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1、 银行业暗访调查4747% %15%15%14%14%14%14%10%10%Chancellor George Osborne said on Monday: I am determined that we go on making the decisions to reform the British economy and tackle our debts. 服务(可及时人为调整)47%整体大厅环境,物品摆设15%柜面14%地面14%清心态|清环境|清秩序|CONTENTS123 清心态| |1 1天下难事,必作于易天下大事,必作于细 老子清环境| |22清理台面清理地面 水渍、茶渍、笔

2、、废纸1 1、干净的桌面环境 钱、银行卡、钥匙、钱包2 2、能够提醒携带物品 3 3、规避投诉, ,收获感谢清理台面Why?Why?听我跟您讲个故事Chancellor George Osborne said on Monday: I am determined that we go on making the decisions to reform the British economy and tackle our debts. 工作现场空间无空置、多余、过期物品,保持常用物品的唯一性,增加作业空间,减少寻物时间浪费。至简单一频度优先使用频度高的物品在伸手可及处,减少劳动强度和耗时高高高高

3、高低中低低低高高中中形迹管理张贴蓝线精准定位用划线、画形定位物品区域,实现物品精准定位,移位即可发现形迹线确保移位就可发现4 4蓝线蓝线5 5红线红线6 6绿线绿线7 7黄线黄线划线工具8 8黄黑线黄黑线1111理线器理线器1212集线盒集线盒理线工具定位工具清理地面1381381071073 163%地面:摆设:巡检时间巡检时间第一次 网点开始营业之前 第二次 网点第一次高峰期之后第三次 网点结束营业之前环境整洁人员到位设备正常资料充足巡巡检内容检内容清秩序 | |33客户分流内部协调客户分流一次分流叫号机二次分流等候区柜面三次分流内部协调暗语口诀 站立迎送需注意, 大家一起来提醒。 右掌向

4、上胸前放, 标准站姿迎送客。1、注意站立迎送:右手横伸至胸前,手掌张开,掌心向上。2、请大声说话:右手五指微曲,虎口贴于嘴边,形似喇叭。口诀:声音太小没作用,右手举至唇前放。虎口朝里五指曲,远看好似喇叭状。口诀:笑容不够要提醒,自己先把笑颜展。右手拇食两指分,八字倒翻唇下放。3、请微笑:咧嘴,同时右手大拇指和食指分开,成倒八字状,放在嘴唇下方。4、注意文明用语:伸出右手食指中指平放嘴前,像封条封住嘴唇。口诀:文明用语要注意,右手成拳唇侧放。食中两指齐伸出,平放唇前封条样。5、注意双手接递:双手伸直略微向下15度平放,做双手递送物品状。口诀: 客户物品需接递, 礼貌一定是前提。 双手伸直放身前,

5、 努力表达尊敬意。6、注意主动营销递送页:右手拇指、食指与中指相碰,做点钱状,放置右耳前方20厘米左右。口诀:大鱼来了怎么办,产品营销要先干。拇指食指与中指,点钱点钱钱就来。清心态|清环境|清秩序|REVEIW123 检查营业网点内客户秩序、服务质量和突发事件-第二次巡检-营业网点内第一次高峰期。 1. 客户秩序 营业网点内客户是否拥堵,现场秩序是否混乱; 营业网点内客户分流是否有效及时;2. 服务状况 营业人员的工作积极性; 营业人员的服务质量;3. 突发事件 网点内突发事件的预防及处理;4.资料充足 宣传资料是否充足您做好应对高峰期准备了吗?POWERPOINTS SWWO OT TThe

6、 UK government is seeking buyers for its 40% stake in the cross-Channel train operator Eurostar to help boost the public finances.STRENGTHSSTRENGTHSThe UK government is seeking buyers for its 40% stake in the cross-Channel train operator Eurostar to help boost the public finances.WEAKNESSESWEAKNESSE

7、SThe UK government is seeking buyers for its 40% stake in the cross-Channel train operator Eurostar to help boost the public finances.OPPORTUNITIESOPPORTUNITIESThe UK government is seeking buyers for its 40% stake in the cross-Channel train operator Eurostar to help boost the public finances.THREATS

8、THREATSPOWERPOINT201420142013201320122012The UK government is seeking buyers for its 40% stake in the cross-Channel train operator Eurostar to help boost the public finances.20122012The UK government is seeking buyers for its 40% stake in the cross-Channel train operator Eurostar to help boost the p

9、ublic finances.20132013The UK government is seeking buyers for its 40% stake in the cross-Channel train operator Eurostar to help boost the public finances.20142014POWERPOINTEnsuring that we can deliver the best quality infrastructure for Britain and the best value for money for the taxpayer are key

10、 parts of our long-term economic plan.PART ONEPART ONE1 1Ensuring that we can deliver the best quality infrastructure for Britain and the best value for money for the taxpayer are key parts of our long-term economic plan.Ensuring that we can deliver the best quality infrastructure for Britain and th

11、e best value for money for the taxpayer are key parts of our long-term economic plan.PART TWOPART TWO2 2Ensuring that we can deliver the best quality infrastructure for Britain and the best value for money for the taxpayer are key parts of our long-term economic plan.Ensuring that we can deliver the

12、 best quality infrastructure for Britain and the best value for money for the taxpayer are key parts of our long-term economic plan.PART THREEPART THREE3 3Ensuring that we can deliver the best quality infrastructure for Britain and the best value for money for the taxpayer are key parts of our long-

13、term economic plan.检查营业网点内环境、人员和设施-第三次巡检- 营业网点一天营业结束前。 1. 整理环境 营业结束前网点内外环境是否有序; 台席上物品摆放是否整齐有序,是否有私人物品;2. 巡视人员 营业结束前营业人员的工作积极性; 营业结束前营业人员的服务质量3. 检查设施 营业网点内各类设施是否完好无损,如叫号机、自助终端、打印机等您 做好营业结束前的准备了吗?4. 检查资料 营业网点内的各类资料是否整齐,数量是否充足THANKSChancellor George Osborne said on Monday: I am determined that we go on making the decisions to reform the British economy and tackle our debts. 厅堂管理三清经“大堂”真经第一卷 主讲 张琳检查营业网点内环境、人员和


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