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1、unit 3 life in the future language points,1 .what changes do you expect to see in your life in one thousand years time?1千年后你预料会有什么变化。Important words and phrases:Expect to do sth。希望/期待做某事。I expect to be back within a week . expect sb . to do sth。希望某人做某事。I didnt expect him to stay so long。Hope to do s

2、omething将joans hoping to study law at Harvard . hope that子句(例如we hope that our children will carry on our family traditions)Ope sb。to do something是,不能说:I hope you to help him with his work。I wish you to help him with his work。Wish wish to do something想做点什么I Wish to make a complaint . Wish somebody s

3、omething有人we Wish them every happiness in their new home . Wish sb.Wish that子句I wish I could go home now .2 .I still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize that I won last year。我仍然不能相信我在获得去年获得的牙齿奖。when does the new manager take up his job?开始工作,sorry,I have taken up too much of your time . he

4、wants to take up art in college . he decided to take up photography as his careed,占用(out notice of it for granted take hold of steps to do sth sb as.advantage of a deep breath,弹出Pride in ones chance take trouble to do sth over pity on sb turns to do sth感兴趣的从属占用时间,空间John took up writing at schitingI

5、have to remind myself constants,1)remind sb。of/about sth。使人想起某事。This reminded her of college days。让我想起大学里的日子。Remind sb。to do sth提醒某人做某事。You must remind him to call。你应该提醒他打电话。差异: remind、remember和recall remind的意思是“唤醒或灵感,想起往事”。remember说:“过去的事情仍然留在记忆中,可以毫不费力地思考。也就是说,可以记住或记住。”。Recall比remember更正式,意思是“对自己或

6、他人过去有意义的回忆”。2) constantly adv .不断的Fashion is constantly changing。时尚总是日新月异。Heat the sauce,stirring constantly。要热一下酱,继续搅拌。4 .ory ed about the journey,I was unsettled for the first few days Worried about the journey是以科举分词为原因的副词。Worried adj .焦虑/烦恼/担心;Worrisome adj令人担忧和担心的5。as a result,I suffered from ti

7、melag 。结果我得了时滞症。As a result(of)=because of something that has happened的结果,It snowed,as a result,she was late。世界下雪了,她迟到了。,结果开始的原因;结果result in牙齿发生了什么事,导致了什么事(=lead to/cause)suffer from : to experience(something un pleasant,such as an illness)She suffers from headache。她患有头痛病。区分和分析: suffer和suffer from s

8、uffer,意思是痛苦、损失;忍受侮辱等宾语是:fan、ROS、grid(不幸)、punishment(侮辱)、punishment、wrong、hardship、injustice、discout,例如,战争、this is similar to the jet lag you get from But it seems you keep getting flashbacks from your previous time period .1) keep doing sth。继续做什么It kept raining for a week。连续下了一周的雨。辨别:keep doing sth和

9、keep on doing sth。牙齿两个词组表示固定间隔发生的动作,此时可以互换。Keep doing sth。强调动作的连续性,keep on doing sth。强调动作的重复性或动作执行者的决心,往往包含一定的感情色彩、毅力或固执地做某事的意思。he kept on smoking after the doctor told him to stop .he kept on smoking after the doctor told him to stop建议戒烟,但他继续吸烟。keep away from不访问。避免keep back,留在后面,不要往前走。隐藏Keep off无法访

10、问。避免Keep out (of),以便在外部赶上keep up。跟上,继续跟着Keep up with。未落后后,2)flash back the events in his happy family life were shown in flashback。他幸福的家庭生活是反过来表达的。7 .at first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate。开始的时候,新的环境使我受不了。1)surrounding adj . in surrounding area surroundings n .仅使用复数,surroundings影响生活

11、质量,某个地方周围的一切the house is situated in very please自然环境我们不能容忍与考试作弊的行为。I cannot tolerate her rudeness。我不能容忍她的无礼。2)tolerate宽容;忍着,8。hit by a lack of fresh air,my head ached。新鲜空气不足,我头痛感到。科举分词在句子中作为副词,表示和主句的动作一起发生的情况。hit: to have a bad effect on有不好的影响。how will the new law hit the unemployed?新颁布的法令会对失业者造成什么样

12、的打击? beat,区分hit和strike beat,连续击打。Hit的意思是“命中”,有时是“打”。Strike经常意味着“激烈的打击”。要用“敲锣”的strick。“击鼓”必须使用beat。“敲”必须使用knock。“时钟敲几下”要用strick。比喻意义上的“打击”是give (deal) a blow to sb。2) lack部落;不够。用于名词或动词的he did not enter university because of lack of money。钱不够,他没有上大学。he is good at his job but some times he seems to lac

13、k confidence。他做好自己的工作,但有时好像缺乏自信。Lenovo lacking adj丢失;不足的be lacking in.不足的例句Money was lacking for the plan.牙齿计划缺钱。robin is not usually lacking in confidence。罗宾平时不缺乏自信。以上述单词或短语的适当形式填充空格。1.though _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ money,his parents managed to send him to university . 2 . if something that You need is _ Youache has an ache in His back . m


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