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1、中考书面表达复习课 Class 9 had a great time on the school trip.They went to Blue Water Aquarium for the day. First they visited the Visitors Center and watched a movie about sharks. Then they watched a dolphin show. After that, they went to the Outdoor Pool and saw a big octopus. After lunch, they went to th

2、e Gift Shop and bought lots of gifts. Finally, tired but happy,they took the bus back to school. At the end of the day, the science teacher was very happy because the class monitor cleaned the bus after the trip. Class 9 had a great time on the school trip.They went to Blue Water Aquarium for the da

3、y. First they visited the Visitors Center and watched a movie about sharks.Then they watched a dolphin show.After that,they went to the Outdoor Pool and saw a big octopus. After lunch, they went to the Gift Shop and bought lots of gifts. Finally,tired but happy,they took the bus back to school.At th

4、e end of the day,the science teacher was very happy because the class monitor cleaned the bus after the trip. 谓语动词:一般过去时 Class 9 had a great time on the school trip.They went to Blue Water Aquarium for the day. First they visited the Visitors Center and watched a movie about sharks.Then they watched

5、 a dolphin show.After that,they went to the Outdoor Pool and saw a big octopus. After lunch, they went to the Gift Shop and bought lots of gifts. Finally,tired but happy,they took the bus back to school.At the end of the day,the science teacher was very happy because the class monitor cleaned the bu

6、s after the trip.层次性强,有过渡型连接词 (综述)Class 9 had a great time on the school trip.They went to Blue Water Aquarium for the day. (正文)(1)First they visited the Visitors Center and watched a movie about sharks.(2)Then they watched a dolphin show.(3)After that,they went to the Outdoor Pool and saw a big oct

7、opus. (4)After lunch, they went to the Gift Shop and bought lots of gifts. (5)Finally,tired but happy,they took the bus back to school. (结尾)At the end of the day,the science teacher was very happy because the class monitor cleaned the bus after the trip.作文一般框架:文章分3部分:(1)综述:概括性强,最多2句话引入主题; (2)正文:(主要内

8、容) 层次性强,一定要有过渡型连接词。可展开3-5个方面,每个方面最多2句话;(3)结尾:紧扣主题,2句话内结束,尽量升华。 Work in groups: A visit to the Silver Beach作文一: 假如你是李华,上星期五你们班的同学和老师一起到银滩进行野餐活动。请你根据以下的提示用英语写一封80个词左右的电子邮件,告诉你的笔友Tom。天气晴出发时间早上八点候车地点学校门口交通工具校车 活动内容野餐、沙滩排球、游泳;和老师一起照相 注意:1.电子邮件不得出现真实的校名和人名; 2.电子邮件必须包含以上提示各要点,可以适当发挥; 3.电子邮件的开头已经给出,请你接着写下去。

9、Dear Tom, I went to the Silver Beach(银滩) for a picnic with my classmates last Friday._写作步骤: A visit to Silver Beach (1)审:(审题) 定体裁: 定时态: 定人称:记叙文一般过去时(过去式)we写作步骤: A visit to the Silver Beach天气晴出发时间早上八点候车地点学校门口交通工具校车活动内容野餐、沙滩排球、游泳;和老师一起照相(2)列:列提纲(即文章结构框架): 分几部分,每部分大体内容;列主要词汇。fineat eight in the morning

10、at the school gateschool bustake photospicnic,beach volleyball,swim,写作步骤: A visit to the Silver Beach1. It was fine. 2. We waited for the school bus at the school gate.3. We had a picnic. 4. We played beach volleyball. 5. We swam. 6. We took a lot of photos with our teachers.(3)连:连词成句,连句成文。叙事文常用的过渡型

11、连接词:first;second;third;first;next;then;after that;finally;when;while;not untiland;but;so;or;However in a word;to be honest写作步骤: A visit to the Silver Beach(4)改:(查漏改错)检查拼写、语法、标点及语句是否通顺、连贯等。 写作步骤: A visit to the Silver Beach(5)抄:整洁撰抄,不再做任何的 更改。 写作步骤:(1)审:审清作文体裁、时态、人称等细节;(2)列:列提纲(文章结构框架):分几部分,以及每部分大体内容

12、;列主要词汇;(3)连:连词成句,连句成文。(4)改:查漏改错;检查拼写、语法、标点及语句是否通顺、连贯等(5)抄:整洁撰抄,不再做任何的更改。 A visit to the Silver BeachDear Tom, I went to the Silver Beach(银滩) for a picnic with my classmates last Friday. It was fine that day. We met and waited for the school bus at eight at the school gate. Then we went to the beach

13、on the school bus. On the beach,we had a good time. We had a picnic,and some of us played beach volleyball,others swam. And we took a lot of photos with our teachers. We really enjoyed ourselves. Yours, Li Hua范文:写事件记叙文的话题:1. When 2. Where3. Who4. Weather5. What things to do 6. What to buy 7. What to

14、 eat 8. How are the people9. How do you feel中考书面表达类型(按内容分)1.记叙文(叙事/叙人)主要使用时态(谓语):(1)一般过去时(过去式)()一般现在时(三单/V原)()一般将来时:(will+V原/ am,is,are going to+ V原) 2.倡议书/建议书谓语:should/shouldnt+ V原 can/cant + V原 Dont + V原 (否定式祈使句)中考书面表达解题技巧1、(1) 定类型(记叙/建议) (2)定时态(谓语) (3)定人称 (主语)2、多用自己熟悉的简单句书写 基本句型:主语+谓语+地点+时间3、时间若足

15、够,先写中文,后翻译,检查,字数要符合要求,再抄写。卷面一定要整洁(中考加分)4、结尾表达感受/评论(强调句)作文一: (2013年中考) 假如今天(5月12日)是母亲节,你为母亲做了很多有意义的事情。请你根据以下表格中所提供的信息,用英语写一篇日记。上午你发短信祝母亲节日快乐;打扫房间。下午你和父亲一起买菜、做饭。晚上你陪母亲散步;送自己制作的贺卡给母亲,母亲很开心。感受.要求:1. 日记必须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐句翻译, 可以适当发挥; 2. 至少要写一点个人感受. 3. 词数:70个左右,日记的开头已给出,不计入总词数。 4. 参考词汇:send a short message to

16、 sb. 发短信给某人 Dear Diary, May 12th Today is Mothers Day. In the morning, 检查细则:1. 时态2. 主谓一致3. 名词单复数4. 单词拼写5. 动词的过去式, 过去分词6. 句子是否完整,通顺7. 标点符号、大小写中考评分标准: 1.内容充实、语言流畅,能恰当地运用较复杂句式及习惯用法等,语法、拼写错误极少(9-10分) 2. 较通顺完整,有少量语法、拼写错误(7-8分) 3. 基本要点写出,有较多语法、拼写错误(5-6分) 4.篇幅不足,错误较多,语句不通顺(3-4分) 5. 只写了个别句子或单词(0-2分)范文:Dear

17、Diary, May 12th Today is Mothers Day. I wanted to do somethings to make mother happy. In the morning,I senta short message to my mother and wished her ahappy Mothers Day. Then I cleaned the room.Inthe afternoon,my father and I went to the market to buy a lot of meat,fish and vegetables ,and we cooke

18、d a big meal together.It was a surprise to mymother.As you can see,she was so excited! After supper,I took a walk with my mother , then I senther a card made by myself.Mother loved it!Thismade me feel happy,too.What a wonderful MothersDay!九、书面表达(10分)(2010年中考) 暑假期间,学校英语俱乐部准备组织一次夏令营活动。假如你是英语俱乐部的负责人,请你

19、根据以下信息用英文拟一份通知(notice),发到学校的信息公告栏上。 1时间:2010年7月10日16日;在上海停留5天。 2交通工具:往返均乘坐火车。 3主要活动:参观世博园。 4费用:每人1,200元,含食宿、火车票和一张世博园门票。 5有意参加者,请在2010年7月5日告知我们。电话:5678588。表达要求:1必须包含所给要点,可适当发挥,但不要逐条翻译; 2文中不能出现真实的人名和校名; 3词数70词左右; 4开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:1世博园:the World Expo Garden 2食宿:accommodations Notice写作步骤: (1)审:(审

20、题) 定体裁: 定时态: 定人称:记叙文一般将来时(will+V原)we NoticeAll the students: The English club of our school will organize a summer campWe plan to Shanghai to visit the World Expo GardenWould you like to go with us? Let me tell you something sbout it We will leave for Shanghai on July 10th by train,and go back on 16

21、th,JulyOf course we will take a train to come backWe will stay there for five daysIf you want to join,you should pay 1,200 yuan,including accommodations,two train tickets and a ticket to the World Expo Garden八、书面表达(10分)(2012年中考) 假设你是Alice, 请你根据Lily来信的内容写一封回信。针对Lily的困惑,首先谈谈你的看法,然后给Lily提一些建议,建议提示如下: 1

22、. 去她的朋友家里或打电话与她的朋友交谈; 2. 给她的朋友写信或e-mail; 3. 请她的朋友买不同的衣服或留不同的发型;要求:1. 回信须包括你的看法及所有提示内容,可适当发挥; 2. 信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 3. 词数:70个左右;Dear Alice, How is it going? I have a problem,and I need your help. My classmate, Elise, is my best friend. Shes really nice. But she always wears the same clothes and has t

23、he same haircut as I do. Last week, I argued with her about it. Now I dont know what to do. Could you please give me some advice? Yours, LilyDear Lily, Im glad that I received a letter from you . 写作步骤: (1)审:(审题) 定体裁: 定时态: 定人称:建议书 should/shouldnt+V原we八、(One possible version) Dear Lily, Im glad that I

24、 received a letter from you. I think you should be happy that your best friend likes your clothes and haircut. If not, I have some advice that may help you. You should go to her house or call her up to talk to her. You could write or send an e-mail to her about your problem. You could also ask her to get different clothes and have a different haircut, or maybe you could find a new best friend. Good luck! Yours, Alicetall outgoing play basketballgo for a picnichelp me with my Englishbest wisheshe


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