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完形填空模拟检测(五)夹叙夹议文 (B卷)(共2篇,限时35分钟)A(2018杭州检测)When I was just out of college, I managed to get my dream job as a trader in New York City on the floor of the American Stock (证券) Exchange.Though it was a proud _1_, the job was simply too physically _2_ I must stand in a crowd every day, which often _3_ me in a mindset (思维模式) that held me back.Manhattan is a walking town and its difficult to _4_ when you have a disability. Taxies are expensive and riding the subway _5_ dozens of steep steps to get below the _6_. This left me only one _7_ the bus.One night, after the _8_ for my job, I was aching with selfpity _9_ it started to rain on my walk to the bus stop. I became more and more _10_ without an umbrella, thinking Id never _11_ it in this city and telling myself, “this city is just too hard” and “maybe it is just not possible for a guy like me”And then, I _12_ the most beautiful, short moment. A couple came rolling by on roller skates, hand _13_ hand as they skated what seemed like the tango. They were all wet but they saw the _14_ as an opportunity and romance.I suddenly became grateful for waiting in the rain because I _15_ have missed this beauty _16_ if I had been in a taxi or on the subway. This, although _17_, was an important moment on my journey to discover the _18_ of achieving health and happiness. When I change my mindset, _19_ for a moment, to what is possible and work to get rid of the selflimiting beliefs that _20_ my daily actions, I will be on the road to a healthier, and happier life.语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者工作很累,回家路上遇到下雨,心情沮丧。当看到一对夫妇在雨中溜冰的画面,作者感觉到改变自己的思维模式会使自己走上一条更健康、更快乐的生活之路。1A.adjustmentBachievementCagreement Dtreatment解析:选B根据第一段中的“I managed to get my dream job”可知,作者毕业后找到了自己理想的工作,这份工作应是作者引以为傲的成就。achievement意为“成就”,故选B项。adjustment“调节”;agreement“同意,一致”;treatment“治疗,对待”。2A.tiring BboringCrelaxing Ddisappointing解析:选A根据本句中的“I must stand in a crowd every day”可推知,这份工作是劳累的。tiring意为“累人的,令人疲倦的”,故选A项。relaxing“令人放松的”;disappointing“令人失望的”。3A.reminded BexpectedCtook Dleft解析:选D根据语境可知,“我”每天都必须站在人群中,这常常让“我”有想退缩的思维模式。“leavesb.宾补”表示“让某人”,故选D项。remind“提醒”;expect“预期”。4A.go up Bget aroundCset off Dshow up解析:选B根据上文的“Manhattan is a walking town”可知,曼哈顿是一个步行商业区,所以你有残疾的话是很难四处走动(get around)的。go up“上升”;set off“出发”;show up“出现,到场”。5A.requests BsupportsCrequires Dsurrounds解析:选C根据语境可知,出租车很贵,乘坐地铁需要(requires)走下几十个陡峭的台阶才能到达地下。request“请求”;support“支持”;surround“围绕”。6A.ground BstreetCtown Dcity解析:选A根据本句中的“the subway”以及常识可知,人们在地面(ground)下乘坐地铁,故选A项。7A.change BchanceCidea Dchoice解析:选D句意:这让我只有一种选择公共汽车。根据上文提到的交通方式都不适合作者可知,此处表示作者唯一的选择(choice)。8A.struggle BworkCexperience Dinfluence解析:选A句意:一天晚上,在为我的工作苦苦奋斗后,我一直自怨自艾,当我走向公共汽车站的时候突然又下起了雨。根据语境可推知,此处是指在为工作奋斗(struggle)了一天之后。experience“经历”;influence“影响”。9A.before BwhileCwhen Dafter解析:选C参见上题解析。此处为“be doing sth. when .”固定结构,when在此处表示“当的时候”,符合语境。10A.nervous BcuriousCscared Dupset解析:选D根据上文的“it started to rain”和空后的“without an umbrella”可知,下雨了,但是作者没有带伞,所以作者心情越来越沮丧(upset)。11A.get BmakeCput Dwatch解析:选B根据上文可知,没有雨伞,作者变得越来越沮丧,心想自己在这个城市里不会取得成功了。make it 是固定短语,表示“达成目标,获得成功,成功做成某事”。12A.recalled BobservedCwitnessed Drealized解析:选C句意:然后,我目睹了最美丽的短暂时刻。根据下文介绍的一对夫妇在雨中溜冰的画面可知,这是作者亲眼看到的。recall“召回,回想起”;observe“观察”;witness“目睹”;realize“认识到”。13A.on BbyCto Din解析:选D句意:一对夫妇穿着溜冰鞋,手拉着手,他们溜冰的时候像是在跳探戈舞。hand in hand“手拉手”,是固定搭配,故选D项。14A.rain BtreeCwind Dcloud解析:选A根据上文的“it started to rain”和“They were all wet”可知,虽然他们身上都被淋湿了,但他们把雨(rain)当成是一个机会和一种浪漫。15A.shall BwouldCneed Dmust解析:选B句意:我突然对在雨中等待感到感激,因为如果我在出租车或地铁上,我会完全错过这个美景。分析句子结构可知,此处是由if 引导的表示与过去事实相反的虚拟句,条件状语从句中的谓语动词用过去完成时,主句中的谓语动词则用“should/would/could/mighthave过去分词”,所以选B项。16A.exactly BinstantlyCentirely Dsuddenly解析:选C根据语境可知,作者觉得如果乘坐其他交通工具就会完全错过这一幕,故选C项。exactly“正是,恰好”;instantly“立即,马上”;entirely“完全地”;suddenly“突然”。17A.strange BsmallCnormal Ddifferent解析:选B虽然这是生活中的一件小事,但却给了作者获得健康和幸福的动力。strange“奇怪的,陌生的”;small“小的”;normal“正常的”;different“不同的”,根据语境可知选B项。18A.humor BhonestyCpower Dprinciple解析:选C根据语境可知,作者看到的这一幕给了作者力量。humor“幽默”;honesty“诚实,正直”;power“力量”;principle“原则”。19A.still ByetCalso Deven解析:选D句意:当我改变我的思维模式去做可能的事情,并努力摆脱那些影响我日常行为的自我限制的信念时,即使是片刻,我都将会走上一条更健康、更快乐的生活之路。根据句意可知,此处选even,表示“即使”。20A.affect BfollowCforbid Dharm解析:选A根据语境可知,此处表示“影响(affect)我日常行为的自我限制的信念”。BEvery act of kindness starts with something small, something we all can and should do every single day.Im Will Rubio, one of the _1_ of BYUtvs Random Acts show. We take hidden cameras to unexpected places to _2_ random acts of kindness. Weve filmed acts _3_ from building disabledfriendly facilities (设施) for those who are badly _4_ them but cant afford them to returning a lost wallet.On Random Acts, it may be a neighbor or a colleague who recognizes a need and _5_ an incredible chain reaction of service. _6_ the story of Emmalene Meyers. Like many young girls, Emmalene was _7_ to be a ballet dancer but her physical disability makes even everyday tasks a(n) _8_. Instead of seeing a limitation, Emmalenes friend Lily _9_ an opportunity. Lily imagined Emmalenes dream being brought to life onstage and persuaded Random Acts to help make her plan _10_.So, where can you start? The key is to be like Lily: look for an opportunity to make a _11_ to those in need, and then take action to make it happen. Being _12_ and involved in service is _13_ like any other goal you want to achieve. You have to _14_ it.After two seasons of hosting Random Acts, the joy of _15_ burdens and brightening lives doesnt fade. I sometimes _16_ Random Acts might lose its feature eventually, but that couldnt be further from the _17_. When I finally meet the people weve been working to _18_ and see their genuine shock and appreciation, it _19_ me in the feel every time. I cry more than anyone else on the show.Be that person doing acts of kindness out of the _20_ of your heart be the nice you want to see in the world!语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过自己做节目的亲身经历告诉读者一个道理:所有的善举都始于小事,并呼吁人们将内心的善意付诸行动,成为最好的自己!1A.photographers BdirectorsCviewers Dhosts解析:选D根据倒数第二段中的“After two seasons of hosting Random Acts”可知,作者是Random Acts这个节目的其中一个主持人。host“(电视或广播的)节目主持人”,符合语境。photographer“摄影师”;director“导演”;viewer“电视观众”。2A.expose BconductCarrange Dadvocate解析:选A此处指作者他们带着隐藏摄像机去到出人意料的地方,为的是展示(expose)随意的善举。conduct“指挥,引导”;arrange“安排”;advocate“提倡”。3A.changing BcountingCranging Dtransforming解析:选C作者他们拍摄的善举很多,包括从为那些非常需要却又负担不起的残疾人建造相应的设施到归还丢失的钱包等各类事情。range“包括”,符合语境。count“数数”;transform“使改观”。4A.in search of Bin need ofCin defence of Din favor of解析:选B参见上题解析。in search of“搜寻,搜索”;in need of“需要”;in defence of“保护,防护”;in favor of“支持,赞同”。5A.sets off Bsets asideCsets down Dsets out解析:选A根据语境可知,此处指可能是一位邻居或者同事意识到一种需要并引发一系列不可思议的反应提供帮助。set off“引发,激起”,符合语境。set aside“暂不考虑,留出”;set down“写下”;set out“出发,开始”。6A.Retell BTakeCCreate DExplain解析:选B此处指以Emmalene Meyers的故事为例。take“以为例,将作为例证”,符合语境。retell“复述”;create“创作”;explain“解释”。7A.anxious BproudCafraid Dunwilling解析:选A根据下文中的“Emmalenes dream being brought to life onstage”可知,像许多女孩子一样,Emmalene非常渴望自己能成为一名芭蕾舞演员。be anxious to“渴望”,符合语境。proud“骄傲的,自豪的”;afraid“害怕的”;unwilling“不情愿的”。8A.exception BdilemmaCcompetition Dchallenge解析:选D根据上文中的“her physical disability”可知,Emmalene身有残疾,所以日常的(生活)事务对她来说都是挑战。challenge“挑战,艰巨任务”,符合语境。exception“例外的情况”;dilemma“(进退两难的)窘境,困境”;competition“竞争,角逐”。9A.provided BseizedCspotted Dmissed解析:选C根据上文中的“recognizes a need”“Instead of seeing a limitation”及下文中的“look for an opportunity”可知,此处指Emmalene的朋友Lily发现了一个机会。 spot“发现,注意到”,符合语境。provide“提供”;seize“抓住”;miss“错过”。10A.successful BacceptableCreasonable Davailable解析:选A根据本文“善举”这一主题及本句语境可知,此处指的应是在Random Acts节目的帮助下,Lily帮助Emmalene实现梦想的计划成功了。successful“成功的”,符合语境。acceptable“可接受的,令人满意的”;reasonable“有道理的,合乎情理的”;available“可获得的,可找到的”。11A.choice BdifferenceCpromise Ddecision解析:选B寻找一个机会来影响那些身处困境中的人。make a difference“有影响,起作用”,符合语境。make a choice“做出选择”;make a promise“做出承诺”;make a decision“做出决定”。12A.generous BcaringCambitious Dsociable解析:选B根据文章主题及语境可知,此处指乐于助人并投身于服务工作就(just)像其他任何你想要实现的目标一样。caring“乐于助人的”,符合语境。generous“慷慨的”;ambitious“有雄心的”;sociable“好交际的”。13A.never BevenCstill Djust解析:选D参见上题解析。14A.put up with Bmake up forCwork at Dtake to解析:选C根据语境可知,此处指你非得下功夫不可。put up


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