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译林牛津版2020届九年级英语第三次模拟测试试卷(II )卷一、 句意填词,在空白处填入一个适当的词,使句意完整。(5分) (共5题;共5分)1. (1分)Hometown has left me so many soft and sweet _ in my heart. 2. (1分)Chatting on WeChat too often can get in the _of our schoolwork. 3. (1分)We should sit down and _ with our parents to make them understand us well. 4. (1分)They are of medium _, and they have long straight hair. 5. (1分)It is a secret. Please keep it to _and dont tell others. 二、 单项选择,从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(10 (共10题;共10分)6. (1分)He likes play violin but he doesnt like playing Chess. A . the; theB . the; /C . /; theD . a; a7. (1分)I cant find my English book. Have you seen _? Oh, sorry. I have taken _ by mistake.A . them; myB . them; yourC . it; mineD . it; yours8. (1分)Jane, could you help me my pen? Its under your chair. Sure, my pleasure.A . look forB . put awayC . pick upD . hand in9. (1分)The girls like _ beautiful dresses. A . wearB . wearsC . to wear10. (1分)Where _ the apples?_ in the bag.A . is; ItsB . is; TheyreC . are; ItsD . are; Theyre11. (1分)Hi, Bob. You dont look well. Whats the matter you? I talked too much and didnt have any water last night. I have a sore throat now.A . inB . ofC . with12. (1分)_ difficult questions they are! I cant answer them. A . HowB . How anC . WhatD . What an13. (1分)He spoke _ quickly _We couldnt understand anything that he said. A . as, asB . such, thatC . so, thatD . so, as14. (1分)Could you please tell me _? Next week.A . when he comes backB . when does he come backC . when he will come backD . when will he come back15. (1分)Its too hard for me to win the game. _.A . Never give upB . Yes. I think soC . Dont say soD . Im afraid not三、 完成对话从方框内选择正确选项。(方框中有一个选项与对话内容无 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话。 A. How often do you go back to your hometown?B. Its more than fifty thousand.C. Whats it like now?D. There will be more buildings and people there.E. Its in the west of England.A: Hi. Tina. Where is your hometown?B: _A: Whats the population of it?B: _A: Oh, its larger than the population of my hometown._B: Once a year.A: _B: The streets are wider and the traffic is busier.A: What else?B: _I think people will have a newer life in the future.四、 补全对话(10分) (共1题;共10分)17. (10分)补全对话 A. Did you have a good time there?B. A famous newsreader told us how to speak in the news room.C. Thank you for telling me.D. How did you feel after you visited Radio Beijing?E. I visited Radio Beijing with my classmates.F. What do you think of it?G. What did you do at Radio Beijing?A: Hi, Betty. Where did you go yesterday afternoon?B: Oh, _A: Really? That sounds great. _B: Yes. We learned a lot there.A: _B: We met some famous newsreaders and reporters and then they showed us around Radio Beijing. A: Great! Did you go to the news room?B: Yes, we did. _And we also spoke a piece of latest news like her.A: _B: I want to try my best to study my subjects. I want to be a newsreader in the future.五、 短文填空(方框中有两个选项是多余的)(10分) (共1题;共10分)18. (10分)根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确(每词限用一次)。 interest our build spend goodLast summer I _ some time off with my mother in Beidaihe. We stayed there from July 15th to August 5th.It is really a wonderful place. It is one of the most famous summer resorts(避暑胜地)in China. The_ there are tidy, with some trees and flowers around them. It is famous for its beaches, so lots of tourists from all over the world come to visit it every year.There are many _ places, such as the Olympic Park, the Pigeon Nest Park and the Tiger Rock Park. The Pigeon Nest Park becomes famous because it is one of the _places to watch the sunset. Thousands of people come to watch the sunset every day. People can also see different kinds of birds. We enjoyed _ there. We are hoping for the next holiday. 六、 阅读理解。(40分) (共6题;共40分)19. (5分)阅读理解 Students in Kenya are returning for their third term. They begin their school year in January and it is broken up into three terms. In Kenya, in the past, students were not required to attend school and the education was not free, either.I taught math, English and physics at Chamasiri Secondary School while I was a teacher in Kenya. This school had four classrooms one for each grade, Form 1, Form 2, Form 3 and Form 4. They are the equivalent(对等) to our 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades. Teachers traveled from classroom to classroom instead of the students going from room to room. The Form I class had 60 students, Form 2 had 45, Form 3 had 30, and Form 4 about 12 students. The class sizes became smaller as the grades continued on. Why did this happn? Many families were very poor and could not afford the school fees(学费).Most countryside schools in Kenya did not have a lot of money. As a result, there were very few textbooks for the students to use. I had seven math texts for my Form 2 class and 14 for the Form I class. Anything the students needed to know was put up on the blackboard and the students copied it down into their notebooks. The notebooks became the students textbooks.Kenyan students study ten different subject areas. Some of the students spend over an hour running home. They do chores at home and hopefully manage to find some time to study before it gets dark. Most families do not have electricity and may not even have candies for their children to study by.Luckily, Kenyan education has been becoming better and better in the past few years. Im sure it will have a good future.(1)Which grade does Form 3 refer to(指的是) in the writers country? A . Grade 9.B . Grade 10.C . Grade 11.D . Grade 12.(2)Why did the notebooks become the students textbooks? A . The students did not pay the schools.B . The schools couldnt afford the textbooks.C . The students preferred to use their notebook.D . The teachers asked the students to take notes.(3)Why do some students run home from school? A . They arent allowed to stay at school.B . They dont like studying in the school.C . They hope to have more time to study.D . They want to get candles in the stores.(4)According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TRUE? A . In Kenya, a school year has three terms.B . The Form I class had the most students.C . Each family has electricity in Kenya.D . Kenyan education has been improving.20. (5分)阅读下面短文,回答问题。 There are some things that are almost impossible to say to our close friends especially if we want (A) them to be our friends for life. Are you wondering what problems others have?I cant stand your other friends.(B)My best friend, Kate, sometimes hangs out with some people that I really dont like. I think they have a bad influence on her, and she only spends time with them because they are cool. Could you tell me if I should bring the matter up with her, or if it would be better for me to keep quiet? I dont want to lose her as a friend. LindaI wont help you cheat.My closest friend, Kim, has lost interest in school and studying. He says hes bored with the whole thing, so he often asks me whether Ill let him copy my homework. By now Ive said no, but he keeps asking me. I told him, I think well get in trouble. but he just laughed and told me not to worry. I dont want to put my grades at risk, but Im afraid to face my friend about this, so I just keep avoiding the topic. How can I get him to stop asking? I was wondering if you could give me some suggestions for dealing with my problem. MikeNo, I CANT do that for you!Anna is my best friend. We get along with each other well, but she is asking me to do things for her all the time. Could you help me pick out some new clothes? Would you mind if I borrowed your bike? Can you look after my apartment while Im away? And these are just a few examples. Ive said yes so many times that now Im afraid Ill hurt her feelings if I say no. Any ideas? Amy(1)从文中找出(A)处划线单词 them 所指代的内容。 (2)从文中找出与 I was thinking whether you could help me out with your suggestions. 意思相同或相近的句子。 (3)将文中(B)处划线句子My closest friend, Kim, has lost interest in school and studying.翻译成汉语。 (4)根据上下文,补全句子。 Kate only spends time with some people that Linda really doesnt like because_.(5)回答问题。What does Kim often want to do? (6)完成任务。Please give Amy ONE idea. 21. (5分)阅读理解 Welcome to Nachong, a beautiful city with a long history. You will have a wonderful time here. There are many places of interest. Now lets look through some of them. Langzhong Ancient CityThere are many old houses like Lees Courtyard. You can also enjoy Zhang Fei Temple, Huagang Tower and so on. Location: Langzhong CityOpening time: 9: 00 A. m-4: 30 p. m. on weekdays8: 30 A. m-5: 30 p. m on weekendsPrice: ¥120Telephone number:hu De Memorial HallZhu De is a great person. Here you can learn about his whole life. You can also visit his old house about 2 kilometers away from the Hall. Location: Maan Town, YilongOpening time: 8: 00 A. m-4: 30p. m. Price: FreeTelephone number:uping ParkHere you can know the famous historicalperson named Chen Shou and his book Records of the Three Kingdoms. You can also enjoy beautiful scenery here. Location: Jialing DistrictOpening time: 9: 00 A. m-5: 30A. mPrice: Adults: ¥10 Old people over 60: ¥5Children: ¥7(Children under 6: Free)Telephone number:hang Lan Old HouseZhang Lan is a great educator. Youcan learn about his achievements inChinese education in this memorial hall. Also, you can visit his old house. Location: Lianchi Town, XichongOpening time: 9: 00 A. m-5: 00p. mPrice: Free. Telephone number:1)The proper time to visit Langzhong Ancient City is on Monday . A . 7:00a. m.B . 4:00p.m.C . 9:00a. m.D . 6:30p.m.(2)If you want to visit Zhu De Memorial Hall, you can call . A . . . .3)If Mr. Black goes to Yuping Park with his 5-year-old son and 65-year-old father, they will pay . A . ¥30B . ¥22C . ¥15D . ¥10(4)Who is a great educator according to the passage? A . Zhang FeiB . Zhu DeC . Chen ShouD . Zhang Lan(5)You can read this passage in . A . a picture bookB . a love storyC . a travel magazineD . a health magazine22. (5分)阅读下面5段材料,从所给选项中选出与各段材料内容相关的图片。 A. B. C. D. E. _I usually go to school on foot every week day. And I get to school at 6: 45 am. I have four classes in the morning, I have lunch at school, but I dont like school lunch. In the afternoon, I have three classes. Im busy but Im very happy!_We have many rules in our school. We cant talk in the library or eat in the classroom. And we cant be late for school. We must clean our classroom every day. Besides, we need to say hello to our teachers when we meet them._It is warm and sunny today. Little Sarah is visiting the zoo with her parents. Sarah likes pandas best. She thinks theyre cute and lovely. So she goes to the panda house first. She sees a baby panda and says happily, Hello, little baby!_Last weekend, my classmates and I went to the Childrens Park. We took some photos at the gate. Then we went into the park. Some of us started to fly a kite, some played games on the grass, and others went boating on the lake. We had a lot of fun!_There is a big library near my school. It is our city library. You can find many kinds of books there. I like science, so I like going there on weekends to read science books. There are always lots of children reading books there.23. (10分)根据短文内容,完成下列小题。 Dear Mr. Zhang, Next week, a group of exchange students (交换生) from the USA will come to visit Taizhou.I make a plan for them. We will eat breakfast at our school first. Then we can take them to Mei Lanfangs Former House (故居) by bus. It takes only 25minutes. They can learn to sing Beijing opera there. In the afternoon, we will go to Tiandehu Park and take some photos there. In the park we can have a picnic as our lunch. Then we will go to the cinema to watch a new film. After that the girls can go to the shopping malls to buy things they like and we will take the boys to our school playground to play football for one and a half hours.In the evening we shall invite(邀请) them for dinner in a restaurant. They can try Chinese food. I m sure they will have a good time in our city.Yours love,Tony(1)Where are the exchange students from? (2)How long does it take from Tonys school to Mei Lanfangs Former House by bus? (3)How many places will the exchange students go to in the afternoon? (4)Will the exchange students have dinner in a restaurant? (5)Whats Tony mainly talking about? 24. (10分)假如你是Maple Knoll High School Library的学生志愿者,请根据你校图书馆指南,把图书馆设施分布说明填写完整并介绍给中方友好学校交流团新生。 The map below helps you become familiar with the librarys resources: Fiction and nonfiction titles for all subjectsCurrent newspapers and magazinesComputers accessible with your student ID numberHelpful library staffWelcome, new students, to Maple Knoll High School Library! Here is an introduction of our school library. The_on the left of the map helps you best understand it. The computer lab is just on the_of the main entrance. You can enter computers by putting into the_of your student ID card. There are_copy machines in the library. The circulation desk on the left of the main entrance is a place to borrow and return books from gener


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