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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2010年复习题I. Answer the following questions on the answer sheet. 1What kind of ways may culture include?(codes of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, norms of behavior such as law and morality, and systems of belief as well as the art.)2,It is thought that Culture consists of two

2、 components. What are they?It consists of material and non-material components3, What are the Four of the most important of the intangible human creations that nonmaterial culture includes ? They are beliefs, values, norms, and symbols.4, What does mediaeval culture consist of? They are the Christia

3、n culture, the Islamic culture, the Indian culture and the Confucian culture.5. What are the three philosophical streams In the Traditional Chinese Culture?Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism.6. What are the five human relations According to Mencius?the relations between “father and son, monarch(君主) a

4、nd officials, husband and wife, elder brother and younger brother, and friends”.7 .What are the Three Principles of Confucianism(三 纲 )?The king is the master of the minister; the husband is the master of the wife; the father is the master of the son.8. What are the Five Constant Virtues of Confucian

5、ism (五常 )? Goodness, Rightness, Ritual, Wisdom, Credibility 9. Do you know the most important classic of Taoism and its author? Dao De Jing, written by Laozi.10. Where is the origins of Buddhism? in India11,. What are the four Dis of Buddhism? They are Kudi(苦谛), Jidi(集谛), Miedi(灭谛) and Daodi(道谛)12.

6、What are the two major trends that Buddhism split into quite early on in its development? Greater Vehicle (Mahayana) and Lesser Vehicle (Hinayana).13. Which and in where are the four Buddhist mountains ? Wutai Mountain in Wutai county in Shanxi province, Emei Mountain in Emei City in Sichuan provinc

7、e, Jiuhua Mountain in Qing yang County in Anhui province, and Putuo Mountain of Zhoushancity in Zhejiang province. 14. Which and in where are the three Buddhist grottoes? Yun Gang grotto, in Datong of Shanxi province, Longmen grotto in Luoyang city of Henan province and Dunhuang grotto in Gansu prov

8、ince.15, What kind of food did man depend on before agriculture? mainly including the flesh of beasts and roots of plants.16, During Han periods, a number of food materials were introduced from the Western regions. Please name ten of them. grapes, pomegranate(石榴), Lucerne(紫花苜蓿), sesame (芝麻), flax(亚麻

9、), walnut(核桃), garlic(大蒜), garden pea(豌豆), broad bean蚕豆, watermelon, musk melon, cucumber, spinach菠菜, lettuce莴苣, coriander香菜, celery芹菜, carrot胡萝卜, lentil小扁豆, onion, rose apple蒲桃, castor蓖麻oil plant, pepper, Persian date, fig无花果, fennel茴香, apricot杏树, etc.17, What are the four main cooking styles in th

10、e world?They are the Chinese, French, Turkish and Russian styles.18 What played an important role in the development of the ancient Chinese cuisine?Famine19 What are the indispensable ingredients in Sichuan cuisine? Chili peppers(辣椒), huajiao (mild Chinese pepper) (花椒), black peppers(黑胡椒)and fresh g

11、inger (鲜姜)20 What are the main ingredients commonly in Cantonese(Yue) Cuisine?From fish, shrimps and poultry to snakes, wild cats and giant salamanders(蜥蜴、虫)21 What are the special dishes in Huaiyang cuisine? “West Lake Fish” and “Beggars Chicken,”22 What are the six categories of Chinese tea? Green

12、 tea, black tea, oolong tea, scented tea, white tea, and compressed tea, 23. What is the typical course in Beijing cuisine? (Its Peking Roast Duck. )24. What are the four major distinctly different cooking styles in China?( They are Sichuan, Cantonese, Shandong and Huaiyang. )25. What are the eight

13、major different cuisine in China?(鲁、川、粤、闽、苏、浙、湘、徽等菜系)26. What are the two main types of drinks in China?( Chinese alcohol and tea. )27, Who are the legendaryThree Sovereigns and Five Emperors (三皇为伏羲、女娲、神农;五帝为黄帝、颛顼、帝喾、尧、舜)28. What are the four famous folk legends in ancient China?(四大民间传说:牛、孟、白、梁 )29.

14、 Please name three Chinese myths.(Pan Gu Separating the sky, Nv Wa Mending the Sky, Change Flying to the Moon, the God of Heaven and Yi)30, Which music did athlete Chen Lu use in her figure skating and became champion in eighteenth winter olympic games ? It is Liang Zhu.31. What are the three main w

15、orld architectures? Chinese Architecture, Western Architecture, Islam Architecture32. What are the four categories of Chinese architecture?Imperial architecture, religious architecture, architecture of folk house, minority architecture.33. What form the principal parts of Chinese Buddhist architectu

16、re.? ( Temple, pagoda and grotto)34, Which building in the Forbidden City has a black roof? (Wenyuange)35, What is the original use of Huabiao.(华表)? ( It is said that wooden columns were originally used as landmarks or road signs for travelers. )36. What does Buddhist architecture put a great emphas

17、is on in building styles? Strict symmetry37. What is the dominant color in the Forbidden City? (yellow)38. When was the extant Beijing city built? (in the 14th year (1420) of the reign of Ming Dynasty)39 . When did a major renovation of The Great Wall start ? In 1368, Ming Dynasty40. What are the th

18、ree major schools of Chinese Wushu? Shaolin, Wudang, Ermei, 41. Can you cite some of the 18 standard weapons used in Wushu competitions?(刀、枪、剑、戟、斧、钺、钩、叉、鞭、锏、锤、抓、镗、棍、槊、棒、拐、流星。)刀(saber)、 枪(spear)、 剑(sword)、戟(halberd)、 斧(axe)、 钺(tomahawk)、钩 (hook spear)、叉(fork spear) 、 鞭(scourge)、锏(mace 像鞭,四棱)、 锤(hamme

19、r) 、抓、镗、 棍、 槊、棒、 拐、 流星。42, What was The Baduanjin primarily designed to?(It is primarily designed to improve health .)43. What is the earliest Chinese written language ? Chinese characters on animal bones or tortoise (甲骨文)44. What is Hsiao Chuan(小篆)? (Hsiao Chuan refers to an ancient style of callig

20、raphy, adopted in the Qin Dynasty.)45. What are the four treasures of the study in China?( writing brush, ink stick, paper and ink slab.)46. What are the two major categories that Chinese paintings are divided into? (free hand brushwork (xieyi) and detailed brushwork (gongbi). )47. What are the five

21、 basic categories of calligraphic styles in the development of Chinese calligraphy? Chuan Shu, Seal Script; Li Shu, Official Script; Kai Shu, Regular Script; Hsing Shu, Running Script; and Tsao Shu, “Grass” Script.48. What are the three oldest dramatic art forms in the world? Chinese opera, Greece t

22、ragic-comedy and Indian Sanskrit Opera 49. What are the four main types of roles In Beijing Opera? (sheng 生; dan,旦; jing 净; chou丑.) 50. Who are the famous Dan roles during the 20s - 40s last century? (梅兰芳,尚小云,程砚秋,荀慧生)51, Where are the origins of Beijing Opera? In the Chinese provinces of Anhui and H

23、ubei52, What are the four means of artistic presentation of Beijing Opera?singing(唱), dialogue(念), dancing(做) and martial art(打). 53. What melodies form the base of the arias of Beijing Opera?Xi Pi and Er Huang54. What does Piaoyou mean? Beijing Opera fans55. When was the Chinese knot developed? ( i

24、n Tang and Song Dynasties)56. What are the three purposes of chinese paper cuts? ( for religious purposes, For decorating purposes in daily life, used as samples to make patterns )57. Where were the Cloisonnes developed? ( in Beijing)58. What are the four best-know kinds of embroidery produced in Ch

25、ina ?(Suxiu of Jiangsu province, Xiangxiu of Hunan province, Yuexiu of Guangdong province, and Shuxiu of Sichhuan province. )59, When and where was Weiqi originated ?from ancient China more than 2,500 years ago 60, When is the boundary line between classical literature and modern literature?(the New

26、 Cultural Movement and May Fourth Movement )61, What genres does the classical literature inculde?(It includes verses, proses and fictions)62. What may Chinese verse be devide into? ( it may be divided into shi (诗), ci (词) and qu (曲). )63, What are the earliest extant(现存的)anthologies of the verse?(t

27、he Shi Jing and Chu Ci), 64. When is the most prosperous period in the history of Chinese poetry. (in Tang Dynasty)65. What is the earliest collection of Chinese poems and what are the three kinds of it? (Shi Jing ; Feng, Ya and Song. )66. please speak out some of the representatives of Musical bure

28、au poems.( Mo Shang Sang , Peacock Flies to the Southeast and Ballad of Mulan )67. Please name three famous Ci writers in Song Dynasty.(SuShi, Li Qing-zhao, and Xin Qiji)68. What are the two types of prose during the time of the Warring States .( historical prose 历史散文and philosophical prose 诸子散文 )69

29、. Please list the five famous books representing historical prose. (Shangshu, ChunQiu, Zuo Zhuan, Guo Yu, Strategies of the Warring States.)70 What was the greatest achievement in prose writing in Han dynasty and who was its writer? ( Shi Ji, by Sima Qian )71, What are the Four Books of Confucianism

30、? (The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius, The Mencius)72, What are the five well-known canons of Confucianism? (The Classic of Poetry , Shangshu , The Spring and Autumn Annals, The Rites of Zhou. The I Ching)73, Who are the Eight Great Literary Masters of the Tang a

31、nd Song? (Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan, Ouyang Xiu , Su Zhe , Su Shi , Su Xun ,Wang Anshi , Zeng Gong )74. What are the best works and their writers of traditional operas in Yuan dynasty? ( Injustice Suffered by DouE(窦娥冤) by Guan Hanqing(关汉卿), Parasol Rain(梧桐雨) by Bai Renfu(白仁甫), Romance of the Western Cham

32、ber(西厢记) by Wang Shifu(王实甫) and Han Gong Qiu(汉宫秋) by Ma Zhiyuan(马致远)。75, Who does the “southern Hong and northern Kong” refer to in the Qing Dynasty?( Here Hong means Hong Sheng, and Kong refers to Kong Shangren.) 76. What is the earliest novel in ancient China? (搜神记, by Gan Bao)77. What are the mos

33、t famous novels and fictions in the Ming Dynasty?( The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Water Margin (or All Men Are Brothers), Journey to the West and Jin Ping Mei.) 78, Please list three famous novels and fictions in the Qing Dynasty/( Strange stories from liao studio , Dream of the Red Mansion, the

34、 Scholars )79. Please name four of the important writers and their master works since the May Fourth Movement in 1919. (Lu Xun the works The Madmans Diary ; Lao She, the works Four Generations Under One Roof; Ba Jin the works Family, Spring and Autumn and Cao Yu, the work Thunderstorm, )80, What are the six major traditional festivals in China?( They are Chinese New Year or Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, the Cl


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