a learning experience.1. The main method the author uses to support his understanding of his professors viewpoint is _.A. offering analyses B. providing explanations C. making comparisons D. giving examples 2. How did the author feel when the war between Iraq and Kuwait broke out?A. Unconfident B. Indifferent C. Nervous D. Calm3. What does the underlined phrase “water down” in the 4th paragraph probably mean?A. get rid of B. smooth away C. make less forceful D. improve on4. The authors purpose of writing the passage is most likely to _.A. inform B. persuade C. describe D. entertain【参考答案】1. D. 推理判断题。本文一开始介绍了作者的教授提出的一个观点,但是当时作者不以为然,但是在今后自己的实际上生活中真正遇到了失败或挑战时,自己才认识到了教授的观点。下文主要通过自己的亲身经历阐述了自己的观点,即通过举例来说明。故正确答案为D想。2. A. 推理判断题。根据第四段中提到的“I was no exception. I thought of running away.”以及第五段中提到的“I felt I made a wrong decision to move there.”可知,在伊拉克和科威特发生战争期间,因为作者的生意遭到重创,所以他曾一度很是没有了自信。所以该题答案应为A项。3. C. 词义猜测题。该下划线短语所在的句子含义是:当事情变得困难,所付出的努力带来的是失望时,那么降低自己的期望值或者削弱自己当初的目标或抱负变成诱人的做法。所以,该下划线短语的意思是“削弱”,与C项含义接近。4. B. 主旨大意题。根据全文内容,尤其是文章最后一段可知,作者写这篇文章的意图是在劝说人们面对挑战或失败时要大胆去应对,要有积极的心态。所以答案应为B项。第二节:【由江苏省盐城市2014模拟改编】阅读理解。阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Spanish explorers called them Las Encantadas, the Enchanted Isles, and Charles Darwin used his studies of the islands as the foundation for his theory of natural selection. The Galapagos are among the worlds most important scientific treasures, a group of volcanic islands surrounded by deserted beaches and inhabited by unique varieties of giant tortoise, lizards, and birds. Yet life on this United Nations world heritage site has turned sour. Battles have broken out between fishermen and conservationists. Ecuador, which owns the islands, has sent a naval patrol (海军巡逻队) to put down disturbances. The controversial director of the Galapagos National Parkwhich controls 97 percent of Galapagos land and the reserve extending to 40 miles offshorehas been fired, while an air of uneasy tension hangs over the islands, as the islanders prepare for election when they pick their representatives in Ecuadors national assembly. “Its a very tense situation,” said Leonor Stjepic, director of the London-based Galapagos Conservation Trust, which raises money to help projects on the islands. “We are watching it with concern.” The violence has been triggered by an alarming growth in the islands population. Puerto Ayora, on Santa Cruz island, housed just 45 inhabitants in the 50s. Today there are more than 10,000, while the islands total population is more than 19,000 and growing by 6 percent a year, despite recently introduced a law to limit waves of immigrants fleeing the poor areas of Ecuador for a life “in paradise (天堂)”. On top ofthis, more than 100,000 tourists visit the islands every year.Such numbers have put the islands, special ecology under intense pressure. Conservationists backed by the Ecuador government, have replied by exercising strict controls to protect the islands* iguanas, blue-footed boobies, and giant tortoises. These moves have angered many local people, however. They want to exploit (开发利用) the islands waters and catch its protected species of sharks, lobsters and sea cucumbers, which can fetch high prices in Japan and South Korea. Angry fishermen surrounded the Charles Darwin research station on Santa Cruz last February, threatened to kill Lonesome Georgethe last surviving member of the Pinta Island species of the Galapagos giant tortoise. The situation got improved after the Ecuador government made concessions (让步) by increasing fishing quotas (配额), which angered conservationists. “It is tragic, the short-term gain of a few fishermen versus the long-term survival of the Galapagos,” said John McCosker of the California Academy of Sciences. “They are killing the golden goose.”Then, the Ecuador government appointed Fausto Cepeda as the national parks new director, a post that has become a political football for the mainland government. There have been nine directors in the past 18 months. This appointment was particularly controversial, however. Cepeda was known to have close ties with the fishing industry, and the rangers (管理员),who run the national park and reserve, rebelled.More than 300 staged a sit-in at the parks headquarters and prevented Cepeda from taking up his post. A battle broke out, and at least two people suffered serious injuries. Eventually, Cepedawith the fishermens help- entered the park. “I am in office, i am in control. And I am trying to lower the tension,” he announced. The Ecuador government took no chances, and sent a patrol boat to maintain the peace. A few days later, Ecuador Environment Minister Fabian Valdivicso met representatives of rangers. After discussions, he told newspapers that he had decided to remove Cepeda from the post.However, as the population continues to rise, the long-term pressures on the islands are serious and will not disappear that easily. “We have to balance its special environment with the needs of local people. In that sense, it is a microcosm (缩影) for all the other threatened parts of the world. So getting it right here is going to be a very, very important trick to pull off,” said Stjepic.1、What does t


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