七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Food and lifestyle reading 1学案(新版)牛津版_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Food and lifestyle reading 1学案(新版)牛津版_第4页




1、Unit 6课题7A Unit6 Reading 1班级 姓名 学习目标1.知识目标: To know about some healthy lifestyles2.技能目标: To learn some reading skills3.情感目标: To learn how to keep fit and know about some healthy lifestyles重点难点Use different sentence structures to talk about healthy lifestyles教学设计核心目标教学思路设计(通过哪些师生活动来突出重点,突破难点,最终达成学生掌握

2、方法核心目标)集备部分预习导学(5分钟)1.跳两个小时的舞_ 6.保持健康 _2.早餐吃牛奶面包 _ 7.太多糖 _3.对 有坏处 _ 8. 游泳 _4.计划做某事 _ 9. 改变生活方式 _5.需要吃鱼 _ 10.玩电脑游戏 _学习研讨、巩固拓展(30分钟)教师活动学生活动自备部分Step 1 Revision1.Review the lesson which we learned last time 2.Let students use everyday expressions to communicate something about diet and lifestyles.(1) W

3、hat do you often eat for three meals a day?(2) Do you know how to eat healthily?(3) Do you like eating sugar? Eating too much sugar is bad for our teeth. Do you think so?(4) Do you often drink cola? Cola is unhealthy. How to change this bad habit?(5) If you are not strong or healthy enough, what do

4、you plan to do?Step 2 Presentation 1.Lets listen to Kittys article about her lifestyle, and answer the questions.What does she love doing?How long does she do that every day?2 .Read the article together. Then finish Part B2 about Kitty.3. Read the article about Daniel and answer the question: What d

5、oes he like to do, to eat and to drink? Then finish Part B2 about Daniel.4. Finish part B1.Step 3 Practice and act out Ask students to practice themselves in groups and act out . Use the words to say something about what Kitty and Daniel eat. Pair work:(1) What do you often eat for three meals a day

6、?(2) Do you know how to eat healthily?(3) Do you like eating sugar? Eating too much sugar is bad for our teeth. Do you think so?(4) Do you often drink cola? Cola is unhealthy. How to change this bad habit?(5) If you are not strong or healthy enough, what do you plan to do?小组合作(5分钟)Make a survey. (gr

7、oups of four)“What is your favourite food/ fruit/ meat/vegetable?”“Why do you like it/them ? ” and “Is it /Are they healthy?”教师巡回指导,课后记录发现的主要问题当堂检测(5分钟)Daniel likes studying and he is a top student at school. He likes p computer games and c _ with his friends as well. But he doesnt have a h _ diet o

8、r l because he loves Coke and hamburgers and he n does exercise. Well, he thinks its time for him to c now. He p to have juice and bread for breakfast, f _ and vegetables for lunch and dinner. He also plans to go swimming t a week.板书设计收获质疑通过这节课的学习你有了哪些新的收获,还有存在哪些疑惑?教学反思【课后拓展】一、汉译英。1. 跳半小时舞蹈_ 2. 太多的糖

9、_3. 对我很重要_ 4. 对牙齿不好_5. 保持健康_ 6.改变生活方式_7. 早餐喝牛奶_ 8. 计划做某事_9.在两餐之间_ 10.需要吃更多的鱼_二、完成以下练习。A. 根据所给提示,拼写正确的单词1. I think you should change your l _.2. We should eat _ food. Its good for our _ (健康).3. People give children some s_ as a treat at Halloween.4. You should not a_ eat noodles for supper. You shoul

10、d eat some other food. 5. I often feel h_ at about 12.00 at noon. It is time for lunch.6. Its important to keep h_. B. 用所给单词的正确形式填空:1. Andy is a good _(dance). She has a _(dance) lesson this Thursday afternoon.2. People usually have three or four _(meal) every day.3. Sandy likes eating snacks and ne

11、ver_(exercise).4. I plan _(play) football every Sunday afternoon.三、根据首字母提示完成短文。 Kitty wants to be a (1)d_. A healthy (2)l_ is very (3)i_ for her because she needs energy(能量) to dance and she needs to keep (4)f_. Its very easy for her to get (5)t_ when she dances. She (6)s_ eats cakes or drinks Coke,

12、 and she has (7)f_ and vegetables. She always eats an apple for breakfast and has some milk and (8)b_. She eats lunch every day. For dinner she usually eats (9)m_and vegetables. After dinner, she sometimes has an (10)o_ or a banana.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _10. _四、翻译句子。 1. Daniel喜欢课

13、后玩电脑游戏和网上跟朋友聊天。 Daniel likes _ computer games and _ _ friends _ the Internet.2. 躺在床上看书对眼睛有害。 _ in bed is _ _ your eyes. Its bad _ you _ _ in bed.3. 我很少吃甜食,因为里面有太多的糖份。不利于我的健康。 I _ eat sweet snacks because there _ too much _ in it. Its_for my health. 五、选择填空。 ( ) 1. I was born in Beijing _8th November.

14、 A. in B. on C. at D. for( ) 2. That is _ English teacher. We all like _. A. our; her B. their; his C. our; he D. their; she( ) 3. -Can I borrow _ money? -Sorry, I dont have _. A. some; some B. some; any C. any; any D. any; some( ) 4. Mike enjoys _.A. to play the football B. playing the football C.

15、to play football D. playing football( ) 6. The building looks old. We need to _ the walls. A. paint B. draw C. make D. knock( ) 7. Does your father _ newspapers every evening? A. watch B. look C. read D. see( ) 8. -_ do you like rice dumplings? -Because they are very delicious. A. Why B. Where C. Ho

16、w D. When( ) 9. _ everyone in his class _ TV at weekends? A. Is; watch B. Do; watch C. Does; watch D. Are; watches( )10. -_ the boys enjoy _ the World Cup? -Yes, they _. A. Does; watching; does B. Do; watch; do C. Do; watching; do D. Does; watch; does六、完形填空。Henry is very fat. He _1_ to lose weight (

17、减肥), so he is on a diet(节食). He must eat very_2_. He eats little _3_ because it will _4_ him fat. He also does exercise every day. He swims, and he runs about two miles _5_ day. Now he is _6_ than before. Henrys cousin, Susan, is healthier_7_ Henry. She is also younger and thinner than he _8_. She exercises every day. She doesnt eat _9_ meat. She eats a lot of fruit _10_ vegetables. They are better for ones health.( ) 1. A. wants B. thinks C. worries D. looks( ) 2. A. much B. well C. good D. little( ) 3. A. water B. fru


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