已阅读5页,还剩31页未读 继续免费阅读




1、,过程单元组态/Composer,过程单元组态/Composer,第一章 Composer 概述,第二章 Composer 软件的安装,第三章 Composer 的结构,第四章 - 建立新项目,第五章 - 通信组态,第六章 - 自动化建筑师,第七章 - 编译、下装、存盘、校验及浏览组态,第八章 监视与趋势第八章 监视与趋势,第九章 块地址管理实用程序,第十章 - 在线组态,第一章 Composer 概 述,Composer 的功能 Composer 为 Symphony 企业管理控制系统的组态及维护提供一个集成的开发环境。它提供了建立与维护控制系统组态所需的必要功能:,控制策略图形化的开发功能

2、; 公用数据库的开发与维护功能; 系统资源库的管理功能; 系统的故障诊断与维护功能; 人系统接口的离线组态功能,等;,第一章 Composer 概 述,Composer 的特点,减少工程时间; 与 INFI 90 OPEN 系统兼容; 最新的 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000 运行平台; 支持多种语言; 多用户的 Client/Server 结构; Object Exchange 为整个系统提供了丰富的组态资源; 方便的多版本控制功能; 安全的用户访问;,第一章 Composer 概 述,Composer 的软件组成,Server software (SETS) Conf

3、iguration Server; Communication Server; Object Exchange; Client Software (SETC) Composer Explorer; Database Browser; Automation Architect On-Line Maintenance Tools,第一章 Composer 概 述,Composer 的软件组成,可选Client Software Conductor VMS 画面组态工具GDC (SETCGDC); Conductor NT 画面组态工具GrafX (SETCGRX); Batch 90 (SETCB

4、90); Master Recipe Editor (SETCMRE); User Defined Function Code Language (SETCUDF); PhaseX Logic Language (SETCPHX),第一章 Composer 概 述,Composer 的主要说明书,Instruction and Installation Primary Interface Automation Architect Conductor VMS Display Configuration Grafx Display Editor,Back,第二章 Composer 软件的安装,硬件

5、平台要求,第二章 Composer 软件的安装,软件要求 Composer software Windows NT 4.0 (with Service Pack 4 or later) / Windows 2000 (for Composer 3.2 or later),第二章 Composer 软件的安装,准备工作 在安装Composer软件之前,应进行如下校验工作: Windows NT操作系统软件已经安装,并正常运行; 关闭所有打开的应用程序; 关闭或禁止所有的背景应用程序(如屏幕保护程序); 安装软件的用户应具有 Administrator 的权限; 具有所有Composer特性注册登

6、记表,在登记表中提供了注册号 (Registration Number)和有效号(Validation Number) 安装 Composer 软件 将Composer CDROM 盘放入到 CDROM 驱动器,并运行Setup.exe 安装程序,按提示安装Composer软件; 安装软件许可; 重启计算机。,Back,第三章 Composer 的结构,Composer 的窗口结构,System structure 窗口 系统结构窗口的功能类似于Windows的资源管理器。窗口的左边显示了代表Symphony 系统结构的项目树结构。该项目树结构与实际控制系统的结构直接相关。窗口的右边显示了所选

7、对象的结构及其所属的文件。通过双击文件名可打开该文件,其相应软件将自动启动。,Navigator,Content,1. Navigator - Shows the Process Control Structure 2. Contents - Shows the objects available in the highlighted object from the Navigator side. Double click to launch.,第三章 Composer 的结构,Composer 的窗口结构,Object Exchange 窗口 Exchange 是一个用于控制逻辑文件组态和画

8、面组态的资源库。Exchange 窗口列出了各种文件夹,一些文件夹中包含用于建立控制器组态(控制逻辑文件)的各种元素(如控制逻辑模板,功能码、宏、形和边框);另一些文件夹中包含用于人系统接口画面组态的各种元素(各种符号)。在Exchange窗口中有两种类型的文件夹:一种为系统文件夹,另一种为用户文件夹。系统文件夹包含了Composer 提供的标准元素;用户文件夹包含了用户存入的元素和 Composer 提供的标准元素。这样使用户能够对 Exchange 中的元素进行灵活的组织和管理。 Exchange文件夹中的所有用于控制逻辑组态的对象(元素)都可使用拖放的方法拷贝到控制逻辑文件中。在不同的文

9、件夹或项目之间也可剪切、拷贝和粘贴对象。,第三章 Composer 的结构,Composer 的窗口结构,Output 窗口 输出窗口位于Composer窗口的底部,该窗口提供了Composer应用程序所有操作的文本反馈信息。在输出窗口中有5个选项按钮。这些选项按钮将文本信息分组管理,从而便于对特定信息的查询。,Back,第四章 建立新项目,项目结构 Project Name Tag Database Control Network Harmony Control Unit Controllers Control Logic Documents Configuration File Human

10、 System Interfaces Display Groups Displays Logs Lists,第四章 建立新项目,控制器组态的步骤,Define a Project,Configure Control Logic Documents,Compile Controller,Download Config. File to Controller,Tune Configuration,.CLD .CLD ,.EBP,.CFG,NVRAM of the Controller,第四章 建立新项目,Open a New Composer Project Create Border Infor

11、mation Add a Node to Control Network Add a Control Unit Add a Console Add a HAC Add a SEM Add a controller Add a Control Logic Document Add a Display Group to a Console (for C-VMS) Add Lists to Project,第四章 建立新项目,Add a controller,控制器的作用 ”role” 非常重要, 有如下三种情况: 单个控制器 对单个控制器,其作用 “role” 应组态为 “Primary”。在项目

12、结构中只增 加一个控制器。 两个控制器 对冗余配置的但不允许进行在线组态的控制器(如对燃烧过程或核电 厂等场合),其作用 “role” 应组态为 “Primary/Redundant”。在项目结 构中只增加一个控制器。 两个控制器 对冗余配置的并允许进行在线组态的控制器,两个控制器都要增加到 项目结构中。对主控制(逻辑地址为n)其作用 “role” 应组态为 ”Primary”,备份控制器(逻辑地址为n+1)其作用“role” 应组态为 ”Backup w/Online”。,当控制器在线时,固件版本 (Firmware revision) 将会自动设置。,控制器的标识(ID)一般由两个字母组成

13、。在一个项目中控制器的标识应唯一。对冗余配置的并允许进行在线组态的控制器,两个控制器的标识必须相同。,Back,第五章 - 通信组态,概述,第五章 - 通信组态,概述,Composer 软件有两种服务器: Configuration Server 控制Composer所有的资源库及数据库; Communication Server 将 Composer 连接到 Control Network。,为连接到控制网络,计算机必须连接到一个通讯服务器。一台计算机可以是通讯服务器而不是组态服务器;一台计算机既可以是组态服务器同时也可以是通讯服务器。一台计算机也可仅仅是一台没有服务器程序的客户机(Clie

14、nt)。不管是哪一种情况,必须有一个通讯服务器才能将计算机连接到控制网络。,第五章 - 通信组态,通信组态,计算机与控制网络的通讯有两种情况。一种情况为:计算机为物理连接到控制网络的服务器;另一种情况为:计算机组态为一客户端(Client),通过通讯服务器与控制网络通讯。,Communication server Communication Client TCP/IP 如果计算机位于O-net (Operation Network) 并都在同一工作组中,使 用TCP/IP选项。 Local 如果Client 和 Server 程序在同一计算机上,使用Local 选项。,第五章 - 通信组态,连

15、接到控制网络 巡检Control Unit Address of Controller Type of Controller Firmware Revision Function of the Controller (Text Description) Mode Status of the Controllers,Back,第六章 自动化建筑师(Automation Architect),组态控制逻辑文件 Border Line,Circle, Arc, Rectangle and Text Entities (primitive documentation entities) Functio

16、n Code Constant Block Signal Cross-References IO Connector Shape Macro,Automation Architect 窗口,Automation Architect provides for the visual creation, editing, monitoring, and tuning of control logic. High-level control strategies can be created by dragging and dropping function codes from the object

17、 exchange to the control logic document.,第六章 自动化建筑师(Automation Architect),Border,Borders are containers for configuration and documentation entities. Each sheet within a control logic document should have a border. All configuration entities must be placed within the boundaries of the border.,AVBORD

18、: Vertical with the Bailey logo. AVGBORD: Vertical with the Bailey logo, without control network, HCU, and controller addresses shown. Use in generic drawings such as cabinet or power drawings. AVBORDG: Vertical without the Bailey logo. AVGBORG: Vertical without the Bailey logo, control network, HCU

19、, and controller addresses. AHBORD: Horizontal with the Bailey logo. AHGBORD: Horizontal with the Bailey logo, without control network, HCU, and controller addresses shown. Use in generic drawings such as cabinet or power drawings. AHBORDG: Horizontal without the Bailey logo. AHGBORG: Horizontal wit

20、hout the Bailey logo, control network, HCU, and controller addresses.,第六章 自动化建筑师(Automation Architect),Constant Block,Constant blocks are configuration entities giving a constant output such as 0, 1, or 100.0. The constant blocks are valid only for certain types of controllers but all of them are in

21、 the shapes folder on the exchange. They are inserted by dragging and dropping them from the exchange folder to the sheet or by using the standard Windows copy and paste functionality.,Function Code,Function codes are algorithms that are the basic components of the control strategy. The function cod

22、e algorithms manipulate data and are linked together to form a control strategy during the controller configuration process. Each function code has a unique graphical representation. This graphical representation is the same as given in the Function Code Application Manual which also gives a complet

23、e description of each function code. Function codes are connected by signals (analog or digital) using the signal tool.,Signal,Signals connect function codes and other compilable entities. Each entity has one or more connection points to which the connections are made. Branches can be added to a sig

24、nal to increase the number of connections to a function code or other entity.,第六章 自动化建筑师(Automation Architect),Cross - References,Cross-referencing is the process of connecting two logic components located in different documents or on different sheets of a single document using I/O connector or cros

25、s-reference entities. The cross-reference name property of these entities is used to make the connections.,Cross-reference text, used to find the other end of the connection, is displayed in the following format: MM.NNN.SSS where: MM Identifier of the controller containing the I/O connector or cross

26、- reference entity. This is set on the property page of the controller. NNN Order (index) of control logic documents within the controller. SSS Number of the sheet containing the entity.,IREF - Input Cross-reference; OREF - Output Cross-reference; IREFO - Input Reference Output. Typically, the IREFs

27、 are placed on the left side of the sheets and the OREFs are placed on the right side. An IREFO is an output placed on the left side of the sheet.,第六章 自动化建筑师(Automation Architect),I/O Connector,Function codes may need to communicate across controllers in the implementation of a control strategy. The

28、 controllers may be in the same or different HCU cabinets in the same or different control networks. Function codes called I/O connectors are used to receive input from the source function code and pass it along to the destination function code. The following function codes accept input from another

29、 controller: FC 25 Analog input, same HCU node (AI/B). FC 26 Analog input, different HCU node, same control network (AI/L). FC 41 Digital input, same HCU node (DI/B). FC 42 Digital input, different HCU node, same control network (DI/L). FC 46 Digital input list, same HCU node (DIL), logic master mod

30、ule controller. FC 63 Analog input list, same HCU node (AIL/B). FC 64 Digital input list, same HCU node (DIL/B). FC 121 Analog input, different control network (AI/S). FC 122 Digital input, different control network (DI/L). FC 178 Data acquisition analog input, control network (DAANG I/L), source is

31、 FC177. FC 193 User-defined data import (DATAIMPT). FC 212 Data acquisition digital input, control network (DADIG I/L), source is FC211.,第六章 自动化建筑师(Automation Architect),Shapes,Shapes are collections of configuration entities. Only primitive entities such as lines, arcs, circles, rectangles, and tex

32、t can be added to a shape. Compilable entities (function codes, cross-references, and signals), borders, and macros can not be added to to shapes. System shapes reside in a shapes folder on the exchange. User shapes reside in folders created by the user.,User-created collection of configuration and

33、documentation entities referred to by a single name and saved as a single unit in a folder on the exchange. Primitive entities (lines, arcs, circles, rectangles, and text), compilable entities (function codes, cross-references, and signals), borders, and macros can not be added to to macros. When a

34、macro is used, all of its configuration and documentation entities are individually added to the active sheet.,Macro,第六章 自动化建筑师(Automation Architect),Shapes, macros, borders, and control logic templates can be created and saved to a user-defined exchange folder. To create a shape, macro, border, or

35、control logic template: 1. Create a new, or open an existing, exchange folder. 2. Right click empty space in the exchange window. 3. Select New Shape, New Macro, New Border, or New Control Logic Template from the pop-up menu. 4. Enter a name on the general tab of the property page. 5. Click OK. The

36、shape, macro, border, or control logic template appears in the folder directory listing. 6. Right click the new shape, macro, border, or control logic template. 7. Select Open from the pop-up menu. 8. Configure the shape, macro, border, or control logic template from the beginning or copy and paste

37、entities from other control logic documents. 9. Select Save from the file menu. 10. Select Close from the file menu.,Creating Shapes, Macros, Borders, and Control Logic Template,Back,第七章 编译、下装、存盘、校验及浏览组态,Compile Load Monitor and Tune Save Verify Configuration Viewer,第七章 编译、下装、存盘、校验及浏览组态,监视调整方法主要有如下三

38、种: 使用Automation Architect 提拱的监视与调整功能,可打开控制逻辑文件,进入监视与调整方式对组态进行监视调整; 使用组态浏览器(Configuration View)将控制器中的功能块调出并进行调整; 使用趋势文档对所定义的点进行监视与趋势。,Monitor and Tune,第七章 编译、下装、存盘、校验及浏览组态,Verify,校验有如下四种情况:,第七章 编译、下装、存盘、校验及浏览组态,组态浏览器可以查看或编辑如下组态内容: 控制逻辑文件中的组态; 组态文件中的组态; 控制器中的组态。,Configuration Viewer,Back,第八章 监视与趋势,Local Monitoring and Trending,Composer provides the ability to locally monitor and trend up to 16 function block output values. This trend document can be placed anywhere in the project architecture and can collect data from function blocks in any control


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