



1、江苏省徐州市沛县张寨镇中学七年级英语下册unit 4 grammar活动单导学案(无答案) 牛津版learning aims:1. new words:(the prepositions of place) insideoutside/abovebelow/overunder2. to use “ a” , “ an” , “ the” .learning procedure:activity 1.pre-read write down the words and phrases:1.在草地上( )2.看起来像( ) 3.半小时 ( )4.在那边 ( )5.一个美丽的湖( )6.踢足球 ( )

2、7.在左边 ( )8.在右边( )9.在商店外面( )activity 2.language points;1. a/an/the a: a/an 泛指“一个”。“a”用于辅音音素前,“an”用于元音音素前 。the特指(1) 用于第一次提到某人或某物时用a / an。例:这是一本书 this is _ book. 这是一本有趣的书this is _ interesting book. (2)泛指某人或某物。例:鸟会飞。a bird can fly. 有个年轻人在等你。a young man is waiting for you .(3)用在事物的度量单位前, 如时间、 速度、 价格等, 表示

3、 “每一个”。 例:我们常常一天两次去学校。 we often go to school two times a day.(4) 用于某些特定的词组。 例如:a few 几个, a little 有点,等等。 例:瓶子里有点牛奶。 there is a little milk in the bottle.b: 定冠词的用法 (1)表示特指的或上文已提到的某(些)人或某(些)事物。 例:我有一本书,在桌子上。i have a book ,the book is on the desk.桌子里的书包是我的。the bag in the desk is mine. (2)用于表示世界上独一无二的事物

4、或用于自然界现象或方位名词之前. 例:the sunthe moonthe earth the skythe worldthe winter night太阳比月亮大。the sun is bigger than the moon. (3)the 用在姓名复数之前, 表示一家人。格林一家人待我们很好。 the greens is very kind to us.(4)用在序数词和形容词最高级,及形容词only,very,same等前面:你住在哪?我住在二层。where do you live?i live on the second(第二) floor. (5)用在乐器前。球类前一定不用。i l

5、ike playing the violin.我喜欢拉小提琴。i like playing football. 我喜欢踢足球。3.表示方位的介词:in/ on/ in front of /in the front of /under/ over /below / above /outside/inside /behind/nearbelow反义词above outside反义词 inside under 反义词overwrite your name below the line在线下写上你的名字the cat was under the table猫在桌子下面。there is a bridg

6、e over the river.河上有座桥。in the front of -i am standing in the front of the classroom.in front of -you can see a garden in front of the library.the boy is outside the shop.activity 3.practising1.i spend(花费)_ hour doing my homework every day.2.he has _ uncle.3.there is _ “s”in the word “his”.4._wangs a

7、re form nanjing.5.tommy is _tallest(最高的) boy in his class.6.we know that _ moon moves around _sun.7.they had _ good time in the park yesterday.8.i like playing _ football very much.my sister likes playing _ piano(钢琴).9.i have _pen,_pen is in my pencilbox.10.-did you get there by _ bike?-no,i took_ t

8、axi.activity 4.能力提升( )1.beijing,_capital( )of china,has _long history.(2011徐州中考)a. a; a b.the; / c.the; a d./; the ( )2.mr wang has worked as_ english teacher for more than 10 years. (2011连云港中考)a. / b.a c.an d. the ( ) 3. “will the charity show be _ success?” i kept asking myself. (2012徐州中考)a. a b.

9、an c. the d. 不填( )4. in order to find _ better job, she planned to learn _ second foreign language. (2012徐州中考)a. the; a b. a; a c. the; the d. a; the( )5. china has area of about 9,600,000 square kilometers. (2012盐城中考)a. ab. anc. thed. /( )6.there is a playground _ the building.a. in b. in front of

10、c. behindd. in the front of ( )7.you can see a bridge_the river.a. aboveb.overc. ind. under( )8.there is a cat _ the door.a. aboveb.overc. behindd. under( )9._the left of the hill,you can see a lake. a. inb.onc. aboved. below( )10. the 30th london olympic games will begin _ 27th july 2012. (2011徐州中考)a. in b. on c. at d. foractivity 5.homework1.look,two boys _(row) a boat in the lake.2.he _ (look)like


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