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1、音乐教师个人求职信 尊敬的xxx公司领导: 您好! 感谢您百忙之中来关注我的求职信,希望这份自荐书能为一位满怀信心、满腔热情即将走向社会的大学生开启一扇希望之门,更希望能为你带来一份喜悦! 我叫xxx,出生于山清水秀的四川,因为我的生活环境,铸就了我坚忍不拔、吃苦耐劳的性格。漫漫的求学路也教会了我为人处事的道理。这数年的求学历程,也是我不断总结自己、提高自己的过程。 在小的时候我就对音乐产生了浓厚的兴趣,当我学到中学时,自学笛子、洞箫,后在师从xx老师系统学习笛子,从此我就开始学习正规音乐课程,在指导老师的细心指导下,我的专业成绩有了明显的提高。 当我进入xxx师范学院音乐系,在老师们的辛苦教

2、导下,我的专业技能有了更进一步的提高,其它专业课程在任课老师的指导下都取得了优异的成绩,曾被学校评为“优秀学生干部”。其选修乐器手风琴,经过三年的学习有了明显的进步。在取得这些成绩的同时,我深深明白这些都是老师辛勤培育的成果。实践出真知,那么在近两个月的实习中,让我深刻的体会到了“学高为师,身正为范”的内涵,并积累了宝贵的育材经验,使自己更为成熟,也更有信心。 在大学三年里,我参加了许多的社会实践,如参加学校的文艺演出,受到学校的表彰。在此过程中我体会到了专业实践的重要性,以后的路还长,我还会继续在工作中不断学习、提高自己的专业知识技能。 大学三年里,我在学习音乐课程的同时,还辅修了美术课程,

3、学习了素描、色彩、图案等,并取得了较好的成绩,相信在以后的中,将音乐与美术完美结合,可以达到良好的教学效果。 三年的大学生活转瞬即逝,我相信机遇和挑战并存,有付出就有收获,年轻的我渴望挑战,勇于拼搏!我对自己的未来充满了激情和信心。但我的未来需要你的支持和厚爱。恳切盼望您的详考、慎虑,使我与贵校共进步、求至善。我坚信您的正确领导和我的努力奋斗会使贵校的明天更加辉煌!殷切期盼您的佳音。 祝愿贵校桃李满天下! 此致 敬礼! 求职人: xxxx年xx月xx日 dear sir/madam, i am writing to response to your advertisement in nanfa

4、ng daily of 15th june. my name is chen leyang. i am at the age of 22 and studying music at xinghai conservatory of music.i am currently in my final year of university and i hope to work as a music teacher in our conservatory in the near future. i have learned singing, dancing and playing the piano s

5、ince i was 5 years old. now i am good at singing, dancing and playing the piano, so i have got many prizes in all kinds of petitions. apart from music, i also love teaching. i did so well in my teaching practice in our conservatory that i was awarded as “excellent trainee”. so i believe i am capable

6、 of being an outstanding music teacher in the future. besides study, i also took part in many extracurricular activities in my spare time. i used to be the vice monitor of our class which trained my management skills, organizing skills and munication skills. both teachers and fellow students thought

7、 highly of my hard work. at the beginning of this year, i worked as a substitute teacher in the affiliated high school of south china normal university. from this experience, i got myself familiar with high school teaching materials and learned a lot of teaching designs and teaching skills from many

8、 excellent teachers. im prepared to work hard and have a strong spirit of teamwork. whats more, i will be able to start work in two months time when i have finished my final exams. i hope i can be given a chance of interview and i am looking forward to hearing from you soon. yours faithfully, chen l

9、eyang engineering department p.o. box 73219 fort worth, tx 76108 dear sir: with reference to our order no. w 98, the 120 puter sets supplies to the above order were delivered the day before yesterday, but we regret that 20 sets were badly damaged. the packages containing the puter sets appeared to b

10、e in good condition and we aepted and signed for them without question. we unpacked the puter sets with care and can only assume that damage must be due to careless handling at some stage prior to packing. we shall be glad if you will replace all 20 sets as soon as possible. meanwhile, we have put t

11、he damaged puter sets aside in case you need them to support a claim on your suppliers for pensation. yours sincerely, chen leyang dear sir/madam, i am writing to response to your advertisement in nanfang daily of 15th june. my name is chen leyang. i am at the age of 22 and studying music at xinghai

12、 conservatory of music.i am currently in my final year of university and i hope to work as a music teacher in our conservatory in the near future. i have learned singing, dancing and playing the piano since i was 5 years old. now i am good at singing, dancing and playing the piano, so i have got man

13、y prizes in all kinds of petitions. apart from music, i also love teaching. i did so well in my teaching practice in our conservatory that i was awarded as “excellent trainee”. so i believe i am capable of being an outstanding music teacher in the future. besides study, i also took part in many extr

14、acurricular activities in my spare time. i used to be the vice monitor of our class which trained my management skills, organizing skills and munication skills. both teachers and fellow students thought highly of my hard work. at the beginning of this year, i worked as a substitute teacher in the af

15、filiated high school of south china normal university. from this experience, i got myself familiar with high school teaching materials and learned a lot of teaching designs and teaching skills from many excellent teachers. im prepared to work hard and have a strong spirit of teamwork. whats more, i

16、will be able to start work in two months time when i have finished my final exams. i hope i can be given a chance of interview and i am looking forward to hearing from you soon. yours faithfully, chen leyang 音乐表演专业大学生的个人求职信范文,关键词是求职信,音乐表演专业, 以下是一则音乐表演专业个人求职信,各位毕业生还不知道求职信怎么写的话,提供给大家参考一下,希望大家可以举一反三,从中

17、掌握求职信写作技巧。 本人于20xx年毕业于福建师范大学音乐学院,在大学所学的专业是音乐表演专业,主修声乐,副修钢琴,葫芦丝.本人性格坚韧、自信大方、积极上进、诚实守信、勤奋踏实、具备较强的组织能力、思维活跃、敢于创新有较强的集体观念和社会责任感。我的业余爱好广泛,热爱音乐,文学.书法方面有特长。多次参加省市级声乐比赛和演出活动,荣获一定的奖项,同时也积累了丰富的舞台表演经验,有较强的音乐表演能力.在大学期间,担任学习委员,严格要求自己,树立良好的班级学习风气,得到学校领导与老师的重视与栽培,工作能力得到认可.经过校党委一致决议批准为中国共产党预备。 在学习上刻苦认真,力争上游,成绩优良,获得

18、奖学金以及优秀三好生的称号;在生活上能独立自主,勤俭节约,养成良好的生活习惯和作风;在工作上积极肯干,任劳任怨,不断提高自己组织管理和策划能力。 大学生活丰富了我的思想境界,让我品味出不少的人生真谛和生活感悟。对我而言,几年的大学生活让我明白了很多道理,这将成为我一生都受益匪浅的宝贵财产。首先,我明白了一个人不应该听从命运的安排,要坚信命运是自己创造的。虽然鲜花和荣誉一直伴我左右,但我早已正视这个问题,这是对我奋斗的肯定;其次,我学会了思考。每个人都有不同的人生之路,无论在任何情况下要学会自己拿主意,不随波逐流。大学生活给我的锤炼使我成为一个会独立思考的人,经常的“一日三省”,及时的纠正自己的

19、不良情绪,主动勾画自己美好的未来,自信积极的我总有一片属于自己的思想净土;再次,就是保持一个良好的心态。当一个人经历了各种考验之后,便学会了成熟。我能够客观的认识自己,也随时摆正自己的位置,沿着自己的目标一步一个脚印的前行,可以说良好的心态让我在很多困难面前成为强者;最后,要丰富自己的精神世界。从事各种社会实践活动加强了我的实践能力,但我深知当前人才竞争激烈,所以我会继续努力创造条件,不断提升自我,完善自我。实现自我的人生价值.为社会所需,为人民所需.。 我将以我的生命、智慧、知识和信念溶于我所热爱的事业,在竞争中迎接挑战。 我知道现实社会竞争是激烈的,但是我相信实践出真知,我有理想,更有斗志.有强烈的团队合作精神,我渴求一个发挥自我才能的机会,只要拥有机会,我定会尽我最大的努力,扎扎实实的做起,用我的能力证明:我是行的.在此我谨以一个好范文真实的一面接受您的挑选。 尊敬的xxx学校校长: 您好! 不好意思打扰您了。我是一名黄山学院初等10音专的毕业生,我叫。将于xx年


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