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广西壮族自治区2019版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(八)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . How _ he go to school? ( )AdoBdoingCdoes2 . .-Put away your books. -AThanks.BAll right. CSorry.3 . _ when you cross the road. ( )ADo careBCareCBe carefulDTo be careful4 . _ there a path here? ( )ABeBIsCAreDAm5 . - Are there four triangles in the picture? -( )AYes, there are.BNo, there arent.CThere are four.选出画线部分发音与其他两个不同的一项。6 . AnameBcakeCbag7 . AnoseBhotClot8 . AmilkBsixCkite9 . AlegBpenCname10 . AmeBuseChe11 . 找出与horse划线部分发音相同的单词。AtoysBdinnerCdoor12 . I _ my new bag yesterday.( )AfoundBfindCam finding选出与所给单词画线部分发音相同的一项13 . food( )AbookBzoo14 . balloon( )AtooBcook15 . kind( )AmilkBlike16 . good( )AnoodlesBlook17 . read( )AteacherBbread18 . ( )(4) Where _ you from ?AisBareCdo19 . What _he doing? ( )AisBareCwere选出每组中不同类的单词。20 . AoldBwillCkindDyoung21 . AMondayBWednesdayCFridayDoften22 . AsaladBice creamCparkDhamburger23 . AChineseBmathsCEnglishDfood24 . AfreshBsaladCsandwichDhamburger选出每组中不同类的单词。25 . AtallBdadCshort26 . AfatherBmotherCfat27 . AthinBshortCChina28 . AfatBshortCgiraffe29 . AcatBthinCbear30 . red( )AB31 . Is she your sister? ( )AYes, he is.BNo, she isnt.二、完形填空完形填空Hello! Boys and girls! We are going to World Park in Shanghai. We are visiting the zoo. All of us are sitting in the train. There are many _ friends in it. Who are they? Oh, look! The tigers are _ everywhere. The lions are fighting(打仗) _ the cage(笼子) They are very strong, The elephant_ water. The giraffe is eating leaves. The giraffe is very _ . The rabbits _ jumping the grass. The ducks are swimming in the pool.Wow! They are living happily together.32 . AanimalsBanimalCpeople33 . ArunBrunningCruns34 . AonBunderCin35 . Ais drinkingBdrinksCis drink36 . AtallBfatCshort37 . AisBbeCare三、填空题给词分类,将其大写字母编号写在对应类别的横线上。Aswimming poolBpinkChave lessonsDnext toEkitchenFplaygroundGbehind H. bathroomI. blackJ. take a showerK. bedroomL. read books M. dining hallN. between O. whiteP. oppositeQ. orange R. living roomS. library T. play games38 . 校园场所:_39 . 颜色:_40 . 动词短语:_41 . 介词:_42 . 房间名称:_四、排序题43 . 读句子,给句子排序,使其成为一段完整的对话(_)Id like a hamburger and a Coke, please. (_)Heres your food.(_)Can I help you?(_)Thank you. How much is it? (_)Its twenty-five yuan.44 . 连词成句。(8分)(1)Years, when, New, Day, is(?)_(2)date, is, what, the(?)_(3)birthday, 12th, my, is, March(.)_(4)your, is, birthday, 8th, September(?)_五、阅读回答问题阅读对话,判断对错Kate: What are you doing, Bill?Bill: I am getting ready for the trip.Kate: May I help you?Bill: Sure.Kate: Do you want this shirt? Bill: No, thanks. This shirt is blue. I like that shirt. That shirt is green. Green is my favorite color.Kate: Do you like this sweater?Bill: Yes. Its new. I dont like that sweater. Its old.Kate: Do you like these shoes?Bill: No. I dont like these shoes. They are too small. I like those white shoes. They are nice.Kate: Do you need shorts?Bill: Yes, but these shorts are too big. I like those shorts.45 . Green is Bills favorite color.(_)46 . That sweater is old. (_)47 . Bill doesnt like those white shoes. (_)48 . Bill likes those orange shoes. (_)49 . Bill doesnt need shorts. (_)六、任务型阅读50 . 阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。I like school days, because I can learn(学习) many things from school. We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. I like weekends, too. We dont go to school on Saturdays and Sundays. I often play ping-pong and play basketball on Saturday morning. I often play the violin on Saturday afternoon. I often do homework and play football on Sunday morning. I often go to the park on Sunday afternoon.( )1. I go to school five days a week.( )2. We have four classes everyday(每天).( )3. I play the violin on Saturday afternoon.( )4. I like Saturdays and Sundays.( )5. I often do my homework, play football and go to the park on Sundays.七、选内容补全对话51 . Think and choose.A: My father goes to work at 8 oclock every morning.B:_A: Hes a policeman.B: My mother goes to work at 11 oclock every night.A:_What does she do?B:_A: When do you go to school every day?B:_AI go to school at 6 oclock.BWhat does he do?CShe is a nurse.DThats very, very late.八、匹配题给下列句子选择正确译文。A. 让我们去上学吧。B. 那个女人是谁?C. 我喜欢牛奶和面包。D. 它是一本练习本。E. 那是我的斑马。52 . Its an exercise book. (_)53 . Lets go to school. (_)54 . That is my zebra


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