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谋学网一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)1. W int know his tlphon numr, othrwis w_him. woul hv tlphon. must hv tlphon. woul tlphon. h tlphon 标准答案:2. _th 1500s_th irst uropns xplor th ost o liorni. It ws not until . whn. It is until . tht. It is not until . whn. It ws not until . tht 标准答案:3. goo mny proposls wr ris y th lgts,_ws to xpt. tht. wht. so. s 标准答案:4. W look _ to riving prompt rply to our lttr. roun. through. tr. orwr 标准答案:5. Th ompny oiil _ I thought woul ir riv ris. whom. whovr. who. whih 标准答案:6. Woul you lik to hv innr with us this vning? _. OK, ut I hv to go to mting now. No, I nt. Sorry, ut this vning I hv to go to th irport to mt my prnts. I ont know 标准答案:7. Th numr o thrs in this shool_ unknown. r. is ing. is. r ing 标准答案:8. n you in out _hr pn?. whr li h put. whr h li put. whr li hs put. whr hs li put 标准答案:9. Sh is witing or th otor _ I know will not om. whom. who. whih. tht 标准答案:10. Th ptint isnt out o ngr. H is _thn how h ws ystry. no ttr. worst. not wors. not mor 标准答案:11. Th nws_ to th Grt Wll uring th summr holiys m us vry hppy. wht w woul go. how w woul go. tht w woul go. whr w woul go 标准答案:12. W nnot jug prson simply on th _ o his ution. onition. sis. prinipl. thory 标准答案:13. Thr us to som trs y th lk, _?. ws thr. wr thr. wrnt thr. wsnt thr 标准答案:14. This ox is too hvy or m to rry upstirs. _. You my sk or hlp. Lt m giv you hn. Pls o m vor. I om to hlp. 标准答案:15. How utiully sh sings!I hv nvr hr_. th ttr voi. goo voi. th st voi. ttr voi 标准答案:16. I ont min how hot it is, ut I nt _ th ol. stn. ight. kp. t 标准答案:17. _, h slipp through th winow. With nyon notiing. With nyon noti. Without nyon notiing. Without nooy noti 标准答案:18. It is vitl tht nough mony_to un th sujt. ollt. must ollt. is ollt. n ollt 标准答案:19. This tst _ numr o multipl -hoi qustions. ompos o. omposs in. onsists o. onsists in 标准答案:20. Th rtist spns most o his spr tim _ uttrly spimns. ollt. ollts. to ollt. ollting 标准答案:21. Th wtr givs up nrgy n oms oolr_th i rivs nrgy n mlts. whn. whil. or. us 标准答案:22. Intllignt stunts n lwys _ goo solutions to prolms. rry out. om up with. look into. th up with 标准答案:23. Our nglish prossor is vry_in using hopstiks. skill. grt. likly. goo 标准答案:24. Sh int ny _ out lon. go. to go. o going. going 标准答案:25. Pls ont _ oy whn h _ you. turn own, turns to. turn wy rom, turns into. turn o, turns up. turn out, turns ovr 标准答案:26. Th trousrs_you wll, mm. ut th olor_m. it . ont suit. its . osnt suit. its . ont suit. it . osnt suit 标准答案:27. You hv lovly hilrn. _. No, no, no. Thy r not. Oh, no, no. Your tlking too muh. Thnks 标准答案:28. W must o wll_th oss ssigns us to o. tht. whtvr. whihvr. thos 标准答案:29. Wll visit urop nxt yr _w hv nough mony. provi. unlss. until. lst 标准答案:30. Its ol in hr. o you min i I los th oor? _. With plsur. Ys, pls. O ours not. Thnk you 标准答案:31. Mrs. L will mov into hr nw hous nxt Mony, _it will ompltly urnish. y tht tim. y th tim. y whih tim. y som tim 标准答案:32. No on ws wr_Jn h gon. whr tht. o th pl. o whr. th pl 标准答案:33. I rogniz hr_I sw hr. th instnt (tht). tr. i not. unlss 标准答案:34. _is t tht nglish is pt s n intrntionl lngug. Wht. This. Tht. It 标准答案:35. Im going to strt now _ miss th ginning. not to. so s not to. in orr to. so s not 标准答案:36. Th mngr will not _ us to s us his r. hv. lt. gr. llow 标准答案:37. Our nighors will _ our hous whn w r wy. py ttntion. look t. look tr. r 标准答案:38. I oun _ to nswr ll th qustions within th tim givn. no possiility. thr ws impossiility. impossil. it impossil 标准答案:39. This wstrn rsturnt is suprior_th on w wnt to lst wk. thn. to. s. or 标准答案:40. Th iron,_, rths ir s w o. s it ws. s it wr. s it is. s it will 标准答案:41. onomis, svrl ourss o whih I hv tkn thus r, _to iiult ut usul or lmost ll stunts. prov. provs. hv n prov. r prov 标准答案:42. Th tmprtur_, th hmil rtion is ing sp up. ris. ing risn. rising. rising 标准答案:43. You will givn tikt i you _ th sp limit. pro. x. su. pr 标准答案:44. I wish I_longr this morning, ut I h to gt up n om to lss. oul hv slpt. slpt. might hv slpt. hv slpt 标准答案:45. _th oor thn somoy strt knoking on it. I h los no soonr. No soonr h I los. I h no soonr los. No soonr I los 标准答案:46. I out_h will ln you th ook. whthr. whn. tht. whih 标准答案:47. Th ountry is with grt prolms, strvtion_th top o thm. hs n. is. ing. i


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