《商务谈判课件(英文)》Lecture 2_第1页
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1、Lecture 2Choosing the Negotiation TeamIn more formal and complicated business negotiations, cases are not usually individually one to one but team to team. Therefore to choose a strong and effective and authoritative team is prerequisite to any successful negotiation. Before we start, lets have a te

2、st.ContentsWho qualifies as a negotiatorNegotiation Teams121.1 Desirable characteristics of a negotiatorIn real practice, the psychological quality of the negotiators plays a crucial role, particularly the personal characteristics and capabilities.It is highly desirable that a negotiator should have

3、 the following range of characteristics: Shrewdness KnowledgeConcentrationHumorAdaptabilityEightCharacteristicsExpressivityEnduranceGregariousness1.1.1 Shrewdness 机智敏捷 The successful negotiator must be capable of allowing the other side to see only what deserves the strategy best, and this requires

4、an ethical mixture of honesty and cunning. Forthrightness is a trait to avoid when selecting a negotiator. People who “wear their hearts on their sleeves” or insist on transparency in all dealings will make sorry negotiators in the global marketplace. Because of this, shrewdness ranks as the first f

5、or desirable characteristics. 周总理的妙语连珠1美国记者来到周总理的办公室,恰巧总理桌子上有一支美国产的“派克笔”。记者得意的问:“总理阁下也喜欢我国的钢笔吗?”周总理听了,不慌不忙地说:“这支钢笔是一位朝鲜朋友送给我的,朋友告诉我这支笔是有背景的。”周总理顿了顿,将笔拿在手里说:“他告诉我,这是美军在板门店投降签字仪式上用过的,我觉得有纪念价值,就留下了贵国的笔。”美国记者的脸红到了耳根。周总理的妙语连珠2美国记者不怀好意地问周总理:“总理阁下,为什么贵国把人走的路叫马路呢?”周总理听出其话中有刺,于是妙趣横生地说:“我们走的是马克思主义之路,简称马路。”美国记

6、者不死心,继续追问:“总理阁下,在我们美国,大家都昂首走路,为什么你们中国人低着头走路呢?”总理说:“你们美国人走的是下坡路,当然是仰着头;而中国走的是上坡路,当然是低着头。” 1.1.2 Knowledge in a “T” structure 知识全面A vertical extent of your own product.The negotiator must have technical knowledge of the product and of the market, technical knowledge of financial issues which will conc

7、ern him during the negotiation. The negotiator also should grasp one or two languages and know the strategy and tactics in negotiation.A horizontal knowledge of the environmentPolicy and regulationsInternational trade customsLaw of the foreign countriesCulture and customs of foreign countriesGeograp

8、hy某公司在泰国承包一个工程项目,由于不了解施工期是泰国的雨季,运过去的轮胎式机械在泥泞的施工场地根本无法施展身手,只得重新组织履带式机械。因为耽搁了采购、报关、运输的时间,以至延误了工期,造成对方提出索赔。交响乐 三文鱼1.1.3 Adaptability 适应能力 Negotiations seldom do completely according to plan, nor will they always change in preconceived patterns. The negotiator must be able to respond quickly and decisiv

9、ely to unforeseen developments. Negotiations are concerned with each side getting the other to change positions. Having an inflexible strategy and limited tactics will almost instantly bring negotiations to an unproductive close. Thus the negotiator must be highly adaptable.1.1.4 Endurance 具有耐力 Whil

10、e negotiation is primarily a mental activity, it can be physically demanding. The negotiator must be available for all sessions and the typical eight-hour days will be rare. Add in travel fatigue, climatic changes, jet lag, foreign food, late-night socializing, and work stress; you have the makings

11、of burnout. So physical fitness and endurance are highly desirable.谈判者之间的持久交锋,不仅是智力、技能和势力的比试,更是一场意志、耐心和毅力的较量。如果谈判者没有坚忍不拔、忍耐持久的恒心和泰然自若的精神,是难以适应的。一位著名的谈判手曾这样说过:“永远不轻易放弃,直到对方至少说了七次不。”1.1.5 Gregariousness 擅长交际 Negotiation is by nature a social process. Many countries have little in the way of commercial

12、 contract law, and the success of the deal in such circumstances is based upon trust and friendship.The “relationship” will play a huge role in finalizing a contract. A competent negotiator is gregarious. Just as many deals are made across the dinner table as are made across the conference table. Th

13、e ability to hold a good, off-business-topic conversation with a counterpart, even in translation, will only advance the negotiators position.1.1.6 Concentration 全神贯注 Time zone changes, language problems, and legal wranglings can all be major distractions from the goals set forth in the strategy. Th

14、e potential for “losing track” is enormous. Because of this, the ability to concentrate on those issues at the heart of the negotiation is an asset the negotiator cannot afford to be without. Counterparts will often attempt to put as many points as possible “on the table” in an effort to cloud the m

15、ain issue. The negotiator must be able to maintain the teams (and his own) focus at all times. 1.1.7 Expressivity 表达能力 Good negotiators must be practiced listeners as well as articulate speakers. Everything about themfrom their demeanor, their clothes and their body language, to how they handle subo

16、rdinateswill be inspected critically. A negotiator must also have a keen sense of what is motivating his counterpart in order to communicate the proper image. Can I pray when I smoke?Can I smoke when I pray?1.1.8 Sense of humor 幽默感 Negotiating can be a very stressful affair, and there will be moment

17、s when it hardly seems worth the effort. A negotiator must be equipped with a highly developed sense of humor in order to weather persistent storms like the negotiating delays, logistical problems, absurd social settings and the discomforts of travel. Viewing such problems with a humorous eye can he

18、lp keeping negotiations on track.周总理的妙语连珠3周总理在中南海勤政殿设宴招待外宾。桌面上的菜花样繁多,风味独特,大家赞不绝口。最后是一道汤菜,汤里有冬笋、蘑菇、荸荠等,都被精心雕刻成各种图案,色香味俱全。当时,冬笋片是按照民族图案刻的,在汤里一翻身恰巧变成了法西斯的标志。外宾见了,脸色马上变了,齐刷刷看向周总理。总理泰然自若招呼大家说:“来,大家一起消灭法西斯,把它吃掉。”气氛马上就热烈起来了,那道菜被吃得精光。Shrewdness KnowledgeConcentrationHumorAdaptabilityEightCharacteristicsExpr

19、essivityEnduranceGregariousnessLate Stages1.2 Age range of negotiator3mid-career phase2Early Stages1have experienceEnergy remainedsearch for satisfaction from workmuch higher tolerancesuccess at work is not the outstanding criterionincreasing commitmentto domestic and social goalscompetitive attitud

20、esidealismgain experienceestablish ones own positionThe precise ages for this mid-career phase vary from individual to individual, but for most people, it lasts maybe a decade within the age range of 33 to 50. 1.3 Chief negotiator Think outside the box要求:笔不离纸,画四条连续的直线,将九个点连接起来,笔尖只能经过每个点一次。A puzzle如果

21、只画一条直线通过这所有的九个点呢?用刷子画!AnswerConclusionA good CN must “think outside the box” to anticipate what the opposition will do and be ready to apply countermeasures.Sometimes, the CN will be surprised by what the opposition does. This should not be a cause for panic. The best negotiators are able to maintai

22、n decorum and often find creative ways to bring the negotiation back around to their teams stated goal.1.3.1 The chief negotiator (CN) 主谈人 He is in general responsible for the whole negotiation team. He is the chief speaker as well. He is the key person to a successful negotiation result. He is in c

23、harge of unifying the strategy, tactics and overall style to be used by a particular company. 1.3.2 Requirements for a chief negotiator 1. He must exercise a high degree of self-control and keep the team on track under trying circumstances. Once the strategy and tactics have been determined, team di

24、scipline demands that all decisions concerning changes must have the CN as the focal point. While strategic consensus is important, delegation of responsibility is of little value. 2. He should be able to use the specialization of each member to its maximum advantages. He must have sufficient inform

25、ation to supply the specialist and must know where to use a specialist.That is to say he must be able to manage the fact-finding and the handling of employees.3. He must have the ability to handle pressure from a variety of directions.Headquarters, clients, team members, family, negotiating counterp

26、arts, and government officials will all demand attention. The CN must be a decision maker who can keep everyone satisfied without being distracted from the pre-established priorities. Dealing with these responsibilities within a foreign environment, and possibly in a foreign language, is not a job f

27、or the faint of heart. 4. He should be technically astute with regard to both the companys products and modern day information technology. Most international businessmen now travel with laptop computers in order to compactly carry along the vast amount of data necessary for quick decision-making. Me

28、anwhile this can greatly reduce the number of personnel required to make presentations and/or assist in technical decisions. 5. The CN must be highly organized in order to effectively handle the vast number of problems that will inevitably arise. CN represents the company in image and practiceCN mus

29、t be able to select, motivate, and control a team operating under high-stress conditions. He also must be able to arrange and rearrange schedules. Every and any logistical detail can make the difference between success and failure.2.1 A single negotiator vs. team negotiation2.2 Size of a team2.3 Tea

30、m members2. Negotiation Teams2.1 A single negotiator vs. team negotiation AdvantagesDisadvantagesTo prevent the opposer from aiming at the weaker or creating disagreement among members;2. To prevent the weakening of stated positions through differences of opinion between team members. 3. To avoid ma

31、king on-the-spot decisions.It has a very high level requirement of the negotiator. 2. It place complete responsibility on one person;A single negotiatorAdvantagesDisadvantagesPeople with different technical backgrounds;It enables a pooling judgments and planning in advance;3.It presents the other si

32、de with a large opposition. 1. It is rather difficult to control.2. The weak member is very easy to pick out by the other party and they will attack individually. 3. Many members in a team will interfere with the negotiation efficiency. Team negotiation2.2 Size of a teamHow big should the team be? U

33、sually it just depends. In one sense, the size of a team should conform to the old saying about the size of committee“ the best number of people to have on a committee is one.”A big sized committee will have the problems of ensuring collaboration, the problems of ensuring communication between team

34、members and the problems of ensuring that each member has a satisfying element in the negotiation.So it is quite important to keep the negotiation team as small as possible. 2.2.1 The team should be as small as possibleFirstly, when your team must operate overseas, then youll have a lot of flight, g

35、round transport, meals, hotels, communication, conference centers, taxes, and cargo. It can make a trip for even a small team greatly expensive. Secondly, communication is a source of strength within the negotiation team. The CN must be able to seek the input of the team quickly, and large groups ar

36、e cumbersome. Thirdly, presenting a unified front is key. Keeping the team small enables the CN to make timely adjustments to the negotiating plan and to disseminate that information quickly. Bill Scott suggests that the number is probably four. The main reasons for this number include: Size of grou

37、p Control of team Range of expertise Changing membership2.2.2 Desirable size for a negotiation team A big group does not guarantee that everybody contributes and it will be too diffuse in the range of interests and ideas among the group members.Management principles suggest that the span of control

38、for any manager operating in such dramatic and changing circumstances as the conduct of a negotiation is about three or four people.A dozen or a score of different perspectives in a protracted negotiation.But within the scope of any one negotiation meeting, it will not be possible to take more than

39、three or four different perspectives.There is no need to keep the same team throughout.The production member might well be present for the first three or four meetings in a series, leaving a seat vacant for the next couple of meetings, and bringing in a lawyer for the final settlement. 2.3 Team memb

40、ersWhat should be looked for when a team is made up? Participants should never be chosen as a reward for other workplace achievements. This is a common temptation in international negotiations when the team must travel to some exciting or exotic location to do business. Being on the negotiating team

41、 is not a prize. Just because someone is the head of a department doesnt mean that they have the proper attributes to be included on the team. The leader must also be careful in team selection not to “ruffle the feathers 激怒” of the people who are not chosen to travel with the team. It is good to all

42、ow these people to participate in planning and research for the negotiation so that they can share in the prestige of being on the team even though they wont go on the trip itself. The leader must keep a sharp focus on who is needed and how they will contribute to the overall goal. There is no room

43、for dead weight.As J.E. Curry puts it, “Putting a team together is similar to assembling a jigsaw puzzle (拼图游戏): theres no success unless all of the pieces fit .2.3.1 Several kinds of people that need to be avoidedThe first one is the negative person. People with a penchant for complaining and alway

44、s finding fault do not belong on a negotiating team. They will discourage the other members and sow seeds of discord. Especially in an international situation where conditions may not be ideal, no one wants to have to listen to a team member drone on about the heat or the cold or the unsuitable food

45、. It just brings everyone down.Second, avoid loose cannons. These are people who cant work under the leadership of others or within the confines of the set guidelines of their role. Unanimity(全体一致)and single-mindedness(忠贞,专心)are the keys to successful negotiations. Again, this kind of person may pro

46、ve valuable at the planning and strategizing stage but they should never be allowed at the actual negotiation table.Third, avoid people with obvious biases.International trade is not only international, but cross-cultural. If a team member is racist, sexist, or harbors any other form of bigotry, it

47、can only serve to complicate the negotiating process. Many times, these people are unaware of how obvious their abhorrent views are to the opposition. The success of a deal should not be jeopardized because a team member offends the sensibilities of the opposition.案例一中国谈判小组赴中东某国进行一项工程承包谈判。在闲聊中,中方负责商

48、务条款的成员无意中评论了中东盛行的伊斯兰教,引起对方成员的不悦。当谈及实质性问题时,对方较为激进的商务谈判人员丝毫不让步,并一再流露撤出谈判的意图。问题:(1)案例中沟通出现的障碍主要表现在什么方面?(2)这种障碍导致谈判出现了什么局面?(3)应采取那些措施克服这一障碍?(4)从这一案例中,中方谈判人员要吸取什么教训?案例中沟通出现的主要障碍在中方负责商务条款的成员无意中评论了中东盛行的伊斯兰教。这种障碍导致对方成员的不悦,不愿意与中方合作。应该为此向对方成员道歉中方谈判人员在谈判前应该了解对方的习俗及喜好,避免类似与此情况再次发生,正所谓知己知彼才能百战百胜。Fourthly, not to

49、 choose people based solely on their individual strengthsIt must be remembered that this is a team negotiation. Every member must not only understand their role but must be able to work well with other personalities on the whole team. The best teams, many times, use their collective strength to outw

50、it the group of individual superstars the opposition may bring to the table. Personality conflicts, past experience, and cooperative skills must be taken into account when the leader chooses the team. Finally, people who are physically weak should not be considered for team inclusion.International t

51、rade and travel can be exhausting for even the fit person. Long hours of research and discussion will take their toll on the team members. Each member of the team must stay sharp and be alert during the negotiation. Furthermore, a team cannot afford to lose someone to illness in the middle of a nego

52、tiation.2.3.2 Men vs. women in negotiation teamMost negotiating teams are composed of men and women. It provides a positive appearance both internally and to the opposition that the negotiating company is also an inclusive and progressive organization. The leader must be acutely aware, however, of t

53、he different ways women and men carry out a negotiation. Several studies have revealed that: Personal IssuesFor women, control is developed through mutual empowerment (增强力量和信心), whereas men identify it with power or authority.Conflict begins with a competition of interests that men are more comforta

54、ble with. Men will attribute their success to themselves and failure to outside circumstances; women will attribute success to the circumstances and failure to themselves. Social IssuesWomen are more inclined to consensus-building and are more flexible, creative, and intuitive of the needs expressed

55、 in conversation.Women view the negotiation in a relational way with problems solved through dialogue and relationship building. When men fight, they do not see it as a threat to their relationship, whereas that is a fear for women who are in a disagreement. Physical IssuesWomens posture differences

56、 and use of body language in negotiation situations often suggest submissive(顺从的) position.Brain size men have about 2 billion more cells; one theory is female brain halves are closer together and permit better communication between halves.Men have more testosterone oriented towards aggressive behav

57、ior; physical orientation; does not assist in the progress towards resolving conflict. Tactical IssuesWomen may be less comfortable with the tactic of silence in negotiating. Men use conversation to establish their status/separation while women use it to establish closeness/relationship.An interesti

58、ng investigation2.3.3 Roles of team membersPutting together a team requires each member to take a particular role. Certain personality types are suitable for these different roles. A good leader needs to build the team with people who can fit into each role and strengthen the overall team. Once team

59、 members know their roles, they must strictly adhere to them. Small teamsThe classic tactic with a two member team is the good cop/bad cop. One team member takes a very hostile approach to the negotiation. This is the bad cop. Nothing is ever good enough for him or her. The deal is unfair or the pri

60、ce is unsuitable or the delivery date is unworkable. When the opposition becomes frustrated with all the obstacles, the other team member tries to find an agreeable compromise through a friendly tone and a more reasonable approach. This is the good cop.Larger teamsLeaderThe leader should be the pers


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