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,module2 A Job Worth Doing,1.Train the students reading skills 2.Train the students speaking ability through individual and pair work 3.Make sure the students make sense of the passage 4.Make the students master some new words,Brainstorm,pilot,doctor,actor,engineer,postman,teacher,director,jobs,firefighter,nurse,This person knows a lot about money,barber,accountant,biochemist,This scientist studies the chemistry of living things,businessman,businesswoman,He or she works in business,cook,electrician,Secretary General of the United Nations,She works in an office,secretary,volunteer,This person has offered to do a job -and may not be paid for doing it,Vocabulary and Reading 1 warming up,Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1.Where is the man standing? 2.What is he holding? 3.Can the bus driver see the lorry? 4. How is the road? 5. Why is the man standing there? 6. Is his work dangerous? Is it helpful?,The road is very narrow and dangerous for traffic,He is directing the traffic.,Yes. His work is dangerous but very helpful,On a bend on a road in the mountains.,A large circular board.,No,Vocabulary and Reading 2 skimming,Read the passage and match the headings Part1 The man Part 2 The road Part 3 The reason why he does it,Vocabulary and Reading 4 scanning,Read the first paragraph and answer the questions. 1. Where is La Paz? 2.Which road is the most dangerous there? 3.Are there any rules of using it? Do people respect them?,It is in Bolivia and is the highest capital in the world,The road going north from La Paz,Yes Few drivers respect the rules.,Vocabulary and Reading 4 reading,Read the last two paragraphs and choose the correct answers in part 4. Keys: c, b, a, a, c, b Read the whole passage again and judge the statements.,Vocabulary and Reading-4. True or False(4m),The mountains make communication easy. Many roads are in bad condition and accidents are unfrequent. Timoteo has an unusual job. He climbs up to the bend with a large square board in his hand. Some one asked him to do the job. He felt that it was others mission to do it.,Listen to the text and fill in the blanks.,1.Many roads are _(处于不好的状态) and accidents are frequent. One road _(尤其), which goes north form La Paz, is _(被认为)the most dangerous road in the world. 2. Although there is not a lot of traffic ,_ (平均),one vehicle _(驶出) the road every two weeks. 3._(在理论上),the road can be used by trafficbut _(在实践中), few drivers respect the rules.,in bad condition,in particular,considered,on average,comes off,In theory,in practice,1.Then one day while he was working as a lorry driver he _ (与死神擦肩而过) . 2 .This last experience _ _(对产生重大影响) Timoteo. 3.And so every morning _,_ _ , (一周又一周 ) from dawn to dusk, Timoteo _ (站好位置以备)his place on the bend and directs the traffic.,had a close encounter with death,had a profound effect on,week in,week out,takes up,Vocabulary and Reading-. Role-play,Interview As a reporter, you just had read a report about Timoteo. So you want to have a face-to-face interview with him.,Characters: Reporter Timoteo Villager A Villager B,Tips: Something about the road Something about the man The reason why he does it Local villagers opinions.,Vocabulary and Reading-4.


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