七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Lesson 2 What`s Your Favourite Book(第二课时)教学设计 上海新世纪版_第1页
七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Lesson 2 What`s Your Favourite Book(第二课时)教学设计 上海新世纪版_第2页




1、 Unit 4Lesson 2 Whats Your Favourite Book?(第2课时)一、教学目标: 本课时的主要话题是:听、说训练;阅读与现在能力的练习与提高(一)知识与技能:1. 能仿照例子,组织对话;2. 能听懂对话内容,完成任务;(二)过程与方法:1小组活动,制度志愿计划;2.阅读短文,完成任务;3.写作练习;(三)情感态度和价值观:1. 阅读方面的训练并与之相关的练习;2. 写作练习;情感、策略和文化等有关目标:1. 情感态度:正确的世界观,学会关心别人,为社会服务;2. 学习策略:在开展小组活动,编排小对话的时候要善于学习 别的同学好的方法;二、教学资源:新世纪版英语七年

2、级第一学期(试用本);三、教学重点:1. 1. 能仿照例子,组织对话;2. 能听懂对话内容,完成任务;教学难点:1. 写作练习;四 :|教前准备:录音机,课件,学生分组;五、教学过程: (1)Contents: Warming up Revision(2) Methods: Teacher leads the students to say the important words and some sentences.(3) Purpose:复习前面学习的重点单词与句型,创造英语学习氛围;Lets look at page 19,DEVELOPING SKILLS Work in pairs

3、and make up dialogues after the model, use the picture and word cues. For this part, the teacher asks the students to look at read the model, when they understand the meaning of the demands ,they can try to make up dialogues according to the pictures and words given. They can talk about in pairs, an

4、d then the teacher asks one group to act out their dialogue.Task 1 Tick the suggestions made at the meeting.Task 2 In groups of four, act out the meeting.Group work , work in groups of four and work out a project for your class.Step 1 Discuss your volunteer project, use the picture and question cues

5、.Step 2 Work out your volunteer project as shown below.Step 3 In class, present your volunteer projects and select the best the best one for your class.Reading. Read the following story ,The answers are for Task1:andTask2:Writing 六、板书设计:Lesson 2 Whats Your Favourite Book?conditions, 2. in great demand, 3. wealthy, 4. Once, 5. look down on, 6. the sick, 7. insists on;七、 Homework:Writing Work in group of four, in at least 60 words, write a propo


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