七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Getting together Topic 1 Do you have a pen pal Section A教案 仁爱湘教版_第1页
七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Getting together Topic 1 Do you have a pen pal Section A教案 仁爱湘教版_第2页
七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Getting together Topic 1 Do you have a pen pal Section A教案 仁爱湘教版_第3页
七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Getting together Topic 1 Do you have a pen pal Section A教案 仁爱湘教版_第4页
七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Getting together Topic 1 Do you have a pen pal Section A教案 仁爱湘教版_第5页
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1、Unit 3 Getting TogetherTopic 1 Do you have a pen pal?Section AThe main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions:could, tell, sure, speak, some, poor, with, help sb. with sth., problem, after, after class2. Learn present simple to do and pers

2、onal pronouns:(1)Do you come from the U.S.A.? No, I dont. (2)Do you like Chinese? Yes, I do.3. Ask for permission and make requests:(1)Could you help me with it?No problem.(2)Could you please tell me your name?Sure. Teaching aids 教具幻灯片/教学挂图/录音机/尺子/玩具猫/玩具狗/蒙眼布/铅笔. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step

3、 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1. (教师按照座位链式提问,要求学生用Yes, I do./No, I dont.快速作答。)T:Do you have a knife?S1:Yes, I do.T:Do you have long legs?S2:No, I dont. T: Do you have a round face?S3:Yes, I do./ No, I dont.T: Do you have a small mouth?(通过运用Do you have ? Yes, I do./No, I dont.句型引出课题Do you have a pen pal?)

4、T: Do you have a pen pal, S6?(板书)Do you have a pen pal?2. (教师通过询问学生个人信息,导入新知识。)T:Excuse me. Whats your name, please?S1:My name is T:How old are you?S1:Im T:Do you have an English name?S1:Yes, I do.T:Could you please tell me your English name?S1:T:You can say “Sure. My English name is ”.(板书)Could you

5、 please tell me your ?Sure.(教师示范)T:Could you please tell me your age, S2?S2:Sure. Im T:Could you please tell me your telephone number?S2:Sure. Its (让学生两人一组运用Could you please tell me your ?句型询问对方的个人信息。)3. (教师说Im an English teacher, but I speak Chinese.引出生词speak。) T:Do you speak English, S1?S1:(帮助学生回答

6、)Yes, I do.T:Do you like it?S1:(帮助学生回答)Yes, I do./ No, I dont.(学生两人一组操练,运用Do you speak ? Do you like ?句型及其肯定回答和否定回答。)4. (假设一种情形,教师请一个英语成绩不理想的学生,用not good来引出poor一词。)T:Is your English good?S3:No, it isnt. I can speak some English, but my English isnt good.T: You can say “My English is poor.”(板书)somepo

7、orS3:My English is poor. Could you help me?T:No problem. I can help you with it.(板书)No problem.help with (通过以上的活动导入1a。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟)1. (教师播放1a录音两遍。学生听录音并选择正确答案。教师利用幻灯片展示问题。)(1) Where does Jane come from?A. Japan. B. Canada. C. China.(2) Does Jane speak English?A. No, she doesnt.

8、 B. Yes, she does. C. We dont know.(3) Whose Chinese is poor?A. Janes. B. The boys. C. Marias. (核对答案)2. (教师将1a的教学挂图挂在黑板上,让学生听1a录音并跟读。)3. (教师将全班学生分成两组,男、女生各一组,男生扮Li Xiang,女生扮Jane,分角色朗读1a。)4. (要求学生运用下列句型,可适当发挥,操练1a的对话,完成1b。)(1)Could you please ?(2)Sure.(3)Do you like English?(4)Yes, I do./ No, I dont.

9、(5)Could you help me with my ?(6)No problem.(教师巡回作指导,然后挑出表现比较好的一组登台表演。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)1. (教师播放1a录音,然后请学生口述1a内容,至少要用三句话来介绍Jane的情况。先在小组内进行,然后各小组选派代表向大家汇报。)2. (教师利用幻灯片出示练习题,要求学生根据1a内容填空。) The girls name is Jane. She comes from Canada. She speaks English. Jane likes Chinese very muc

10、h, but her Chinese is poor. Li Xiang can help her with her Chinese. (画线部分是要填的词)3. (老师先做示范,然后在各小组内操练,举行“小组对话大赛”,巩固所学句型。)T: Excuse me, could you please tell me your name?S1:Sure. My name is T:Do you come from the U.S.A.?S1:No, I dont. I come from T:Do you like English?S1:Yes, I do./ No, I dont.(学生两人一组

11、先在小组内操练,然后各小组选出一个最优秀的参加全班的“小组对话大赛”。)4. (教师让学生与同桌合作完成1c,核对答案后请2-3对学生练习对话。) 5. (做“身后藏物”游戏。) 方案一:(1)请4名学生上讲台,老师拿出四件物品给全班学生看一看,例如:铅笔、尺子、玩具猫和玩具狗。然后快速分给讲台上的4名学生,让他们把物品放在背后,注意不要让下面的学生看见谁拿到了什么。(2)老师问其中的一名学生:Do you have ?并故意问错,学生回答:No, I dont.老师进而引导其他学生用Do you have ?句型提问讲台上的学生,被问到的学生作出回答,直到台下有学生猜对。方案二:四个人一小组

12、练习。四件物品摆在桌前。其中一人A看过物品后,蒙住眼睛,另外3个人则各拿其中一样物品,A解开蒙眼布,用Do you have ?句型猜3个人手中各拿什么物品。Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:7分钟)1. (做“问答接龙”游戏。从教师开始问第一排第一个学生,第一个学生回答后再问第二个学生,第二个学生回答后再问第三个学生,依次下去。)T:Do you like English? S1:Yes, I do./ No, I dont. (转身) Do you have a ?S2:Yes, I do./ No, I dont. (转身) Do you help ?S3:Yes, I

13、 do./ No, I dont. (转身) Do you ?2. (小组活动,要求学生们分组完成2。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)1. (在老师的带领下完成3。)(教师一边领读,一边打节拍,让学生跟着说,或者教师放录音让学生有节奏地跟读。)2. Homework:自编一个对话,运用下面句型:Could you please ?Sure.Do you ?Yes, I do./No, I dont.No problem.板书设计:Do you have a pen pal?Section AspeakCould you please tell me you

14、r ?No problem.Sure.help with Do you ?poorYes, I do./No, I dont.Section BThe main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions:live, say, want, visit, great, the Great Wall2. Learn some questions and answers with does and personal pro

15、nouns:(1)Does he speak Chinese?Yes, he does./ No, he doesnt.(2)What does he say in the letter?He wants to visit the Great Wall. Teaching aids 教具幻灯片/词卡/教学挂图/小黑板/装有信件的信封若干个/录音机. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1. (检查作业。教师请学生登台表演上节课家庭作业自编的对话。)2. (师生对话。引入并运用China和Chinese。)T:

16、 I come from China. I am Chinese.Ss: We come from China. Were Chinese.(教师提问一名学生。)T:Where do you come from, S1?S1: I come from China.T:Do you speak Chinese?S1: Yes, I do.(学生两人一组互相问答。)(教师可以穿插讲解“吉鸿昌爱国”的故事,培养学生的爱国主义情感,增强“祖国意识”。解放前,外国人都看不起我们中国人,说我们是“东亚病夫”。当时在国外,有的中国人都不敢承认自己是中国人,但吉鸿昌到国外后,勇敢地对外国人说自己是中国人,并且

17、自制了一个纸牌挂在胸前,上面用英语写道:I am Chinese!)3. (教师出示一幅长城的图片。)T: Can you say it in English?S1: (教师帮助回答。)Yes, the Great Wall.T:Where is it?S1: Its in China.T:Do you live in China?S1: (教师帮助回答。)Yes, I do.T: Is China great?S1:Yes, it is.(板书)say, live, great, the Great Wall4. (教师接着出示第二幅图片。)T: Do you like the Great

18、Wall?S1:Yes, I do.T: Do you want to visit the Great Wall?S1:Yes, I do.(板书)want, visit(教师让学生两人一组编对话,运用所呈现的生词。)5. (教师利用与学生的对话,介绍S1的情况。) T:S1 lives in China. He/She likes the Great Wall. He/She wants to visit the Great Wall. (教师请另一位学生,根据这段话回答问题。)T:Where does S1 live?S2:He/She lives in China. T:Does he/

19、she like the Great Wall?S2:Yes, he/she does.T:Does he/she want to visit the Great Wall?S2:Yes, he/she does.(通过以上活动导入1a。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟)1. (教师呈现1a的教学挂图,与学生们一起谈论。)T:Who are they?Ss:They are Jane and Kangkang.T:Does Kangkang have a round face?Ss:Yes, he does. T:Does Jane have long ha

20、ir?Ss:Yes, she does.T:Does Kangkang have a letter in his hand?Ss:Yes, he does.T:Who is the letter from?(教师播放1a录音,让学生听并回答Who is the letter from?)(板书)Who is the letter from? (核对答案。)2. (教师再播放两遍1a录音,要求学生根据1a内容判断幻灯片展示试题的正(T)误(F)。)(1)Sam speaks Chinese. ( )(2)Sam lives in England. ( )(3)This is a letter i

21、n Chinese. ( )(4)Sam says he wants to visit the Great Wall. ( ) (核对答案。)3. (根据1a内容,教师随机提问,并核对答案。)T:Who is the letter from?S1:Its from Sam. T:Is Kangkang Sams pen pal?S2:Yes, he is.T:Does Sam speak Chinese?S3:No, he doesnt.T:Does he live in England?S4:Yes, he does.4. (双人小组活动。要求学生首先单独完成1b,然后两人一组操练对话,为下

22、一步教学做准备。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:7分钟)1. (教师利用幻灯片呈现习题,要求学生根据对话内容填写所缺单词,每空一词。)Whats that in English?Its a letter.Is it yours?Yes, its mine.Who is it from?Its from my pen pal, Tom.Does he speak Chinese?No, he doesnt. He speaks English.What does he say in the letter?He wants to visit China.(画线部分是

23、要填的词。)2. (教师把事先准备好的信封分发给各个小组,然后根据信封及信的内容两人一组进行对话练习。对话应包括以下句型:)(1)Who is the letter from?Its from (2)Where does he/she come from?He/She comes from (3)What does he/she say in the letter?He/She wants to (教师挑选两组学生表演,大家给予掌声鼓励。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)1. (双人活动。同桌间通过问答形式了解对方笔友的情况。要求学生运用以下幻灯片中的句型:)(1

24、) Is it a boy or a girl?(2) Its a boy/girl.(3) Does he/she come from ?(4) Yes, does./No, doesnt.(5) Does he/she live in China?(6) Yes, does./No, doesnt.(7) Does he/she like China?(8) Yes, does./No, doesnt.2. (教师播放2录音,让学生独立完成2,完成后核对答案。)3. (教师将2的听力材料用幻灯片或小黑板展示出来,然后鼓励学生与同桌根据内容编一个对话。)Example:Do you have

25、 a good friend?Yes, I do.Could you please tell me her name?Sure. Her name is Lucy.Where does she come from?She comes from England.Where does she live now?In China.Does she like China?Yes, she does. She likes China very much.Does she speak Chinese?No, she doesnt. She speaks English.4. (教师让学生自己朗读3中的句子

26、,引导学生观察并归纳句子的潜在规律当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词原形后加(e)s。)5. (教师播放3录音,让学生跟读,体会(e)s的读音。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)1. (教师鼓励学生探究“动词第三人称单数的读音”。)(教师用小黑板展示下列内容。)lives, speaks, spells, phones, knows, does, hands, comes, looks, gives, likes, dresses,thinks, guesses, finds, helps, tells, meets, wants, visits(教师先领着学

27、生读一遍,要求学生边读边注意词尾s的发音。接着,教师将学生分组,并为各小组命名,如先锋队、雄鹰队、立志队等,引发学生合作的兴趣和愿望。然后,为各小组明确共同的任务目标,即讨论归纳出-s在动词之后的读音规律。每个成员针对词尾s的不同读音进行观察,发现规律并进行归纳总结。接下来,组内成员互相补充,力图达到全面、准确。各组选出小组发言人进行汇报,其他各组学生均可补充发言。最后由教师总结,再按读音将幻灯片上无序的词分类。)2. (“问答接龙”。教师让学生每八人一组,第一位同学用Do you ?向第二位同学提问。第二位同学用Yes, I do./No, I dont.回答,并用Does he/she ?

28、向第三位同学提问,而第三位同学又用Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesnt.进行问答并向下一位同学提问。每位同学提问时要使用不同的动词,完成4。)Example:S1: Do you have a ruler?S2: Yes, I do./No, I dont. Does your friend like China?S3: Yes, does./No, doesnt. Does want ? 3. Homework:根据1a内容写一段话。(40个词左右)Example:This is a letter in English. Its from Sam. Sam

29、is Kangkangs pen pal. Kangkang lives in China. Sam lives in England. In Sams letter, he says he wants to visit the Great Wall.板书设计:Do you have a pen pal?Section BsayWho is the letter from?liveIts from greatWhat does he say in the letter?the Great WallHe wants to visit the Great Wall.wantDoes he spea

30、k Chinese?visitYes, he does./No, he doesnt.Section CThe main activities are 1a, 2 and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a, 2和3a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1.Learn some new words and expressions:many, lot, a lot, all, not at all, so, often, study, each other, little, a little, them, very, much, very much2.Go on learn

31、ing some questions and answers with do/does.(1)Do you like English?(2)Does Zhang Yu/Kangkang like English?3.Talk about likes and dislikes. Teaching aids 教具单词卡片/幻灯片/图画/录音机/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1. (让一些学生朗读上节课布置的家庭作业:根据1a内容改编的短文。)2. (教师让学生明确此课任务,导入一些生词。)(1)(

32、教师利用词卡呈现any,讲授读音及词义后,然后在词前加一个字母m,则由“一些”变成了“许多”,板书any和many。)any many(教师鼓励每个学生用many说一个句子。)Example:I have many good friends.(2)(教师用类似的方法呈现lot和all,并板书。)smallallnotlotExample:We all like English a lot.(学生跟读,然后做小游戏传话。老师把这个句子传给一个学生,然后要求这个学生传给下一个,下一个再传给再下一个,直到最后一个学生,老师让他站起来说,看看是否传得正确。)(3)(教师利用词卡教so, often,

33、study和little,并板书。)so, often, study, little(在教often时,为了方便学生记忆,可以写成of+tenoften。)T: Li Hongs English is poor, so Jane often helps her study English. Li Hong often helps Jane study Chinese, too. They help each other.(板书)They help each other.(让学生仿照老师的话,自己在小组内说一遍。)(4)(教师利用词卡呈现not at all, very much,并板书。)no

34、t at all, very muchT:Li Ping likes English very much, but Wang Feng doesnt like it at all.(教师鼓励学生用like和not at all/very much各说一个句子,说得准确、流利的同学,大家给予掌声鼓励。)(通过单词的认知导入1a。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)1. (教师让学生略读课文1a并回答问题:Who often helps me study English?)2. (让学生再读1a,并划出文中的关键词,然后完成1b。并核对答案。)3. (教师利用幻

35、灯片将文中的关键词展示出来,并简明扼要地讲解语言点,然后领读课文。)friend, come from, speak, the same class, many students, a lot, not at all, poor, so,often, help, Chinese, help each other4. (要求学生利用幻灯片上的关键词,试着复述课文。先在小组内进行,然后各小组推选一名学生向全班同学复述。完成1b,并核对答案。)5. (教师根据1a内容,设计问句Do ?/Does ?让学生回答。教师将所设置的问题利用幻灯片展示出来。)(1)Do you have a good fri

36、end at school?(2)Do you like English?(学生两人一组操练Do you ?/Does she/he ?句型。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)1. (播放3a录音,让学生听,然后操练喜欢和不喜欢的问句及其答语。)(教师用幻灯片或小黑板将下列内容呈现出来。)(1)Do you like ?Yes, I like a little/very much/ a lot.(2)Does he/she like ?No, he/she doesnt like at all.(教师让两位学生S1和S2到台前。)T: S1, do you

37、 like English?S1: Yes, I like it very much./ No, I dont like it at all.T: S2, does S1 like English?S2: Yes, he/she likes it a lot./ No, he/she doesnt like it at all.(学生三人一组,仿照上面对话进行操练,然后教师请几组学生上台表演,其他学生给予评价并掌声鼓励。)2. (做句型练习活动,操练very much/a lot, a little和not at all。)具体操作:(1)教师利用幻灯片或小黑板展示苹果的图片,并且在图片一旁画

38、有 或 图标;将全班同学分为两人组,三人组,四人组若干。(2)一个学生看见两个 图标说very much/a lot,看见一个 图标说a little, 看见 图标说not at all。组内其他同学用前一个同学说出的词组各说一个相应的句子。Example:(两人一组)S1: a little.S2: I like apples a little.(三人一组)S1: very much/ a lot.S2: I like apples very much.S3: I like apples a lot.(四人一组)S1: not at all.S2: I dont like apples at

39、 all.S3: He/She doesnt like apples at all.S4: Doesnt he/she like apples at all?(教师用同样的方法展示鸡蛋、橙子、蛋糕等图片供同学们练习。)3. (教师接着播放3b录音两遍,让学生完成3b,并核对答案。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:7分钟)1. (教师挑选含有人称代词主格和宾格的句子,板书并作简单讲解。要求学生理解画线部分代词的用法。)She often helps me with it.I help her study Chinese.He wants to visit the Great

40、Wall.Could you help me with it?2. (教师在做2前,先复习Ime,weus,sheher,hehim来引出theythem。两人一组,一个人说人称代词的主格,一个人说宾格,反复进行,然后让学生做2。教师与学生一起核对答案,完成2。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)1. (教师播放4录音,学生跟唱,然后教师示范唱或请某个学生领唱,大家齐唱,完成4。)2. (做游戏,巩固I like /I dont like at all.句型。)活动过程:(1)教师事先绘制一定数量的图画或制作相应的卡片。(图片内容包括有关食物的名称等。)(2)

41、示范。教师随意抽取一张图画(画面不能让学生看见),并根据图画的内容描述自己的爱好,同时向学生示意,让他们猜测教师的爱好是什么。例如:T: I like fruit. Its not an apple. Can you guess?S: Is it a pear?T: No, I dont like it at all.S: Do you like oranges?T: Yes, I like them very much.(3)将全班同学分成3至4个小组。第一组学生派一名代表上台抽取图片,并根据其内容进行描述。教师在一旁记录未猜中的次数。若五次仍未猜中,则要轮到下一组。(4)最后统计各组所猜的

42、次数和猜中的次数,选出优胜组。3. Homework:根据1a内容写一篇短文介绍自己的朋友,题目是My friend,词数在40个左右。板书设计:Do you have a pen pal?Section Ceach otherThey help each other.a lotDo you like ?very muchYes, I like it a little/very much/ a lot.not at allDoes he/she like ?No, he/she doesn t like it at all.Section DThe main activities are 1,

43、 2a and 4. 本课重点活动是1, 2a和4。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn the phonetics and some new words:/tr/, /dr/, /ts/, /dz/, pet, home, at home, dog, any, of2. (1)Review questions and answers with do/does:Do you have a pen pal?Yes, I do./ No, I dont.Does he speak Chinese? Yes, he does./ No, he doesnt

44、.(2)Review the personal pronouns, including subject pronouns and object pronouns.3. Review the useful expressions in this topic:(1)Excuse me, could you please tell me your name?Sure. My name is Jane.(2)Do you like English?Yes, I like it a little/ very much/ a lot.No, I dont like it at all.(3)Could y

45、ou help me with my English?No problem. Teaching aids 教具打印的阅读材料/幻灯片/小黑板/录音机/图片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟)1. (教师和学生一起唱The More We Get Together,活跃气氛。)2. (教师利用幻灯片或小黑板,要求学生根据实际情况回答问题。)(1) Do you speak Chinese?(2) What color are your pants? Do you like them?(3) Could you

46、 please tell me your English name?(4) Do you have a good friend? Tell me her/his name.(5) Does your friend speak Chinese?(6) What does your friend look like?(7) Do you want to visit the Great Wall?(8) Could you help me with my English?(学生两人一组先互相问答。)3. (教师出示一张小狗的图片并简单介绍,让学生通过语境猜测画线部分的含义后,教师板书并讲解。导入2a

47、。)T: I have a pet dog at home. Its name is Huahua. Do you have any pets? Whats the name of it?pet, home, dog, any, ofStep 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)1. (教师播放2a,让学生听并判断正误,核对答案。)2. (教师呈现习题)Choose the correct answers according to what you read.(1)What pet do I have at home? A. A dog.B. A cat.C. You

48、dont have any pets.(2)My pets name is . A. MeimeiB. KittyC. Huanhuan(3)Zhou Lans pet is . A. a dogB. a catC. a toy(4)Does Zhou Lan like Tommy? A. No, she doesnt. B. Yes, she does.C. We dont know.3. (教师补充一篇阅读材料,要求学生根据内容回答问题。教师将材料事先打印出来,学生每人一份。)阅读材料:Hello, my name is Zhao Jun. I like pets very much, s

49、o I have a pet dog at home. Its name is Huihui. It has four long legs. Its ears are big. Its nose is long. I have a sister. She doesnt like any pets at all. She doesnt want to help me look after(照看) my pet dog.回答问题:(1) Whats the name of Zhao Juns pet dog?(2) What does the pet look like?(3) Does Zhao

50、 Juns sister like pets?(4) Does she want to help Zhao Jun look after the dog?(两人一组根据内容互相问答。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:12分钟)1. (两人活动,用下列句型问答,然后写一篇小短文完成2b。让学生口述,其他学生给予掌声鼓励。)(1)Do you like pets?(2)Do you have a pet at home?(3)What is it?(4)Whats its name?(5)What does your pet look like?2. (学习/tr/和

51、/dr/这一对音素。教师板书。)tree train trousers(让学生自己读、观察、总结、体会画线部分的读音。教师板书。) tr /tr/(教师在/tr/的基础上很自然地引出/dr/。板书。)/dr/ dress, drink, driver(以同样方法学习/ts/和/dz/这对音素。)3. (教师播放录音1,让学生跟读。完成1。)4. (老师利用小黑板呈现出含有/tr/, /dr/, /ts/和/dz/的与1中不同的单词,练习学生的拼读能力。)5. (教师将人称代词的主格和宾格利用幻灯片或小黑板呈现出来,领读。并简单说明主格与宾格的用法和区别。)Ime; youyou; hehim;

52、 sheher; itit; weus; youyou; theythem(然后两人一组,一个学生说主格或宾格,另一个学生说其相应的宾格或主格。)6. (教师将所有人称代词主格、宾格的顺序打乱并将其板书在黑板上,让学生“找朋友”。)Find friends: me he her you it we theyhim you it I us them she(让一个学生到黑板上连线。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:11分钟)1. (教师用幻灯片或小黑板出示下边的练习,要求学生根据括号内的汉语写出英文,完成句子。填对一个词,该同学加1分。)(1) My English is poor, so (她). often helps (我).(2) Where do (你们) live? (我们) live in Beijing.(3) I dont know (他们).(4) He wants (我们) to go to his home.(5) What is (它)? (它) is a jacket.(核对答案后,齐读。)2. (出示小黑板,要求学生做题。改对一个句子,该同学加2分。)Change the following sentences according to the example.Example:He speaks Chines


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