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1、Lineysisof er第1 章 绪课题的背景及意课题的背国内外发展状国内发展状Lineysisof er第1 章 绪课题的背景及意课题的背国内外发展状国内发展状国外发展状本章小第2 章 我国农村电网分2.1 线损和线损线损的定线损的分. 线损率的定义和公线损产生的原典型负荷分类分典型负荷划分标本章小第3 章 线损理论分析与损耗计算方3.1 理论线损计算的作输电线路理论损耗计35kV及以上电力网的线损理论计算方上述公式参数的确变压器理论损耗计变压器的电能损变压器的有功功率损变压器的无功功率损35kv 理论损耗汇低压电网理论损耗计低压接户线的结构及负荷特低压接户线的理论损耗计低压接户线的线损计

2、电能表的损耗计低压电网理论线损和理论线损率的计4 本章小降低线损的措4.1 和降损措施的分影响线损降损措施的分4.2 降低线损的技术措施和管理措4.2 降低线损的技术措施和管理措降低线损的技术措配电网的技术改造和升压运降低线损的管理措4.3 本章小结致参考文附1.1.1课题的背。1998 3800 50 99.999.8%的的农村用户实现历史性的跨越。根据 2014 年的统计电网用电的数量,全社会的用电量五千多亿千瓦1.1.1课题的背。1998 3800 50 99.999.8%的的农村用户实现历史性的跨越。根据 2014 年的统计电网用电的数量,全社会的用电量五千多亿千瓦16300 国53.

3、1。中国的拥有县级的电力公司两千多所,镇级1.2.1 国内发展状1.2.2 国外发展状多,都是运用模糊理论 近法、人工智能计算法等。1.2.2 国外发展状多,都是运用模糊理论 近法、人工智能计算法等。1.3线损的定线损的分1. 2.线损的定线损的分1. 2. (1) 3. (3)2.1.3 线损 供电所线损管理范围(1)配电线路损失;(2)(3)低压线路损失;(4)低压无功功率补偿和配电线路的无功补偿的管供电所线损管理范围(1)配电线路损失;(2)(3)低压线路损失;(4)低压无功功率补偿和配电线路的无功补偿的管线损率的定义和以提供一个以上公式中:P为线路的损失率,kW。P为首端输送率,kW(

4、1)(3) 。的(2) (3) 2.3.1 典型的(2) (3) 2.3.1 典型负荷分类分1. 2. 多 2.3.2 典型负荷划分标21 际应用中,应该有一个更详细的分类的基础上,基本负载的占总负载的比例,划分结果如下。6个镇个分同 2.3.2 典型负荷划分标21 际应用中,应该有一个更详细的分类的基础上,基本负载的占总负载的比例,划分结果如下。6个镇个分同总的 20%以上则可分种情况:一种情况是民用照明是其他用电的两倍以上,则这个村镇的可以被称作第一类负荷。如果每种负荷所占的大体相当,则可以称为第二类负荷。那么每种负负荷的损耗计算公式如下;按照上面这个公式可以总结出任何村镇负荷的损耗方法2

5、.4kC%AAAAiBCC% i%i2.单项输电线路的有功功率计算和无功功率2.单项输电线路的有功功率计算和无功功率为限流输电线路的一次电流,A阻, 。3.2.2 及以上电力网的线损理论计算方1.AA P3I3I2232pj U8.以上各式中:AQg为线路首端有功供电量, kwh,无功供电量,为线路负荷曲线形状系数。8.以上各式中:AQg为线路首端有功供电量, kwh,无功供电量,为线路负荷曲线形状系数。Rd 为线路总等值电阻运行电压,kv为线损份的实际运行时间,h投运的每台变压器的空载损耗,w为线路额定电压,kv每台定容量,kva。上述公式参数的bidi每套变压器二次侧总表的实抄电量,kwh

6、为任意一线段供电变量时抄电量之和,kwh为kv为每台变压器的短路损耗,w为线路中每台变压器的额定容量,kva内变压器额定容量之和,kva3.3 3.3.1 变压器的电能损每套变压器二次侧总表的实抄电量,kwh为任意一线段供电变量时抄电量之和,kwh为kv为每台变压器的短路损耗,w为线路中每台变压器的额定容量,kva内变压器额定容量之和,kva3.3 3.3.1 变压器的电能损1. )leARP2 jojj( 2i 12. 均以上公式中: 为空载损耗,kw。 为负载损耗, kw。3.3.2 变压器的有功为变压器的额定容量,kva。S 为相对应通过 1、2、3 绕组的以上公式中有功功率和无功功率,

7、2. 均以上公式中: 为空载损耗,kw。 为负载损耗, kw。3.3.2 变压器的有功为变压器的额定容量,kva。S 为相对应通过 1、2、3 绕组的以上公式中有功功率和无功功率,kw 和kvarRK1 / RK2 / RK3为归算到 1 1、2、 /0/PP PR31 22 3t 1 U3IUrrr0 2n1N e3.3.3 变压器的无功 以上公式中3.3.4 35kv理论损耗经过农村改造后大部分地区已经满足导则的要求,但是仍然有一小部分地区没有满足要求。经过农村电网的改造,拥有了更加合理的电网结构,但是各个地区的各种负荷不能立即改善,并且负荷分布普遍比较分散。10kV很低,而且相互提供的能

8、力也不好。并且农村的电网供电电源也是比较简单、单一的,以至于导致横截面普遍都偏小还有一种现象是截面和型号混乱。下面是某农村供电公司“2006年全网代表日理论电网线损分析3.4 3.4.1 低压接户线的结构及低压用户理论计算过程中,根据原始数据来计算的,所以原始数据的准确度是非常重要的,数据如果不正确会影响结果,所以在常规的计算过程中。不考虑低电压用户接入线路损失的家庭线,造成理论线条精确度降低损I%PQ/3.3.3 变压器的无功 以上公式中3.3.4 35kv理论损耗经过农村改造后大部分地区已经满足导则的要求,但是仍然有一小部分地区没有满足要求。经过农村电网的改造,拥有了更加合理的电网结构,但

9、是各个地区的各种负荷不能立即改善,并且负荷分布普遍比较分散。10kV很低,而且相互提供的能力也不好。并且农村的电网供电电源也是比较简单、单一的,以至于导致横截面普遍都偏小还有一种现象是截面和型号混乱。下面是某农村供电公司“2006年全网代表日理论电网线损分析3.4 3.4.1 低压接户线的结构及低压用户理论计算过程中,根据原始数据来计算的,所以原始数据的准确度是非常重要的,数据如果不正确会影响结果,所以在常规的计算过程中。不考虑低电压用户接入线路损失的家庭线,造成理论线条精确度降低损I%PQ/2Q S(KQSXXX0 11 22 33 3TTNU0K1N U22 2 00U1N 1N 线损电量

10、线路损失占总-3-1所示。3.4.2 低压接户线的理论损耗计算1. 以上各式中:N 为低压线路首端的平均负荷电流。K 低压线路负荷曲线形状系数,取值方法同高压配电网。T 3-1所示。3.4.2 低压接户线的理论损耗计算1. 以上各式中:N 为低压线路首端的平均负荷电流。K 低压线路负荷曲线形状系数,取值方法同高压配电网。T 22A3.5IKRT23XLpjppjjddzdzz三相四线2. 为电压线路首端有功供电量,kwh端无功供电量,kvarh=0.38kv为低压线路负荷功率因数。3. 低压配电线路等值电380/220v 供电的低压用户电能表抄见电量之和。为某一计算线段导线电阻,为某一计算线段

11、线路结构常数,取值方法与N相同。低压接户线的线损以上公式中: 2. 为电压线路首端有功供电量,kwh端无功供电量,kvarh=0.38kv为低压线路负荷功率因数。3. 低压配电线路等值电380/220v 供电的低压用户电能表抄见电量之和。为某一计算线段导线电阻,为某一计算线段线路结构常数,取值方法与N相同。低压接户线的线损以上公式中: L为低压接户线总长度,m电能表的损耗计1kwh块 2kwh 计算,计算方法如下:nr1 j j jpj3cmTUNii3.4.5 低压电网理论线损和理3.4.5 低压电网理论线损和理论线损率的计3.5 AAAAAdL XLAjhdb 影响线损,链可以通过多种横截


13、就会出现大车拉小马的情况,很多变压器都会出现空载运行,负荷率偏低,相对损耗偏大。4.1.2 降损措施的1. 出。理论值的大小是没有实际线路损耗的少。可以看出一定是管理上的问题,管理线损占整个线路损耗的大部分,做好管理工作对减少损耗会有很明显的提高。10降低线损的技术以上各式中为配电网的总损耗,kw出。理论值的大小是没有实际线路损耗的少。可以看出一定是管理上的问题,管理线损占整个线路损耗的大部分,做好管理工作对减少损耗会有很明显的提高。10降低线损的技术以上各式中为配电网的总损耗,kw为配电网的固定损耗,kw。P、Q 率,kw、kvar。为配电网的运行电压,kv2U2Pdz RPP kb 2U1

14、为配电网中配电变压器空载损耗之和,kw。kv对于 35kv部分的线路都处于轻负荷的运行状态,再加上配电变压器的数量多、容量小、负载率低,还有负荷的可变损耗和总损耗的比例大约是 5,所以工作电压的合理运行,可以达到降低线损的效果,工作电压与降低线损的关系如41所示。11 配电网和运行电压的调整方法配电网为配电网中配电变压器空载损耗之和,kw。kv对于 35kv部分的线路都处于轻负荷的运行状态,再加上配电变压器的数量多、容量小、负载率低,还有负荷的可变损耗和总损耗的比例大约是 5,所以工作电压的合理运行,可以达到降低线损的效果,工作电压与降低线损的关系如41所示。11 配电网和运行电压的调整方法配

15、电网的技术改造和升压配电网的技术改造。关于我国农村接入电网的设备的时间一般是 2060、70年代,由于早些年的电量都小,而且那个时候的条件不好,铝m135 为导线经济截面,kwh。以上各式中为降损电量,kwh为线路平均负荷电流,A。T 为线路运行时间,h功率损耗是不可避免的会增加,如果电压电平可以被改善,如 6KV 增加到 9KV,20KV 可达 45KV,可以减少损失,提高电力的输送电量,达到降低很可能是由于配电网的升压运行导致的。所以, 使升压运行和配电网中的固为电网输送能力提高百分数,%为升压前后电网的电压,kvP U2 为导线经济截面,kwh。以上各式中为降损电量,kwh为线路平均负荷

16、电流,A。T 为线路运行时间,h功率损耗是不可避免的会增加,如果电压电平可以被改善,如 6KV 增加到 9KV,20KV 可达 45KV,可以减少损失,提高电力的输送电量,达到降低很可能是由于配电网的升压运行导致的。所以, 使升压运行和配电网中的固为电网输送能力提高百分数,%为升压前后电网的电压,kvP U2100% P %1122 U21为电网升压后功率损耗降低百分数,%为RPPURUR 100%PA0a tgjf1 PR 1 5000升压前后电网的功率损耗,kW。U1 /U2 为升压前后电网的电压,kV。年预计节电量=升压前年供电量(1-升压后线损降低百分数) 升压前升压前后电网的功率损耗

17、,kW。U1 /U2 为升压前后电网的电压,kV。年预计节电量=升压前年供电量(1-升压后线损降低百分数) 升压前 降低线损的管理 。 合理抄表。99.9 kv66 1235年校验一次。( 1235年校验一次。(99%以上或2.3. 4.34.3结农村配电网的安全运行,也电力公司才能实现可持续发展的目,。结农村配电网的安全运行,也电力公司才能实现可持续发展的目,。致男导师的指导,孙老师对于别清晰,这个对的顺利完成起着的作用,在学习和写作期感谢孙老师长期以来的关心,无论是学习致男导师的指导,孙老师对于别清晰,这个对的顺利完成起着的作用,在学习和写作期感谢孙老师长期以来

18、的关心,无论是学习还是生活的各个方面,在这里我还要感谢我导,他让我在大学学到的不仅仅是知识有盾,很幸运大学时光里有个这么好的导员。最后感谢学们对我生活和学习上面的帮助,因为他们我才有了同的大学生1 Yanwei Zheng,Xuejun Lv,QingDong Meng.The Research of Electric Maloperation System in Distribution Network ernational Conference on Compuional Science and.Proceedingsof2011 2Jen-Hao Teng,Whei-Min Lin.Cu

19、rrent-Flow Solution Distribution.ICPST94Beijing,China;414-。,广西电力。,。,广西电力。er Distribution Losses ,工厂供,机械工1 Yanwei Zheng,Xuejun Lv,QingDong Meng.The Research of Electric Maloperation System in Distribution Network ernational Conference on Compuional Science and.Proceedingsof2011 2Jen-Hao Teng,Whei-Min

20、 Lin.Current-Flow Solution Distribution.ICPST94Beijing,China;414-。,广西电力。,。,广西电力。er Distribution Losses ,工厂供,机械工Povda A New Method to Environment of Higregistered Loads.IEEE Transmis and .。J ,广西电力。for 16 Zhang,Carols S Cheng.A modified ysis JDistribution 社。17Jen-Hao Teng,Whei-。Flow Solution Distribut

21、ion.ICPST94Beijing,China;414-附Rural Network Line Loss Management is a comprehensive work, it can fully reflect the technical and economic effects of electricity marketing pros, it is the main indicator reflects the level of management. In recent years, the Se Grid Corporation of ruraler supply er co

22、nstruction and management efforts to increase 附Rural Network Line Loss Management is a comprehensive work, it can fully reflect the technical and economic effects of electricity marketing pros, it is the main indicator reflects the level of management. In recent years, the Se Grid Corporation of rur

23、aler supply er construction and management efforts to increase year after year, as the er supply rise, should actively adopt erful measures reduce line loss, improve the comprehensive utilization of electrical energy in rural areas, improve rural grid operator the economic efficiency., thelineloss a

24、ndrelateder line loss is a comprehensive rise economic indicators, it is important part of corporate profits, which depends on the network structure, technical us, operating mode and current distribution, voltage levels er factor and other factors. Loss of height can reflect a rise management level,

25、 economic efficiency is good or bad and so on. line loss management and reduce vulnerability effective way to er supply 1. Line risemanagement leveland economicLoss is loss of er for short, is er transfer from ,plant to er user er loss and loss in transformation, distribution and marketing of all as

26、pects arising. Active ime, the current flowing through the grid of equipment (from the user-to-user billing meter start all electrical non-user billing meter) is generated, er and voltage Traditionallyoftenrefers tothe 2.Thelineloss erLine loss rate refers to the electrical energy of the active ener

27、gy to theinput terminal lossratio, or the percentageratio of erlosseser ofthe Line loss rate = (line losses of electricity er supply) 100% = supply - electricity sales) / er supply) 100%er 100% = (1- sales of electricity 3. electricity line losses Electricity line losses means thelant from the prima

28、ry side of main transformer (not including er) to the user meter losses. Since electricity line losses particularity can not be directly measured, it is usually by electricity supply and electricity sales subtracting namely:electricity linelosseser supply -electricity Second, theergridlinelossmanage

29、ment Low Line of rea of rural, poor management of line loss is caused by too large a major factor. It combines local of therural arealine loss management problemsas1. lack of awarenessof theimportanceoflinelossLine loss theoretical calculation of line loss management fuidanceand ing role. However, a

30、t present most of the county offiof the importance of Loss Calculation of lack of knowledge, means the line lossof therural arealine loss management problemsas1. lack of awarenessof theimportanceoflinelossLine loss theoretical calculation of line loss management fuidanceand ing role. However, at pre

31、sent most of the county offiof the importance of Loss Calculation of lack of knowledge, means the line loss calculation is relatively backward, most use manual calculation, and even the roduction of appropriate software, the current line loss management softwareand computing software, there are also

32、 some ysis management, support functions relatively poor, not even. This the line loss management of this important technical and economic indicators gradually shrinking, is losing the truemeaning of er supply rises improve ernal potentialtoimprove economic erOperationsmanagementchainoutofLine loss

33、management both production run, but also with er marketing of all aspects of management. The line loss assessment and management ed lead to rational management philosophy is difficult perform, the phenomenon of repeated theft of electricity, fitted sheet is not place, the relationship ner, er phenom

34、enon is very er supply serious, because of the market economy in the operations management chain touch, users stealing factors and minority staff responsible poor, wrong copy, copy the drain phenomena occurred when the fault meter can not ime, the management line increased,resultinginlower sales, hi

35、ghercosts, economic3. Eachfunctionaldepartmentsunclear responsibilityandLine loss management department is responsible for some counties responsible for the production technology department, and some administrative departments in charge of the electricity. As a comprehensive technical and economic i

36、ndicators, closely related line losses and network construction, operation us, measurement methods, er copy, well as theft of er, are all black households, related to the management departments, dispatch er marketing and all relevant departments. Factors may cause every aspect of line loss index can

37、 be completed, departments should undertake obligations is unclear, there can be no line loss index assessment.4. OtherLine LossManagement there areother more seriousproblems, such as: loss management indicators released across , not reasonable, low loss nel er supply unit system is not to strengthe

38、ning the line loss management and network management system is not perfect, and so loss .Third,measuresto reduce theer gridlineMeasures to reduce line losses can generally be o technical reduction measures and management o twocategories loss. Technical reduction refers to certain aspects of the grid

39、, elements through or technical improvements, promote the use of energy-saving new technology and new equipment, the use of technical means to adjust the grid layout, optimize network structure and improve network operation methods to reduce energy loss approach. Loss Reduction Management refers to

40、the establishment of a standardized management measures, develop appropriate mechanisms, systems, rules andincentives to t, inreduction measures and management o twocategories loss. Technical reduction refers to certain aspects of the grid, elements through or technical improvements, promote the use

41、 of energy-saving new technology and new equipment, the use of technical means to adjust the grid layout, optimize network structure and improve network operation methods to reduce energy loss approach. Loss Reduction Management refers to the establishment of a standardized management measures, deve

42、lop appropriate mechanisms, systems, rules andincentives to t, in accordance with relevantlawsand regulationstocarryout theworkof line 1.TechnicalLoss(1) a reasonable adjustment of operating voltage of the grid. adjustment of operating voltage of the grid, the grid boost transformation. thelossofand

43、 distribution lines and transformers are the main element grid, er is:P= 3I2R 10-3 = (S2 / U2) R 10-3 = (P2 + Q2) / U2 R 10-3 As can be seen from the above he same er grid and distribution er loss inversely proportional to the square of the operating voltage, reasonable to adjust the operating volta

44、ge, the grid voltage is increased, then the current grid element corresponding reduction er consumption correspondingly reduced. Therefore, boosted voltage is an effective measure to reduce line losses.(2) to achieve economic operation of the distribution network. economy is the so-called distributi

45、on network refers to the er structure and layout, to make the best use of transfer charge and surge other measures, the load current of theline toachieveeconomiesof loadcomprehensive average transformer loadrate of economic load factor, grid in the economical running. Concrete measures to achieve op

46、eration of the distribution network are: adjust the users electricity load, achieve line load value of negative Heda economy: The light load line, take turns timed er supply; for heavily loaded lines, arrange the roduction of user avertingwrong peak electricity, andstrive toachieve a balanced electr

47、icity.reasonable adjustment bs ion transformer voltage tap, so the operating voltage distribution line reaches a predetermined value. by switching subs ions, distribution lines or user capacity of the regulator compensation capacitor to reduce voltage loss. for parallel operation with dual ions, wer

48、e the main transformer economic calculation,reasonableswitchin most economical operation.(3) a reasonable use line supply radius refers to theo ransformers, the main er supply radius and wire diameter. end-to-end line (or farthest) subsdistributiontransformer) generally be no moreer distance. 35kV e

49、r supply radius n 30km; er supply radius should be based on the value of the voltage loss, load density, reliability er and leave a certain margin of principles determined; while the low distributiontransformer) generally be no moreer distance. 35kV er supply radius n 30km; er supply radius should b

50、e based on the value of the voltage loss, load density, reliability er and leave a certain margin of principles determined; while the low 0.38kV and 0.22kV er supply radius It should be determined by voltage tolerance value, but should not exceed the radius 0.5km. The size of the wire diameter wireu

51、m allowable supply directly affects size, depending on formula R = L/ S, where is the of the wire, L is the wire length, S is the cross-sectional area of the wire, it be seen, the greater the wire diameter , the smaller the according to the carrying capacity of the wire and wire to allow carried by

52、a reasonable choice wire section., which, um (4) er compensation grid loss reduction. Most equipment belonging to the grid inductive device, at runtime needs to reactive energy from the system to establish an alternating magnetic field, for delivery ofenergy.In order to meet the normal operation ofe

53、lectrical er functional capacity non-functional, which makesransport also need to transport a certain amount er of a decrease in capacity, lower equipment utilization. Therefore, the strengthening of the and user management of er and voltage, increase the capacity er grid at the end of the device to

54、 reduce the er capacity, and can improve the operating voltage of the grid, reduce line losses.(5) increase electricity load rate. Electricity load rate fluctuations, such er supply system, will affect the efficiency er supply but will also increase the er loss, therefore, rationally load,effortstoi

55、mprovetheelectricityloadrate, whichcan effectivelyreducethe er consumption of theline. Because the greater theloadcurrent line loss increases more. When the line for some time load is large, smaller load eriod of time, even when there is no load, line loss increase exponentially. Therefore, effectiv

56、e measures to reduce line loss at reinforcing load management, to achieve a balanced electricity.2. LossReduction Management of specific measures on reducing losses are mainly the following aspects:(1) establish a sound ine loss management and reward Line loss management system, line loss management

57、 responsibility. Business leaders and relevant full-time charge of management, and levels of, a clear divi archiving and management., and make relevant 1) Line Loss leading group and full-time technical staff of the preparation,validationlossreduction planandaction ition according to authorities ed

58、distribution network lossrateplan s a small index, ed to the relevant units, assessment Loss Contract program and ition according to authorities ed distribution network lossrateplan s a small index, ed to the relevant units, assessment Loss Contract program and the development of incentives and insp

59、ectionand work of ersupply rise line 2) Line Loss Management Group and a full-time technical staff of themain prepared lywith therelevant departmentsof lossreduction planand supervisetheir prepared lywiththe relevant departmentsof lineloss planss, yzeandassess regular summary line loss, reported sem

60、ents, management line loss managementtraining,exchangeofexperience,tocarryoutassessment regular line losstheoretical calculation, linelossconjunction with relevant departments to check the work of line line loss plans completion andion of incentiveline 3) Lossadministrator develop and release low-vo


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