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1、 PAGE 页码 15 / NUMPAGES 总页数 15牛津六年级下学期英语期末复习易错练习题单班级:_ 姓名:_ 拼写单词1. 根据所给图片填上合适的单词。 (1)The workers useto make a house(2)There are many tallin the city(3)Where did you put the? I need some to light the candles(4)Plant moreto make our city beautiful and clean(5)Thickis over thereThere must be a fire2. 单词

2、拼写。1The kite is f_away.2We are h_a birthday party.3The books are f_. Who can help me?3. 按要求写单词。1know(同音词)_2brother(对应词)_3close(反义词)_4sheep(复数)_5tomato(复数)_6west(反义词)_7happy(反义词)_8eat(过去式)_9three(序数词)_10.write(现在分词)_4. 看图片,写单词。1_ 2_3_ 4_5_5. 根据句意写出所给单词的正确形式。1.Look!Oneofthechildren_(swim)inthelake.2.L

3、ilyismuch_(health)thanhersister.3.They_(fly)totheUK,didntthey?4.Is_(eat)toomuchgoodorbadforyourbody?5.Mr.Lee_(give)usatalkonthehistoryofChinatomorrow,isnthe?6. 按要求写词。(1)have(第三人称单数形式)_(2)see(过去式)_(3)is(过去式)_(4)help(动名词)_(5)think(过去式)_(6)meet(过去式)_(7)cry(现在分词)_(8)like(过去式)_7. 看图片,写单词。1_ 2_3_ 4_5_8. 补

4、全单词。1. s _ _ d种子 2. b _ _ n豆子3. t_ s _ _尝 4. m_ _ nc _ ke月饼5. c _ _ tr _中心填空题9. 按要求写单词。1have(过去式) 2stay(过去式)3better(原级) 4faster(原级)5sleep(过去式) 6drank(原形)7read(过去式) 8saw(原形)_10. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1Wheres the_(桌子)? Its in the backyard.2Miss Wu often picks_(水果).3I want to go the t_to see an opera.4s_5Tom can_

5、.11. 用所单词的适当形式填空。1Our teacher_(fly) a kite now.2It is_(rain) now.3Look. They_(play) football in the park.4Look, Yang Ling_(tell) a story.5Be quiet please, the children_(have) lesson in the classroom.6Look, she is_(lie) on the road.She is hurt.12. 根据句意,首字母或所给词提示填入所缺单词。1Christmas, E_, H_, and F_are al

6、l western holidays.2What day is it?Its T_.3She always_at 9: 30 pm.4The c_is near the Renmin Park.5The children often_(watch) TV in the evening.6I_(buy) a beautiful scarf for my Mum yesterday.7I will bring a box of_(cake).13. 用动词的正确形式填空。1_(be) Peter doing his homework now?Yes, he_.2My mother_(cook) d

7、inner in the kitchen now.3Listen! Mingming_(sing) in the next room.4Look! The old man in the picture_(water) the plants.5The students arent doing their homework. They_(play) on the playground.14. 补全单词。1If you eat too much sweet, your t_will hurt.2Purple is my favourite c_.3W_your hands before meals.

8、4I think s_is the most beautiful season in a year.5An elephant is h_than a rabbit.6My brother is f_kites in the park now.7She is so nice that we all want to m_friends with her.8I take the b_to school every day.9I have P.E. lessons on M_morning.10Open the d_, please! Its so hot.15. 写出下列规则动词三单形式,现在分词和

9、过去式。1carry 2help 3move 4copy 5visit 16. 用所给词适当形式填空。1How was your weekend?It was good. I_(see) a film with my parents.2You are_(heavy) than me.3John often_(wash) the clothes on the weekend.4You didnt come to school. What_(happen)?5Your feet are bigger than_(I).选择题17. We used words and sentences _ tel

10、l _. ( )A.too; story B.too; stories C.to; story D.to; stories18. I can learn _ pingpong. ( )A.to play B.plays C.playing19. We have a lazy(懒)cat. It _ catches mice. ( )A.never B.sometimes C.often D.always20. _ did you do last Saturday? ( )I visited my grandpa.A.What B.Where C.How21. Mary is good at _

11、. She wants _ a dancer. ( )A.dancing; to B.dances; to be C.dancing; to be D.dancer; to22. In 2019, I _ in Guangzhou. ( )A.study B.am studying C.studied D.studies23. 选择不同类的单词: ( )A.weather B.snowy C.rainy24. Mike is watching the sun _. ( )A.to go down B.go down C.going down连词成句25. each, classes, scho

12、ol, day, many, how, you, have, do, (?)26. should do Zhang Peng what now (?)27. class, to, tomorrow, Im, English, going, an, have (.)28. has, from, e-friends, she, all over the world(.)29. in 2050, Will, live, people, on the moon (?)30. wants, Tom, a, friend, pen, the, US, from (. ) 31. these, gifts,

13、 brought, who, (?)32. chickens, she, the, also, feeds (.)阅读理解33. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容选择正确答案。Mrs White and Mr White are British. Now they are in Beijing. This is their first trip to China. Theyre going to stay in China for two weeks. They want to visit the famous places in Beijing. Theyre going to visit some

14、 villages in Beijing. And they want to learn Chinese, too. Mr White likes Chinese food. Theyre going to go to the restaurants. Mr White likes dumplings best. Mrs White likesyuanxiaobest. They took a lot of photos in China. When they are back to England, theyll show the photos to their friends. They

15、want the English people to know more about China.( )(1)Mr White is _.A. from China B. Chinese C. British( )(2)Mr White and his wife are going to _ in China.A. eat Chinese food B. took pictures C. back( )(3)How long is Mrs White going to stay in China?A. Four days B. One week C. Fourteen days( )(4)Mr

16、 White wants to _ to his friends.A. learn Chinese B. eat dumplings C. show the photos( )(5)Mrs White likes _ best.A. yuanxiao B. dumplings C. villages34. 读表格,补全句子。1Sue likes_and_.2_students_singing.3Only_student likes playing football.35. 阅读材料,能力测试。Weather ReportGood morning everyone! Here is the we

17、ather report for tomorrow.It is cold in Beijing. It will rain,and there will be fog. Youd better wear your warm coat, a face mask and take an umbrella with you, if you go out.The weather in Sanya will be fine .It will be sunny and hot tomorrow. When you go out and enjoy the sunshine, please put on y

18、our sunglasses.It is hot in Xishuangbanna(西双版纳). And there will be a heavy rain in Xishuangbanna tomorrow. It will not be a good day for a trip, youd better stay at home.It is windy and cold in Harbin(哈尔滨). It will snowy. You should put on your warm coat and boots when you go out.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。1What

19、s the weather like in Beijing?( )A.cool B.cold C.hot2If you go out in Beijing,you should take_ with you.( )A.sunglasses B.hat C.umbrella3You should put on your boots if you go out in_.( )A.Beijing B.Harbin C.Sanya4It is _in Xishuangbanna .( )A.rainy B.cloudy C.windy5Which of the sentence is NOT TRUE

20、?( )A.You shouldt wear sunglasses in Sanya.B.You should wear a face mask when you go out in Beijing.C.You shouldt go out when you are in Xishuangbana.36. 阅读短文,判断正误。(正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”)Tom is seven. He goes to school every day. The school is near his home. So he goes to school on foot and comes back hom

21、e on time(准时). But today he goes home late. His mother asks him, “Why are you late today?” “I was in the teachers office.” “Why did you go to the teachers office?” “Because my teacher asked us a question in class, and nobody (没有人) could answer it, but me.” “Its good to answer the teachers questions.

22、” “But the question was Who put the ink(墨水) on my chair?.”1Tom lives near his school.(_)2He goes to school and comes back home by bike every day.(_)3Today Tom goes to school late.(_)4Tom put some ink on the teachers chair.(_)5Tom is very naughty(淘气的).(_)37. 根据短文内容选择合适的答案。Tom and Fred are students. T

23、hey are both twelve years old, and they are in the same class in their school. One day, they have a fight (打架)in class, and their teacher becomes very angry. She says to both of the boys, Stay here after school this afternoon, and write your names a hundred times.After the last lesson, all the other

24、 students go home, but Tom and Fred stay in the classroom. They begin to write their names in their exercise books and wait for their teacher.When the teacher comes, Fred is crying. The teacher looks at him and says, Why are you crying?Because his name is Tom King, and my name is Frederick Hollingsw

25、orth, Fred says with tears (眼泪) in his eyes. It is too bad that I have a very, very long name!( )(1)Tom and Fred are not _.A. in the same class B. in different class( )(2)Who has a long name?A. Fred B. Tom( )(3)After school, the other studentsA. stay in the classroom B. go home( )(4)Fred is _ when t

26、he teacher comes.A. playing B. crying( )(5)Why is Fred crying?A. Because he cant want to go home. B. Because he thinks his name is too long.38. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。Im Mike. I have got many hobbies, such as collecting stamps, riding bikes, flying kites and so on (等等). But I like playing football best

27、. Im a footballer (足球运动员) of our school football team. I often play football with my friends after school. I hope I can be a footballer of our national team in the future (将来).1Mike has got many hobbies.(_)2Mike likes collecting stamps best.(_)3Mike is a footballer of the school football team.(_)4Mi

28、ke often plays football with his friends after school.(_)5Mike wants to be a footballer of the national team in the future.(_)39. 阅读短文,完成句子。Hi, Im Bai Ling. My parents and I are going to have a busy weekend! On Saturday, my father is going to buy a word book. My mother is going to the supermarket. I

29、m going to visit my friend, Amy. On Sunday, my father is going to play sports. My mother is going to clean the room. Im going to the bookstore. Im going to buy some comic books. On Sunday evening we are going to see a film.1What is Bai Lings father going to buy on Saturday?He is going to buy a_.2Wha

30、t is Bai Lings father going to do on Sunday?He is going to_.3Where is Bai Ling going on Sunday?She is going to the_.4What is Bai Ling going to buy?She is going to buy some_.5Where are they going on Sunday evening?Theyre going to the_.40. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Sams birthday is on a snowy day in December. He has got lots of presents from his family and friends. Hi


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