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1、会计学1BookMTheWillowPatternPlateOne of the best-known designs on British plates is the “Willow Pattern”. In many homes, the willow pattern plates are kept for special occasions, when important guests come to dinner. But where does the willow pattern come from? 第1页/共21页The first plates were made in abo

2、ut 1780, and were based on Chinese designs. They were copied from similar plates taken to Britain in ships which were also carrying tea. But Josiah Spode, who produced the most famous plates, mixed elements from different Chinese designs. He included a bridge with three people crossing it, the willo

3、w tree which gives its name to the plate, a boat, a teahouse, a fence in the foreground, and two songbirds which are flying overhead. 第2页/共21页How do you know the designer cant be a Chinese?No original Chinese design had all these elements together. 第3页/共21页第4页/共21页When important guests come todinner

4、, English people may use thewillow pattern plate.T True or false?第5页/共21页2. Josiah Spode made the willowpattern plate, copying from similarChinese designs.3. In the design of the willow patternplate, the two songbirds are flyingoverhead happily, singing about theirlives.F F 第6页/共21页4. The story of t

5、he willow pattern plateis based on a Chinese folk story.5. The story of the willow pattern plateis liked by English people.T T 第7页/共21页CChoose the best answers1. The passage is mainly about _. A. willow tree B. a love story C. a pattern plate D. two songbirds第8页/共21页D2. The Mandarin tried to stop hi

6、s daughter from marrying the young man, perhaps because _.A. the young man was too poor B. the Mandarin looked down upon himC. the status of the young man was low D. all the above第9页/共21页Mandarin and the young man were burnt to death.B第10页/共21页Language Points第11页/共21页The scene pictured on the plate

7、is the story of Kun Xi, the daughter of rich Mandarin, who fell in love with her fathers gardener, a young man called Chang.盘子上绘制的场景是关于坤喜的故盘子上绘制的场景是关于坤喜的故事,她是一位达官贵人的千金,爱事,她是一位达官贵人的千金,爱上了给她家当园丁的一个叫阿常的上了给她家当园丁的一个叫阿常的小伙子。小伙子。第12页/共21页a young man called Chang 一个叫阿常的一个叫阿常的小伙子。小伙子。called 过去分词短语做后置定语过去分词短语

8、做后置定语与与 a young man 有逻辑上的被动关系。有逻辑上的被动关系。我认识一个叫玛丽的女孩。我认识一个叫玛丽的女孩。I know a girl called Mary.站在窗户旁边的那个人是我的老师。站在窗户旁边的那个人是我的老师。The man standing by the window is my teacher. 第13页/共21页2. But one evening, when the Mandarin was entertaining guests at a banquet, Chang arrived dressed up as servant.但一天晚上,当那位官员

9、举行宴会款但一天晚上,当那位官员举行宴会款待客人的时候,阿常扮做一位随从混待客人的时候,阿常扮做一位随从混了进来。了进来。第14页/共21页dress n 可数可数 连衣裙连衣裙 我想买一件白色连衣裙。我想买一件白色连衣裙。Id like to buy a long white dress. n衣服衣服 不可数不可数 在晚会上所有的女式都穿着漂亮的晚礼服。在晚会上所有的女式都穿着漂亮的晚礼服。On the party, Every lady wears beautifulevening dress. 第15页/共21页 v 穿衣。穿衣。这个孩子太小了,还不会自己穿衣。这个孩子太小了,还不会自己

10、穿衣。The child is too young to dress himself/herself.第16页/共21页3. He and some servants followed Kun Xi and Chang to the island and set fire to the hut where they were sleeping.他和几个随从尾随坤喜和阿常来到他和几个随从尾随坤喜和阿常来到小岛后,在他们睡觉的时候,放火小岛后,在他们睡觉的时候,放火焚烧了他们的茅舍。焚烧了他们的茅舍。第17页/共21页set fire to /set sth on fire 放火,纵火:放火,纵火:那位在学校纵火的人被判处无期徒刑。那位在学校纵火的人被判处无期徒刑。The person who set fire to the school was sentenced to life impri


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