



1、四年级语册语法空项精编研版班级:_姓名:_1. 用i填空。1. There _ a boy on 2. There _a panda in the 3. There chickens in photo.4. There _ a bear in photo.5. There pigs in photo.2. 选词填。 luck B. What C. fast D. train1We are going to jump.( )2 going to run _)3 you (_)4I going _ every ( )5Good (_3. 下面这家具应放在哪个横上呢? sofa fridge pho

2、ne1bedroom: _2study: _3kitchen: _4living _4. 选词填。1Come and (have / a pie, Dad, Im not _ / ill).2Here _ / some for you, Mike.Thank you.3_ (Who / trousers are _ / 4 is Mike (speak / 5He _ (hot / cold). He a coat.5. 根据句或汉语示填空。(格一词1 is can _ can _ he cant _ in the 2 reading, _(游泳) _(跑步) he like _(跳) or

3、_(画画)1 / 6. 用所给单词填(注意大小)。 happy on 1. have some cant.2. _ birthday to you.3. Turn _ the light, 4. Can I _?7. 用所给适当形填空。1s in _(he) pencil box?2His 3 _(your).4s your job?5I use 8. 用所给适当形填空。1 the 2I English 3Is this _ (you) 4s name?5I like rice and _(vegetable).9. 单词归类 fifteen making cake twenty rice m

4、ilk thirteen swimming running milk 1food(食物 _ _ _ 2action(动作) _ _ _ 3饮料) _ _ _ 4现在分词 _ _ _ 5numbers(字) _ _ _10. 看图选词将子补充完整 door B. light C. picture D. blackboard 1Clean the_ 2Turn 2 / 3 the_4 the_511. 看图单词。Put 1I _ last 2I _ trip yesterday.3I _ yesterday.12. 用所词的适形式填空。1Liu Tao can _ a picnic this Su

5、nday.2A has four _ (season).3 are seven _ (day) in 4Look at _ _ dress. Its so 5 _ too big.6 that _ (Mike) sweater?Yes, it 13. 用所单词的当形式填空1I (have) dress. Your shirt. 2We _ (lesson) the morning.3 is Li _(speak).4Look! My gloves so big.5I _ (swim) lesson 6-_ (who) book s (Mike) book. 14. 选词空。(词限用一次 min

6、e, your, 1 it 2Look! _ new 3 these your shoes, they _.3 / 4 that _ study?No, it isnt. Its my sisters. 15. 读一,补全子。1-Where are the -They 在书桌底下).2-Whats the classroom?-Lets 看看).3-What colour is your -Its _ (黑白色.4 带眼镜).5-Would like a 刀叉? 16. 用进行时态用给词造。1. eat She, watch 3. He, the 4. Amy, draw pictures.5. Daming, a 17. 按分把苹果到不同的篮里,写号。4 / _ _ _18.选出合适的单填入横上。1s the like _ New York?2It


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