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1、5B 英语第七单元试卷听力部分( 30 分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 (听两遍, 8 分)() 1. A. JanuaryB. FebruaryC. featival() 2. A. SeptemberB.NovemberC. October() 3. A.rice cakeB. Moon cakesC.rice dumplings() 4.A. Father s DayB.Mother s DayC. May Day() 5. A. talk aboutB. what aboutC. how about() 6. A. headB. breadC. breakfast() 7. A.

2、 JulyB. JuneC. Jane() 8. A.Dragon Boat FestivalB.Mid-Autumn FestivalC. Double NinthFestival二、听录音,根据所听内容的先后顺序给图片标序号。( 8 分)()()()()三、听录音,判断谢列句子与录音是( T )否( F )一致。(听两遍, ( )1. What do people usually do at Dragon Boat Festival? ( )2. People look at the moon at night with their family at Mid-Autumn Festiva

3、l.4 分)()3. Happy Father s Day!()4. What should we give mum on Mothers Day?四、根据所听到的内容,完成对话。(听两遍, 10 分)There are four seasons in a year. They are spring,autumn and. I like autumnbest(最) . Autumn comes in,and November. Autumn is cool and. We can see yellow and red leaves(叶子)onthe. We can eat a lot of.

4、We canmountains too.笔试部分 (70 分 )一、判断下列画线部分的发音是否相同,用S 或 D 表示。( 6 分)()1. bearpear()2. visitwith()3. monthonly()4. usually blue()5. thinkthose()6. playmay二、英汉互译。 ( 10 分)1.春节2.新年3.父亲节4.月饼5.团聚6.Dragon Boat Festival7.eat dumplings8.some places9.Mid-Autumn Festival10.dragon boat race三、单选题。 ( 10 分)()1.The D

5、ouble Ninth Festival is a festival for A.old B. young C. all )2.People look at the moon at the .people.A 、 Mid-Autumn FestivalC. Dragon Boat FestivalB. Spring Festival()3. Mother s Day is on theof May.A. first SundayB.second SundayC.second()4.People go climbing with their families at the.A.Spring Fe

6、stivalB.Double Ninth FestivalC.Dragon Boat Festival()5.I like watching theat the Dragon Boat Festival.A. moonB. mountainsC. dragon boat races()6.We also call the Spring Festival.AChinese New YearB.New YearC. Chinese Festival()7.In spring, it is.A. hotB. coldC.warm()8.On Halloween, children shoutfor

7、sweets.AWhat s the trick?B.What s the treat?C. Trick or treat?()9.Fathers Day comesA.beforeMother s Day.B. afterC.with()10.Halloween is on theof October.A. Twenty-ninthB. thirtiethC. thirty-first四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。( 8 分)1. It s time2. We are3. There(go) to bed.(pick)up oranges on the farm.(be) some appl

8、es on the plates now.4.Look! The boys( play) football in the playground.5.My sister(have) a toy doll.6.Please give the card to(she) .7. We like(make) planes.8.What(do) you do at Spring Festival?五、根据中文意思完成句子。(12 分)1.你的龙船在哪儿?Is your dragon?2.这是一个老人节。Its afor people.3. -什么时候中秋节? -在 9 月或 10 月。人们和家人一起赏月。

9、- the Mid-Autumn Festival?It sor. Peoplethe moonnighttheir family.六、句子配对。 ( 9 分)() 1.Do you like Christmas?A.Chinese New Year.() 2.Which festival is in Jan. or Feb? B.No, there isn t.() 3.Whens Children s Day?C.Yes,I like it very much.() 4.What do you do?D.I am a student.() 5.Is there a park?E.It s

10、on the 1st of June.() 6.Whens the Spring Festival?F.Its in Jan. Or Feb.七、阅读短文,判断正误,用T 或 F 表示。( 10 分)It is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Like(像 .一样) other families, myfamily get together,too. We watch the moon and eat lots of moon cakes. They are very nice. My uncle sings some English songs for us. He als

11、o tells us some funny things in the US. We have a good time.()1. My family don tget together.()2. My uncle sings English songs.()3. The moon cakes are nice .()4.We have a lot of fun.()5.It is the Mid-Autumn Festival today.八、写一写春节,不少于5 句话。( 5 分)5B 第七单元试卷听力材料及参考答案一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(听两遍,8 分)featival Sept

12、emberrice dumplingsMother s Dayhow about breadJulyDragon Boat Festival( C A C BC B A A )二、 听录音,根据所听内容的先后顺序给图片标序号。( 8 分)1.It is in May. People give their mothers presents.2.It is in October or November. People visit their parents andgrandparents.They also climbmountains and eat rice cakes at this fes

13、tival.3. It is in May or June. People eat rice dumplings at this festival.4.It is in September or October. People look at the moon at night with their family.(2134)三、根据所听到的内容选择正确的应答语。(听两遍,10 分)1. What do people usually do at Mid-Autumn Festival?2. People look at the moon at night with their family at Mid-Autumn Festival.3. Happy Mother s Day!4. What should we give mum on Mother s Day?(1.F2.T3.F4. T)四、根据所听到的内容,完成对话。 (听两遍, There are four seasons in a year. They are spring,10 分)summer ,


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