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1、Paragraphs段落主题句,段落,段落是文章的缩影。能写出好的段落就意味着文章成功了一半。 段落是由句子组成的。每个段落都应有明确的主题思想,且只有一个主题。组成段落的所有句子都应为这个主题思想服务。,中英文段落的区别(1),思维模式不同(thought pattern): 中文段落所遵循的原则是螺旋/线型的发展(circular line of development)方式。重铺垫,讲渲染,讲究“言归正传”。 英语短文写作最典型而具体地体现为三段中每一段主题思想都是呈直线型发展(straight line of development)方式。讲究第一句话“开门见山” ,“一语破题”的点题

2、,结论句变向性直接重复,扣题。,换句话说,英文文章表意较直接,直奔主题。多数段落以主题句开端,在文章的开始部分就会阐明主题。中文段落表意较含蓄,多以有关背景开头,逐步诱导,最终点题。即:英文写作是有一般到特殊。先概括后举例,先讲整体轮廓,后说诸多细节。 General information to specific details,College life is an important stage in our life. It is in college that we begin to live and study by ourselves. It is in college that

3、we learn to be independent of our parents. It is in college that we, like Newton, are searching for beautiful shells on the beach of knowledge. Meanwhile, it is in college that we become matured and fully grown up, both physically and mentally. Consequently, we should cherish it and make the most of

4、 it.,Examples,96.1 CET-4 The Two-day Weekend 中文:双休日给大学生带来的好处 双休日可能给大学生带来的问题 我应如何过好双休日 English: There are many advantages of two-day weekend. However, two-day weekend also brings some problems. As for me,正,反, 合,CET-4 Getting to know the society 中文: 大学生了解社会的必要性 了解社会的途径 我的打算和做法 English: It is of great

5、necessity for us college students to have social practice/get to know the society. There are many different ways to get to know the society. (means through which we can ) As a college student, I should,这种“正反合”的英语思维模式及其行文方式是典型的四六级英语写作的基本框架,也使得四六级短文写作的实际操作更加有章可循。,中英文段落的区别(2),语序不同:中文的表达习惯是把重点信息置于句末,把时间

6、,原因,条件等解释性信息放在句首。 而英语造句习惯正好相反,大多数情况是把状语放在句末或接近句末的地方。即先表态度,后给分析;先下结论,后叙原因。,比起乘坐其它交通工具来,骑自行车更方便。 Riding bicycles is more convenient than going by other means of transportation. 酒后开车很容易造成车毁人亡的交通事故。 Driving after drinking is very likely to cause traffic accidents that result in loss of peoples lives and

7、 damage of the vehicles.,When in Rome, do as Romans do. As an English learner, youd better imitate the way in which native writers put their thoughts together into words and sentences and try to make your writing as acceptable (native like) as possible.,段落的构成,Analyze the following writing,To be an e

8、ducated person is not easy. Firstly we should know clearly the purpose of being educated. Secondly, we should be diligent and persistent, trying our best to overcome all the difficulties that we come across. Lastly, we should not only educate ourselves, but also help others as much as possible to ac

9、quire knowledge and skills. Generally speaking, an educated person will have more responsibility for his country and the society.,Topic sentence,主题句又称主旨句或关键句,是一个段落中最重要的句子,是段落的“纲”。说明段落的中心思想和作者的写作目的,是段落发展的依据。 段落的每句话都应紧密地联系主题句所表达的中心内容。 写好主题句是文章成功的关键。 (common practice of scoring in CET-4 and 6),Computer

10、s are playing a more and more important role in modern society. They are widely used in the fields of business, industry and transportation. They also work wonders in the medical world/circle, space travel as well as in scientific research, bringing about fantastic things in science and technology.

11、Computers are also entering ordinary families. Common people turn to them for valuable information, students use them to obtain knowledge and children play games on them. There seems to be no limit to the work that computers can do.,主题句的位置,段首, 段尾, 段中或隐含在段落句子中。 主题句在段首最常见,是四六级考生写作最可靠的写法。,主题句位于段首,开门见山,

12、点出主题。 There are many ways through which we can improve our English. First, we can read as many English books, newspapers and magazines as possible. Next, we may listen to English programs on the radio or watch English programs on TV every day. Besides, it is necessary for us to seize every opportunity to speak Englis


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