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4B Unit 10 Review and check课案 (Teaching & Studying Plan)学校:孙庄镇中心小学 年级: 四年级 任教者: 张巾杰 时间:2012-5-17课 题 ( Title)4B Unit 10Review and check课型( Style)Revision课时( Period)The first period教学内容(Contents)1.Review Unit6 and Unit7.2.4B Unit 10 Review and check:Part C 教学目标(Aims & Demands)知识目标(Knowledge)a) Students can listen, speak, read and write the words and patterns fluently: by taxi, station, hospital, by train, by plane, on foot, noodles, juice, coffee, pie, sweet, tea, milk. Shall we go to by ? Is this for ? What would you like?How much is it/are they?b) Students can listen, speak and read: Lets go to We are late. Lets go by taxi. Anything else? How about you? Something to drink? , please.能力目标(Language skill)Students can communicate with daily English: How do we go there? Shall we go to by ? Is this for ? What would you like?How much is it/are they?Anything else? How about you? Something to drink? , please.情感态度(Feeling)Students can take actively part, improve their interest in learning English and form the good habit of helping others by many kinds of means.教学重、难点(Key points& Difficulties)1. Enable the students to listen, speak, read and write the words and patterns fluently.2. Enable the students to communicate with daily English. 教学方法(Teaching methods)1. Situational teaching method. 2. Task-based teaching method.3. Entirety method.课前准备(Teaching aids)CAI, and some pictures. 教 学 设 计课内探究 教 师 活 动( Teaching plan)学 生 活 动( Studying plan)设 计 意 图( Aims)一、热身激趣,进入复习1. Greetings.T: Good morning, boys and girls. 2. Play a game: Simon says教师发指令,学生一起做。Stand up, sit down, simon says stand up, close your eyes, simon says open your books.3. T: Im tired and hungry. Shall we go to the snack bar?1. Ss: Good morning. 2. follow the teacher to do some exercise.3. Ss: OK. Lets go. 由游戏开始,既可以激起学生的兴趣,又可以自然地引出需要复习的内容,衔接自然。二、合作探究,深入复习1.T: But how do we go there?学生回答后课件出示:提议怎么去某地可以说?2.课件依次呈现交通工具plane,train, bike, car, busT: By plane? By train? I think its far from here, by bike is not so good.3.T: Lets ask is this bus for the snack bar?课件回答:No, it isnt.依旧课件回答:No, it isnt.4.引出:How can we go there? By plane, no. By train, noT: OK. Lets go to the snack bar by taxi. OK?5.课件出示教师的照片。T: I will be the driver. I will drive you to the snack bar. You should pay attention ,what places can you see on the way to the snack bar?教师开车,发出车行驶的声音。T: What places can you see?课件出示地点类单词。T: Do you know other places?课件出示之前学过的地点类单词。6. Say a chant 将地点和交通工具相结合。Go, go, go to the station,Train, train, by train.Go, go, go to the snack bar,Car, car, by car.Make a chant. 课件出示say a chant 部分的chant,要求学生根据此chant自编。7. T: Now we are at the snack bar, theres a lot of food and drink in it.Do you like them? We should know the names of the food.(1) What would you like?(2) Play a game to review them.将食物图片呈现后要求学生读,然后快速消失图片,学生说出消失的图片的名称。Something to drink?引出饮料类单词。S1: Shall we go to the snack bar by car?学生选择交通工具。Ss: Shall we go to the snack bar by plane/ train/bike?S1:Shall we go there by bus?S2:Is this car for the snack bar?Ss: Shall we go to the snack bar by taxi?Ss: OK.Ss: Great.观看课件。S1: I can see a theatre.S2: I can see a hospital.S3: I can see a library.学生齐读。S1: school.S2: cinema.Say the chant.Make a chant.观看课件。Ss: Yes!(1) Id like some (2) Play the game:Whats missing?学生自由朗读学生在选择交通工具的过程中就复习了与交通工具相关的单词以及选择方式的句型。通过问答,学生能自然地对交通工具进行筛选,并且能够通过筛选,找到最合适的交通工具,在这一过程中,学生就能够把所有的交通工具类的单词复习一遍。 “教师开车”,将学生引入到情境中。学生注意力高度集中,顺利过渡到地点类单词的复习。学而时习之。插入节奏明快的chant,不但可以放松学生的心情,而且将六单元的重点单词呈现出来,轻松复习第6单元的相关内容。学生根据提示自编chant这一环节不仅让学生的思维动起来,轻松地复习已学内容,也充分激起了他们的学习兴趣。多媒体辅助教学,情境更真实,更具体。充分调动学生的视觉感官。学生更感兴趣,而游戏更能激发学生的学生兴趣。在玩中学,更容易掌握知识。三、创设情境,综合运用1. We want to eat some food. But where is the waiter?Look, there is a notice board.课件呈现一个招聘启事:职位:a waiter or a waitress 职位要求:(1)can speak English(2)can say the names of the food correctly (3)can say the sentences fluently(4)can smile2.T: Look at the notice board. Do you want to be an English waiter or waitress? You should pass 3 tests.(口试,笔试,面试)(1)口试:课件呈现员工用语Welcome to our snack bar.What would you like?Can I help you?Something to eat / drink?Anything else?Thank you. Here you are.每组选出两名学生,盖合格章。(2)笔试: Open your books, and turn to page 79. (3)面试: 老师扮演面试者,与一名学生展开对话。3.T: 选出四名优胜者,分别分到四个小组去。Now lets act in groups.Which group wants to come to the blackboard and show us? 学生快速看课件上呈现的招聘启事。Ss: Yes, I do.学生看课件上呈现的句子。并试着朗读。学生跟着老师读句子。学生完成练习。学生用员工用语进行对话。学生表演对话。S1: Can I help you?S2:Id like a hamburger.S1:Something to drink?S2:A cup of tea, please.S1: Here you are.S2:Thank you.How much are they?S1:.yuan.小组内自由表演对话。小组到台前表演对话 这一情境的设置,符合孩子好玩和乐于模仿的天性,有效地将学生由被动接受转化为自觉自愿得有意注意,充分发挥了学生主观能动性和创造性。在活动中引入竞争机制,充分调动了学生的学习积极性,使枯燥无味的复习课充满了趣味与挑战。根据新课标对于学生写的要求,让学生学会写,并要求学生写好。在对话复习教学中设计适合儿童口味的真实情景,是寓教于乐的好方法。让学生运用已有的语言知识经验、能力水平、学习方法进行尝试探索、解决问题。这样,能实现知识的正迁移。课后提伸四、课堂小结,布置作业1.Sum up:总结本节课内容引导学生回顾课题,单词,句型。2.share two sentences:(1)Read ten thousands of books, travel ten thousands of miles.读万卷书,行万里路。(2)Sweets are sweet. Share sweet sweets with sweet friends. 和好朋友一起分享甜蜜的糖吧!3.Homework:(1) Listen to the tape and read Unit 6 and Unit7.(2) Try to buy some food and drink at a snack bar in English.学生回顾复习内容,由课题到各个部分。抄写作业要求学生由听课,变为课堂的主人,总结课程内容,在此过程中将所学内容进行归纳总结,所学知识便得到了升华。英语学习是积累的过程,每天积累一点点,时间久了会的句子也就多了。而且这类句子能让学生的情感得到升华,体会到英语学习的乐趣。作业是课堂教学的延伸与巩固。作业能让学生巩固所学内容,又能有一定的拓展和延伸。 Blackboard Design Unit 10 Review and check Shall we go to by? Boys GirlsCAI OK. Excuse me, is this for? Yes, it is./No, it isnt. What would you like? Id like 4B Unit 10 Review and check 课堂实录( Teaching Record)课 题 (Title):牛津小学英语4BUnit 10 Review and check.课 时 (Period):第一课时执教时间 (Time):2012年5月17日执教班级 (Class):孙庄镇中心小学四(2)班执教老师 (Teacher):张巾杰教学过程 (Teaching Procedures):一、 热身激趣,进入复习1. Greetings.T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhang.2. Play a game: Simon saysT: Stand up, sit down, simon says stand up, close your eyes, simon says open your books.T: Im tired and hungry. Shall we go to the snack bar?Ss: OK. Lets go.【设计意图】由游戏开始,既可以激起学生的兴趣,又可以自然地引出需要复习的内容,衔接自然。二、合作探究,深入复习1.T: But how do we go there?S1: Shall we go there by bus?课件出示:提议怎么去某地可以说?Shall we go to by?2.课件依次呈现交通工具plane,train, bike, car, bus T: Now lets ask: How do we go there? S1: Shall we go to the snack bar by plane?T: By plane?(全场大笑。)No.出示第二张图片train S2: Shall we go to the snack bar by train?T: By train?Ss: No.【设计意图】学生在选择交通工具的过程中就复习了与交通工具相关的单词以及选择方式的句型。3.T: How do we go there?S3: Shall we go to the snack bar by bike?T: OK. But I think the snack bar is far from here. Shall we go there by car?但是这是去小吃店的汽车吗?Ss: Is this car for the snack bar? 课件出示答案:No, it isnt.T: Shall we go to the snack bar by bus?Ss: OK.T: But is this bus for the snack bar?Ss: Yes, it is. 课件出示答案:No, it isnt.4.T:How can we go there? By plane, no. By train, noS1: Shall we go to the snack bar by taxi?T: OK. Lets go to the snack bar by taxi. OK?Ss: OK.【设计意图】通过问答,学生能自然地对交通工具进行筛选,并且能够通过筛选,找到最合适的交通工具,在这一过程中,学生就能够把所有的交通工具类的单词复习一遍。 5.课件出示教师的照片。T: I will be the driver. I will drive you to the snack bar. You should pay attention ,what places can you see on the way to the snack bar?教师开车,发出车行驶的声音。【设计意图】“教师开车”,将学生引入到情境中。学生注意力高度集中,顺利过渡到地点类单词的复习。T: What places can you see?S1: I can see a theatre.S2: I can see a hospital.S3: I can see a library.T: Do you know other places?课件出示之前学过的地点类单词,学生齐读。6. Say a chant T: Now lets say a chant like this.Go, go, go to the station,Train, train, by train.Go, go, go to the snack bar,Car, car, by car. Ss: Go, go, go to the station,Train, train, by train.Go, go, go to the snack bar,Car, car, by car. 【设计意图】插入节奏明快的chant,不但可以放松学生的心情,而且将六单元的重点单词呈现出来,轻松复习第6单元的相关内容。T: Can you make a chant? Change the blue parts.课件出示刚刚的chant,将地点和交通工具用蓝色标出。S1: Go, go, go to the supermarket,Car, car, by car.Go, go, go to the hospital,Taxi, taxi, by taxi. S2: Go, go, go to the school,Bike, bike, by bike.Go, go, go to the theatre,Car, car, by car. 7. (课件呈现有许多食物的小吃店。)T: Now we are at the snack bar, theres a lot of food and drink in it.Do you like them? Ss: Yes!T: We should know the names of the food. Lets play a game to review them.将食物图片呈现后要求学生读,然后快速消失图片,学生说出消失的图片的名称。T: Something to drink?引出饮料类单词。Please read them by yourselves.【设计意图】多媒体辅助教学,情境更真实,更具体。充分调动学生的视觉感官。学生更感兴趣,而游戏更能激发学生的学生兴趣。在玩中学,更容易掌握知识。三、创设情境,综合运用1. T: We want to eat some food. But where is the waiter or waitress?Look, there is a notice board.课件呈现一个招聘启事:职位:a waiter or a waitress 职位要求:(1)can speak English(2)can say the names of the food correctly (3)can say the sentences fluently(4)can smile2.T: Look at the notice board. Do you want to be an English waiter or waitress? You should pass 3 tests.(口试,笔试,面试)T: The first test -oral test. Please read the sentences fluently.课件呈现员工用语Welcome to our snack bar.What would you like?Can I help you?Something to eat / drink?Anything else?Thank you. Here you are.T: Some of us pass the test. Next the second one - written examination. Open your books, and turn to page 79, finish part C1 in your books.【设计意图】根据新课标对于学生写的要求,让学生学会写,并要求学生写好。T: Now lets come to the third test. Any volunteers? S1: Yes! T: OK. Have a try. S1: Good morning. T: Good morning. S1: Can I help you? T: Id like a hamburger. S1: Anything else? T: A bowl of noodles. S1: Something to drink? T: A cup of tea. S1: Here you are. T: Thank you. How much are they? S1: Twelve yuan, please. T: Here you are.【设计意图】在活动中引入竞争机制,充分调动了学生的学习积极性,使枯燥无味的复习课充满了趣味与挑战。这一情境的设置,符合孩子好玩和乐于模仿的天性,有效地将学生由被动接受转化为自觉自愿得有意注意,充分发挥了学生主观能动性和创造性。3.T: Now we have two waiters and waitresses. Lets act in groups. Now you are waiters and waitresses. They want to buy some food. T: Now lets buy some food.【设计意图】在对话复习教学中设计适合儿童口味的真实情景,是寓教于乐的好方法。让学生运用已有的语言知识经验、能力水平、学习方法进行尝试探索、解决问题。这样,能实现知识的正迁移。四、课堂小结,布置作业1.T: Lets sum up what we have learnt today.课件展示复习内容,引导学生回顾课题,单词,句型。【设计意图】学生由听课,变为课堂的主人,总结课程内容,在此过程中将所学内容进行归纳总结,所学知识便得到了升华。2.T: Id like to share two sentences with you.(1)Read ten thousands of books, travel ten thousands of miles.读万卷书,行万里路。(2)Sweets are sweet. Share sweet sweets with sweet friends. 和好朋友一起分享甜蜜的糖吧!【设计意图】英语学习是积累的过程,每天积累一点点,时间久了会的句子也就多了。而且这类句子能让学生的情感得到升华,体会到英语学习的乐趣。3.T:Boys and girls, today you all do a good job. Now lets look at the screen. This is todays homework. (1) Listen to the tape and read Unit 6 and Unit7.(2)Try to buy some food and drink at a snack bar in English.【设计意图】作业是课堂教学的延伸与巩固。作业能让学生巩固所学内容,又能有一定的拓展和延伸。Class is over. Goodbye, boys and girls.Ss: Goodbye, Miss Zhang.附板书设计(Blackboard Design) Unit 10 Review and check Shall we go to by? Boys GirlsCAI OK. Excuse me, is this for? Yes, it is./No, it isnt. What would you like? Id like 4B Unit 10 Review and check教学反思 (Reflection)巧设情境,让学生快乐学习作为复习单元,本课内容较多,知识点比较繁杂,操练起来比较困难。为了让学生能够快乐学习,体验学习的无穷乐趣,因此本课我设计各种有意思的环节,将知识点串联起来。如课堂伊始的游戏simon says,让学生迅速进入到英语课堂,且是具有趣味的课堂。巧用chant,放松学生的心情,而且将六七单元的重点单词呈现出来,为复习课的展开做了很好的铺垫。在老师边拍边唱的带动下,学生根据提示自编chant则水到渠成,这一环节不仅让学生的思维动起来,也充分激起了他们的学习兴趣。紧接着,利用多媒体课件,将学生带入到选择交通工具的情境中,从而复习了句型“Shall we go to the snack bar ?和Is this for the ?”。在去小吃店的路上所见到的场所类单词,在情境中有效复习了第六单元的重要单词。在操练部分,以小吃店为大背景展开。在小吃店的招聘环节中,口试与笔试的完美结合,让学生充分操练了第七单元的重点词和句型。最后的对话环节既是对招聘服务员这一环节的总结,又是让学生对所学知识的一个整体输出过程,是整节课的升华。巧妙的情景设计充分调动了学生的学习积极性,使枯燥无味的复习课充满了趣味与挑战。然而,本节课也存在一些问题。1.一些学习方法的渗透还显生硬,不够灵动。2.给学生操练发现的时间不够。3.时间没有充分把握好,最后的lets sum up显得有些仓促。4.课堂教学评价语不够科学、多元,没能有效、及时地促进孩子的层级递进。在今后的教学过程中,我应更多考虑学生,寻找更适合他们的教学方式,让学生和老师都能快乐地徜徉在英语课堂中。课 题 ( Title)4B Unit 10 Review and check课型( Style)Revision课时( Period)The second period教学内容(Contents)4B Unit 10 Review and check ReviewUnit89教学目标(Aims & Demands)语言知识(Know ledge)a) Through learning this period, students can review the words and sentences of Unit8 and Unit 9.b) Through this period, students can master the sentences and daily language communication.语言技能(Language skill)1.Sscansaydaily language communication.2.Sscanunderstandandusethecommunicativesentences. 情感态度 (Feeling)Students can take actively part, improve their interest in learning English and create a relaxed and happy atmosphere of teaching to enable students to learn fun.教学重、难点Key points& DifficultiesThrough learning, students can master the words, sentences and daily words. 教学方法(Teaching Methods)1. Entirety method.2. Task-based teaching method.课前准备(Aids)Pictures, recorder and CAI 教 学 设 计课内探究 教 师 活 动(Teaching plan)学 生 活 动( Studying plan)设 计 意 图(Aims)二、 热身导入,检查课文1.Free talkT: Lets go to the . T: Shall we go to the by ? T: What would you like? T: How much are they? T: Whats in ? T: Where is /are . S: How do we go there? S: OK./All right. S: Id like S: ., yuan. S: There is/are . S:Its/They are in/on/near 让学生根据自己的实际情况运用所学句型进行问答练习,有助于将课文内容与学生的生活实际有机结合。二、合作交流,复习回顾A:Unit9a: Review “Wheres/ Where are the /my Its/ Theyre ”T: Boys and girls, wheres my glass?(出示PPT)T:Good!师做饥饿状T:Oh, Im hungry.What can I eat?T: Yes , youre right.But wheres the bread?T: Yes, but how do we eat the bread?We useT:When we hungry we eat bread.Anything else? (同法复习其他食物及饮料,以及放置的位置)b: Fill in the blanks.T: OK, lets do some exercise. Look at the PPt.c: Read the exercise togetherB:Unit8a. Review words and sentences of Unit8T: Boys and girls, I like eating fruit, do you like them?T: OK. Lets go and buy some.T: Look. (PPT展示水果店)Whats in the fruit shop?接着展示动物园T: Look, where are we ?T: Yes, so many animals, how lovely! What are they?(同法展示snake bar,让学生对话)b.看图四人一小组对话练习c.联系到现实,让学生说说自己教室里有什么。T:Now, look around our classroom. Whats in our classroom?展示music room,playground让学生展开对话D. Get Ss to read the words of Unit8 together.Step 3: Have a rest.T: Look at my bedroom,say something about it.Ss: Its in the kitchen.S1:Bread.( PPT提示)Ss:Its on the plate.Ss: Fork and knife.Ss: Rice.Ss: OK.( Do some exercise)Ss: Yes.Ss: Great!Ss: Theres/Therere someSs: Were in the zoo.Ss: Theres/Therere some四人小组对话学生观察教师四周,展开激烈的问答。S1:Theres /TherereSs:看PPT,看music room,playground 展开对话。Ss: Read the words together.Ss: Look at PPT,then say something about the teachers bedroom。教师将实物带进课堂,并悄悄藏起来,并发问,让学生主动运用所学的知识帮助寻找。可以使同学感到很亲切,学起来也会觉得轻松。利用PPT给学生创设了一个真实的情境,学生能够很快的掌握老师的意思。及时的练习给学生更进一步的加强了记忆利用学生喜爱的事物,让学生回答问题,学生的兴趣始终停留在课堂之上。由动物园展开对话,学生是既感兴趣,同时又复习了句型。学生对教师的一切都非常感兴趣,因此展示教师的卧室可以让学生从玩中学,与现实生活息息相关。三、巩固检测,提升深化完成课本练习,检查本节课所复习内容。学生完成老师所给练习。通过练习,能够帮助学生很好的认识到本堂课所掌握的情况。课后延伸四、课堂小结,布置作业1. Copy all the four-skilled words and sentences of Unit8 and Unit9. 2. Review from Unit 8 to Unit 9.抄写作业要求,并完成作业。培养学生听、说、读、写综合能力,养成良好的学习习惯。夯实基础,同时注意适当拓展、延伸。4B Unit 10 Review and check课堂教学实录(Teaching Record)课 题 (Title):牛津小学英语4BUnit 12 Review and check.课 时 (Period):第二课时执教时间 (Time):2010年5月18日执教班级 (Class):孙庄镇中心小学四(2)班执教老师 (Teacher):张巾杰教学过程 (Teaching Procedures):一、热身导入,检查课文Free talk.T: Lets go to the park. S: How do we go there? T: Shall we go to the park by bike? S: OK. / All right. T: What would you like? S: Id like some hamburgers. T: How much are they? S: Five yuan. T: Whats in the classroom? S1: There is a blackboard.S2: There are lots of desks and chairs.T: Where is the TV?S: Its near the blackboard.【设计意图】利用Free talk复习旧知识,将教学内容与学生的实际生活相联系,同时增大语言信息输入的量,拓展学生的思维,激发学生的学习兴趣。二、合作交流,复习回顾1. Review T: Boys and girls, wheres my glass? (出示PPT)Ss: Its in the kitchen.T:Good! 【设计意图】教师将实物带进课堂,并悄悄藏起来,并发问,让学生主动运用所学的知识帮助寻找。可以使同学感到很亲切,学起来也会觉得轻松。2.师做饥饿状T: Oh, Im hungry. What can I eat?S1: Bread. (PPT提示)T: Yes, youre right. But wheres the bread?Ss:Its on the plate.T: Yes, but how do we eat the bread? We useSs: Fork and knife.T:When we hungry we eat bread, anything else? Ss: Rice.T: Wheres the rice?Ss: Its in the bowl.T: I want to eat some rice. I useSs: Chopsticks. / Spoon.T: Im thirsty now. What can I drink?Ss: A bottle of juice. / A cup of tea. / A glass of water.T: Good. You are right. Please pay attention to 两杯“two glasses”. Follow me :a glass, a glass 是一杯;two glasses, two glasses 是两杯。Ss: a glass, a glass 是一杯;two glasses, two glasses 是两杯。【设计意图】利用PPT给学生创设了一个真实的情境,学生能够很快的掌握老师的意思。3. Fill in the blanks.T: OK, lets do some exercise. Look at the PPT.(1). A: Where _ the bread? B: _ in the fridge.(2). A: Where _ the chopsticks? B: _ on the table.(3). A: Where _ the _? B: _ on the chair.(4). A: Wh


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