鲁教版英语八年级上册Unit 7 Have you ever been to a museum_ 单元整合与拔高(II )卷_第1页
鲁教版英语八年级上册Unit 7 Have you ever been to a museum_ 单元整合与拔高(II )卷_第2页
鲁教版英语八年级上册Unit 7 Have you ever been to a museum_ 单元整合与拔高(II )卷_第3页
鲁教版英语八年级上册Unit 7 Have you ever been to a museum_ 单元整合与拔高(II )卷_第4页
鲁教版英语八年级上册Unit 7 Have you ever been to a museum_ 单元整合与拔高(II )卷_第5页
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第 1 页 共 8 页 鲁教版英语八年级上册鲁教版英语八年级上册 UnitUnit 7 7 HaveHave youyou everever beenbeen toto a a museum museum 单元整合与拔高单元整合与拔高 IIII 卷 卷 一 一 语法整合真题练语法整合真题练 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 8 8 分分 1 2 分 2019 八下 秦安期末 Miss Gao isn t here She to the station to meet Mr Brown A went B has gone C has been D would to 2 2 分 2018 九上 惠城期末 Have you seen the movie Yes I it last weekend with my cousin It s excellent A saw B see C will see D have seen 3 2 分 2019 八下 建平期末 How happy the grandparents are Yes they for fifty years A have been married B have married C have got married D married 4 1 分 My grandpa has been die for ten years 第 2 页 共 8 页 5 1 分 玛丽 请站在凯特的前面 Please stand Kate Mary 二 二 高频考点真题练高频考点真题练 共共 1010 题 共题 共 1616 分分 6 2 分 Could you help me please Sure What would you like me A do B to do C doing D does 7 2 分 Don t smoke in the reading room I m sorry I won t do it again A will you B shall we C do you D don t you 8 2 分 Two students to the opening ceremony last Friday A hundreds were invited B hundred were invited C hundreds of invited 9 2 分 2019 八上 长春月考 What are you doing this weekend I want to do A something different 第 3 页 共 8 页 B different something C anything different D different anything 10 2 分 He often goes to the park to watch old people chess A play B plays C to play D played 11 2 分 2019 九上 长春月考 It s said that house prices in our city by 10 in 2019 A increased B raised C improved D changed 12 1 分 2019 北部湾模拟 Lucy often plays tennis to relax she after school 13 1 分 Sometimes people are cruelty to animals 14 1 分 The doctors tried to save the wound soldiers 15 1 分 The heavy rain kept me from hike last Sunday 三 三 根据短文内容判断正误 根据短文内容判断正误 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 8 8 分分 16 8 分 阅读理解 Wonderful Events Horse Racing All Year Round100 Years Of Pictures 第 4 页 共 8 页 Races starting at 3 pm every Sunday Racetrack only 20 miles away Lots of free parking space Free presents No children allowed Then 15 a single person 1 Who CANNOT go to the horse race A A single person B A couple C Children D The sweet heart 2 People can see the photo show at A Grandview Mall B City Art Museum C Racetrack D Country Club 3 What can you do if you only have time between 5 pm and 6 pm on Saturday 第 5 页 共 8 页 A Go shopping B Go to see the photo show C Go to the dance with your sweet heart D Go to watch the horse race 4 How much will Mr and Mrs Smith pay if they want to go to the dance party A 15 dollars B 25 dollars C 20 40 off D Nothing 5 Where can you see the above advertisements A Ina book B In a magazine C In a newspaper D On TV 四 四 书面表达书面表达 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 17 5 分 2019 长春模拟 你校就 中学生业余生活 进行了调查 其结果显示 有很多学生是典型的 宅童 他们喜欢 宅 在家里上网或看电视 而不去参加户外活动 请你写一篇文章 说明这项调查的结果 并谈谈你对这部分学生行为的看法以及你给他们的建议 A Stay at home 63 5 B Exercise 22 C Volunteer 1 5 D Hang out 3 要求 参照所给出的调查数据 注意不要遗漏或错写 90 词左右 开头已给出 不计入总词数 第 6 页 共 8 页 Last week we did a survey on students free time activities in my school 第 7 页 共 8 页 参考答案参考答案 一 一 语法整合真题练语法整合真题练 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 8 8 分分 1 答案 略 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略 二 二 高频考点真题练高频考点真题练 共共 1010 题 共题 共 1616 分分 6 答案 略 7 答案 略 8 答案 略 9 答案


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