



1、Unit 8 New ldeas and lnventions知识总结突破思路 本单元是关于发明创造的话题。学新课之前可让学生尽可能多地搜集有关中外 发明家及他们的发明创造的资料, 特别是中国的四大发明, 增强学生的民族自豪感, 并为学习课文作好准备。本单元科普性文章较多,理解较困难,需提醒学生注意。 本单元的重点、难点是过去分词的用法。对于重点的生词、短语要求学生结合课文 中的例句进行记忆。对于课文,要求中下游的学生能就课文内容进行问答练习,熟 读课文,并能背诵课文中的重点句子。而对于优等生,还可以要求他们能够用自己 的话复述课文或对课文进行缩写。如果有可能,还可以让他们课下多找一些有关发

2、明创造的文章进行阅读,扩大他们的阅读量。对于课文后听、说、写练习,按课后 要求去做。 动词的过去分词是重点又是难点。 本单元主要讲过去分词作定语及表语。 可通过实例对过去分词的这两种作用进行简单的分析、 讲解,告诉学生它们的特点。 对于过去分词及现在分词作定语的区别,可让学生从时态(即现在分词一般表示动 作正在进行,而过去分词则表示完成)及语态(即现在分词表主动而过去分词一般 表被动)两方面去掌握。而对于现在分词及过去分词作表语的区别则从它们的性质 上进行区别(即现在分词用来说明主语的性质、特点而过去分词则表示主语处于某 种状态或心理)。这部分练习,对于下游学生,可要求他们完成课后练习即可,而

3、对 于中上游学生,则可以补充一些课外练习进行巩固。词汇解读1 invention n. invent vt.发明【案例】 When was the steam engine?A. discoveredB. inventedC. foundD. noticed解析: discover 指发现了客观上存在而前人未发现的东西; invent “发明”, 是指以前从未有过; find 无意中发现某人、某物或某种情况; notic 指“留意到” “注意到”;所以答案选 B。点评:注意同义词之间的区别。2 remains n. 剩余物; remain vi. 剩余【案例】 Only a little of

4、 the building after the earthquake.A. stayedB. remainedC. leftD. went away解析:stay “停留”“保持” ;remain “剩余”“仍然” ;leave “离开”“剩余”, 为及物动词,go away “走开”。根据句意此题答案为B。点评:注意同义词之间的细微差别。3pleasant adj.使人愉快的【案例】 He is to talk to.A. pleasingB. pleasedC. pleasantD. pleasure解析: pleasing “令人高兴的”; pleased 表示人“高兴”“满意”; pl

5、easant “使 人愉快的”; pleasure 名词,“快乐”“高兴”。根据句意,答案为 C。点评:注意同义词之间的不同含义。4pattern n.样品;式样;典范【案例】 She has a of all the virtues.A. form B. example C. pattern D. shape解析:form形状,形式;example例子;pattern 式样,典范;shape形状。本 句的意思是“她是一切美德的典范” ,所以答案为 C。点评:注意记忆常用词的意思。5 pour vt. & vi.倒,灌,注【案例】 yourself a cup of coffee.A.

6、 GiveB. PourC. DrinkD. Offer解析:本句的意思很清楚, “给自己倒一杯咖啡” ,所以答案为 B。 点评:注意常用词的记忆。相关链接 _Maglev trains高速磁悬浮列车是 20 世纪的一项技术发明, 其原理并不深奥。它是运用磁铁“同 性相斥,异性相吸”的性质,使磁铁具有抗拒地心引力的能力,即“磁性悬浮” 。科 学家将“磁性悬浮”这种原理运用到铁路运输系统上,使列车完全脱离轨道而悬浮 行驶,成为“无轮”列车,时速可达几百千米以上。Q: What does maglev mean?A: Maglev is short for magnetic levitation

7、(漂浮), which meansthat these trains will float over a guideway (导轨)using the basic principles of magnets to replace the old steel wheels and track trains.Q: What is guideway and how does it work?A: The magnetized coil (电线圈)running along the track, called a guideway, repels the large magnets on the tr

8、ain's undercarriage (车盘) , allowing the train to levitate(漂浮) between 0.39 and 3.93 inches ( 1 to 10 cm) above theguideway. Once the train is levitated, power is supplied to the coils with in the guideway wall to create a unique system of magnetic fields that pull and push the train along the gu

9、ideway. The electric current supplied to thecoils in the guideway walls is constantly alternating to change the polarity (极性) of the magnetized coils. This change in polarity causes the magnetic field (磁场) in front of the train to pull the vehicle forward, while the magnetic field behind the train a

10、dds more forward thrust(推力) .Q: How many components are there in a maylevtrain railsystem?A:The maynetic field created in this wire-and-battery experiment is the simple idea behind a maglev train rail system. There are three components in this system: A large electrical power source, metal coil lini

11、ng a guideway or track, and large guidance magnets attached to the underside of the train.Q: What is the difference between a maglev train and a conventional (常规的,传统的) train?A: The big difference between a maglev train and a conventional train is that maglev trains do not have an engine; at least no

12、t the kind of engine used to pull typical train cars along steel tracks. The engine for maglev is rather inconspicuous (不显眼,不引人注意的) . Instead of using fossil fuels (矿物燃料) ,the magnetic field created by the electrified coils in the guidway walls and the track combine to propel(推进) the train.Q: How fa

13、st can maglev trains travel?A: Maglev trains float on a cushion of air (气垫) ,eliminating friction (摩擦) . This lack of friction and the trains' aerodynamic (空气动力学的) design allow these trains to reach an unprecedented ( 空 前 的 ) ground transportation speed of more than 500 kph. In comparison, a Boeing-777 commercial airplane used for long-range flight can reach a top speed of about 789 kph. Once manufactures can prove that maglev trains can transport passengers safely at such high spe


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