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1、,Unit 1Getting along with others,教材背景链接 生活中,尊重他人是必需的。但是,我们也不能成为唯唯诺诺之人。坦诚面对世间人与事,莫惧他人是与非。勇于表达自我,才是真正的自重,Unit 1Getting along with others,Stop being a people pleaser Do you habitually give in to other people because you just cant stand the thought of upsetting them?If so,you are a classic “people pleas

2、er”Theres trouble ahead when you live only for the approval of others. Look at your fears.Are they realistic?You might be afraid that no one will like you,that someone will leave you,or that you will be left all alone if you dont say the right thing.That is a prison you have trapped yourself in,and

3、its time to unlock the doors and walk out!,Unit 1Getting along with others,Consider the source.Many people pleasers are raised in environments where their needs and feelings are left out of consideration.By focusing on pleasing others,you will never reach your potential as an individual if you const

4、antly hide behind othersexpections. Learn how to say “no”Dont make up excusesgive your reasons for not wanting something.Start smallfind something small to say “no” to,but say it firmly.Say it politely,but mean it!People rarely get angry,and those that do arent worth pleasing.,Unit 1Getting along wi

5、th others,Ask for what you want.Theres nothing wrong with voicing your opinion,and it doesnt have to mean youre making a demand.Simply reminding people that youre an individual with your own preferences is a big step forward. In a word,you must remember that no one can read your mind.If you feel tha

6、t you do so much for others,but they dont do anything for you,maybe its because you dont express your needs or desires.,Unit 1Getting along with others,品读小思 Answer the following questions. 1What are the reasons for being a people pleaser? _ 2How can we stop being a people pleaser? _,Feel bad to upse

7、t them;Want to get others approval.,Dont expect others to read your mind;Express your needs and desires.,Unit 1Getting along with others,Section Welcome to the unit & ReadingWarming Up,Unit 1Getting along with others,.重点单词 1_vt. 出卖,背叛 2_vt.& vi. 假装,装扮,扮作 3_vt. & vi. 承认;允许进入,接纳 4_vt. & vi. 请求,恳求;乞讨 5

8、_vt. & vi. 发誓,郑重承诺;咒骂,说脏话 6_vt. 原谅,宽恕 7sincerely adv._,betray,pretend,admit,beg,swear,forgive,真诚地,8superb adj. _ 9_ n焦点;重点 vt.& vi. 集中注意力于,使(聚焦) 10_ n. 方式;态度,举止 11_ adj. 内疚的;有罪的 12_ vi.& n. 评论,谈论 13_ adj. 令人尴尬的,别扭的;笨拙的 14_ vi. 争吵, 争论 15_vi. 道歉,极好的,极佳的,卓越的,focus,manner,guilty,remark,awkward,argue,apo

9、logize,16_adj. 敏感的;易生气的;体贴的 17_ adj. 擅长运动的;健壮的 18_ n& vt. 羡慕,忌妒 19_ n& vt. 责备,指责 20_ n& vi. 争吵,争执,sensitive,athletic,envy,blame,quarrel,.重点短语 1get_with与友好相处 2_ones word 信守诺言 3belong_ 属于 4spy_ 窥探, 暗中监视 5_trouble 在麻烦中 6keep pace_ 与步调一致 7as a result_ 由于,因为 8accuse sb._sth. 因控告某人 9cant help_ 禁不住做某事 10_

10、long 不久,很快,on/along,keep,to,on,in,with,of,of,doing,before,.重点句型 1考试之后,我的口气听上去想必是很自鸣得意,因为我嚷嚷着说那次考试有多么容易,还说我肯定能够取得很好的成绩。 I _ very proud of myself after the quiz,saying_andhow I _ get a good grade. 2我怒不可遏,径直找到了汉娜,对她宣布我们俩以后再也不是朋友了,因为她不能信守承诺。 I was _ angry _ I went straight to Hannah and told her we _ go

11、ing to be friends _ because she couldnt _.,must have sounded,how easy it was,was sure to,so,that,werent,any more,keep her word,3昨天,我看到他和另外一个叫彼得的男生说话,我禁不住在想,他是不是希望彼得取代我,成为他最要好的朋友呢? Yesterday,I saw him talking to another boy,Peter,and I _ if he wants Peter to be his best friend _ me.,cannot help wonde

12、ring,instead of,Step One: Leadingin 1 Think of the most recent fight with your friend. What caused it? _ 2What are the reasons leading to a broken friendship? _,Students own answers.,Not trusting each other;Misunderstanding;Lacking communication;There being conflicts in interest;Not caring each othe

13、r enough.,3What puzzle do you have in getting along with you friends? _ 4Who can we turn to for help when we have problems with our friends? _,Students own answers.,Students own answers.,Step Two: Fast Reading .Tell true or false according to the text. 1Sarah felt good after the math quiz because sh

14、e really got a good grade.() 2Both Sarah and Hannah are hardworking.() 3Hannah didnt sense something was wrong before she was told the fact.() 4Sarah thought Hannah must have told their classmates about her bad grade.() 5The only people who see the grades are the teacher and the students that the gr

15、ades belong to.(),F,T,F,T,T,.Scan the text and choose the best answer. () 1What did Sarah think about the surprise math quiz? A. She thought it was difficult. BShe thought the teacher would praise her for her good grade. CShe thought her friend Hannah would be proud of her. DShe thought she would ge

16、t a good grade.,D,2What did Sarah feel when she was told that she had lowest grade in the class? () AShe felt worried. BShe felt proud. CShe felt she was at a loss. DShe felt stupid.,C,3Why did Sarah tell Hannah they werent going to be friends any more? () ABecause she was laughed at by all her clas

17、smates. BBecause she got a piece of paper on her desk saying“Stupid Sarah got a D” CBecause she thought Hannah didnt keep her secret. DBecause Hannah told her a lie.,C,4According to the text we know that _. Aboth Sarah and Hannah are good at English Bboth Sarah and Hannah are hardworking Cboth Sarah

18、 and Hannah got good grades in the surprise math quiz Dboth Sarah and Hannah spend almost every day with each other except Sunday,B,5From the passage we can infer that _. AHannah didnt keep Sarahs secret Bthe piece of paper on Sarahs desk was written by Hannah Csomeone must have been spying on them

19、in the washroom Dmost of the classmates knew that Sarah didnt do well in the surprise math quiz,D,Step Three: Careful Reading Fill in the blanks according to the text. Two letters to Annie,Results,ashamed,mark,Stupid,upset,forgive,secret,angry,badly/ carelessly,guilty,Step Four: Summary A friendship in trouble Andrew had a best friend, Matthew.They had been best friends since1._.Last week, they had an important match


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