



1、Unit 4 My home 第一课时 教学过程: 一、Warm-up / RevisionWe have learned members of our families in Grade 3. Can you say it out?(在三年级,学生已经学习了家庭成员单词,课前让学生复习说出此类单词,属于课前的开口环节,因为这些单词经常用,所以大部分学生都能准确地说出来,而这种自信为学生即将进行的新课学习做好了思想准备。) 二、Presentation1.出示study的图片T:What are they? Ss:They are books.T: Where are the books? S

2、s:书房T:Yes。They are in the study. T:write“study” on the board。 Ss:Read the Word。(用图片引出单词,给学生提供身临其境的感觉,逐个读单词,可以检查学生的发音情况,也给每个学生提供了张口的机会,学生读得多,听得多,很容易在脑子里留下深刻印象。)Ss:Read the Word one by one。T:Do the action 。“We read books in the study.” Teacher give orders ,students do the action。(学中习,老师通过发指令,让学生根据指令做动

3、作,可以帮助学生复习,也是对新课学习的复习和巩固。)2.T:Show the picture of“ living room”Are there many books here? Is it a study?Ss:No.T: Good. This isnt a study. Its a living room. We watch TV in a living room. T:write“living room” on the board。 Ss:Read the Word。Ss:Read the Word one by one。T:Do the action 。“We watch TV in

4、the living room.” Teacher give orders ,students do the action。(学中习,结合做一做指令学习新单词,调动了学生的肢体器官,可以帮助他们更好地掌握单词。)3.T:Show the picture of“bedroom”Whats in it? Ss:bedT:Yes, there is a bed in it. We sleep in a bedroom. (Do the action)This is a bedroom.Ss:bedroomT:dr|dr|dr|dr|oo|u:|u:|u:|(结合字母组合教单词,实际上是授学生以渔,以

5、后再碰到这种字母组合学生就能轻松读出单词。)4Using the same methods to teach “ bathroom, kitchen”This is a bathroom. We take a shower in a bathroom. This is a kitchen. Have a snap(用动作帮助学生理解)教读单词bathroom kitchen(学中习,通过动作,加深学生对单词的印象。)5.46页Lets learn部分的图贴到黑板上说This is my home. How many rooms can you see? What are they? (学中习,

6、到目前为止,学生已经完全学完了本课要求学生掌握的单词,前面一个一个单词,他们认读得很好。但是把这些单词集中到一起,他们就不一定能够完全读出单词,而让学生看着黑板上有关房间的图片,可以为他们提供学习的情境,也可以检测学生前面学习情况,为后面巩固练习提供参考。)6.Practice 抢读单词 游戏规则出示一些单词卡片或图片,学生们举手抢答,教师让最先举手的学生读出该单词并说出其中的意思,或读出拼出单词。(学后习,是课堂的巩固环节。)7. Teacher asks questions:Can you see a bedroom, a living room, a study, bathroom an

7、d kitchen? Ss:Yes.T:Oh, you can see a bedroom, a living roomSs:Repeat 。8.Students read the dialogue after the tape。9. We watch TV in the_. We read a book in the _. We have a snack in the _. We take a shower in the _. We have a sleep in the _. (这个练习是课后检测,也是课堂的收口环节,可以检测学生本节课的掌握情况。)10. Lets do :Teacher give the orders ,students do the actions。教师说前一部分的指令让学生说后一部分的指令并做出相应的动作。 T:Go to the living room.S:Watch TV. Go to the stud


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