



1、 绘本故事Vegetables 教学设计 教材分析本课是一个科学类的绘本故事,内容是帮助学生了解蔬菜的分类,文本通过语言与图片的结合,帮助学生了解知晓蔬菜按照器官所分的六大类,让学生通过学习掌握蔬菜分类的知识,并运用该知识进行蔬菜的分类。该绘本首先呈现,人体离不开是蔬菜,蔬菜对我们身体有好处这一客观事实;然后依次列举蔬菜按照器官分成的六大类:根、茎、叶、花、果实和种子,并在此基础上分别罗列相应的蔬菜; 最后,呈现观点,摄取蔬菜让我们的身体更健康,所以我们要多吃蔬菜。通过呈现蔬菜分类的知识,让学生掌握蔬菜按照器官分类的方法,能够以科学的标准对蔬菜进行分类,并树立蔬菜对人体有益的观点。学情分析 学


3、菜主题绘本。四、教学重难点1.加强文本概念,培养阅读策略。2.语言的综合运用。 基于现有知识,让学生理解和掌握蔬菜按器官分类的方法。五、教学资源信息技术类:教学PPT;图片类:蔬菜图片;道具类:题单、彩色笔。辅助类:奖励印章、翻页笔七、教学流程教学流程教学活动学生活动设计意图GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today?Ss: Hello ,Celia.Ss: Im fine,thank you.师生问候、说唱,引导学生进入英语学习状态,为英语教学创设轻松和谐的学习氛围。Warming-upT:Lets sing a song toge

4、ther.Ss sing the song together.ReviewT: I will tell you a story. Please look the pictures What are they? S: They are vegetables.学生观察图片,对主题有初步的了解和感知。PresentationT: Lets read the title. What is it?S: Vegetables (Stick the pictures of cabbage, the celery, the coin, the peas, the beans, the cauliflower

5、and the pumpkin on the Bb.)(3)T: Who is the author of this story? T: Are those pictures the real one or cartoons? We can call them photographs. The person who takes photos is photographer.Ss learn something about the picture book.指导学生观察封面和封底,引导学生通过观察封面页图片、文字,获取信息,了解故事的主题和题材,培养学生观察能力,培养自主学习的习惯。T: Loo

6、k at the picture. Do you know those vegetables? T: Can you classify them into different groups.(At this step scaffolding is given, “ According to _, I classify them into _ groups.”)T shows a method of classifying according to vegetable organs.Today we will learn to classify vegetables according to t

7、heir organs. It can be classify into six parts. Look, what are they?Activity 3 观图5,逐图学习绘本内容。(1)T: Whats he doing? T: Yes. Tell me some detail information.T: Do you like eating them?T: Why do we eat them? T: Whats this?T:Whats this? Which part is it?T: So we can say cabbage is _vegetable.T: Leaf vege

8、tables are good for us. Read together. th your partner for 30 seconds. Who wants to share your idea? S2: Do you agree with him? T: Now boys please read it. This time girls read it.T: Look at the picture. What are they?Ss: Peas and corns.T: Are they leaf vegetables?Ss: No, They arent. T: Guess which

9、part does it belong to?Ss:T: Ok, Lets check the answer. Then read together.T: How about this vegetable. Have you ever eaten them?Ss: Its a flower.T:Yes, it looks like a flower. Its name is cauliflower.T: Read after me “cauliflower.” Ss: cauliflower.T: Discuss in groups and try to fill in the blanks.

10、T: What are they? Who can share your ideas?S5&S6: Pumpkin and carrots.T: All together we have two sheets. Read and fill in the blanks.Two minutes is given to you.Now who wants to share your answer?S7&S8T: After reading we know that vegetables are good for us. So what should we do?S9:T: Lets see what

11、s the authors suggestion?Ss:Three minutes is given to students to have a group discussion.Ss share their results to the whole class.Ss are asked to discus with the partners to finish the task and express their ideas. Ss: They are leaf, stem, seed, root, flower and fruit. Ss: Hes eating. Ss:Ss:.Ss: C

12、abbage.Ss: Leaf. Ss: Cabbage is leaf vegetable.通过启发激活现有知识,帮助学生搭建支架,便于理解本课所涉及到的新知识。ExtensionT: Please look at the picture. Do you know them? Look at this one. T: What kind of vegetable is it?T: Based on the sentence structures, we can say. T: At this part, I will invite four students to share your id

13、eas.Ss: Its a tomato. Ss:Fruit vegetable. Ss share their work.通过让学生对更多的蔬菜进行分类,检验、巩固学生本堂课知识掌握情况。为学生提供更多的图,给予学生发展的空间,把所学知识与生活实际联系起来。T:We will watch a video about making a picture book. Step two is to stick the pages together. All together, there are two steps. Step one is to finish the cover. Ss make a book by working in groups. Share the work to the whole class.学生在整体初识故事和逐图详学故事之后,再次通过整体观看的方式巩固学习故事。学生以组为单位完成一本简易Homework1.Read the story.2. Use different parts of vegetables to make a picture. Ss write down the homewor


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