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1、更多接本资讯接本资料模拟真题添加微信1 专接本基础练习题 一、语音 专接本基础练习题 一、语音 从 A. B. C. D 中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。 ()1. objectA. periodB. secretC. terrifyD. liberate ()2. graspA. planetB. marryC. variousD. dance ()3. thirstyA. energyB. perfectC. comfortD. famous ()4. examineA. exceptB. existC. excuseD. exercise (

2、)5. beyondA. angerB. answerC. languageD. blanket ()6. pulseA. humanB. rubberC. musicianD. suggest ()7. dialogueA. disappearB. theoryC. quietD. fearless ()8. receiveA. neighbourB. theatreC. societyD. seize ()9. cruelA. exceptB. merryC. absentD. flesh ()10. designA. desertB. usualC. thirstyD. pressure

3、 ()11. appearA. realityB. curiousC. societyD. geography ()12. kitchenA. machineB. headacheC. achieveD. technical ()13. courseA. neighbourB. hourC. courageD. pour ()14. captainA. curtainB. remainC. dailyD. mountain ()15. calmA. aloneB. chalkC. halfD. salt ()16. counterA. countryB. oughtC. poundD. cou

4、ple ()17. upwardA. warmB. towardC. rewardD. forward ()18. foodA. balloonB. bedroomC. bloodD. wood ()19. comfortA. amongB. wanderC. considerD. contrary ()20. swordA. betweenB. answerC. onceD. twice ()21. mouthsA. theoryB. breatheC. mathsD. truth ()22. townA. bowlB. shownC. pronounce D. southern ()23.

5、 officialA. sugarB. usualC. inspectD. office ()24. forbidA. forwardB. foreheadC. forestD. forget ()25. areaA. prepareB. parentC. chairmanD. pioneer ()26. studiedA. fooledB. shippedC. inventedD. washed ()27. percentA. characterB. nervousC. observeD. perfect ()28. actuallyA. centuryB. whistleC. patien

6、tD. particularly ()29. routeA. throatB. woodC. shouldD. shoes ()30. povertyA. potatoB. movementC. discoverD. horrible ()31. pioneerA. pianoB. millionC. diaryD. fearless ()32. affectionatelyA. questionB. conclusionC. revolutionaryD. occasionally ()33. blewA. wolfB. newspaperC. dreadfulD. prove ()34.

7、debtA. throughB. subjectC. laughD. abstract ()35. singleA. bringingB. angryC. singerD. blanket ()36. spareA. requireB. hearC. thereforeD. temperature ()37. dreamA. beliefB. reallyC. dreamtD. friend ()38. broadA. coastB. coughC. floatD. thought ()39. scienceA. hairB. tieC. pieceD. entire 更多接本资讯接本资料模拟

8、真题添加微信2 ()40. violinA. periodB. biologyC. idiomD. pioneer 二、单项选择二、单项选择 ()1. He has _ uncle. He is working at _ university. A. an / aB. an / anC. a / anD. a / a ()2. _ room is bright, but _ is brighter than hers. A. Her / myB. Her /mineC. Hers /mineD. A/ a ()3. Well listen to a talk on o

9、ur school history _8:00 _May 8. 2004. A. at /onB. in /onC. at /inD. on /in ()4. I dont remember _. A. who is heB. who he isC. whom is heD. he is who ()5. Mother often tells me _ late for school. A. to not beB. not beC. dont beD. not to be ()6. He cant play the piano. I cant _. A. tooB. neitherC. eit

10、herD. also ()7. Great changes _ in Beijing since 1980. A. took placeB. take placeC. have taken placeD. have been taken place ()8. I dont think this film is worth _ again. A. to seeB. seenC. seeingD. saw ()9. Hurry up! There is _ time left. A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few ()10. The teacher gave us

11、 _. A. some advicesB. an adviceC. a adviceD. some advice ()11. There isnt _ in todays newspaper. A. important somethingB. nothing important C. important anythingD. anything important () 12. TheAmerican teacher spoke _ so that all of us could understand him. A. slowly enoughB. enough slowlyC. enough

12、slowD. slower enough ()13. I really dont know_ this kind of computer. A. how do I useB. how to useC. to how useD. that how I use ()14. She _ home until she finished her homework. A. wentB. not goC. didnt goD. wont go ()15. Mother _ when I got home yesterday. A. was sewingB. is sewingC. sewsD. sewed

13、()16. Would you please _me an English-Chinese dictionary when you come here. A. carryB. bringC. takeD. keep ()17. There are about one hundred and sixty _ in this town. A. thousand peopleB. thousands people C. thousand peoplesD. thousands of people ()18. “_have you lived in Beijing?” “Ten years.” A.

14、How soonB. How oftenC. How many timesD. How long ()19. Please come to my office if you have _ questions. A. someB. anyC. theD. an ()20. Though my grandpa is in his sixties _ he still teaches English at school. 更多接本资讯接本资料模拟真题添加微信3 A. butB. andC. /D. so ()21. In the newspaper we can learn

15、 _ is going on in the world. A. whatB. howC. whoD. that ()22. Tom will give the story-book to her as soon as she _ back. A. comeB. will comeC. comingD. comes ()23. We had better _ things as they _. A. leaving / wereB. leave / areC. leave / wereD. to leave / are ()24. Where is Mr Liu? He _ to the lib

16、rary and hell be back soon. A. has beenB. has goneC. goesD. was going ()25.How long ago _ in Shanghai? A. has he arrivedB. does he arriveC. would he arriveD. did he arrive ()26.English _ in most middle schools in China. A. teachesB. taughtC. is taughtD. teaching ()27. These new books must be _ by al

17、l the students. A. taken careB. taken care ofC. taken carefully ofD. taken careful of ()28. The wet clothes were _ near a fire. A. hanged upB. hung upC. hanging upD. hang up ()29. Its difficult for him to _ his bad friends. A. get awayB. get offC. get inD. get rid of ()30. He was made _ the work, bu

18、t he came and made me _ for him. A. to do /doB. do /to doC. do /doD. to do /to do ()31. Money can be stored in the bank and be taken out anytime _. A. to needB. needC. neededD. needing ()32. Im sorry, but the shoes in small sizes are sold _. A. outB. upC. downD. over ()33. They are very tired, let t

19、hem _ a rest. A. to stop havingB. stop havingC. stop to haveD. to stop to have ()34. When must the composition _. A. hand inB. handed toC. be handed onD. be handed in ()35. It _ him half an hour to do his homework yesterday. A. tookB. spentC. paidD. cost ()36. There _ a Japanese film on TV Saturday

20、evening. A. will haveB. is going to haveC. will beD. are going to be ()37. The Great Pyramid is made _ huge stones. Do you know _ each stone weighs? A. of / how heavyB. from / how longC. with / how manyD. of / how much ()38. He said he _ to see me again the next day. A. had comeB. will comeC. would

21、comeD. has come ()39. She would like _, I think. A. two glasses of waterB. two glass of water C. two glass of watersD. two glasses of waters ()40. I can _ a little French. I know how to _ this word in French. A. say / speakB. speak / sayC. tell / sayD. talk / tell ()41. When they came to a forest, t

22、hey suddenly heard somebody _ for help. 更多接本资讯接本资料模拟真题添加微信4 A. callsB. calledC. callingD. to call ()42. Ill have my hair _ tomorrow afternoon. A. cutB. to cutC. cuttingD. cuts ()43. Neither Alice nor I _ in the classroom at that time. A. areB. amC. wereD. was ()44. The Young Pioneers ar

23、e busy _ Grandpa Li _ the housework. A. help / withB. helping / inC. to help / atD. helping / with ()45. His coat is _ one in all. A. most expensiveB. more expensive C. the most expensiveD. much expensive ()46. Tom is _ to answer the question correctly. A. enough cleverB. too cleverC. so cleverD. cl

24、ever enough ()47. Without _ more English, you cant learn it well. A. spokenB. speakingC. speakD. to speak ()48. The students will be away _ next week. A. on holidayB. on a holidayC. on the holidayD. on the holidays ()49. A. Was the big brown book?B. Was the brown book a big? C. Was the big book brow

25、n?D. Was the brown a big book? ()50. When Bob tried to catch hold of his arm, John _. A. hit him on his faceB. hit him in the face C. hit him the faceD. hit Bobs face ()51. Mr. Wang had us _ all the way while we were driving to the countryside last Sunday A. laughB. laughingC. to laughD. laughed ()5

26、2. When your spoken English gets better, _ your written English. A. so doesB. so willC. nor doesD. nor will ()53. We hope _ to the railway station much earlier. A. you to goB. goingC. your goingD. to go ()54. Though Mr. Smith is sixty tears old, _ he keeps on studying every day. A. butB. yetC. soD.

27、and ()55. Theyll grow some vegetables _ next week. A. sometimeB. sometimesC. some timeD. some times ()56. Which factory was your mother _? A. last yearB. in last yearC. on last yearD. for last year ()57. After fishing _ the newspaper, she went on _ her housework. A. to read; to doB. to read; doingC.

28、 reading; doingD. reading; to do ()58. What do you think the _ of the football match will be? A. endB. playerC. resultD. fishing ()59. The little girl choose Christmas cards _ their bright colors. A. byB. atC. asD. on ()60. The farmers had to pump water yesterday afternoon, _? A. had theyB. did they

29、C. hadnt theyD. didnt they ()61. The visiting professor _ giving lectures to students _ invited to Meeting at times. 更多接本资讯接本资料模拟真题添加微信5 A. preferred; to beingB. preferred to; rather than C. preferred; than beingD. preferred to; to being ()62. I cant _ where she has gone. A. findB. find

30、 outC. look forD. know ()63. -Sally sends her best wishes.- _. A. Nice meeting herB. Not at allC. Thats nice of herD. The same to her ()64. How about the two of us _ a walk down the garden? A. to takeB. takeC. takingD. to be taking ()65. Is this the way you think of _ the elephant? A. weighB. having

31、 weighedC. weighingD. to weigh ()66. She thought I was talking about her daughter, _ in fact, I was talking my daughter. A. whenB. whereC. whichD. while ()67. The glass _ water is _. A. filled of; meB. filled with; mineC. full of; myD. full with; mine ()68. Well go to Lushan for our holiday, _it won

32、t cost much money. A. forB. unlessC. butD. until ()69. - What made you so angry?- _ my house _ saying goodbye. A. Toms leaving; withoutB. Tom leaving; without C. Tom left; instead ofD. Toms leaving; instead of ()70. Its to be made sure _ John stole your bicycle yesterday. A. thatB. whetherC. whatD.

33、/ ()71. The work is _ difficult for her. A. too muchB. very tooC. much tooD. too very ()72. I dont like these trousers. Please show me another _. A. oneB. pairC. coupleD. piece ()73. I first met Lucy three years ago. She _ at a radio shop at the time. A. has workedB. was workingC. had been workingD.

34、 had worked ()74. Most people think _ impossible to master a foreign language without much memory work. A. thisB. thatC. itsD. it ()75. The lab _ the experiments used to be done is being repaired. A. whereB. thatC. whenD. which ()76. - How long _ each other before the couple _ married? A. have they

35、known; getB. did they know, were going to get C. had they known; gotD. do they know; are going to get ()77. We tried to get them to _ the piece of the computer, but they refused to. So we didnt buy it. A. cut offB. go downC. come downD. bring down ()78. -Whose English is the best in your class? -In

36、my opinion, Janes is better than _ in our class. A. anyone elseB. anyone elsesC. anyonesD. anyone ()79. By the end of last term, they had learned 2,000 English words _. A. in allB. at allC. after allD. above all 更多接本资讯接本资料模拟真题添加微信6 ()80. - _?-He is clever. A. What is heB. How is heC. Wh

37、at is he likeD. How is he like ()81. -Excuse me, could I use your ruler for a few minutes, please?-Sure. _. A. You use it by yourselfB. Help yourselfC. Take it easyD. Dont be polite ()82. -Judging from _ number of the cars, there are not many people in the club. -I think so. People would rather stay

38、 at home in such _bad weather. A. the; /B. a; /C. the ; aD. a; a ()83. _ great help, I could get rid of all the difficulties and succeeded. A. OfferedB. Having offeredC. Being suppliedD. Having supplied ()84. “Who Moved My Cheese?”, _ is a best-selling book, is written by Spencer. A. itB. thatC. wha

39、tD. which ()85. -The test was easy, wasnt it? -Yes, but I dont think _ could pass it. A. somebodyB. anybodyC. nobodyD. everybody ()86. You can use a large plastics bottle, _ cut off, as a pot to grow flowers in. A. the top isB. with its topC. whose topD. the top of which ()87. Paper produced every y

40、ear was _ the cars produced this year. A. three times weightyB. three times the weight of C. as three times heavy asD. three times as it weighs ()88. Ill take my share of money; the _ yours. A. others areB. other isC. rest areD. rest is ()89. -How are things there?- _. A. Very well, thank youB. Well

41、 doneC. Not yetD. Not too bad ()90. If you _ give up smoking, you can only expect to have a bad cough. A. dontB. wontC. wouldntD. cant ()91. The advertiser made a promise that he would have you _ English in six months. A. speakB. spokenC. be able to speakD. speaking ()92. -Do you know your mother is

42、 in hospital?-No, I _. A. dontB. haventC. didntD. wouldnt ()93. -What do you think of the examination?-I have never had _one. A. a hardB. the hardestC. a harderD. hard ()94. It was ten oclock _ I got home last night. And it was then _a friend of mine came up. A. when ; thatB. that ; whenC. that; tha

43、tD. when; when ()95. -Have you ever seen Peter recently? -Yes. He_ me to ask you how you _along with your new job these days. A. has asked; have been gettingB. asked; were getting C. often asks; are gettingD. asked; are getting ()96. The popular singer sang _. A. perfectly last night in the town hal

44、lB. in the town hall perfectly last night C. last night perfectly in the town hallD. perfectly in the town hall last night ()97. We thought it would be wet, but it _ to be fine. A. turned outB. turned overC. turned offD. turned up 更多接本资讯接本资料模拟真题添加微信7 ()98. What _? Look at yourself in th

45、e mirror. A. did you doB. are you doingC. have you being doingD. had you done ()99. -Could you tell me how I can get to the railway station? -Heres a No 6 bus and theres a No 8 bus. You can take _ of them. A. eitherB. bothC. eachD. all ()100. -shall we go outing this weekend? -Oh, with all this work

46、 _, I dont know if Ill have time to go out. A. to doB. to be doneC. doneD. doing ()101. How many yearsexperience do you have _ cotton? A. growingB. for growingC. of growingD. in growing ()102. If mother lived with me, she would cook me nice meals when I _ home in the evening. A. comingB. would comeC

47、. comeD. will come ()103. -Excuse me, may I ask you some questions? -Sorry, Im too busy and havent a minute to _. A. spendB. spareC. shareD. go ()104. These houses are sold at such a low price _ people expected. A. likeB. thatC. soD. as ()105. During the election period, a big strike _ in the capita

48、l. A. broke upB. broke intoC. broke outD. broke away ()106. Every minute must be made full use of _ for traveling. A. to workB. workC. workingD. the work ()107. _ in her finest skirt, the girl tried to make herself _ at the party. A. Dressing; noticedB. Dressed; noticed C. Dressing; noticingD. Dress

49、ed; noticing ()108. When the day broke, they suddenly _ they were in the same place from _ they had started the night before. A. saw; whereB. noticed; whenC. found; whereD. observed; where ()109. You can come back _ you want to. A. wheneverB. whateverC. whereverD. however ()110. -Oh, its very late.

50、Im afraid I must get _ now. -Do as you please. Let me show you out. A. goB. to goC. goneD. going ()111.At no time _ the first to use the nuclear weapons. A. China wont beB. China will beC. will China beD. wont China be ()112. -I was going to play volleyball on Monday, but I cant now.-_. A. Take it e

51、asyB. Bad luckC. So do ID. Thats all right ()113. South Korea Football Team is considered _ the greatest progress in the past few years in the world. A. makingB. to makeC. to have madeD. having made ()114. -Have you finished your report yet? -No. Ill finish it in _ ten minutes. A. anotherB. nextC. m

52、oreD. less ()115. -Im going downtown.-Come on. _. 更多接本资讯接本资料模拟真题添加微信8 A. Ill give you a lift.B. You are welcomeC. Dont do thatD. Come with me ()116. The government puts more than 700 million yuan to increase its green space this year, _ doubles the money provided last year. A. asB. whil

53、eC. thatD. which ()117. -Well done, Jack!-Thanks. But given more time, I _it better. A. shouldnt have doneB. could have doneC. might not doD. could do ()118. -Lucy has just come back from abroad; shall we go for a big dinner? -OK. I hope Saturday evening is all right. Do you have anything _ then? A.

54、 plannedB. to planC. to be plannedD. plan ()119. The plan _ just because people were unwilling to co-operate. A. pulled downB. turned downC. broke downD. put down ()120. -Is it hard to drive downtown to work? -Yes, thats why I _ to work by train. A. have been goingB. have goneC. was goingD. will hav

55、e gone ()121. -You dont seem to be quite yourself today. Whats wrong? -Oh, Im suffering from a cold. Nothing serious, _. A. yetB. indeedC. anyhowD. though ()122. Id like to buy a present for my mothers birthday, _ at a proper price but of great of use. A. thatB. oneC. anyoneD. everything ()123. -Id

56、like to go to Tibet next week. Have you been there? -No, but Shirleys been there before, shell tell you _. A. how to howB. when to whenC. what to whatD. who to who ()124. The air company going from bad to worse, the workers _ hardly enough to make a living. A. are paidB. are payingC. have paidD. pai

57、d ()125. Ive visited a lot of different places and stayed in lots of different hotels, but none of them _ this one. A. makesB. matchesC. comparesD. wins ()126. Sometimes the earthquake is so violent that it can destroy the whole city, _ happened in Tangshan, in 1976. A. asB. thatC. whereD. like ()127. -How did you find your visit to the museum, Jane?- _. A. Oh, wonderful, indeed


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