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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、The local guide spoke _she could to make the visitors understand her.Aas clear as Bas clearly as Cso clear as Dso clearly as2、-What a

2、bad day I have today!- Everyone has one of those days when goes right.AanythingBeverythingCsomethingDnothing3、Mr. White tells us the calls meeting will be cancelled if no agreement _ tomorrow.Ais reachedBwill be reachedCis going to be reachedDhas been reached4、 Do you know _ a wonderful match and tw

3、o basketball matches on July 15 th ? Yeah . I am going to watch them on that day.Athere will beBthere is going to haveCthere are going to beDis there going to be5、I am tried.This is not the right _ to ask me to go for a walk.AmomentBchanceCplaceDseason6、 This city is known as the Flower City. Really

4、? If its like that, there must be many people travelling around it every year.AreportedBcalledCasked7、No bus, no car, no trainHow can I get to school, mum?A bicycle _at the gate. Your father did it.Abrought Bhas brought Cis brought Dwas brought8、I cant hear the teacher with so much noise outside.Acl

5、earlyBslowlyCwarmlyDbravely9、Itssaidthatmanyworkersinourcityhave_someorganizationstohelptheelderlyandthedisabledpeople. They are helpful and we shouldlearnfromthem.AstayedupBputupCtookupDsetup10、I dont know how to the old books.You can give them away to poor children.Ahand in Btake up Cdeal with Dgi

6、ve up. 完形填空11、完型填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各个小题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。It is a fine Sunday. Jenny and her mother are on the _ . They want to go to_ . There are many children on it. Their parents are telling stories to _ . An old man gets _ the bus. He has no seat(座位) to sit in. Jenny asks him to sit in her

7、seat. The old man _ Jenny. There are two foreigners(外国人)on the bus. They want to go to the Great Wall, too. But they _ speak Chinese. Jenny talks to them in English. She tells them Beijing is a big city_ a long history. And the Palace Museum is very famous, too. She tells stories_ the Palace Museum.

8、 At the same time they learn about a lot of Chinese culture (文化) from Jenny. They think the stories are _ and they want to visit other places of interest in China soon. Can their dream _ ? Of course.1A train B bus C plane D car2A hutong B Tiananmen Square C the Great Wal D Wangfujin3A them B they C

9、me D him4A up B on C dressed D in5A says B talks C shows D thanks6A can B cant C must D need to7A at B in C with D has8A to B about C or D with9A boring B relaxed C afraid D interesting10A think of B come on C come true D get to. 语法填空12、Sarah and Janet are middle school students. They have been frie

10、nds1 they started school. They do many things together, such as studying, watching TV, surfing the Internet, playing sports, listening2 music and so on.They usually help each other. When Sarah was in the 3(three) grade, some students made fun of her because she was shy. Janet told the other students

11、4(stop) making fun of Sarah and she helped Sarah overcome her shyness. In the fifth grade, Janet had 5(difficulty) in math. She studied hard, but she still couldnt know what the teacher 6(teach) clearly. Sarah helped Janet and explained every exercise to her. After six months, Janet did much 7(well)

12、 than before and even got an A in the math exam. When Janet got the test paper, we can imagine 8 happy they were!Everyone9(need) a good friend in life. A life without a friend is a life without the sunshine. Please remember people want friends 10 are kind and helpful. So if we want a good friend, le

13、ts be a good friend first. 阅读理解A13、A little girls interest in wanting to talk about Chinese food put her on a path to study the language.Isabelle first became interested in Chinese when she was 5. “We were at a Chinese restaurant . She was watching a man making noodles. She was so excited that she w

14、anted to talk with him. Unfortunately, he didnt speak English. On the way home, she said she wanted to learn Chinese,” said Isabelles father.“I totally fell in love with the language. Its so beautiful and unlike anything Ive ever heard before,” said Isabelle, whose Chinese name is Bao Ling. she is n

15、ow 12 and very good at Chinese, she can even watch movies and TV from China without subtitles. Some of her favorite Chinese cartoons are Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, Big Head Son and Small Head Dad, which are very popular in China.Isabelle studies at the Confucius Institute (孔子学院) near her home,

16、the William & Mary Confucius Institute. “It is just the beginning of a fantastic ongoing adventure, all thanks to the Confucius Institute,” she said.The WMCI offers courses on many aspects (方面) of Chinese culture, from travel tips to calligraphy(书法), to tai chi, cooking and music. The first course t

17、hat Isabelle took was a cooking class. She then tried tai chi and kung fu through the WMCI.Next year, through the WMCI, Isabelle will join the JNCLNCLIS () to ask for more aid for language instruction in public schools.“I want to thank the Confucius Institute for sharing the wonderful language and c

18、ulture of China to the world,” she said. “It has been a wonderful journey for all of us,” said her mother.1Why did Isabelle become interested in Chinese at first?ABecause she wanted to talk about Chinese foodBBecause she wanted to be a Chinese cook.CBecause she thought Chinese was so beautiful.2What

19、 does the underlined word “subtitle” mean in Chinese?A标题 B科目 C字幕3What courses did Isabelle take through WMCI?ACooking, calligraphy and tai chiBCooking, kung fu and tai chiCCooking, tai chi and music4Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AIsabelle first became interested in Chinese

20、when she was 12 years old.BIsabelle has got aid for language instruction in public schools.CBoth Isabelle and her mother feel good about the Confucius Institute.5What is the best title of the passage?AHow Chinese food led to a girls love of Chinese.BHow popular Chinese calligraphy is in foreign coun

21、tries.CWhy is the Confucius Institute welcomed in foreign countries.B14、There are some funny activities this week! Everyone who is interested in them looks at the notice!MondayMeeting Room19:0021:30Dr.Thomas Wests report:Space and ManCome and listen to it if you want to learn more about the stars an

22、d the universe.WednesdayScience Room18:0020:00Mrs Smiths report:UFOWould you like to learn about UFOs? Please come and listen.FridayMeeting Room18:3021:00Mr Greens lesson:Computer ScienceMr Green is from Oxford University.Learn to use computers.SundayLibrary18:3011:30Robot ShowYou can see all kinds

23、of robots made by the students. You may also bring your own robot here.1Who can you learn something about UFOs from?AA student.BMrs Smith.CMr Green.DDr.Thomas West.2What does Mr Green from Oxford University teach?AComputer science.BRobot science.CSpace science.DLife science.3When may you have a chan

24、ce to show people your robot?AOn Monday.BOn Wednesday.COn Friday.DOn Sunday.4If you are free on Monday, you can go to .AMr Greens lessonBa report about UFOCa report about Space and ManDsee some robots5If you want to learn how to use computers, you can go to the lesson .Afrom 8:30 am to 11:30 am on S

25、undayBfrom 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm on MondayCfrom 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm on WednesdayDfrom 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm on FridayC15、Beijing was the capital for six dynasties(朝代). Among many new high buildings, you still can find something different here. When you walk through the hutong you will really love this old

26、capital.A hutong is narrow lane between the outer walls of houses. The main buildings in a hutong are siheyuan-buildings with houses around a yard.If you come and go through the narrow hutong, you will get a feel for the heart of old Beijing. It is a place of peace, and its not like the noisy city.

27、Usually, you can see groups of older people sitting together and playing cards or Chinese chess.The hutong is an important element (元素) of Beijing. Most of them were built during the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. The oldest hutong is Sanmiao Street, which is more than 900 years old.The hutong shows

28、 the culture of ordinary Beijingers. The people of Beijing used to enjoy a big dinner with their neighbors in the hutong. Neighbors and friends are never too far away to hear a shout.There are lanes that are similar to hutong in other parts of China. But they have different names. For example, in Sh

29、anghai, people call these lanes linong. While in Hunan, people call them xiangzi.1Beijing used to be the capital of dynasties.Athree Bfour Cfive Dsix2The underlined word “lane” means in Chinese.A马路 B街道 C巷道 D捷径3Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?ALiving in a hutong is comfortable

30、 but noisy.BMost of hutong in Beijing were built more than 900 years ago.CBeijingers are difficult to get each others help because they live too far away.DDifferent places have different names of hutong in China.4Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?AOld Capital CultureHutong

31、BThe History of HutongCBeijingers Living Condition DWhat Is HutongD16、Zhang Zhiyuan, who works in the film and television industry, uses the De Dao app when he goes to work every day, according to Xinhua News Agency. The app offers written articles and podcasts from famous personalities that the use

32、r must pay for, with topics ranging from music to economics. Zhang is not alone. By May 2017, De Dao had 7 million users, according to Bloomberg. The De Dao platform is just a small part of Chinas knowledge economy. These days, more Chinese people are willing to pay for knowledge online than before,

33、 according to an article published by AFP in September.Many Chinese people used to be unwilling to pay for content online. However, many internet users attitudes have changed since they began to see quality content as valuable, wrote China Daily.Meanwhile, Chinese people, especially the young, are s

34、uffering from so-called Knowledge anxiety. In such a rapidly changing society, people are afraid of not being able to get the latest information and feeling left out, according to The Wall Street Journal.” In big cities, people are too busy to read books and watch movies. Famous personalities can te

35、ach you knowledge that lets you seem as if you have read the book or watched the movie yourself,” De Dao user James Lu told the Financial Times.However, this way of learning has also been criticized. “Knowledge is not the same as information. Its certainly not something that can be gained by watchin

36、g a few television shows, any more than it can be gotten by reading a few books or listening to a few podcasts,” Sixth Tone reporter Tao Lixing noted. He believes that to get real knowledge, one has to ask questions, analyze and reflect, rather than rely simply on internet content.In spite of this,

37、it seems that paying for knowledge online is a popular phenomenon that shows no signs of slowing down.1What do you know about De Dao?APeople can read articles on De Dao.BPeople can only write articles on De Dao.CPeople cant listen to music on De Dao.DIts free.2Which is not the reason that people lik

38、e to pay for knowledge online?AThe society changes so rapidly.Bpeople are afraid of being left out.CIts cheaper to pay for knowledge online.Dpeople are too busy to read books and watch movies.3Which statement is the writers opinion?ABy May 2017, De Dao had 7 million users, according to Bloomberg.BFa

39、mous personalities can teach you knowledge that lets you seem as if you have read the book or watched the movie yourselfCKnowledge is not the same as information.DIt seems that paying for knowledge online is a popular phenomenon that shows no signs of slowing down.4This passage may come from _Aa sci

40、ence bookBa newspaperCa magazineDa novelE17、First Airplane TripBy Sara MatsonJake is going on a trip. He and Morn take a taxi to the airport.Its my first plane trip, he tells the taxi driver.That s great! the taxi driver says.Jake rolls his suitcase onto the plane.its my first plane trip, he tells t

41、he pilot.Welcome aboard, the pilot says.Jake finds his seat and buckles his seatbelt. The planes engines rumble and roar Jake opens his backpack and pulls out Panda.Its my first plane trip, he whispers. He holds Pandas paw.The plane moves faster and faster. Then-Whoosh! On the ground, cars and house

42、s look like toys.Jake smiles. Guess what, Panda? he says. Flying is fun!1How does Jake and his morn travel to the airport?AIn a plane. BIn their car. CIn a taxi. DIn a bus.2This is Jake s _ trip, he feels fairly _Alast, happy Bfirst bus, worriedCfirst plane, excited Dlast, frightened3Who is Panda?AJ

43、akes brother. BA large animal. CJakes pet. DA toy animal.4What s the Chinese meaning of the underlined words?A发出轰隆隆的声音 B滚动着C发出咕咕的声音 D开始工作5Read this sentence from the story.: On the ground, the cars and houses look like toys.What does this mean?AThe cars and houses looked very big. BThe cars and hous

44、es looked very small.CThe cars and houses did not move. DJack could not see the cars and houses.F18、1What is Wagner Music School trying to get?AStudents.BTeachers.CMusical instruments.DA new phone.2According to the advertisement, what kind of people should learn to play an instrument?APeople who are already good at playing the violin.BPeople who dont have any money.CPeople who are free on the weekend only.DPeople who are interested in listening to music.书面表达19、书面表达(共1题)初中三年的学习生活让人难忘,毕业之际,你校将举行感恩为主题的英文演讲比赛,请你根据以下提示,写一篇英文演讲稿要点提示:1


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