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1、Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?,Section A Period One,post office post office police police station hotel restaurant bank hospital street,n. 邮政 n. 办公室 邮局 n. 警察 警察局 n. 旅馆;酒店 n. 餐馆 n. 银行 n. 医院 n. 大街,Words and expressions,pay pay phone near across across from front in front of behind town aroun

2、d,v.&n. 付费 付费电话 prep. 在附近 adv.&prep. 过;穿过 在对面 n. 前面 在前面 prep. 在的后面 n. 镇;市镇 adv.&prep. 到处;大约,Words and expressions,1. post office _ 2. police station_ 3. hotel _ 4. restaurant _ 5. bank _ 6. hospital _ 7. street _ 8. pay phone _ 9. park _,f,a,b,c,d,e,h,i,g,Match the words with the places in the pictu

3、re. (1a),Listen and circle the places you hear. (1b),There is a _on Bridge Street. 2. There is a _ on Long Street. 3. There isnt a _on Center Street.,restaurant,post office,hospital,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,- Wheres the ball?,- Its _ the box.,in front of,Look and say,- Where is she?,- It

4、s _ the box.,across from,- Wheres the ball?,- Its _ the box.,behind,- Wheres the ball?,- Its _ the box.,next to,near,big small,- Where is she?,- Its _,between the big box and the small box.,Read the sentences in 2a of Section A, then match them with the pictures. (2a),4,6,2,1,5,3,The police station

5、is _the restaurant and the supermarket. 2. The park is _the bank. 3. The hospital is _Bridge Street. 4. The pay phone is _the post office. 5. The restaurant is _the post office. 6. The hotel is _the police station.,Listen and fill in the blanks. (2b),between,across from,on,next to,in front of,behind

6、,A: Excuse me. Is there a police station near here? B: Yes, its between the restaurant and the hospital.,A: Wheres the park? B: The park? Oh, its across from the bank.,A: Excuse me. Is there a hospital near here? B: Yes, its on Bridge Street.,Conversation 1,Tapescripts,Conversation 2,Conversation 3,

7、A: Excuse me. Are there any restaurants near here? B: Yes, theres one in front of the post office.,A: Wheres the pay phone? B: Its next to the post office.,Conversation 4,Tapescripts,Conversation 5,Conversation 6,A: Wheres the hotel? B: The hotel? Its behind the post office.,Ask and answer the quest

8、ions about the places in 1a of Section A. (2c),Pair work,school,book store,park,bank,post office,super- market,restaurant,hotel,library,payphone,school,library,bank,park,hotel,restaurant,book store,payphone,super- market,post office,Picture 1,Picture 2,Memory Challenge What are the differences betwe

9、en the two pictures?,In picture 1, the library is near the pay phone. But in picture 2, its between the school and the bank, across from the restaurant.,Language points,根据汉语提示填入正确的单词。 1. Every day there are lots of people on that busy _(街道). 2. Can you see the old _(桥) over the river (河)? 3. He need

10、s to go to the _(银行) to get some money (钱). 4. Those boys in the _(中央) of the playground (操场) are my friends. 5. There are lots of _(付钱的) phones on Green Street.,pay,street,bridge,bank,center,选择词语完成句子。 1. If you want to borrow (借) a book, you can go to the _. 2. If you want to have fun, you can go t

11、o the _. 3. If you want to go shopping, you can go to the _. 4. If you are hungry, you can have a meal in the _. 5. If you want to mail (邮寄) a letter, you can go to the _.,post office,library,park,supermarket,restaurant,1. Toms room is very_(脏的). 2. This is the _ (开始) of our tour. 3. - Is there a_(付

12、钱) phone near the library? - No, there isnt. 4. The market is o_ for eight hours every day. 5. You can _(享受)your meal on a bench in the park.,pay,pen,enjoy,根据汉语或首字母提示,完成句子。,dirty,beginning,选择正确的介词填空。(每词限用一次),1. David sits next _me. 2. Is there a library _the neighborhood? 3. Class Two is _Class One and Class Three. 4. The pay phone is across _our school. 5. Thank you _telling me that.,in for from to between,to,in,between,from,for,Translate and write them down.,这附近有个银行吗? 2. 公园在哪里? 3. 图书馆在饭店和超市的中间。,Is there a bank near here?,The library


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