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1、新标准英语三年级起点四年级下册Module 10 Unit1教学设计 成都市双流区实验小学 刘蝶教材及年级名称新标准英语三年级起点四年级下册模块名称Module 10 Unit1Did you fall off your bike?教材分析M10U1的课文情境是Lingling和Amy看到Daming 头上缠着绷带,就问Daming发生了什么事。Daming向她们描述了自己昨天的经历,原来昨天他和Sam骑自行车出去玩,路上又饿又渴,就去买了一个西瓜。Sam将西瓜放在自行车上继续骑车前行,结果从自行车上摔了下来,Daming的头撞到了西瓜,Sam把他和西瓜一起送进了医院。听完Daming的经历后

2、,Lingling和Amy都哈哈大笑起来。本课我以大明身上发生的事情为线索,引导学生去预测、思考,进而理解文本。本课的教学目的是引导学生用英语思维,乐于用英语表达,在表达的基础上生成。学情分析四年级的孩子英语学习兴趣浓厚,活泼好动且乐于表现自己,具体形象思维比较发达。他们从一年级开始学习英语,具备一定的拼读水平,养成了一定的英语学习习惯,能通过自主学习和合作学习的方式来学习英语。本课我重在激发学生学习兴趣,采用情景教学,让学生在思维能力上有更大的提升,体验更多英语学习的乐趣!教学目标知识目标:词汇:能理解和运用单词happened, water, rode, then, thirsty, fe

3、ll down, bought, watermelon, carried, bumped, hospital.句型:能在课文语境下理解和运用Did you fall off your bike? No, Sam fell off his bike.能力目标:1. 能够听懂、理解,朗读,描述课文内容。2. 能够理解和运用重点单词thirsty, fell down, bought, watermelon, carried, bumped.能够听懂,会说,并在情境中运用句型Did you fall off your bike? No, Sam fell off his bike.情感目标:通过多种

4、形式的活动,帮助学生树立自信心,鼓励学生敢于开口说英语,乐于表达并不怕出错。通过小组合作学习,培养学生的合作意识,主动了解文本故事。教学重点与难点能够朗读课文,并描述故事。2. 能够理解和准确运用句型:Did you fall off your bike? No, Sam fell off his bike.教学辅助PPT,教学光盘,点读笔,单词卡片,购物券,食物等。教学方法情景教学法,游戏教学法,自主学习法,合作学习法,任务型教学法。教学内容教学活动设计意图教师活动学生活动Step 1: Warm up & RevisionGreetings.Sing a song.T: Boys and

5、girls, shake your body.Lets sing and dance.Greet the teacher.Sing and dance.通过师生之间的问候,营造宽松、愉悦的课堂氛围。通过唱一唱的活动,为后面重点句型的学习埋下伏笔。Step 2: Lead in Im tired. Im thirsty. I want to drink some juice. I feel better now.Are you thirsty? Read after me: thirsty.Who is thirsty?How about them? Are they happy?Ask a q

6、uestion.Q: What happened to them?Watch and read.Let Ss answer the question and then teach: fell down. 1. Learn the word: thirsty.Then some Ss drink some juice and say: Im thirsty. 2. Watch and read, then answer the question.3. Learn the phrase: fell down.在听读活动一前,教师通过创设喝橙汁的情景,让学生在真实的语境中学习生词thirsty。通过

7、学生示范fell down,老师摔倒等真实情景,让学生在真实的情景中理解和学习短语 fell down。Step 3: Learn the text T: Jacks friends are coming. Who are they?Q1: What did they do yesterday? Guess!Teach the phrase: went for a bike ride.Q2: What happened to Daming?Listen and watch the video.Learn the text picture by picture. P1: T: Look at D

8、amings head. Q: What did Lingling say?Watch and read.P2:T: They went for a bike ride yesterday.Q: What happened then?Watch and read.P3:T: They were hungry and thirsty.Q: What did Amy ask Daming?Watch and read. Play a guessing game.They bought a watermelon. I bought many things yesterday. What did I

9、buy? Guess!I bought a big watermelon. Lets carry it on the chair. P4P6: T: We carried the watermelon on the chair. What about Sam?Q1: Where did Sam carry the watermelon?Q2: What happened to Damings head? Work in four, read and ask some questions.Play a game:If you can catch the watermelon ball. You

10、can ask a question.Q: Where did Sam and Daming go?Watch and read P4P6 . Listen and repeat.Let Ss retell the story.Guess and then learn the phrase: went for a bike ride.Think about the question while watching the video. Learn the text picture by picture. P1: Look at picture 1, listen, watch and read,

11、 then answer the question.P2:Read the question, then watch and read, find out the answer.P3:Read the question, then watch and read, find out the answer.Learn the key words:water, bought, watermelon.Ss ask teacher:Did you buy?Ss help teacher carry the watermelon on the chair.Learn the key words: carr

12、y, carried.P4P6: Work in four, read and ask some questions.Catch the watermelon ball and then ask a question.Read the question, then watch and read, find out the answer.Then listen and repeat after the talking pen.Retell the text according to the blackboard design.在引入课文前,让学生仔细观察图片,并询问引导性的问题来引起学生的思考,

13、通过信息差,学习短语went for a bike ride。并播放整个文本动画,让学生通过听来初步整体感知文本。图片环游,逐图讲解。帮助学生加深对文本的理解及核心句型的运用,并有意识地让学生模仿语音语调。在P1的教学环节中,以问题的形式开展师生交流,引导学生带着思考积极听音模仿,学习、理解P1。 在P2的教学环节中,教师抛出核心问题:What happened then?让学生理解并能读出这个问句,为下一环节的教学奠定基础。在P3的教学环节中,教师继续抛出问题,引导学生带着思考积极听音模仿。在P4P6的教学环节中,通过小组合作,来寻求答案,获得信息,这样可以保持学生的学习兴趣,增强孩子交际的

14、欲望,有效地促进语言的习得。通过复述课文,进一步加深对课文的理解。 Step 4: PracticeTeam work: Order the six pictures and then tell the story.Work in four.Order the six pictures and then tell the story.通过小组合作排序讲故事,把枯燥的语言学习变得充满活力,激发孩子的学习兴趣和求知欲,从而有效地提高课堂教学效率。Step 5: ProductWatch a video.It was Mothers Day yesterday.I went to the supermarket.I bought some flowers.Then I cooked dinner.Then I washed dishes.My mum was very happy.Q: What did you do on Mothers Day? Watch the video.Answer the question.通过谈论母亲节做了什么,让孩子将今天所学的内容从课本迁移到自己的生活中,让语言更真实化、生活化,帮助孩子在真实的情境中运用所学的句型。Step 6: HomeworkListen and read t


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