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1、牛津初中英语7B Unit 4 Amazing things 讲学稿课题:第一课时 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit 课型:对话、句型操练课 时间: 年 月 日A、教学目标:1. 知识目标:(1) 词汇:yesterday ,bright,travel, earth,moon,elephant,plant,strange(2) 理解并识记下列短语:come on ,the light on the plane ,unusual thingskeep open , walk on tiptoe, (3) 重点句型:Fish sleep with their

2、eyes open. There is no plant life without lightning 2. 技能目标:利用所学形容词谈论吃惊 、喜欢、恐惧等方面的事情。 3. 情感目标:了解世界上一些令人吃惊的事情,激发学生的求知欲 B、教学过程:1. 检查学生的预习效果:小组讨论预习中存在的问题,老师点拨。2. 学习Comic strip 部分。(1) Listen and answer: Is that a UFO?(2) Listen and repeat. (3) Read and act. 3. 学习Welcome to the unit 部分。(1)完成Part A.讲解知识点.

3、(2) Make dialogues, using Part B as a model. 4. 提问本课的重点难点,加深理解和记忆。5. 完成练习,订正答案。6. 布置作业。C、学习过程:一、 预习*导学: (上课前预习一下课文,对你可有帮助啦,行动起来吧!)1 预习本课的生词, 你会读吗?根据音标和规则试着读几遍吧,并理解他们的词义和词性, 把不会读的记下来_2. 你能用下面的句型造句吗?试一试! It takes about. Keep open, There is nowithout (通过预习你一定理解了许多新知识吧,快来检测一下,听课就会有的放矢啦!). 阅读课文,翻译下列词组 1C

4、ome on . _2.the light on the plane_ 3bright light_4.at the same time_ 5.walk on tiptoe _ 二、学习*研讨: 这是本课的知识点,快来看一看,你都记住了吗?1. come on 可以指责对方刚说的话不对时的用语,意为”得啦” “算了吧”如: “Itll take at least two hours to do this.” “Oh, ,come on !I could do it in 20 minutes.”“做这件事至少要花两个小时。” “哦,得啦!我只要二十分钟就可以做完。” 2It takes abo

5、ut three days to travel from Earth to the moon by spaceship.”这是“It takes+time + to do sth ”句型,意为“做某事需要话多少时间”.疑问句形式为“How long does it take to do sth.?”再如:It takes around fourteen hours to fly from Shanghai to Sydeney.3. with 介词短语作状语,表示睡觉时什么样子。这是 加宾语再加宾语补足语构成的一种复合结构,其中their eyes 作介词with 的宾语, open 作the

6、ir eyes 的宾语补足语。这种结构在句中可以作状语。如:He left with the book open他开着门走了。4.on tiptoe表示“用脚尖”其中tiptoe 由tip(尖)和 toe(脚趾)组成。如:He stands on tiptoe to see whats happening.他踮起脚尖想看看发生了什么事。 三、巩固*延展:( 经过学习,你一定更好地掌握了本课内容吧?来试试你的身手吧!)(一) 基础题:A . 根据中文提示写出单词。1 Can you hear the _ (奇怪的) noise?2 _ (大象)walk on tiptoe.3 _ (没有) wa

7、ter ,we cant live.4 What an _ (有趣的) story it is! 5 He is showing me a book about some _ (不寻常的) things B.句型转换:1 It takes about three days to travel from the Earth to the Moon by rocket. (对划线部分提问 )_2 .Elephants walk on tiptoe.( 对划线部分提问 )_s very hot .Dont close the door(改为同义句 )It4.If there is no air ,w

8、e can t live.( 改为同义句)_air , we can t live5.The bag is filled with books.( )The bag_ _ _ books( 大家都来比一比,要细心哦!)(二) 提高题:C根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1,它只是飞机上的灯。Its_ the_ _ the plane.2,没有阳光、水、和空气就没有生命。There is _ _ _ _ ,water and air.3,我们总是同时上学。We often go to school _ _ _ _4,美国有一个人身高2.72米。A man _ _ _ is 2.72 meters _ 5

9、,她喜欢穿奇装异服。She likes to _ _ _ . D选择题( ) 1, Are you _ in these _story books. A, interested, interesting B, interested, interested. C, interesting, interested D,interesting, interesting( ) 2, There is _"m" in the word Moon A, an B, the C, a D,/( ) 3, Fish sleep _ their eyes _. A, with, open B

10、, without, open C, with, close D, with, closed( ) 4, She wanted _ a new pencil-box. A, to buy B, buys C, buy D, bought( ) 5, -Isn't that a funny thing? -_ I like it very much. A, Yes, it is B, Yes, it isn't C, No, it isn't D, No, it isD、教学后记:教后记:(1)请对本节课做个自我评价:_(2)请记录下这节课你上得最精彩的地方:_(3)请总

11、结出你认为应该改进的地方:_学后记:(1):你认为你在本节课的预习和学习的过程中做得如何呢?下次你会做得更好吧?_(2):本节课的收获不小吧?你学会了什么呢?还有疑惑的地方么?_ 牛津初中英语7B Unit 4 Amazing things 讲学稿课题:第二课时 Reading(A)课型:阅读训练课 时间: 年 月 日1。A、教学目标:知识目标:词汇usual ,hear,bush,unusual, frightened,anybody,nobody, carefully,noise,happen,everything,search,himself,weak,later,take care o

12、f 理解并识记下列短语:as usual, turn around, anything unusual ,say to oneself, make a sound, not any more ,take care of ,be frightened,be afraid,重点句型:They turned around but could not see anything unusual. 技能目标:培养学生的阅读理解能力 3. 情感目标:教育学生要相信科学不要迷信。 B、教学过程:1,检查学生的预习效果,帮助学生找出本课的重点难点。2,学习新单词。3,学生听录音,引导学生了解故事梗概。4,学生快

13、速阅读,判断正误:1),Millie and Amy loved to chat in Sunshine Park2)One day ,when they saw something unusual,they were frightened3)Millie told Andy that they heard the strange noise ,and then thought there was a ghost.4)Andy wasnt frightened,and then he found a weak dog from the bushes.5)Millie took the weak

14、 cat home because she wanted to take care of it .6)Millie and Amy didnt go to Sunshine Park any more.5,提问、讲解本课重点、难点,加深理解和记忆。6,听磁带,学生跟读,注意语音语调。7,完成练习,订正答案。8,布置家庭作业。C、学习过程:一、预习*导学: (上课前预习一下课文,对你可有帮助啦,行动起来吧!)1. 学习本课的新词汇, 理解他们的词义和词性,根据音标和规则试着读读,把不会读的记下来_2. 跟着磁带朗读课文,多读几遍,要流利哦。3. 预习课文,回答问题How many people

15、are there in the story? Who are they? Do the children go to the park again?(通过预习你一定理解了许多新知识吧,快来检测一下,听课就会有的放矢啦!)A:词组翻译1,像往常一样_ 2转身_ 3,感到害怕_4,在的路上_ 5找出_ 6 自言自语_7,对做某事感到惊讶_ 8,玩得高兴_9,受到惊吓_ 10,第二天_( ) 1, Yesterday I met Amy _.A, on my way home B, in my way home C, on my way to home D, in my way to home(

16、) 2, He turned around, but he couldn't see_.A, something unusual B, anything unusual C, unusual anything D, unusual something( ) 3, Mum is ill. I have to _her at home.A, look for B, look at C ,look around D, look after( ) 4, Can you _this word _English.A, speak, with B, say, in C, speak, in D, s

17、ay, with( ) 5,Listen to me! I have _to tell you.A, important something B, important anything C,something important D, anything important. 二、学习*研讨: 这是本课的知识点,快来看一看,你都记住了吗?1,as usual 是一个固定短语,意为”像往常一样”,在句中作状语,也可用 替换。如 :He worked hard as usual . 他象往常一样辛勤工作。2,turn around意为“转过身去”,其中 around作副词,可与 round 或 ab

18、out互换。如:He turned around and found a stranger standing behing him.他转过身发现一个陌生人站在他后面.由动词 组成的短语还有: turn in 上交turn over 翻过来 turn down 开小音量 turn up 开大音量3,anything unusual表示”任何不同寻常的事”定代词的形容词必须放在不定代词之后.再如:There is nothing wrong with thiscomputer.这台电脑没问题.Is there anything interesting in todays newspaper?今天的

19、报纸上有什么令人感兴趣的东西吗?4,动词短语take care of 表示“照顾”,与 look after同义,care 前可加good,表示“好好照顾”, take care of 相当于look after well.。如:You should take good care of yourself=You should look after yourself well.你应该照顾好你自己.5,not any more 表示”不再” “再也不”,也可用no more 表达此意。如: She didnt cry any more 她不再哭了 We saw her no more 我们再也见不

20、到她了。三、巩固*延展:( 经过学习,你一定更好地掌握了本课内容吧?来试试你的身手吧!)基础题: 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1,Is there_ (something )in the bushes?2,September 10th is an _ (usual ) day .Its _ (teacher) Day.3,I dont like the _ (noise) street.4,The students are going to learn something about _ (amaze) things.5,I was_ (frighten) when I heard the wh

21、isper.6,They are listening to the teacher _ (careful). ( 大家都来比一比,要细心哦!)提高题:写出下列句子的同意句1. This bike is Toms. This is _ _ . This bike _ _ _.2. The following day we went to the park. _ _ _ we went to the park.3. Girls are afraid of snakes. Girls _ _ _ snakes.4. How dangerous the snake is! _ _ _ _ it is!

22、5. Thank you for your help. Thank you _ _ _.6.We should take care of the baby. We should _ _ the baby. 翻译句子1,树上没有什么异常之物。(nothing unusual)_2,我每天早上花半个小时读英语。(It takes.)_3,现在我不再害怕动物了。我想了解它们的更多知识。(not.any nore, learn more about)_4,他睡觉时,总是让窗户开着。(keep.open )_D、教学后记:教后记:(1)请对本节课做个自我评价:_(2)请记录下这节课你上得最精彩的地方:_

23、(3)请总结出你认为应该改进的地方:_学后记:(1):你认为你在本节课的预习和学习的过程中做得如何呢?下次你会做得更好吧?_(2):本节课的收获不小吧?你学会了什么呢?还有疑惑的地方么?_ 牛津初中英语 7B Unit 4 Amazing things 讲学稿课题:第三课时 Reading B & C 课型:阅读训练课 时间: 年 月 日A、教学目标:知识目标:词汇:soft,last,理解并识记下列短语:sound like the top of 2. 技能目标:能正确使用所学知识描述事情发生的经过。3. 情感目标:培养学生热爱自然,热爱科学.。 B、教学过程:1检查学生预习情况,帮

24、助学生找出本课的重点和难点。2复习Reading A 部分的单词,完成B1练习。3浏览课文,完成B2练习,订正答案。4浏览课文,完成C1练习,订正答案。5学生独立完成C2练习,订正答案。6小组操练并表演:分角色朗读课文,注意语音语调和朗读时的感情色彩。7复述故事。8布置作业。C、学习过程:一、预习*导学: (上课前预习一下课文,对你可有帮助啦,行动起来吧!)预习本课的生词,试着拼读他们,弄清楚他们的词义和词性,把不会读的写下来:_(通过预习你一定理解了许多新知识吧,快来检测一下,听课就会有的放矢啦!)A:单词拼写。1,明亮的 2,旅行 3,大象 4,植物 5, 没有 6,奇怪的 7,不寻常的

25、8,感到恐惧的9,仔细地 10,声音,响声 11,搜寻 12,虚弱 B:根据课文内容填空。One S_1_ morning, Millie and Amy h_2_ a whisper from the b_3_in the park. They were f_4_. They l_5_ carefully and heard the s_6_noise again. They r_7_ away. Then they t_8_ Andy e_9_. Andy f_10_a little cat in the bushes. He put it into a b_11_. At last, M

26、illie and Amy were s_12_They took it to the animal c_13_. They were not a_14_ any more.二、学习*研讨: 这是本课的知识点,快来看一看,你都记住了吗?1,sound like听起来像, sound 作系动词, like引导的介词短语作表语。sound作系动词时,表语可用形容词、名词、或介词短语。如: 2,however 是副词,意为 “然而”“但是”“不过”。如: He said that it was so;He was mistaken,however.他说情况如此,但他错了。 She was weak.

27、However,she insisted on doing the heavy work她很虚弱,不过她还是坚持干重活。在句中教灵活,可未于句首、句中、或句末,其前后均应用逗号与句子其他成分隔开。三、巩固*延展:( 经过学习,你一定更好地掌握了本课内容吧?来试试你的身手吧!)基础题:A:翻译词组1乘火箭_2转身_7.(他)自言自语_9下个星期天_10.把你的眼睛睁着_11.在同时_12从地球旅行去月球_B:改错题1. He was frightened when he listened the whisper. _2. Sudden, they found the way to the sho

28、p. _3. They are cleaning the classroom as usually_4. Do you want o buy something strange? _5. On their way to home ,they met Andy_6. They could not see nothing in the bushes. _7. What happen with you ? _8. I turned around and saw unusual something. _( 大家都来比一比,要细心哦!)提高题: C:翻译句子。1.他昨天在回家的路上发现路上有只小白狗,然

29、后他把它带回了家。_2.那只猫非常虚弱。_3.当它喵喵叫时,发出像低语一样的_4.他们转过身去,发现了一些重要东西_ D:单项选择1. Fish sleep with their eyes _. A. open B. opened C. closed D. close2. Everybody is _ in the _ story.A. interesting interested B. interested interesting C. interested interested D. interesting interesting3. The trip is _. We have grea

30、t _. A. fun, funny B. funny, funny C. fun, fun D. funny, fun4. On their way _, they were very happy. A. to home B. home C. to the home.5. Please be _ of the dog. Look after your sister _. A. carefully, carefully B. careful, carefully C. carefully, careful6. The little cat _ a sound _ a whisper. A. m

31、ade, like B. make, like C. makes, as7. Please help me _ my English. A. with B. in C. on8. _ a bag on the back, the boy got on the bus. A. Has B With C. There are D. Be9. - Will you come to the party next Sunday? - _. I will be on business in Shanghai by then.A.I think so. B. Id like to. C. Im afraid

32、 so D. Im afraid not10. He is hungry now because he came to school _ breakfast. A. with B. not eat C. not have D. without11. I have _ to tell you. A. anything important B. something important C. important something D. everything importangD、教学后记教后记:(1)请对本节课做个自我评价:_(2)请记录下这节课你上得最精彩的地方:_(3)请总结出你认为应该改进的

33、地方:_学后记:(1):你认为你在本节课的预习和学习的过程中做得如何呢?下次你会做得更好吧?_(2):本节课的收获不小吧?你学会了什么呢?还有疑惑的地方么?_牛津初中英语7B Unit 4 Amazing things 讲学稿课题:第四课时 Vocabulary课型:词汇教学 时间: 年 月 日A、教学目标:知识目标:( 1 ) 词汇:kick,can,stone,dislike,few,practise,cartoon,early,bark,hard-working( 2 ) 短语:be fond of,wake up,be crazy about 2. 技能目标:掌握描述喜好的形容词的用法

34、 3. 情感目标:教育学生要有正当的爱好。 B、教学过程:1检查学生预习情况,帮助学生找到本课的重点难点。2呈现一张表示自己爱好的表格,然后用“be crazy about,love,be fond of ,like,dislike,hate ” 来谈论 。3呈现一张表示朋友爱好的表格,让学生谈论4.浏览书上A部分内容,熟悉几个词的用法.5.根据A部分内容让学生先独立完成B部分内容.7.学生两人一组谈论家庭成员的喜好.老师给予必要的帮助.8布置家庭作业。C、学习过程:一、预习*导学: (上课前预习一下课文,对你可有帮助啦,行动起来吧!)预习本课的单词,弄清他们的词义和词性,把不会读的单词写下来

35、_(通过预习你一定理解了许多新知识吧,快来检测一下,听课就会有的放矢啦!)A:翻译词组。1.痴迷于_4.(狗)朝叫_二、学习*研讨: 这是本课的知识点,快来看一看,你都记住了吗?1.crazy作形容词,意为“狂热的”“疯狂的”,常用于以下一些搭配: a.be crazy about/on.表示“醉心于”“痴迷于” He is crazy on/about skiing .他痴迷于滑雪。 b.be crazy for sth .表示“渴望某物”;be crazy for sb.表示“迷恋某人”。如:He is crazy for a computer.他渴望有一台电脑。The girl is c

36、razy for the film star.那女孩迷恋那个电影明星。 c.be crazy to do sth.表示“做某事是糊涂的”。如: You are crazy to lend that man your money.把钱借给那个人,你真糊涂。2.be fond of 后接名词或动名词,意为“非常喜欢”,通常不用于否定句中。如:Tom is fond of pop music.汤姆爱踢足球。His sister is fond of drawing.他姐姐喜欢画画。是like的反义词,后接名词、代词或动词 -ing 形式作宾语,通常不用动词不定式作宾语。 He dislikes ca

37、rtoon.他不喜欢卡通片。I dislike playing cards.我不喜欢打牌。三、巩固*延展:( 经过学习,你一定更好地掌握了本课内容吧?来试试你的身手吧!)(一)基础题:A:用所给词的适当形式填空。1,“What shall I do ?”He said to _ (he).2, Cant you listen to your teacher _ (careful) in class?3, They could not find _(something) _(usual).4, We are _ in the _ books now. (interest)B:选择题。( ) 1,

38、 Look, theres _ elephant in the park, _ elephant is coming to us. A, the ,the B, an ,an C, a ,the D, an , the ( ) 2, He is fond of _ music. A, hear B, hearing C, listening to D, listen to( ) 3, Mother told me _ in bed. A, dont read B, not read C, dont to read D, not to read( ) 4, Please _ more Engli

39、sh in class. A, say B, speak C, talk D, tell( ) 5, They _ to the Funny World Museum next Saturday. A, go B, went C, are going D, goes( ), 6, It will _ six months to build a new library. A, cost B, spend C, take D, pay ( 大家都来比一比,要细心哦!)(二)提高题: C:改错。1,He, likes his father, is fond of reading newspapers. _2,Listen! I have important som


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