



Unit 3 Is This Your Skirt?第一课时学情分析 四年级的学生大多活泼好动,好胜心强,所以教师经常在课堂中设计小组竞赛的活动。通过一年半的学习,学生有了一定的语言积累,能听懂一些简单的课堂用语,能根据教师发出的指令进行一些动作的表演,也能就某些浅显的主题,根据一定的提示,进行简单的讨论。教学内容PEP Primary English Book 4 A Lets learn & Lets do教学目标1、 知识技能目标(1) 学习本课的主要单词:jacket, sweater, shirt, T-shirt, skirt。(2) 能够结合颜色,表达自己所喜欢的服饰。(3) 能听懂会做本课中出现的指令语。2、 情感文化目标(1) 在教学过程中培养学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们树立信心。(2) 注意培养学生的合作意识及发展学生运用所学语言进行交际的能力。(3) 培养学生的审美能力和欣赏能力。教学重点、难点(1) 本课时需要重点掌握有关服装名称的六个单词。(2) 难点是是表示服装的名词与颜色的形容词连用及其读法。(3) Lets learn部分的引入语 “I like the white sweater with the green skirt.” 中“with”的用法是难点,老教师可略作解释。课前准备(教学辅助手段)(1) The word cards(2) A recorder and a tape(3) A blue shirt , a white sweater, a green skirt, a pink dress, a brown jacket , a blue T-shirt and a hanger.(4) 多媒体课件。教学步骤Step 1 Warm-up1、Make greetings with the pupils.2、Sing an English song “Who is wearing yellow today?”.3、Listen and point . Point to the different colours in the classroom.T: What colour is the fan / floor/ wall/ teachers desk/ English book/ board?Ps: Its green/pink/white/brown/blue/black/.Step 2 Lead-inHave a competition between the groups. Ask four pupils in each group to come to the blackboard , then put some different colourful chalk into their hands.Get them draw pictures on the blackboard.T: Please draw a red apple/ a green tree/ a blue ball/ a yellow banana .画得正确的可以为本组加一分。Step 3 Presentation1、Present the word “shirt”、“T-shirt”、“put on”、“take off”T: I bought a new shirt for myself yesterday.( Show the blue shirt to the whole class and get the pupils guess the colour , then show the word card at the same time and teach the word “shirt”)T: Is it beautiful ? Do you like the colour? What colour is it ? And whats this ? Now , please watch my mouth and guess the sound of this word .教师只展示口形,让学生猜该单词的发音。猜对音的学生可以为本组加一分。When pupils guess right , T lets them read the word with different intonations and say it in rhyme.T: Shirt , shirt , I like the shirt , I like the blue shirt .At the same time , T shows the blue T-shirt and elicits :“Put on my T-shirt .”and “Take off my T-shirt”. 学生在学习的shirt的基础上再来学习T-shirt 就会更加容易了。教师边说边做动作,并板书,让学生对指令有一感性的认识,然后展开师生互动,生生互动,操练单词。2、 Present the word “skirt” and “hang up”T shows a green skirt and asks :“Is this a shirt ?” “What colour is it ?” “Whats this ?” Then , let the pupils watch the teachers mouth and guess the pronunciation .教师只展示口形,不发出声音。When pupils guess right , drill the word with clapping the hands in rhyme.T: Skirt, skirt , I like the skirt , I like the green skirt .( 学生边拍手,边跟老师有节奏地说)Then T elicits :“Hang up my skirt .”with doing the action. 同时板书。3 Present the word “jacket”(1)T: Wow, Tom, how cool you are today! Please come to the front and let us have a look. 教师预先把一件棕色的夹克穿在一个学生的身上.And then T elicits the new word “jacket”. Next ask Tom to take off the jacket . Drill the word with clapping the hands in rhyme.T: Jacket, jacket, I like the jacket, I like the brown jacket.( 学生边拍手,边跟老师说。) Then T tells the pupils : I have many jackets . I like the purple jacket . What about you?师生示范后,以小组活动的形式告诉组内成员自己喜欢的夹克。(把单词的学习上升上句子,用英语来表达自己的喜好,学以致用。)(2)Then, T tells the pupils :“I have many jackets . I have many dresses , too.” Elicit the new word “dress”. 教师出示一条粉色的连衣裙。T plays a sound game and lets the pupils drill it with clapping the hands in rhyme :Dress, dress , I like the dress , I like the pink dress .After that give the pupils an order “Fold the dress.”用动作来提示,帮助学生理解,同时板书。4 Present the word “sweater”First , play a yes-no game . 教师出示卡片并给学生一个读音,让他们判断其读音的正确与否。And elicit “sweater” and “put away your sweater.” Second drill the word with the sound game “fast and slow”. Then play the cassette , listen and do the actions.5、Present “with” and “ I like the ”T: Its spring now. I like wearing sweaters . I like the white sweater with the green skirt .( 教师把这套衣服用衣架套上) T elicits “ I like the white sweater with the green skirt .” Then drill the sentence in tongue twisters.Then CAI shows the different clothes.T: I Like the white sweater with the green skirt. I also like the purple sweater with the white skirt. What about you?Pupils learn to express in pairs.Step 4 Development ActivitiesT : Now if you are interested in fashion designing , you should take part in this activity. You should design a school uniform for our school . Your had better design two sets , one is for winter, the other is for summer . Are you clear ? You can discuss in groups.Step 5 ConsolidationSummary the class and say the chants.(使用课件)My shirt is blue.My shirt is too.My dress is pink ,.My skirt is green.My jacket is brow.My sweater is white.I like them too.Step 6 Homework1、 Teach your family members the knowledge you have learnt today , and tell them your favourite clothes.2、 Listen to the tape at home . 【板书设计】 Unit 3 Is This Your Skirt? A Lets learn-Lets do jacket put on sweater hang up shirt take off T-shirt fold skirt wash dress put away I like the I like thewith the自问自答本节课教学的主要内容以学习服装类的单词为主,要求学生听、说、读熟练掌握sweater、jacket、shirt、T-shirt、skirt、dress等单词,并能与颜色类单词组合,灵活运用于句型之中。并能结合句型I like表达自己的喜好。同时本课时还出现六个不同的动词短语,要求学生听、做。通过本


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