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1、 八下Unit 5-7单词短语检测单词反对;对不利( prep.) _机会;机遇( n.) _受伤的(adj.) _真诚地( adv.) _慈善团体;慈善机构( n.) _律师 ( n.) _解释( v.) _ 解释( n.)_结果 ( n.) _收集;搜集 ( v.) _ 收集者;搜集者 ( n.) _马拉松赛跑;马拉松似活动 ( n.) _滑冰 ( v.);溜冰鞋 ( n.) _几个的,数个的 (adj.);数个,几个 ( pron.)_怪物;妖怪 ( n.)_特别;尤其;异乎寻常的 ( adv.) _确实的;无疑的 ( adj.) _外国人 ( n.) _朝代;王朝 ( n.)_额外的

2、( adj.)_(著名的)人物;名人 _欧洲( n.) _欧洲的,欧洲人的 (adj.);欧洲人 ( n.)_皇帝 ( n.)_共同的;公共的 (adj.) _省会;首都 ( n.) _犹太人 ( n.) _犹太人的 ( n.)_话题;主题 ( n.) _自从;自以来 ( prep.&conj.) _举止;表现;行为 ( n.) _ 举止;表现 ( v.)_解答;解决办法 ( n.) _使恼怒;使生气 ( v.) _ 恼怒的;生气的 ( adj.) _或许;大概 (adv.) _亚洲 ( n.) _亚洲的;亚洲人的 ( adj.) _作业;任务;工作 ( n.)_礼节 ( n.) _舒服的 (

3、 adj.) _不舒服的( adj.) _批评;批判( v.) _正常的;正规的( adj.)_礼貌的( adj.)_不礼貌的( adj.)_ 礼貌地( adv.)_不礼貌地( adv.) _香烟;纸烟;卷烟( n.) _39. 咳嗽( v.) _40. 允许;准许( v.) _41. 小心的;谨慎的( adj.) _小心的;谨慎的( adv.) _42. 公众( n.) _43. 打喷嚏( v.) _44. 海报( n.) _45. 一千( n.) _46. 打破;违背( v.原型-过去式-过去分词) _47. 相当;十分 (adv.)_48. 女服务生( n.) _49. 球状物;球体(

4、n.) _50. 院子( n.) _短语玩地愉快 _把它拿走 _环球旅行 _ _通过做某事谋生 _一直;总是 _学校派对的规则 _受教育 _成为一名职业运动员 _举办派对的好时候 _上大学 _一双溜冰鞋 _为慈善机构筹款 _收集邮票 _放风筝 _在远处 _顺便一提;附带说说 _奥林匹克运动会 _把音乐调小 _捡起 _丢垃圾 _灭掉香烟 _违反规则 _当心;小心 _控制音量 _在公共场合 _插队 _排队等候 _用完;用光 _给某人理发 _在开会 _. 填词Please help me o_ the summer camp.Before you leave the lab, you should

5、do a _(大扫除).I dont think we need an a_. We can do it by ourselves.Driving after drinking is a_ the law.The teacher e_the new words to us carefully in class this morning.If you study hard, you will have a c_to go to university.Harry and Lana are friends. Collecting shells is a hobby they have in c_.A

6、s soon as these _(外国人) came to Nanjing, they fell in love with it.Some stars look smaller than the moon because they are f_ away from the earth.We should s_ some vegetables, because they are expensive in winter.I p_ love globes with animals.It is c_ that Linda will win the math contest. Shes really

7、good at math.You cant learn a f_language well without enough practice.I could hear her sweet v_ from the next room.I wonder why Mary didnt answer my phone. P_ she was busy at that time.You have to be 18 years old before you are _(允许)to drive a car.Some boys were putting up p_ outside the cinema when

8、 I walked by.China and Japan are A_ countries.At the end of the interview, he thanked me _(礼貌地) and hung up.The chair is too high for me. I feel u_. . 完成句子昨天半数的学生没有完成他们的作业。_ _the students didnt finish their homework yesterday. 2. 如果约翰迟到了将会发生什么?What _ _ if John _ late? 3. 十年前他靠教钢琴为生。He _ _ _ _ _ pian

9、o lessons ten years ago. 4. 在那次交通事故中他受了重伤。He was _ _ in that traffic accident. 5. 解决这个问题他们有困难。They _ _ _ _ _ the problem. 6. 你最好打开窗户让新鲜空气近来。 You had better open the window and _ the fresh air_ . 7. 你不应错过任何练习说英语的机会。 You shouldnt miss any chance _ _ _ English.You shouldnt miss any chance _ _ _ English

10、. 8. 他昨天穿牛仔裤去参加派对的。 He _ _ to the party yesterday. 9. 成为一名律师是我的理想。_ a _ is my dream. 10. 确实是你学习越努力,你的未来就会越好。Its true that_ _ you study, _ _ your future will be. 11. 过去我对滑冰很感兴趣。I _ _ _ _ _ in the past. 12. 今年最流行欧洲风格的家具。The furniture _ _ _ is the most popular this year. 13. 她打网球已经有三年半了。She has been pl

11、aying tennis for_ _ _ _ _. . 14. 在公共场合吐痰是不好的行为。It is bad behavior to spit _ _. 15. 我们应该尽量做到不生气。We should try _ _ _ _. 16. 他们不允许在飞机上吸烟。 They dont _ _ on the plane. 17. 那位老人控制不住自己的怒火。That old man couldnt _ _his anger. 18. 他用毯子扑灭了火,帮助那个小女孩逃了出来。He _ _the fire with a blanket and helped the little girl ou

12、t. 19. 一听到电话铃响,她就拿起了电话。On hearing the telephone ringing,she _ _ the telephone. 20. 教室里不允许乱丢垃圾。_ _ is not allowed in the classroom. 21. 最后Jack 改变了主意。Finally Jack _ _ _ . 22. 那个女孩天天围着她妈妈转。The girl _ her mother _ every day. 23. 你最好穿上外套。_ _ _ _ put on the coat. 24. 注意不要自己独自一人过马路。_ _ _ _ go across the ro

13、ad alone. 25. 你介意我坐在你身边吗? Would you _ _ _next to you? 26. 我们喝茶用的蜂蜜已经用完了。 We _ _ _ _honey for tea already. 27. 再等下去我可受不了。 I cant _ _ any longer. 28. 去年他在一个讲英语的国家度过了一段时间。 He spent some time in _ _ _last year. 29. 我想我们应该阻止人们在公共场所吸烟 I think we should _people_ _ in public places . HYPERLINK javascript:vo

14、id(0); 30. 感谢你给我提供了一些好的学习建议,以至于我的英语有了很大的提高。Thanks for providing me with some _ _ so that my English has greatly improved. 31. 这就是我们伟大的祖国,一个美丽而又历史悠久的国家。 Such is our great motherland, a beautiful country _ _ _ _ .HYPERLINK javascript:void(0); 32. 换而言之,如果某个人违反了规则,将受到惩罚。 In other words, if someone _ the

15、 rule, he _ _ punished.HYPERLINK javascript:void(0); 33. 欢迎来我们西餐厅。 _ _ our western restaurant. 34. 有些事情直到真的发生在你身上你才能了解你自己的感受。There are some things that you can only understand when they _ _you. 35. 如果你问太私人化的问题,你的朋友们可能会生你的气。Your friends might_ _ _ you if you ask them personal questions. 36. 我们注意到他的腿似有不便。 We noticed that _ _ _ _with his leg. 37. 这也许像是一个遥远的梦想,但是,它并不那么遥远。 This may _ _ a distant dream, but it is not so far away. 38. 我刚刚被班主任批评了。 HYPERLINK app:ds:I was criticized by teachersI _ _ b


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