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1、,Unit 4 Global Warming,Save the earth!,Period 4 Reading II,Summary We should do something about global warming. Because it could have many negative effects on the earth. With the temperature increasing, the polar ice caps eventually would melt, causing sea levels to rise by several meters. Coastal a

2、nd low-lying cities would be submerged. Some scientists predict severe storms, droughts, famines, the spread of diseases and the destructions of species.,WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING?,What shall we do in our daily life?,Task 1: Skim the first letter, and answer the questions below: Who is the

3、 writer? What is the purpose of the email? / What are the two concerns of the email?,Who is the writer? 2. What is the purpose of the letter? / What are the two concerns of the letter?,A student named Ouyang Guang., His opinion that, as an individual, he can have no effect on environmental problems.

4、 Getting some suggestions for what he can do about global warming ;,Task 2: Read the second email, and answer the question: Do Earth Care agree with Ouyang Guangs opinion that individuals can have no effect?,No, Earth Care dose not agree.,Task 3: Now scan the letter and list Earth Cares suggestions

5、in the chart on P30, and discuss whether you can carry out each suggestion. Give reason for you answers.,If you are not using electrical appliances, turn them off.,Yes,Save energy,If youre cold, put on more clothes instead of turning up the heat.,Yes,Save energy,Motor vehicles use a lot of energy, s

6、o walk or ride a bike if you can.,Yes,Save energy,Recycle cans, bottles, plastics and newspapers and buy things made from recycled materials.,Yes,Save energy,Get your parents or friends to buy products that are made to save energy.,Yes,Save energy,Plant more trees,Yes,Plants absorb carbon dioxide fr

7、om the air,Talk with your family and friends about global warming and tell them what youve learned.,Yes,Together, individuals can make a difference.,Clean up Your Butts and Bags,Read Toms essay about litter. Make a summary for each paragraph, and then fill in the following table.,Reading task on 66,

8、Cigarette buts and plastic bags are a serious environmental problem.,Butts are small but are still bad for the environment.,1600 billion cigarettes are smoked each year in China. Many of these become litter. 4.5 trillion butts are littered every year in the world. Butts are ugly. Butts contain toxic

9、 chemicals. These get into the water supply. These decrease the quality of the water and endanger living things. Butts take up to 5 years to break down, so the toxic chemicals add up to a great amount.,Evidence:,Plastic bags are a danger to the environment.,1.Plastic bags are made from non-renewable

10、 resources. If they are not recycled, these resources are lost to us. 2.In china, 2 billion plastic bags are used every day. 3.Plastic bags last from 20 to 1,000 years in the environment. ,The environment would be less polluted if we cleaned up cigarette butts and plastic bags. The best solution wou

11、ld be not to smoke or use plastic bags at all.,Listening and discussing University student Li Bin is doing a radio interview with Professor Keeling about using different sources of energy . Before you listen to the tape , read the statements below and tick the ones you agree with . Then listen and d

12、ecide which statement Professor Keeling does NOT agree with .,Listening,1. consume energy 2. greenhouse 3. greenhouse gases 4. the greenhouse effect 5. fossil fuel 6. carbon dioxide 7. renewable source 8. non-renewable source 9. natural resources 10. low-carbon lifestyle,消耗能源 温室 温室气体 温室效应 化石燃料 二氧化碳

13、可再生资源 不可再生资源 自然资源 低碳生活,Related words :,1.Listen and decide which statement Professor Keeling does NOT agree with. 1. We should stop depending on fossil fuels for our energy. 2. 90% of our energy comes from fossil fuels. 3. We can replace fossil fuels with cleaner sources of energy. 4. Nuclear power

14、is a good source of energy.,Listen again and write down the energy sources that are mentioned.,produce carbon dioxide Cheap and concentrated form of energy,clean Not practical: need huge areas of land to provide enough energy.,clean not very practical with present technology,does not produce carbon

15、dioxide dangerous,Fossil fuels,Wind power,Energy from the sun,Nuclear power,1. First, we must try to find ways to _ _ that does not put _ into the air. 2. Second, we must produce products that are _ with energy. 3. Third, we must ask people to _ the energy they use.,Listen to Part 2 and then list th

16、ree things we can do to save energy.,fossil,fuels,carbon dioxide,economical,cut down on,低碳生活,low-carbon life,Save the world Lets do it,To live a low-carbon life,we should,If you are not using an electrical appliance, turn it off! put on more clothes instead of turning up the heat. walk or ride a bik

17、e if you can. buy things made from recycled materials. buy products that are made to save energy. plant trees,Methods of protecting environment , do you agree?,Buy new electrical goods Buy energy-saving goods Use air-conditioner when you feel hot Plant trees Stop using electrical appliances Stop usi

18、ng plastic bags when shopping,Writing:What can we do about global warming? 1 ) 温室效应的危害 2)关于温室效应,我们应该做些什么? 3) 你的看法.,Para 1 The passage is about how global warming comes about and lead the readers to decide whether they should take actions to help it or not based on the two different attitudes.,过渡句,1)

19、With the earth becoming warmer , people realize that global warming is harmful for us. 2) There is no doubt that global warming has harmful effects on our lives.,Para 2 1) There is no doubt that global warming has harmful effects on our lives. For example, it may cause sever storms, floods, drought,

20、 famines ,the spread of diseases and the disappearance of species.,Para 2 2) As everyone knows, the side effects of global warming are shocking. It disturbs weather patterns, causing droughts, hurricanes and so on. People really suffer from the disasters caused by global warming.,过渡句,Nowadays, globa

21、l warming is becoming a big problem, it high time that we should take some actions about it,Para 3 1) Nowadays, global warming is becoming a big problem, it high time that we should take some actions about it 。As for government, they need to take some measures to protect our environment and invest more money to improve then enviroment. As for enterprises, they should reduce emission and use renewable energy to make less pollution. As for individu


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