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1、Unit 2,unit 2 what time do you go to school?部分a1 1a-2d,proverbs :time is money。1英寸小时,1英寸黄金。Time is life。时间就是生命。时间、时间、时间、时间、时间、时间、时间、时间、时间、时间、时间、时间、时间、时间、时间、时间、时间、时间、时间、9:30 nine thirty,7:15 seven fifteen,9336020 nine twenty,6336010 six ten,its,get up,get dressed,brush teeth,eat breake 1a,getup _ _ _

2、 _ _ go to school _ _ _ getdressed _ _ brush teth _ _ A,1b listen and match the times with the、get up、a : what time do you usually get up?b :i usually getup at six thirty。1c,a : what time do you usually take a shower?take a shower,b :i usually take a showerat,get dressed,a 3360 what time do you usua

3、lly get dressed?b :i usually get dressed at,brush teeth,a : what time do you usually brush teeth?b :i usually brush teeth at,have breakfast,a : what time do you usually have break fast?b :i usually have breakfast at,go to school,a : what time do you usually go to school?b:i usually go to school at,2

4、a listen to the conversation and complete the sentences,Jimhas _ _ _ _ brothers and _;2b plete the shower schedule for jims family。5:50,6336015,6:30,6336045,yourtime schedule 7336000,6336030,6336030,6336000,2c now talk about yourself accordingI never get up so early,I usually get up a

5、t five fifty,what time do you usually get up?早,1。five fif ty=fifty 50 four for ty=forty 40 : 60 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 70 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ languaguaguaguagealways的意思是“总是,总是”。usually的意思是“通常,总是”。never表示“绝对”。渡边杏盒 I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(通常)get dressed at six forty . jackis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(通常),Scott has a

6、n interesting job。he works at a radio station.scott,what tii,role-play the conversation。1 .职务和工作将职务区分为可数名词。主要有报酬的职业work是不可计数的名词。主要是指努力工作的劳动bob牙齿想找一份好工作。Bob wants to find a good _ _ _ _。job、language points,今天我有很多事要做。I have much _ to do today。她每天6点上班。She goes to _ _ _ _ _ at six oclock。work、work、2。tha

7、ts a funny time for breakfast!时间经常和介词“for”一起表示“做的时间”。示例:We dont have too much time for sports。我们没有太多的时间进行体育活动。Time for dinner,children.go and wash your hands,please。孩子们,吃饭了。去洗手吧。3 .exercise的用法摘要是动词,意思是“运动”。例如:他每天早晨做爷爷运动。his grandpa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the morning。用很多名词表示“运动”。运动”之类的:他每天运动大约15分钟。he d

8、oes about fifteen minutes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ every day。exercises、exercise、“体操(技术)练习”。我们每天做早操。Wedo morning _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ every day。exercises、4。station是“传记(视线)台湾”的意思。车站是电视站电视台巴士站,5 .oclock表示“诗”,正后7点seven oclock 6。funny的意思是“奇怪”。搞笑。“珍妮是个有趣的女孩。Jenny is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ girl . 7 . be late for表示“迟到”。汤姆上学总是

9、迟到。Tom is always _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ school。funny,late for,一个,用给定单词的适当格式填充空格。1.lucys family has two _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(shower). 2。an hour has _ _ _ _ _ _(six)minutes Teeth at 9:00 at night . 4 . his aunt _ _ _ _ _ _(work)at a radio station、showers、sixty、brushes、at night、be late for、early、at six forty、funny、get up、1。Alice usually _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at 6336030 in the morning . 2 . his uncle works


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